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The Vernon Lamb Archive, Matlock Events
A Unique Photographic Record of Matlock & District, 1910-1915, and World War One Soldiers

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Place: Matlock
Property / Street / Road: Wellington Street/ Rutland Street junction below Rockside
Date: Saturday 28 March 1914.
The High Peak News on 4 April 1914. Below is information from the article.
Description/Historical Information: "A New Fire Brigade Era. Introduction of a Steam Fire Engine. A Perfect Success."
Demonstration of Matlock's new fire engine at 3p.m.
Once there was sufficient pressure Mrs Nuttall turned the handle and a powerful jet of water was aimed Rockside (see VLA5200), some 100 feet above the place where the engine was pumping. Two jets were then applied, followed by four, to show how one source could produce sufficient water to instatly allay the flames in most cases. The brigade were praised for the excellent work they had done.
See, in the Events Matlock section, VLA4947 | VLA4967 | VLA5186 | VLA5192 | VLA5200.
Also see, in the Uniforms - Non-Military section, VLA4981 | VLA4983 | VLA4986.
Further information
elsewhere on this site:
- The Matlocks UDC Fire Brigade, 1925-30
- Water Cures and Matlock Twentieth Century Images
Image Reference: VLA5218
Copyright: © The Vernon Lamb Archive and Robert White.
See About the Archive and About Vernon Lamb, Photographer.