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Shirland, Derbyshire: White's Directory, 1852
A collection of historical 19th Century Directories - Commercial, Trades and Private Residents

From: Gazetteer and General Directory of Sheffield, and all the Townships, Parishes
and Villages Within the Distance of Twenty Miles Round Sheffield
by William White, published Sheffield, 1852, p.553

Shirland Directories

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Shirland entry in Kelly's Directory for Derbyshire, 1891
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CLAYs of Derbys, Notts, Leics & Rutland listed in Kelly's Directory, 1891

Shirland Church

Shirland Church interior

SHIRLAND, a pleasant village on the Chesterfield road, 2 miles N. of Alfreton, has in its parish about 1400 souls and 2942 acres ; including HIGHAM village, half a mile from Stretton Station and Shirland; HALLFIELD GATE, a little south of Higham, and many scattered houses. G. Turbutt, Esq. is lord of the manor, but a great part of the soil belongs to other freeholders. The Church (St. Leonard) is an ancient structure. with five bells. It was restored three years ago, at the cost of £900. The rectory, valued at £215, is in the incumbency of the Rev. Thos Grinfield, M.A. who has been absent many years; and in the patronage of the Rev. C. H. Ramsden, M.A., the present highly respected curate. At Shirland is a Methodist chapel, and a neat Dissenting chapel is now building at HIGHAM, where a cattle fair is held on the Wednesday after Jan. 1st. Near the church, handsome National Schools were built in 1850, at the cost of £884, raised by subscription and grants.
The school at Hallfield Gate has a small endowment, and the poor have several benefactions.

Marked 1, are at Higham; 2, Danes Moor; 3, Delves ; and 4, Hallfield Gate.

4 Allanby James, schoolmaster
1 Allsop John, maltster
Bansall John, Esq., Park
Bennett Wm. nail maker
1 Clarke John, land valuer, &c.
Dole Mr James
Harvey, Hy. gent
1 Gelsthorpe John, timber merchant
1 Haslam Geo. currier (& Matlock)
1 Haslam Wm. tanner, & Ths. currier
Ramsden Rev Chas. Henry, M.A., Rectory
Roach Charles & Louisa, school
1 Purdy Jas. saddler
Peacock Mr. T.
4 Siddall Thos. Mortimer, gent
Thompson Francis, mustard, &c. mfr

1 Black Bull, W. Oheetham
1 Brown Bear, Vincent Wainwright
Duke of Wellington, Wm. Simpson
1 Greyhound, John Herod
1 Horns, Henry Umbers
Red Lion, John Hadfield
4 Shoulder of Mutton, Jno. Deavill

Cupit Thomas
Hadfield Daniel
1 Webster Wm.

1 Askew Eliz.
1 Hill Wm.
Mycroft George

Buxton Joseph
1 Haslam Wm.
1 Naylor George
1 Tomlinson Rt.

Hardy Wm.
1 Marriott Samuel
1 Tagg Jas & Ts
Tagg John

Bird J. D., Park
1 Hill John
Ludlam Thomas

Allen Joseph
Beastall Wm.
Bryan Wm.
Burn Wm.
3 Coldwell James
1 Cheetham Wm.
1 Cheetham Sml.
Clay John
Clay Wm., Park
Coates G. & J.
1 Fritchley G.& J.
Hadfield G. & J.
Hardy Wm.
1 Holmes George
3 Hopkinson Jno.
Hopkinson Jph.
Hopkinson Wm.
Lathe John
Limb Wm.
Marshall J.
Parkes James
Radford Jane
1 Rawson Wm.
Simpson Wm.
Stevens Joseph
Swain J.
Tagg Wm.
Thorpe B. & R.
Walters David
1 Webster Wm,
Welton Thomas
1 White Mary
1 Wilson Jonth.
1 Wragg Joseph
4 Wragg George

Although the index indicates that the entry for Shirland is on p553, there may be more entries on p554 as this page is missing. Tibshelf begins on p554, with the remainder of p555.

There is more information about Shirland on this website:
Derbyshire's Parishes, 1811
The Gentleman's Magazine Library - Derbyshire to Dorset
Wolley Manuscripts, Derbyshire for more information about Derbyshire deeds, pedigrees, documents and wills.

Transcribed by Ann Andrews February 2023.
Note: spelling, case and punctuation are as they appear in the Directory.