Although war had been declared before the top
card was posted, visitors were still staying in Matlock
Bath's hotels. In early October 1914 the Royal Hotel
was almost fully booked[1].
The photograph shows two young women (or girls) on one of
the riverside seats, this one outside the Ladies' Shelter
& Lavatories. The building had formerly been a spar shop
and for many years it was run by Thomas Walker. They young
women were probably locals. Perhaps they had been dropped
off by the gentleman in the boat, or they could have been
rowed across from the landing stage on the opposite bank.
Seventeen years before this a committee of Matlock Bath
UDC had decided to let the sale shop on Lovers' Walks, although
it is unclear whether they actually did so[2].
In 1903 the Council recommended that the shop "be not
let at present, but the Surveyor had been instructed to prepare
plans for turning these alcove buildings into a public convenience"[3].
A month later Mr Jaffrey had submitted plans to the Boating
Committee regarding the "proposed public convenience
and ladies' shelter on the site of the old alcove shops in
the Lovers' Walks", and was it recommended that a sum
of £100
should set aside to cover the costs[4].
In 1913 Matlock Bath's Council made what was considered
to be an important step that would affect the crowds of excursionists
who visited the Spa. The Promenades had been closed and an
admission charge of 2 pence per. person had been levied.
This was to change, with the Promenade free and for access
to the Lovers' Walks to be reduced to a penny per. person[5].
The second picture pre-dates the top picture by several years
and may even have been taken around the turn of the century.
There were plenty of seats for people who were waiting to
cross the river via the ferry. A number of boats are moored
against the bank, including the ferry, but it is the ivy covered
shop building that is of interest. There is no seat outside.
Instead, there are two wooden supports and it looks as if it
might have been a collection point for logs, though it could
equally be a seat that has disappeared under the foliage. An
intriguing sign on the tree announces "Ferns
This might have something to do with the Arkwrights as there
was a fernery at Willersley and their ferns were far famed.
See more on: Willersley Castle,
the Lodge & Gardens of the Arkwrights
A young boy named Joe Peat sent this card to his father, who
was in Derby Royal Infirmary for some reason. The message is
worth repeating as it is delightful, as children's messages
to their parents usually are. "Dear
Dadda/ Wish you were here with Mag and I enjoying ourselves.
Hope you [are] getting better now / Joe. Maggie put the stamp
on" - he clearly felt the need to comment about this
as it was at a decided angle, but it was also her contribution.
The former spar shop is still standing on Lovers' Walks although
is now a shelter. The glass has
also gone, so the interior is open to the elements. |