Matlock & Matlock
Bath Names in the London Gazette |
A finding aid to make searching easier
for those with Matlock and Matlock Bath ancestors |
Nineteenth Century Entries : 1841 - 1860 |

Army and Regimental Promotions, Bankruptcies,
Business Partnership Changes, Civil Service Examinations, Orders of
Chancery, Changes of Name, Company Liquidations, Acts of Parliament,
Debtors, Honours, Inland Revenue Declarations (Banks), Property Sales,
Wills |
1841 - 1845 |
5 February 1841
The Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors. James PEARSON,
late of Matlock Bath, Darley in the Dale, Derby, Journeyman,
Paper Maker-In the goal at Derby |
6 October 1843
William John CUMMING, presently and for last two days residing
Matlock Bath, being out of business, for last 9 months residing
IoM, a Surgeon, for 5 years residing Matlock Bath, Surgeon to
present Petition for Bankruptcy at Birmingham DC. |
10 October 1843
Further notice by William J CUMMING |
24 October 1843
The Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors. Case before Commissioners
at Court House Nottingham. William ROPER, formerly of Crumpond,
Cottager and Coal Higgler, since of Crumpond-bridge [sic],
Matlock, Victualler, then lodging at Crumpond aforesaid, Derbyshire,
Labourer |
13 February 1844
Notice is hereby given, that the Partnership heretofore subsisting
between us the undersigned, William ADAM and William PEARSON,
as Spar and Marble Manufacturers, at the Royal Museum, Matlock
Bath, in the county of Derby, was this day dissolved by mutual
consent. All debts due and owing to and from the said copartnership
will be received and paid by the said William PEARSON, but the
said business will in future be carried on by the said William
ADAM, on his own account.-Dated 9th day of February 1844.
William ADAM
William PEARSON |
8 March 1844
MILNES & NEWBOLD, Solrs [Particulars for sale of properties
owned by Stephen MELLAND, Deceased] |
15 March 1844
MILNES & NEWBOLD, Solrs [Particulars for sale of properties
owned by Stephen MELLAND, Deceased] |
5 April 1844
MILNES & NEWBOLD, Solrs [Particulars for sale of properties
at Youlgreave] |
9 July 1844
The Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors - to be heard
at the Court-House, Portugal Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields (Prisoners).
Augustus GORDON, formerly of Everton, Nottinghamshire, then
of Matlock Baths, Derbyshire, then of Doncaster, Yorkshire,
first Ensign on Half-pay in her Majesty's 40th Regiment of Foot,
then of No.2 Duke-street, Grosvenor-square, then of No.30, Paddington
Green, then of No.17, Upper Southwick-street, Edgeware-road,
then of No.22, Upper-Berkeley-street West, Connaught Square,
then of No.1 Pickering-place, Paddington, then of No.27, Upper
Berkeley-street West, Connaught-square aforesaid, out of business
and out of employ |
15 August 1845
MILNES & NEWBOLD, Solrs [Particulars for sale of property
at Belper - WARD] |
1846 - 1850 |
10 March 1847
[Fiat in Bankruptcy]
Bearing date 14 June 1847, issued against
William STONE, of the p of Matlock itco D Builder, Dealer and
Chapman declared a bankrupt. Birmingham Dist Court at Nottingham |
22 June 1847
[Fiat in Bankruptcy]
William STONE to disclose estate, etc.
