An Edwardian photograph of the Greyhound Pond, looking from the lower slopes
of Cromford Hill across Water Lane, where the pony and trap is, to the
houses and cottages of the hamlet of Scarthin on the far side. We can
see some buildings that remain next to the pond today but the
landscape was to begin to change in the next few years. Firstly the
Wesleyan Methodist Reformed Chapel was
rebuilt in 1907 and early the following year the Clerk of Matlock
Bath UDC reported that they had closed with the offer of Mr. Frederic
C. Arkwright for a piece of land in Scarthin for a promenade there;
the Council had paid £180[1].
It was to sweep away the gardens next to the pond, including the area
where the washing was pegged out in this photo. The new Scarthin promenade
was formally opened on 24 June 1909.
The three storey property on the promenade had a shop on
the ground floor with living quarters above; it is now the home
of Scarthin Books. The large roof of
the Wesleyan chapel is behind it. A couple of years later this
was rebuilt and extended forwards over the houses next to the
shop to become the entrance of Mount Tabor chapel. It is now
an engineering works. |
Such a large pond is a wonderful asset for any community but during the
nineteenth century Scarthin's residents faced some public health issues
because of the pond. It was contaminated by Bonsall sewage, which drained
into it.
In 1872 the Inspector of Nuisances, Mr. Sharp, stated that the drainage
in the district of Scarthin Nick was in a most imperfect state.[3] Then,
in a report to the Bakewell Rural Sanitary Authority in 1887, Dr. Knox
said that he had "frequently complained of the filthy pond in
that village, surrounded as it is by cottages. Miasma is constantly given
off, and the pond is largely contributed to by the Scarthen [sic] portion
of the Matlock Local Board, who should at once be prohibited from making
this pond foul with their sewage"[4].
A public meeting, chaired by Mr. Arkwright, was held in 1890; it was
suggested that, if Matlock Bath Local Board desired, Scarthin could be
included in the Cromford Meadows sewerage scheme that was proposed for
Cromford village[5]. The scheme
went ahead, but Matlock Bath's Local Board were then refused a grant
that they'd hoped would cover the cost and in 1894 Arkwright's steward,
Mr. Parkin, wrote that "no notice had been taken by the Board
of his request for payment by his superior in the Scarthin sewage scheme"[6].
When the retaining wall at the rear of Mr. Doxey's business premises
collapsed for the second time within a few months in 1913, some local
children had a lucky escape[7].
It was the fourth time this had happened in one householder's time. The
journalist who reported on the incident provided a good description of
the hamlet: "The houses in Scarthin are built in tiers of terraces
on a hillside, and in order to make level stretches of ground for paths
and gardens these tiers are divided by retaining walls and the intervening
spaces filled with earth, constituting what is known as 'made' ground".
He also observed that "nearly all the houses in Scarthin - some
of them very old - incline out of the perpendicular towards the lake.
The windows and door jambs, too, as well as most of the rainwater down
spouts on the houses on the houses, are all out of plumb"[8].
We can see an example of the retaining walls mentioned
in 1913,
supporting the terrace of houses built on the side of Harp
Edge. |
[1] "Sheffield Daily Telegraph",
12 March 1908. Matlock Bath Urban.
[2] "Sheffield Daily Telegraph",
25 June 1909. A Matlock Promenade Opened. Report of the opening
on the previous day.
[3] "The Derby Mercury",
Wednesday, January 10, 1872.
[4] "ibid",
Wednesday, October 5, 1887. The Filthy Pond.
[5] "ibid",
Wednesday, November 26, 1890. The Sewerage Question at Cromford.
[6] "ibid",
Wednesday, May 9, 1894. Report of Local Board meeting, when
the letter was discussed.
[7] There is a report on Matlock
Bath & Scarthin Newspaper Cuttings (see 1913).
[8] "Derbyshire Courier",
20 May 1913. Wall Collapses. Exciting Incident at Scarthin.
Tenants' Story of Unheeded Warnings.