Matlock & Matlock
Bath Names in the London Gazette |
A finding aid to make searching easier
for those with Matlock and Matlock Bath ancestors |
Nineteenth Century Entries : 1896 - 1900 |

Army and Regimental Promotions, Bankruptcies,
Business Partnership Changes, Civil Service Examinations, Orders of
Chancery, Changes of Name, Company Liquidations, Acts of Parliament,
Debtors, Honours, Inland Revenue Declarations (Banks), Property Sales,
Wills |
1896 |
14 February 1896
[Bankruptcy, Receiving Orders]
WARD, Francis William, formerly of Smith's Road, Matlock Bank now of Holme Road, Matlock Bath,
Butcher. Debtor's Petition
[Bankruptcy, Adjudications]
WARD, Francis William, formerly of Smith's Road, Matlock Bank
now of Holme Road, Matlock Bath, Butcher, page 55 |
18 February 1896
[Bankruptcy, First Meetings and Public Examinations]
WARD, Francis
William, formerly of Smith's Road, Matlock Bank now of Holme
Road, Matlock Bath, Butcher |
3 March 1896
[Bankruptcy, Appointment of Trustees]
WARD, Francis William,
formerly of Smith's Road, Matlock Bank now of Holme Road, Matlock
Bath, Butcher |
14 April 1896
Estate of William Taylor ALLIN, deceased of Winster, near Matlock.
Wife Lydia |
1 May 1896
[Bankruptcy, Notice of Intended Dividends]
BURRELL, William
Dracas, Fruit and Potato Merchant, Central Buildings, Matlock
Bank |
12 May 1896
Estate of The Reverend Robert Morgan JONES, deceased, late of
Spring Cottage the Dimple Matlock Bridge, Clerk in Holy Orders
(died intestate 23 Oct 1895). Administration granted Principal
Registry 6 May 1896 to George Miller LIGHT |
9 June 1896
Estate of Harriette BUTLER, deceased late of Market Street Tamworth
(died 27 Jan 1896). Will proved Tamworth 12 Mar 1896 by Executors
[including] Charles FELTHOUSE of Matlock Bank Druggist |
12 June 1896
Estate of John SMEDLEY, deceased late of Welburn-terrace Matlock
Bank, Retired Engine Fitter (died 6 Mar last). Will proved Derby
30 Apr last by James MARGERRISON of Matlock Green, Miller, Arthur
William MARGERRISON of Matlock Bridge, Commercial Traveller,
the Executors. James POTTER, Matlock Bridge, Solicitor for the
Executors |
19 June 1896
[Bankruptcy, Receiving Orders]
EVANS, John, Late Covent Garden House, Matlock Bath, now at
his brother in law's, Albion Restaurant, Matlock Bath. Late
Greengrocer and Eating House Keeper, now out of business.
Debtor's Petition |
19 June 1896
[Bankruptcy, First Meetings and Public Examinations]
EVANS, John, Late Covent Garden House, Matlock Bath, now at
his brother in law's, Albion Restaurant, Matlock Bath. Late
Greengrocer and Eating House Keeper, now out of business |
19 June 1896
[Bankruptcy, Adjudications]
EVANS, John, Late Covent Garden
House, Matlock Bath, now at his brother in law's, Albion Restaurant,
Matlock Bath. Late Greengrocer and Eating House Keeper, now
out of business., page 37 |
19 June 1896
[Bankruptcy, Notice of Dividends]
BURRELL, William Dracas, Fruit
and Potato Merchant, Central Buildings, Matlock Bank |
19 June 1896
[Bankruptcy, Appointment of Trustees]
HALL, Robert of Crown Buildings, Matlock, Trustee to Richard WALL of Wirksworth |
21 July 1896
Royal Assent, 20 July 1896, Matlock Bath Gas Act, 1896 |
31 July 1896
[Bankruptcy, Receiving Orders]
HOLT, Horace Henry, Clifton Villa,
Matlock Bank, Civil Engineer. Debtor's Petition |
31 July 1896
[Bankruptcy, Adjudications]
HOLT, Horace Henry, Clifton Villa,
Matlock Bank, Civil Engineer., p.34 |
