We can read a few shop signs on this post war image - there
is Dakin's next to the bridge, Orme's on the Crown Square/Causeway
Lane corner and Greaves' furniture store just up Bank Road on
the corner of Lime Grove Walk. In the foreground is the very grand
colonnade erected in 1920 at the main entrance to what was then Williams
Deacon's Bank, later the RBS[1].
The metal handrail next to the former bank's wall is still in place
today although the letter box has been removed.
Over the years there were a number of traffic accidents on the corner
where the women were walking, as some drivers took the bend too fast.
In one incident in 1929 the Urban District Council's surveyor, Joseph
Turner, was unfortunately knocked over and injured by an Austin Seven
said to be travelling at 20 to 25 mph. The vehicle appeared
to skid and afterwards smashed a street lamp, with the driver claiming
he was dazzled by the lights of another car. He had visited two pubs
but denied that the visits had caused his accident. He was fined
for dangerous driving but in those days penalty points were not added
to a driving license[2].
Bridges seem to be curiously magnetic. In April and early May 1930,
for example, the town's police were said to be "totally mystified"
by the appearance in the River Derwent of quantities of knives and
forks that had been, presumably, thrown in.
The first batch was seen glittering on the
river bed and was described as a large
amount when it was recovered. Two weeks later more was found
at the same spot and on 16th May a
third batch was discovered. There were no claimants and presumably
no distinguishing marks on the items[3].
All very odd and not a little fishy!
Locals were always ready to help those who were seen in difficulties
in the water. The Dale Road optician D. L. Head rescued a 70 year
old female visitor from Southport in 1936. She had been seen struggling
below the bridge having fallen in and, although she wasn't in deep
water, the current was strong and she was unconscious when rescued.
P.c. McCallum applied artificial respiration and she was resuscitated
before being taken to Whitworth
Hospital to recover.[4]
Another odd incident happened in March 1944. March cannot be described
as a warm month and residents were startled to see a man
mount the parapet of the County Bridge and jump from a height of
20 feet into the river below. He proved to be powerful swimmer
and swam under water, against the current, for a time. He managed
to reach a small island. P.c. Brown of the Matlock constabulary was
preparing to follow him into the water when the man decided to
swim on and headed for the opposite bank. Fortunately, Brown had
sufficient time to reach the bank, grab him and haul him out. He
was taken to the lock up, his clothes were dried and he was detained[5].
Finally, I'm very curious about the woman pushing the pram across
the road on a summer's afternoon just a few years later. She is approximately
the same height and build as my late mother, with a floral dress
and whitened shoes that were fashionable at the time. The only problem
is that the pram does not match the one in family photos. Does anyone
know who she was? |