These are similar views to Matlock
Bank and Bridge - from near the Quarry, 1907; they were probably
taken from the same viewpoint, or almost the same, but the cameraman
has zoomed in for these two pictures. Both show the railway line
crossing the river as well as Matlock Bridge and Matlock Bank.
We can also see, bottom left corner, the Boat House Hotel's former
livery stables, where the
4th Matlock Scouts met.
top view is the slightly later of the pair. It shows a number
of people walking into central Matlock along the pavement opposite
the Boat House though there is almost nobody outside the shops
on the far side of the bridge.
Smedley's Hydro was by this time very dominant on the Bank and
had been for several decades; it was by far the biggest hydro.
In the top image the changes to Rockside hydro have already been
made, so we know the photograph was taken after 1906. The spire
and tower of Matlock Methodist and United Reformed Church on Bank
Road had been erected. However, in the coloured
view below there is definitely no spire on that church on Bank
Road so that picture was taken shortly before 1906. As Rockside
looks to be almost complete the lower picture probably dates
from 1905.
The two semi-detached houses on Steep Turnpike, seen in both pictures
and originally thought to date from 1901, were built in 1902 or
1903. At a Council meeting in October 1902 the Surveyor, Mr. James
Diggle, reported that plans had been received for two houses on
Steep Turnpike. It was decided that these particular plans be "disapproved",
but he said that amended plans, showing w.c.'s instead of privies,
would be considered. It was added that while the Surveyor must
be satisfied with the foundations of the buildings, the dangerous
nature of the road and the possibility of slipping had been pointed
out to the architect[1].
There had been more than one landslip on the road as, in 1898,
the Surveyor told the Council that a "further landslip had
occurred on Steep Turnpike Road, immediately below the wall which
was recently built"[2].
Although the subject was not discussed in relation to the Steep
Turnpike properties the Surveyor suggested and the Council agreed
in 1902 that an ashbin should be included in all new builds in
Matlock unless there was already an ashpit. The same meeting also
debated an application for a temporary public tip on Bank Road
on a piece of land the Conservative Club then owned[1].
On the far right of the picture is a large field next to Steep
Turnpike which ran almost the full length of the road. There is
more about this on the next

Land behind the former Boat House Hotel and its stables can
be seen on the left of the
picture. There are a few vehicles on Dale Road on the far side
of the bridge. |