4 August 1896
Bye-laws approved 1 Aug 1896. School Boards. Matlock |
4 August 1896
Partnership between Charles Henry TREADGOLD and Frank William
TREADOLD, Wine and Spirits Merchants at Matlock Bridge (TREADGOLD
Brothers), dissolved by mutual consent 6 June 1896. Carried
on by FWT |
4 August 1896
[Bankruptcy, First Meetings and Public Examinations]
HOLT, Horace
Henry, Clifton Villa, Matlock Bank, Civil Engineer |
28 August 1896
[Bankruptcy, Receiving Orders]
DEAN, Joseph Leedham, Matlock
Bank, School Attendance Officer, late Hydropathic Boarding-house
Proprietor. Debtor's Petition |
28 August 1896
[Bankruptcy, First Meetings and Public Examinations]
DEAN, Joseph
Leedham, Matlock Bank, School Attendance Officer, late Hydropathic
Boarding-house Proprietor |
15 September 1896
[Bankruptcy, Notice of Intended Dividends]
HALL, Robert of Crown
Buildings, Matlock, Trustee to Richard WALL of Wirksworth |
16 October 1896
[Bankruptcy, Notice of First Dividends]
Payable at Crown Buildings, Matlock, by [Robert HALL]
Trustee to Richard WALL of Wirksworth |
3 November 1896
Estates of Anna Maria WATKINSON and Mary Ann WATKINSON late
of Matlock, Spinsters, deceased (AMW died 3 May 1896, MAW died
16 Aug 1896). Wills proved Derby 9 Sept 1896 (AWM) and 28 Sept
1896 (MAW) by Walter KIRKLAND, Executor. Thos. H. LADD, Matlock
Bath, Solicitor for the Executors |
1 December 1896
[Bankruptcy, Notice of Intended Dividends]
HOLT, Horace Henry,
Clifton Villa, Matlock Bank, Civil Engineer |
1897 |
15 January 1897
[Bankruptcy, Notice of Dividends]
HOLT, Horace Henry, Clifton Villa, Matlock Bank, Civil Engineer |
2 February 1897
[Bankruptcy, Receiving Orders]
PEMBLINGTON, Thomas Alexander
Booth. Residing in lodgings at 68 Queen's Walk, Nottingham.
Lately residing at Woodbine Hydro Matlock Bank. Carrying on
business at various places. Companies Manager. Debtor's Petition |
2 February 1897
[Bankruptcy, Adjudications]
PEMBLINGTON, Thomas Alexander Booth.
Lately residing at Woodbine Hydro Matlock Bank. Companies Manager,
page 54 |
23 March 1897
[Bankruptcy, Notice of Intended Dividends]
WARD, Francis William,
formerly of Smith's Road, Matlock Bank now of Holme Road, Matlock
Bath, Butcher |
26 March 1897
Friendly Societies. Cancelled the Registry of, 24 March 1897.
New Union Society, Register No.577, held at Matlock |
26 March 1897
Estate of Marcus TOPLIS, deceased, late of Matlock Bank, Yeoman
(died 9 December 1896). Will proved Derby 9 Dec 1896 by William
HANCOCK, Matlock Bank, Book Keeper and George BALLINGTON, Matlock
Bank, Joiner, the Executors. James POTTER, Matlock Bridge, Solicitor
for the Executors |
27 April 1897
[Bankruptcy, Notice of Dividends]
WARD, Francis William, formerly
of Smith's Road, Matlock Bank now of Holme Road, Matlock Bath,
Butcher |
14 May 1897
Matlock Bath Gas-Light and Coke Company, Limited. Special Resolution
passed 12 April 1897 and confirmed 10 May 1897. Extraordinary
AGM at Assembly Rooms, Matlock Bath. Liquidator appointed. Joseph
REEDS, Chairman |
1 June 1897
[Bankruptcy, Orders made on Applications for Discharge]
CLARK, Mary Jane, Pork Butcher (wife of Peter) Central Buildings, Matlock
Bank |
4 June 1897
[Bankruptcy, Notice of Release of Trustees]
HOLT, Horace Henry,
Clifton Villa, Matlock Bank, Civil Engineer |
15 June 1897
[Bankruptcy, Receiving Orders]
CROWDER, William, Sycamore House,
Matlock Bank, late of the Star Inn, Matlock Town, Plasterer.
