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Shirland, Derbyshire: White's Directory, 1862
A collection of historical 19th Century Directories - Commercial, Trades and Private Residents

General Commercial Directory and Topography of the Borough of Sheffield with all the Towns, Parishes, Villages and Hamlets Within a Circuit of Twenty Miles, pub. Francis White & Co. Sheffield (1862).

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Shirland Directories

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Shirland entry in Kelly's Directory for Derbyshire, 1891
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Shirland Church

Shirland Church interior

SHIRLAND, township and extensive parish, contains, with the hamlets of Higham and Hallfield Gate, 2,942A. 3R. 22P. of land, and in 1861 had 1,336 inhabitants. Rateable value, £5,473 13s.

SHIRLAND is a pleasant village, 2 miles N. by W. from Alfreton. The principal landowners are Gladwin Turbutt, Esq. (who also owns a third and sixth of the manor), Henry Hardstaff, Esq., Mrs. Charlotte Page, Mr. R. Millward, Mr. William Hardy, Mr. Richard Hopkinson, Mr. John Clay, Mr. William Clay, and William Palmer Morewood, Esq. The Church (St. Leonard) is an ancient structure, with nave, chancel, side aisles, and handsome pinnacled tower, with a peal of five bells. In 1848 it underwent a thorough restoration. The living, a rectory, value £256, is in the alternate patronage of Sir F. Tufton, Bart., Rev. William E. Nightingale, and John Charge, Esq. The Rev. Thos. Grinfield, M.A., rector, and the Rev. C. H. Ramsden, M.A., officiating curate. National Schools, with a residence for the master, was erected here in 1851. Here is a Wesleyan Methodist chapel. SHIRLAND PARK, 1 mile S.E. from the village, is a district of scattered farms. HIGHAM, hamlet and scattered village, is ¾ miles N.W. of Shirland. Gladwin Turbutt, Esq., is the principal owner. This is an ancient place, and formerly had a market, which was discontinued about the year 1785. The ancient market Cross was restored during the year 1856. A fair for cattle, numerously attended, is held on the Wednesday after New Year's day, and a show fair in February, the day before Chesterfield fair. Feast, nearest Sunday to St. James's. In 1852, John Smedley, Esq., erected a Chapel here for the Wesleyan Reformers, adjoining which is an Infant School, built by the same gentleman. HALLFIELD GATE is a small hamlet, ½ mile W. from Shirland. Here is an Endowed School, rebuilt about 1830. STRETTON HILL SIDE, a small village, partly in Stretton and Shirland, is ½ mile N. from Higham. TOAD HOLE, 1 mile S. of Higham, consists of a few farms. The poor have several benefactions.

Marked 1 reside at Moor, 2 Delves, 3 Higham, 4 Hallfield Gate, 5 Park, 6 Stone Broom, 7 Stretton. Hill Side, 8 Toad Hole, and the rest at Shirland, or where specified.

Post Office, at R. Brefitt's, Higham. Letters arrive at 8.20 a.m., and are despatched at 5.45 p.m.

Allen Mr. Joseph
Bansall Mrs. Ellen
3 Clarke John, land agt. & surveyor, Cliff
Clay William, Esq., Park
3 Haslam Elizabeth, tanner
3 Holmes John, stone mason
Hopkinson Mr. Richard
Hopkinson Mr. William
3 Purdy James, saddler
5 Radford Mrs. Jane
Ramsden Rev, Chas. Henry, M.A., curate
3 Siddall Israel, gardener and seedsman
4 Siddall (Thomas M.) and Wilson (Jph. G.) solicitors
8 Thompson Fras., mustard manufacturer, Amber Mills
4 Vaughan James, law clerk
3 Webster Mr. William
Wood William, contractor, Stone Broom

Inns and Taverns.
3 Barley Mow, Miles Webster (& flour dlr)
3 Black Bull, George Morrell
Duke of Wellington, William Simpkin
3 Greyhound John Herrod
Red Lion, John Hadfield
4 Shoulder of Mutton, James Jph. Dole
7 White Bear, Edward Holbrooke

Academies. 5 Endowed, William Stanley
Parochial, Adelaide Johnson

7 Cubitt Thomas
6 Daniel Joseph
Hadfield Daniel

3 Cheetham John
Mycroft George

Hardy William
3 Marriott Samuel
3 Tagg Elizabeth
Tagg John

Corn Millers.
Bird Rd. J.D.
Caudwell John, Amber Mill
3 Hill John

3 Allsop John
Baggaley John
5 Bansall Wm., Park
5 Barker John
6 Barker John and Thomas
8 Beastall William
1 Bingham William
5 Bird Rd. J. D.
Bramley Richard
2 Caudwell William
3 Cheetham Samuel
Clay John
Coleburn.Jno., Lodge
Cotes George
3 Cupit Richard
4 Deaville John
1 Fritchley Joseph
3 Fritchley Mary
8 Frost John
Hadfield Daniel
6 Hadfield George
Hardy William
6 Haslam William
3 Henstock George
3 Herrod John
3 Hill John
7 Hodgson James
6 Hollingworth Wm.
3 Holmes George
5 Hopkinson Geo.
2 Hopkinson John
Hopkinson Joseph, Lodge
3 Lathe John
3 Marriott Samuel
7 Marshall John
7 Milner Arthur
3 Morrell George
5 Radford Jane
5 Rhodes John
3 Rodgers Frederick
8 Swain John
3 Tagg Elizabeth
5 Tagg John
5 Tagg William
7 Thorpe Richard
6 Wallis Samuel
Webster John
3 White Robert
White Robt., jun.
3 Wilson Ann
4 Wragg George
3 Wragg Joseph

3 Brefitt Richard (and draper)
8 Smith John

8 Haslam William
3 Naylor George
3 Silkstone George
3 Tomlinson Robert
4 Wragg William

3 Banks Ann
Buxton Hannah
3 Bryan Ann
8 Cartledge Samuel
8 Frost John
Greaves John
Hadfield Daniel
3 Henstock George
3 Marriott Samuel
3 Rawson Thomas

Hadfield Daniel
3 Hadfield Samuel
7 Hadfield Samuel

Lamb Robert
Simpkin William

There is more information about Shirland on this website:
Derbyshire's Parishes, 1811
The Gentleman's Magazine Library - Derbyshire to Dorset
Wolley Manuscripts, Derbyshire for more information about Derbyshire deeds, pedigrees, documents and wills.

Transcribed by Ann and Andy Andrews February 2023.
Note: spelling, case and punctuation are as they appear in the Directory.