Shirland Directories
Shirland, Derbyshire: Trade Directories
A collection of historical 19th Century Directories - Commercial, Trades and Private Residents

Shirland directories included Higham, Hallfeld Gate, Stretton, Stonebroom and Toadhole Furnace over the years.

Shirland Directories in this section of the web site
Glover's Derbyshire Directory, Shirland & Higham, 1829
Pigot's 1842 Directory.
Shirland, Higham, Hallfield Gate and Stretton names extracted from the Alfreton entry.
White's 1852 Directory of Shirland
Kelly's 1855 Post Office Directory, Shirland, with Hallfield Gate and Higham
White's 1862 Directory, Shirland
Harrod's 1870 Directory, Shirland
Shirland Directories in other parts of this web site
Kelly's 1891 Directory of Shirland, part of county wide transcripts for 1891

Transcribed and OCRed by Ann Andrews, unless stated.

Shirland Directories

Derbyshire Map
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Village Links
Also see:
Our Genealogy
CLAYs of Derbys, Notts, Leics & Rutland listed in Kelly's Directory, 1891

Shirland Church

Shirland Church interior

Village Links

More information about Shirland, Higham and the surrounding area

Wolley Manuscripts, Derbyshire - some Derbyshire deeds, pedigrees, documents and wills

The Gentleman's Magazine Library Index The Gentleman's Magazine Library, 1731-1868

Davies' book Derbyshire Parishes 1811 - an extract from 'History of Derbyshire' by David Peter Davies

There are a number of other trade directory extracts for Derbyshire on this website:
Kelly's Directory of Derbyshire, 1891
Cromford Directories
Matlock 19thC Directories and Matlock 20thC Directories

List of the Rectors of Shirland's parish church. The first Rector at Shirland was appointed over a thousand years ago. Who they and their patrons were.

South Wingfield Association, 1796, for the prosecution of felons. Included Shirland and Higham and other nearby parishes or townships as part of the group.

A book about Shirland, "A History of Shirland and Higham" by Gladwyn Turbutt, was published a few years ago by the Higham Press. This version was reprinted in 1997.