Debtor's Petition |
15 June 1897
[Bankruptcy, Adjudications]
CROWDER, William, Sycamore House,
Matlock Bank, late of the Star Inn, Matlock Town, Plasterer,
page 49 |
18 June 1897
[Bankruptcy, First Meetings and Public Examinations]
CROWDER, William, Sycamore House, Matlock Bank, late of the Star Inn,
Matlock Town, Plasterer |
16 July 1897
[Bankruptcy, Notice of Intended Dividends]
ALL, Robert of Crown
Buildings, Matlock, Trustee to Richard WALL of Wirksworth |
20 July 1897
[Bankruptcy, Notice of Intended Dividends]
BURRELL, William
Dracas, Fruit and Potato Merchant, Central Buildings, Matlock
Bank |
30 July 1897
Matlock Bath Gas-Light and Coke Company, Limited. General Meeting
of Members 31 Aug 1897 to have an account laid before them etc
re winding up |
10 August 1897
[Bankruptcy, Notice of Dividends]
BURRELL, William Dracas, Fruit
and Potato Merchant, Central Buildings, Matlock Bank |
24 August 1897
[Bankruptcy, Notice of Dividends]
Paid at Crown Buildings, Matlock,
[by Robert HALL]
Trustee to Richard WALL of Wirksworth |
3 September 1897
[Deed of Assignment]
Creditors of James BLACKSHAW of the Queen's
Head Hotel, Matlock Bridge to forward particulars to Trustee
by 30 Sept |
7 September 1897
[Bankruptcy, Receiving Orders]
BOSWELL, Alfred now of Bournemouth,
late of Bonsall, Matlock Bath, Colour Maker. Debtor's Petition |
21 September 1897
[Bankruptcy, Adjudications]
BOSWELL, Alfred now of Bournemouth,
late of Bonsall, Matlock Bath, Colour Maker |
2 November 1897
[Civil Service Commission, Certified for the Appointment]
Without Competition: 16 Dec, Post Office, Postmen, William HARDY (Matlock
Bath) |
5 November 1897
Estate of Richard Young, deceased, late of Matlock Moor (died
2 Jan 1897) Will proved Derby 29 June 1897 by Thomas YOUNG of
Kimberley Farmer and William SHIPSTON of Crich Farmer, Executors.
James POTTER of Matlock Bridge, Solicitor for Executors |
23 November 1897
[In Parliament- Session 1898]
Matlock Urban District Council.
Purchase by Compulsion or Agreement Matlock waterworks Company
Limited to the UDC. Mentions 1. forming "Cuckoostone Reservoir"
by embankment across the Bentley Brook; a collection chamber
at Allenhill Spa (land reputed to belong to Rev. Charles Wolley
DOD, occupied by Edward SLACK; 3. Various intercepting sewers
including on land belonging to Henry KNOWLES Esq., Frederic
Charles ARKWRIGHT Esq. Copies deposited House of Commons before
21 Dec. Dated 17 Nov 1897. M.A. SLEIGH, Matlock, Solicitor for
the Bill. No other names. 6 pages, with details |
17 December 1897
[Bankruptcy, Notice of Release of Trustees]
BURRELL, William
Dracas, Fruit and Potato Merchant, Central Buildings, Matlock
Bank |
1898 |
1 February 1898
[Civil Service Commission, Certified for the Appointment]
Without Competition: 28 Jan, Post Office, Postmen, John BOWMER (Matlock
Bath) |
8 February 1898
[Civil Service Commission, Certified for the Appointment]
Without Competition: 3 Feb, Post Office, Learners, Caroline JOHNSON
(Matlock Bath) |
18 February 1898
[Civil Service Commission, Certified for the Appointment]
Without Competition: 15 Feb, Post Office, Learners, Henry FENNELL (Matlock
Bath) |
29 April 1898
Estate of John SHEPHARD, Deceased, Commercial Traveller late
of Birmingham (died 29 Mar 1898 at Dalefield House Matlock Bridge).