Two dates: 2 Jul and 30 Jul next(see 10 March) |
1 October 1847
[Fiat in Bankruptcy]
Appointed a public sitting for the allowance
of a Certificate to William STONE (see 10 March) |
12 November 1847
[Fiat in Bankruptcy]
William STONE hath in all things conformed
himself accordingly |
14 January 1848
[Fiat in Bankruptcy]
Appointed a public sitting for the allowance
of a Certificate to Alfred ALSOP, of Lea-Bridge, in the p of
M itco D, Lead Merchant (F in B issued 21 Aug 1847) |
11 Feb 1848
William STONE - Court to sit on 4th March next |
10 November 1848
In the matter of William STONE .... creditors who have proved
their debts may receive a First Dividend |
7 December 1849
Partnership between George HASLAM and Anthony WALTON, carrying
on business as Builders and Stonemasons in General, at Matlock,
under the firm of Haslam and Walton dissolved 5 Dec instant
by mutual consent |
8 March 1850
Partnership between John WHITE and George HASLAM, as Railway
Contractors, at Matlock, under the firm of WHITE and HASLAM
and WALTON dissolved 21 Feb 1850 by mutual consent. HASLAM will
carry on |
26 July 1850
Notice that by an indenture of 29 June 1850 Francis MARTIN of
Wolverhampton, formerly of Matlock, Currier hath assigned his
estate to William MUNDY of Manning Street, Bermondsey |
24 December 1850
Petition of Mary Ann BOWN late of Matlock-green, in the parish
of Matlock, itco D, widow and an Innkeeper and now in lodgings
with her son John BOWN, at Stoneway-Bridge, itpo M, and insolvent
debtor, filed in the CC at Wirksworth ... |
1851 - 1855 |
21 January 1851
Petition of William John ADAM, of Matlock Bath, itco D, Printer,
Stationer, Bookseller, and also keeping a Subscription Library,
formerly in lodgings with his father, William ADAM, at Matlock
Bath, Spar and Marble Manufacturer and since the month of March
last in lodgings with his father at Matlock-green, itpo M itco
D, but during all such time carrying on the aforesaid trades
at Matlock Bath under the name of John William ADAM the Younger,
an insolvent debtor, filed in the CC at Wirksworth ... |
21 January 1851
Petition of Mary Ann BOWN - to make Final Order on 5 Feb next,
page 22 |
21 February 1851
In the matter of William John ADAM. Judge to make final on 5
March next |
21 March 1851
Petition of Mary Ann BOWN - required to appear before the Court
on 9th April next |
25 April 1851
In the matter of Mary Ann BOWN. Judge to make final on 7 May
next |
7 October 1851
Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors. On their Own Petitions.
John WHEATCROFT, late of Matlock Bath, Derbyshire, Surveyor
and Railway Constructor.-In the gaol at Derby |
7 November 1851
Before the CC at Derby. John WHEATCROFT, (see 7 Oct) carrying
on business at Barrow-in-Furness, LAN as a Railway Contractor |
6 January 1852
Assignees have been appointed. John WHEATCROFT ... Insolvent,
No.74,289C |
24 February 1852
Partnership between William DODD, Michael HARDY, William FROGGATT,
Richard CAREY and Jabez WHEATCROFT, Hat Body Manufacturers,
at Moor Grange, near Matlock, and also at Scarthen Nick, itpo
M, under the style or firm of Dodd, WHEATCROFT and Company dissolved
by mutual consent so far as regards Jabez WHEATCROFT on 15 Jan
last. Others carry on business |
27 February 1852
In the matter of William John ADAM. Judge will sit 17th March
next. Commissioner will sit same day. Audit Accounts and make
a Dividend |
16 April 1852
In the matter of William John ADAM. Creditors who have proved
their debts may receive a Dividend |
20 July 1852
Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors. On their Own Petitions.
Griffith Jeffrey MORRIS, late of Matlock Bath, Derbyshire, Captain
on half pay-In the Gaol of Derby |
30 July 1852
Before the Judge CC at Derby
Griffith Jeffrey MORRIS, (see 20 July) ... in her Majesty's
22nd Regiment of Foot, and Reduced Paymaster of the Royal Denbighshire
Militia, previously of Chesterfield Military Officer, formerly
of Wrexham Military Officer, part Proprietor in Horse Staging
Coaches from Wrexham to Liverpool, and other places |
26 October 1852
Petition of Charles EATON, formerly residing and keeping ...
the Boat House Inn, at Matlock, Licensed Victualler, Lime Burner
and Porter Dealer, since then and now residing at Wensley ...
