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Shirland, Derbyshire: Harrod's Directory, 1870
A collection of historical 19th Century Directories - Commercial, Trades and Private Residents

J Harrod & Co.'s Postal and Commercial Directory of Derbyshire, Leicestershire,
Rutland and Staffordshire (1870), Second Edition

Price - Eighteen Shillings
pub. London & Norwich (1870),
Shirland p.275-276

Shirland Directories

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Shirland entry in Kelly's Directory for Derbyshire, 1891
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CLAYs of Derbys, Notts, Leics & Rutland listed in Kelly's Directory, 1891

Shirland Church

Shirland Church interior

SHIRLAND is a large parish, and contains the hamlets of Higham, Hallfield Gate, Toadhole Furnace, Stretton, and Stonebroom, distant 2 miles from Alfreton railway station, in the east division of the county, hundred of Scarsdale, union of Chesterfield, county court district of Alfreton, diocese of Lichfield, archdeaconry of Derby, and rural deanery of Alfreton. The church is dedicated to St Leonard. The living is rectory, annual value £260, with residence, in the gift of Sir R. Tufton, Rev. W. E. Nightingale, and J, Charge, Esq. The Rev. Joseph Hall is the curate. The Wesleyan Methodists have a chapel at Shirland, Wesleyan Reformers at Higham, Wesleyan Methodists and Primitive Methodists at Stonebroom. There is also a National school for boys and girls, Henry Heale master, Miss Heale mistress. The parish contains 2942 acres of land, of which the chief owners are Gladwin Turbutt, H. Hardstaff, Esqs, and Mrs Page. The population is about 1800. The lord of the manor is G. Turbutt, Esq. POSTAL REGULATIONS-George Mason sub-postmaster. Letters arrive at 8 a.m., are dispatched at 7 p.m. The nearest money-order and telegraph office and post-town, Alfreton.

Bell Alfred, Esq.
Clarke John, Esq., Higham cliff
Hall Rev. Joseph, curate
Harrison James, Esq.
Stevenson Robert, Esq. Hallfield gate
Turbutt Gladwin, Esq., Ogston hall

Andrews James, bricklayer
Askew Jas., Red Lion inn, and assistant-overseer
Baggaley John grocer
Beastall Geo., Amber hotel, Amber Mills
Breffitt Richard, grocer and draper
Buxton Sarah, shopkeeper
Candwell John, miller, Amber mill
Cheetham Mrs Elizabeth, Greyhound inn
Cupit Augustus, beer retailer
Cupit Thomas, baker
Dole James J., Shoulder of Mutton inn, Hallfield gate
Goodwin John, shopkeeper, Hallfield gate
Greaves Thomas, shopkeeper
Hadfield Daniel, tailor and shopkeeper
Hadfield Joseph, blacksmith
Hadfield Samuel, tailor
Hardy Edwin, grocer and draper
Hardy William, butcher
Hart John, painter and plumber
Haslam Thomas, boot and shoemaker
Hill John, miller
Holmes John, builder
Holmes William, carpenter
Holmes William, beer retailer
Lamb Robert, wheelwright
Moore George, bricklayer
Morrell George, Bull inn
Mycroft George, blacksmith
Orme Joseph, blacksmith
Purdy Martha saddle and harness maker
Shaw George, New inn
Silkstone William, boot and shoemaker
Simpson William, Duke of Wellington, and wheelwright
Stafford John, commission agent
Tagg Herbert, butcher
Tagg Thomas, butcher
Webster Miles, Barley Mow
Wetton George, carpenter
Wragg George, wheelwright Hallfield gate
Wragg Walter, butcher
Wragg William, boot and shoemaker

Allsop John
Baggaley John
Barker Robert
Barratt Joseph
Candwell William
Clay John, and landowner
Clay William, and landowner
Crofts William
Eastwood James, and landowner
Hadfield George
Holmes George
Jackson John
Lees Henry
Marshall John
Milne Arthur
Radford Henry, and miller
Radford Mrs Jane
Rhodes John
Stevenson Robert
Swain John
Tagg John
Tagg William, and landowner
Thorpe John
White William
Wragg Bertha, & landowner, Hallfield gate

There is more information about Shirland on this website:
Derbyshire's Parishes, 1811
The Gentleman's Magazine Library - Derbyshire to Dorset
Wolley Manuscripts, Derbyshire for more information about Derbyshire deeds, pedigrees, documents and wills.

Transcribed by Ann and Andy Andrews February 2023.
Note: spelling, case and punctuation are as they appear in the Directory.