Probate Principal Registry 22 Apr to Hugh McCLELLAND of Birmingham
(same address) Merchant |
27 May 1898
Matlock Tramway Company Limited, Market Hall Chambers, Matlock
Bridge. 21 May 1898. General Meeting of Members to be held 1
Jul re winding up. Job SMITH, Liquidator |
14 June 1898
Matlock Tramway Company Limited, Market Hall Chambers, Matlock
Bridge. Creditors to send names before 24 June to Job SMITH
of Matlock Bank Liquidator. M.A. SLEIGH Matlock Solicitor |
24 June 1898
[Elementary Education Acts 1870-1893]
Lords Committee of the
Privy Council on Education issued orders for the Triennial Elections
of School Boards ... Matlock, Derbyshire, Bakewell Union |
26 July 1898
Royal Assent, 25 July. Matlock Urban District Council Act, 1898 |
12 August 1898
Estate of Jane WARBURTON, Deceased, formerly of Matlock but
late of Otley, YKS, Widow (died 1 Sep 1894). Probate Wakefield
9 Nov 1894 |
20 September 1898
Matlock Waterworks Company, Limited. Extraordinary General Meeting
of Members on 20 Aug. Sale of Company to Matlock UDC. Company
to be would up voluntarily. Liquidator appointed. Job SMITH,
Chairman |
14 October 1898
Matlock Waterworks Company, Limited. Creditors to send names
by 31 October |
28 October 1898
Dated 9 Sep 1898 for Creditors of Henry Joseph
THOMSON of Matlock, Boarding-house Keeper and Cab Proprietor.
First Dividend declared. Fredk Stone, Derby, Solicitor. Edward
Slack of Allen Hill, Matlock Bridge, Butcher and James WALTON
of Darley Dale, Corn Merchant the Trustees |
18 November 1898
[Board of Trade - Session 1899]
Matlock Urban District Tramways.
Doubling of existing single line and to carry out various works
and repairs when necessary (2 pages). Plans to be deposited
for inspection by 30 Nov with (in Matlock) Clerk of District
Council and Parish Clerk (and elsewhere). Draft proposal deposited
at Board of Trade by 23 Dec. M.A. SLEIGH, Solicitor and Clerk
to the District Council, Matlock |
22 November 1898
[In Parliament - Session 1899]
Derby Corporation Water re a
Reservoir at Hope Woodlands. Affected Matlock. Several pages.
Various overflows (p.365) |
16 December 1898
[Civil Service Commission, Certified for the Appointment]
Without Competition: 14 Dec, Post Office, Postmen, Horace BIRD (Matlock
Bath) |
1899 |
17 January 1899
[Civil Service Commission, Certified for the Appointment]
Without Competition: 14 Jan, Post Office, Postmen, Philip GELL (Matlock
Bath) |
24 January 1899
Estate of John PENDLEBURY, Deceased, Draper late of Wigan. Will
proved Lancaster 17 Dec 1898 by Herbert Stringfellow PENDLEBURY
of London and George Godfrey MACDONALD, M.D., of Crick [sic]
near Matlock |
27 January 1899
Estate of John EVANS, Deceased, Miller of Darley Dale. James
POTTER, Matlock Bridge, Solicitor for Executors |
7 March 1899
Matlock Waterworks Company, Limited. In Liquidation. General
Meeting of Creditors re an account for winding up |
14 March 1899
Estate of George PEGLAR, Deceased, Hotel Keeper, late of the
Crown Hotel, Matlock Bridge (died 9 June 1898). Will proved
Derby 19 Jul last by Caroline WHITE, Mary Rollins ELLSE and
Florence NEVILLE, Executrixes. James POTTER, Matlock Bridge,
Solicitor for Executrixes |
2 May 1899
[Civil Service Commission, Certified for the Appointment]
Without Competition: 27 Apr, Post Office, Postmen, Davis Lee SLATER
(Matlock Bath) |
2 May 1899
[Deed of Assignment]
Henry LOWE of Lea Wood near Matlock Bath
Wool and waste Merchant and Wholesale Ale and Porter Agent.
Creditors to send names to Trustee by 27 May. F.C. LYNN Matlock
Bath Solicitor |
16 June 1899
Long Rake Lead and Spar Mining Company, Limited. Robert HALL
of Matlock, Incorporated Accountant, appointed Liquidator |
4 July 1899
Estate of George WARD, Deceased, Innkeeper, late of the Duke
of Wellington Inn Matlock Bank (died 13 Aug 1898). Will proved
Derby 4 Nov last by Samuel Orlando WARD of Matlock Innkeeper
and Thomas EVANS of Matlock Innkeeper, Executors. James POTTER,
Matlock Bridge, Solicitor for Executors |
8 September 1899
[Bankruptcy, Receiving Orders]
WHITE, Frederick. Now residing Hope Villa, Matlock Bank, formerly of the Crown Hotel, Ryde,
IOW. Debtor's Petition
[Bankruptcy, Adjudications]
WHITE, Frederick. Now residing Hope Villa, Matlock Bank, page 33 |
27 October 1899
Edward GREENHOUGH deceased late of Parkfield Matlock Bath ...