keeping a beer house there and a Miner, an insolvent debtor
... to appear before the Court 10 Nov next |
26 November 1852
In the matter of Charles EATON ... County Court will make a
final order on 8th Dec next |
14 December 1852
Printed particulars of a sale at Benjamin BRITTLEBANK, Winster,
near Matlock [GOULD] |
29 April 1853
Patent Law Amendment Act. 778. To John SMEDLEY, of Lea Mills,
Matlock, itco D, Spinner, for the invention of "improvements
in machinery or apparatus for opening, cleaning, blowing, or
scutching animal wool, cotton, or other fibrous substances or
materials." |
28 June 1853
Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors. Prisoners. Before
Judge of CC at Derby. Alice Ann CUMMING, late of Buxton, itco
D, out of business, previously of Matlock Bath, in the parish
of Matlock, itco D, Lodging House Keeper |
7 March 1854
Sale of freehold estates of late Isaac WHEELDON. Printed particulars
at Benjamin BRITTLEBANK, Winster, near Matlock [and elsewhere] |
11 April 1854
Sale of freehold estates of late Isaac WHEELDON. Printed particulars
at Benjamin BRITTLEBANK, Winster, near Matlock [and elsewhere] |
8 September 1854
[Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors}
Prisoners. Before
Judge of CC at York. Joseph Ridge SIMPSON ... occasionally in
lodgings at Matlock ... a Prisoner for Debt |
1 December 1854
Petition of William Robert GRIESBACH of Millington, nr Pocklington,
YKS, late of Lea Bridge, itop Ashover, near Matlock ..., an
insolvent debtor |
30 January 1855
Samuel RICHARDSON [many addresses including] then of Rose Cottage,
Matlock, Commercial Traveller and Commission Agent. Derby cc,
17 Feb 1855 |
13 February 1855
Petition of Joseph CLOKEY, formerly of Derby afterwards travelling
as a Dealer in Drapery Goods to Matlock [and other places].
Wakefield CC, First Examination, 6 Mar next |
15 June 1855
MILNES and NEWBOLD, solrs (for particulars of properties for
sale) |
26 September 1855
Surname Matlock
90th Regiment of Foot (No 3804?) Lance-Corporal W. MATLOCK,
Slightly Wounded [Assault on Sevastopol, 8 Sep 1855] |
1856 - 1860 |
1 February 1856
Petition of Antill William LEES (William LEES), formerly of
Matlock, Bookkeeper, now of Ingleton, YKS, filed Kirkby Lonsdale |
15 February 1856
Petition of Alfred RICHARDS, of Holt-lane, Matlock, Professor
of Music, and also a Dealer in Music, Music Books, and Musical
Instruments, and insolvent debtor, filed at Wirksworth. First
examination at Wirksworth, 5 Mar next |
15 February 1856
William BAMFORD of Sheffield, ... previously of Snetterton [sic]
near Matlock, out of business ... previously of Matlock, Grocer.
