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Matlock: Willersley Castle and the Matlock Hills, from Cromford Hill
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Willersley Castle
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Arkwright & His Cotton Mill

View from the Black Rocks, overlooking Cromford Cotton Mills (the first built in England), Willersley Castle, Heights of Abraham and the High Tor

Past Matlock & Matlock Bath photographers

Looking north towards Matlock Bath, shown on the left near the top, and Matlock. The Victoria Tower can be seen on the skyline above Matlock Bath and abpproximately 45 degrees to the left below it is the distincive white building known as the Upper Tower. High Tor is in the centre and behind it is the long hillside of Matlock Bank. From this angle Matlock Dale's famous landmark is dwarfed by the surrounding hills.

In the valley below where the photographer was standing is Cromford village and Willersley Castle. Rock House, the property where Sir Richard Arkwright lived and died, is peeping out from amongst the trees on the right. The Cromford-Lea road is just above the house.

Immediately below, on the right, is a working farm.

The nineteenth century writer of Railway Guides, George Bradshaw, believed that this view from Stonnis (Black Rocks) was the most beautiful of all the views in the district[1].

View of Cromford and Matlock Bath from Black Rocks - compare this postcard with a 19th century engraving.

"Willersley Castle, Cromford and the Matlock Hills". Published by Charles Colledge, Smedley Street, Matlock.
Postcard in the collection of and provided by and © Jane Leslie. Not posted.
Researched, written by and © Ann Andrews.
Intended for personal use only.


[1] "Bradshaw's Handbook for Tourists in Great Britain and Ireland ... Section Four ... Railways ... Midland", (1866) pub London (Adams) & Manchester (Bradshaw and Blacklock). This guide is now famous as the inspiration for the BBC TV series "Great British Railway Journeys" presented by Michael Portillo