and Matlock Bath Images |
Views and Buildings - Matlock : Photographs, Postcards, Engravings & Etchings |
Images of Matlock,
part of a large collection of 'just' images of Matlock and
Matlock Bath not on individual pages |
Seventeen half size images, all of postcards or photographs of Matlock.
If you want to see the full size image or what is on the
back (either full size or half size), click on the coloured
links and they will open in another window. Not all images
can be displayed on the page, so you may need to click
the link to see the picture.
- Matlock from Matlock Bank - Full
size image | Back | Half
size back
This was taken from the house the webmistress got married from! Superb view of Smedley's Hydro from the back, Starkholmes,
High Tor from above, Causeway Lane ...
On the back: Artistic Series, A.P. Co., 9 Bury Court, St. Mary Axe, London, E.C. No.2597. Posted Jan 7 1909
- To Miss Adcock, who was in Crawley, from George. He sent her a set of cards from the Matlocks! Another card
was posted in 1907 but the card dates from 1904 - 06(PC)
- High Tor Walk, Matlock Bridge
- Full
size image | Back | Half
size back
Riverside path besides the Derwent in Matlock. Seated lady
in Victorian dress.
On the back: Valentine's Series. Addressed to Miss A Harding,
Streatham, but unposted (PC)
- Matlock - Full
size image | Back | Half
size back
Looking towards Bank Road, Lime Grove Walk and Popecarr
and showing buildings that were on the edge of the Hall
Leys near the bridge but are not there today. Several
hydros are in the picture - slightly above the centre
is the former hydro which is now the County Record Office.
If you look above Smedley's Hydro you will notice Rockside,
so this image post dates the Parker and Unwin extension
of the building that took place between 1903 and 1906.
The house called "The Firs" is at the bottom
of Steep Turnpike. This is has been the public library
for about half a century.
On the back: Valentine's Series, No.58817 (the card was
first published in 1907). To Miss M Huggins, Aswell,
Herts Jul 21 1909. The message sounds as if someone was
what became known as a "tripper" i.e. they
were on a day trip or visit. (PC)
- Matlock Bank - Full
size back | Back | Half
size back
There is a very prominent white line going up the centre
of Bank Road - the tram line. Taken from behind Dale Road,
this card shows a great deal of land that is now built
on and an empty Hall Leys. The bottom of Steep Turnpike
is visible, so is the County Record Office (the Old Ernest
Bailey's School) and the Town Hall. It also seem to post
date the extension to Rockside Hydro.
On the back: Boots Cash Chemist "Pelham" Series.
Where the stamp is to go are the words: Affix half penny
stamp inland. Penny stamp Foreign. Printed in Prussia (PC)
- Matlock Bridge and Bank - Full
size image | Back | Half
size back
View of Bank Road from the tram shelter in the middle
of Crown Square to the top. Lime Grove Walk, Smedley's
Hydro, Rockside, Ernest Bailey's building (was Bank House & Church
View Hydro, then Wyvern House) and the two churches on
the lower slopes of Bank Road are all visible. A tramcar
is in the centre of the image, just about level with
the Matlock Methodist and United Reformed Church, Bank
Road (originally Matlock Wesleyan Chapel & then Trinity
Methodist Church). Lovely clear pre-war image dating
from approximately 1904 - 1906. No message (PC)
- Matlock, Matlock Bank and Hall
Leys - Full
size image | Back | Half
size back
Shows the bandstand. Chatsworth House, where the sender was
staying, is marked by an arrow!
On the back: Celesque Series of the Photochrom Co., No. 49116.
Sent 7 Mar 1927 (PC)
- Matlock - New Promenade - Full
size image | Back | Half
size back
On the back: Queen's Series card published by T. T. & S.,
Scarbro. Aug 20 1909 to Miss Adcock in Salisbury from George.
- Multi view card of Matlock and
Matlock Bath - Full
size image | Back | Half
size back
Rockside (Matlock) is central and then, starting top left
and going clockwise, Matlock Bank (Smedley's Hydro and
Bank Road, with Chesterfield Road), The Grand Pavilion
(Matlock Bath), South Parade (Matlock Bath - shows ladies
in Edwardian dress), The Wishing Stone (Matlock). How splendid
Rockside looked. A really interesting card.
On the back: Postmarked Matlock. Sent to Miss Owens of
Newborough, Anglesea 18 Aug 1912 from Bank House, Matlock.
Publisher Jackson & Son, Grimsby - "Jay em Jay" GY.
Series. (PC)
- Riber Castle - Full
size image | Back | Half
size back
No.43 in series from The Loca-View Photograph Company,
Fargate, Sheffield. View from Matlock Bath.
On the back: Sent to Miss Annie Hewson of Scotton Gainsboro (PC)
- Riber Castle - Full
size image | Back | Half
size back
No. 122, published by A W Gessey of Bank Road, Matlock. View
from Matlock Bath with a glimpse of High Tor and the hillside
above Starkholmes
On the back: Sent to Mr and Mrs Williams of Hale from Connie.
Postmark indicates date of 1933 (PC)
- Rockside Hydro, Matlock - Full
size image | Back | Half
size back
The Croquet Lawn. What a glorious view there would have
been from the lawn of what was then a first class hotel.
On the back: Sent to Mrs Priestley of Leamington Spa Post marked
Matlock 7 Jy 1926. Kingsway Real Photos Series, WHS (PC)
- Smedley's Hydropathic Establishment, Matlock - Full
size image | Back | Half
size back
Really lovely coloured card showing gardens.
On the back: Postmarked Matlock Bridge Ju 23 1906 and sent
by L. W. to Mrs Attwood, Polegate, Sussex. (PC)
- Smedley's Hydropathic Establishment, Matlock - Full
size image | Back | Half
size back
Same as above, but different on the back.
On the back: Postmarked Matlock Bridge and Sent by Mrs.
B to Miss M Cordwell, Stroud GLS on Ju 24 1906 (PC)
- Smedley's Hydropathic - Full
size image | Back | Half
size back
Gardens and tennis courts. This winter view is interesting
in that it is almost exactly the same as the coloured
views immediately above. Apart from the lack of leaves
on the deciduous trees, the only other difference is
the tennis court and the [lack of] a footpath across
it. All the people are in exactly the same positions.
On the back: Sent by their mother and postmarked Matlock
Bridge To Misses Crosby at Builth Wells, Breconshire
Fe 15 1905 Referred to 'calico - ball last night - very
amusing'. (PC)
- Wishing Stone, Matlock Bank
- Full
size image | Back | Half
size back
This photograph shows the massive rock close to Asker Lane and some early twentieth
century graffiti. Whose initials were they? RBWT? And who
were the three children? The children alone make this card
worth looking at.
On the back: Boots Cash Chemist "Pelham" Series.
Where the stamp is to go are the words: Affix half penny
stamp inland. Penny stamp Foreign. Printed in Prussia.
No message. Another card was posted in 1906. (PC)
Also see: Matlock:
The Wishing Stone and Matlock: VLA5083
Black Elephant
On the side of a building in central Matlock. Stand by
the tram shelter on the Hall Leys and you should spot
it. For those who have recently visited Matlock it is
on the building where the Nationwide now is; if it is
some years since you were in the town then it is the
building that housed Eldridge's, Burgons (a provisions
merchant) and the Derbyshire Times. The elephant was
a logo for Burgons stores own brands. Photographed in
2004 (PC)
- Matlock Hall Leys - Full
size image | Back | Half
size back
Enjoying a sunny summer's afternoon
On the back: Francis Frith Card, No. A. F.S. MTK. 7.
Looks as if dates about 1930-40 or so. No message (PC)