Final Order 5 Mar next, Sheffield CC, page 41 |
27 June 1856
Petition of William Crowther FLETCHER, insolvent debtor, formerly
of Matlock Bath, itpo Matlock, Grocer and Tea Dealer, and Dealer
in Fishing Tackle and Toys, then in lodgings at Charlotte HORTON's,
Matlock Bath out of business, then of Museum Parade, Matlock
Bath, Draper and Haberdasher, Dealer in Toys and Fishing Tackle
Manufacturer, then for one month afterwards occupying a shop
at Salford as Draper, afterwards and now lodging with Mrs. Mary
FLETCHER of Matlock Bath, Confectioner and Trading on own account
as Dealer in Fishing Tackle and Spar Ornaments. First examination,
9 Jul next, Wirksworth CC |
22 July 1856
Petition of William Crowther FLETCHER, formerly of Matlock Bath,
itpo Matlock. Final Order, 6 Aug next, Wirksworth CC |
15 August 1856
MILNES and NEWBOLD, solrs (for particulars of properties for
sale, MOLD v. MOLD) |
10 July 1857
To be sold at Garraway's Coffee House, Change Alley. Cause of
LOWDES v. JODRELL, various freehold and copyright properties
including: Lot 3, One eighth share in an estate part freehold
and part copyhold. Old Bath Hotel, with gardens, pleasure grounds,
coach houses, stables, cottages, buildings, closes or parcels
of land (29A 3R) at Matlock, let to Mr. GREAVES at £375
p.a. |
17 July 1857
[Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors]
Prisoners. Lancaster
CC. John ELLIS, formerly of Matlock-green, Matlock later of
Longsight and Pendleton, Journeyman Joiner |
31 July 1857
[High Court in Chancery] Sale. HARRISON v. KIDGER and EDGAR
v. INGLE. Estates belonging to Thomas INGLE, deceased. One sixth
share in 4 freehold properties at Daley, near Matlock |
2 April 1858
Edward GREGORY, formerly of Spondon, Servant to William Thomas
Cox, Esq. then of Matlock Bath, Servant to Reverend Edward SYNGE,
then of Darley-Dale [and others]. County Court at Derby will
make final decision |
25 June 1858
MILNES and NEWB, solrs acting in sale of property of Charles
HURT, deceased [In Chancery] |
20 July 1858
Property at Darley, Matlock had been owned by Thomas INGLE,
sale of [In Chancery] |
2 November 1858
Petition of Paul MART, late of Matlock Bath, itco D, Tea Dealer,
Grocer, and Dealer in Provisions, and since then lodging at
John MART's, the Cock Inn, Cromford, a Lead Miner, Cab Driver
and Labourer, an insolvent debtor. First examination of PM's
debts |
26 November 1858
Petition of James JACKSON the younger, formerly of No.21 High
Street, Sutton, Macclesfield [other abodes], Silk Manufacturer,
then of Matlock Bath, Matlock, itco D, out of business, before
the Judge of the CC of Cheshire |
4 October 1859
Petition of George KEELING, of Matlock Town, itpo M, itco D,
Plumber, Glazier, Painter, and Dealer in Glass and Paint, then
Gas fitter, out of business, before the Judge of the CC at Wirksworth |
7 October 1859
Edward GREGORY, formerly of Spondon, Servant to William Thomas
COX, Esq. - order for Court to sit and Audit Accounts |
18 November 1859
[Parliament Session, 1860]
Matlock Waterworks. Includes 1. field
called the Knob, in occupation of Mary LUDLAM; 2. fields called
Barn Croft and the Nether Bottoms, in occupation of John GOODWIN.
LILNES and NEWBOLD, Solicitors for the Bill |
13 December 1859
Partnership between Thomas WAKLEY and John WESTON, as Stone
Quarry Proprietors at Matlock Bath itco D, dissolved by mutual
consent |
7 February 1860
Stoney Way Mining Company, (Limited), Matlock, DBY. Liquidators
give notice that a Special General Meeting to examine the accounts
will be held at The Old Red House, Fargate, Sheffield |
27 March 1860
Stoney Way Mining Company, (Limited), Matlock, DBY. Company
dissolved |
29 May 1860
An Act for better supplying with water the parish
of Matlock, itco D |
31 August 1860
Petition of William PALMER (sometimes using the name of William
Jelf PALMER), now and for eight months last past of Saint-John-in-Bedwardine,
Worcester, Surgeon [various addresses], Medical Student, previously
of Matlock Bath, itco D, an insolvent debtor |
7 December 1860
Partnership between Thomas PRESTON and Samuel FROST, both of
Matlock Bank, itco D, formerly carrying on the business of Hydropathists,
dissolved 30 June 1859, dissolved by mutual consent. Samuel
FROST will pay and receive debts due and owing |
18 December 1860
Petition of Richard Hill NORRIS, residing Codsall [and other
addresses], for three months residing at Cromford, itpo M, itco
D, Commercial Traveller, an insolvent debtor |
Entries for 1861 - 1870 are on the next page |
Provided for personal research purposes only.
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