Will proved Derby 26th Sep 1899 by the Rev Edward John
and Joseph DIXON. James POTTER, Matlock Bridge, Solicitor
for Executors |
27 October 1899
Estate of Ann WALTERS, Deceased, Spinster, late of Matlock Bath
(died 3 July 1899). Will proved Derby 26 Sep 1899 by Job SMITH
of Matlock Bank Hydropathist, one of the Executors. James POTTER,
Matlock Bridge, Solicitor for Executors |
7 November 1899
Long Rake Lead and Spar Mining Company, Limited. Robert HALL,
Victoria-buildings, Dale-road, Matlock, Liquidator |
15 December 1899
Matlock Pleasure Gardens Company, Limited. Extraordinary General
Meeting of Members 5 Oct 1899. Company cannot continue in business
and advisable to wind it up. W. MOXON, Chairman |
29 December 1899
Partnership between David Hannan THORNTON and John MARSHALL
both of Brookfoot near Brighouse and James Neilson SPROUL, Laundry
Proprietors, Dyers and Cleaners at the Matlock Bath Laundry
Company, Cromford [and various other places]
dissolved by mutual
consent 1. DHT from 10 Mar; 2. JM and JNS from 16 Aug 1899.
JNS to continue Matlock Bath Laundry [and another at Eccles]
as James N. SPROUL and Co.. Dated 23 Dec 1899 |
1900 |
18 May 1900
Estate of Fanny ELSE, Deceased, wife of George Nuttall ELSE,
Matlock Bridge (died 10 October 1899), him Auctioneer and Estate
Agent. Will with one codicil proved Derby 28 Feb 1900 by the
Reverend John GAIR of YKS Nonconformist Minister and Edwin Wells
SMITH of Sheffield, Chemist, two of the Executors |
6 July 1900
Estate of Arthur GREGORY, Deceased, late of Springfield Cottage,
Matlock Bank (died 28 Jul 1899). Will proved Derby 28 Jul 1899
by Margaretta GREGORY and George HAWLEY, Executors. F. C. LYMN,
Matlock Bath, Solicitor for the Executors |
10 July 1900
[Bankruptcy, Receiving Orders]
CLARKE, Albert Morley. Late of
Witham, ESS then of Bridge-Hall and now of Crown-chambers, Crown-square,
Matlock, Architect and Civil Engineer, Debtor's Petition
[Bankruptcy, Adjudications]
CLARKE, Albert Morley. Now of Crown-chambers,
Crown-square, Matlock, Architect and Civil Engineer, page 79 |
20 July 1900
[Bankruptcy, First Meetings and Public Examinations]
CLARKE, Albert Morley. Now of Crown-chambers, Crown-square, Matlock,
Architect and Civil Engineer |
17 August 1900
[Bankruptcy, Receiving Orders]
BARBER, William Harvey, Matlock
Cliffe, late of Bank-road, both in Matlock. Of no occupation,
formerly Photographer. Debtor's Petition
[Bankruptcy, Adjudications]
BARBER, William Harvey, Matlock
Cliffe, late of Bank-road, both in Matlock, page 45 |
24 August 1900
[Bankruptcy, First Meetings and Public Examinations]
BARBER, William Harvey, Matlock Cliffe, late of Bank-road, both in Matlock. |
23 November 1900
[Civil Service Commission, Certified for the Appointment]
Without Competition: 21 Nov, Post Office, Learners, George Henry SLATER
(Matlock Bath) |
4 December 1900
Deed of Assignment, 12 Jul 1900. Joseph RICHARDS of Smedley-street,
Matlock, Hydropathist. Creditors who have not sent claims to
do so before 27 Dec. Robert HALL, Victoria Buildings, Matlock,
Incorporated Accountant, Trustee |
28 December 1900
Estate of Ann SAMPSON, Deceased, late of Clarence-villas, Matlock
Bath, Widow (died on or about 23 Feb 1885). Estate and effects
letters of administration with will annexed granted Principal
Registry 23 Feb 1885 to Henry Samuel SAMPSON |
Provided for personal research purposes only.
Originally researched by the web mistress for personal private research
and held in two databases as some surnames, i.e. BRYAN, NUTTALL, CLAY,
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