Matlock & Matlock
Bath Names in the London Gazette |
A finding aid to make searching easier
for those with Matlock and Matlock Bath ancestors |
Nineteenth Century Entries : 1891 - 1895 |

Army and Regimental Promotions, Bankruptcies,
Business Partnership Changes, Civil Service Examinations, Orders of
Chancery, Changes of Name, Company Liquidations, Acts of Parliament,
Debtors, Honours, Inland Revenue Declarations (Banks), Property Sales,
Wills |
1891 |
23 January 1891
[Bankruptcy, Application for Debtors Discharge] CLAY, Joseph
Francis, Matlock Bridge, Ironmonger |
30 January, 1891
John TERRY, Deceased, Solicitor late of Cheapside and Surrey.
HARRIS and TERRY, Matlock Bridge, Solicitors for the Executors |
6 February 1891
[Bankruptcy, Notice of Release of Trustees]
WRAGG, George in lodgings at Greenhill-terrace, Matlock |
13 March 1891
[Bankruptcy, Orders made on Application for Debtors Discharge]
CLAY, Joseph Francis, Matlock Bridge, Ironmonger |
24 March 1891
Partnership between Robert ORME, William Henry MARSDEN, Robert
Banton ORME, Edmund ORME and Stanley ORME (Wine and Spirit Merchants)
at Derby and Wine and Spirit Merchants and Grocers at Matlock
Bridge (R. ORME and Co.), dissolved by mutual consent from 3
Mar 1890. Debts due to and owing by received and paid by all
but RBO |
5 May 1891
Margaret JOHNSON, Deceased, formerly of Clifton Villa, Matlock
Bath but late of Rose Cottage, Cromford, Widow (died 16 Mar
1891). Will proved by Richard ROBINSON and John HOLMES executors
27 Apr 1891. F. C. LYMN, 3 Fountain Chambers, Matlock Bath,
Solicitors for the Executors |
29 May 1891
[Bankruptcy, Orders made on Application for Debtors Discharge]
LUGG, William Surtees, lodging in Derby but late of Matlock
Bridge. Discharge suspended for one month. Bankrupt not kept
books properly |
9 June 1891
[Deed of Assignment for benefit of creditors] Ellen WRIGHT of
Matlock Bridge, Widow, Administratrix of George Wheeldon WRIGHT,
deceased. First dividend to be declared, 4 Jul 1891 |
4 September 1891
Mary ORDISH, Deceased, late of Burton-upon-Trent, Widow (died
25 Mar last). Administration granted to Rebecca ORTON of Belle
View Hydro, Matlock Bank, Widow, 28 Aug last at Lichfield |
3 November 1891
[Bankruptcy, Receiving Orders]
HOPKINSON, John, Higham near Alfreton, late Matlock Green,
Matlock, Gardener, late Innkeeper Derby CC, Debtor's Petition
[Bankruptcy, First Meetings and Public Examinations]
HOPKINSON, John, Higham near Alfreton, late Matlock Green,
Matlock, Gardener, page 40.
[Bankruptcy, Adjudications] HOPKINSON, John, Higham near Alfreton,
late Matlock Green, Matlock, Gardener, page 44 |
1892 |
15 January 1892
Michael Thomas MORRALL, Deceased, Gentleman, late of Balmoral
House, Matlock Bank (died 30 Oct 1891). Will proved at the Principal
Registry 9 Dec 1891) by John SYKES and George SYKES, Executors |
19 January 1892
Partnership between Ellen WRIGHT and Henry James Wheeldon WRIGHT,
Estate Agents and House Agents at Matlock Bridge, dissolved
by mutual consent 13 Jan 1892. Debts due to and owing by paid
by EW |
22 January 1892
[Order of the High Court, Chancery Division] Herbert HOUSLEY,
deceased, late of Smedley-street, Matlock, Pork Butcher (died
25 Aug 1890). Creditors to send to HARRIS and TERRY of Matlock
Bridge, Solicitors for Blanche HOUSLEY, Widow, Administratrix |
5 February 1892
[Bankruptcy, Receiving Orders]
BALLINGTON, Josiah, Dale road, Matlock Bridge, Boot and Shoe
Manufacturer, Debtor's Petition
[Bankruptcy, First Meeting and Public Examinations]
BALLINGTON, Josiah, Dale road, Matlock Bridge, page 32.
[Bankruptcy, Adjudications] BALLINGTON, Josiah, Dale road, Matlock
Bridge, page 36 |
19 February 1892
[Bankruptcy, Appointment of Trustees]
BALLINGTON, Josiah, Dale
road, Matlock Bridge |
15 March 1892
[Bankruptcy, Application for Debtor's Discharge] DRABBLE, Thomas
Cooper (see 1878]... formerly residing at Matlock Bridge but
now of Matlock Bank, Silk Throwster and Manufacturer |
22 March 1892
Partnership between Stephen WHITE and Frederick Augustus MILLNE,
Grocers, Provisions, Wine, Spirit, and Beer Merchants and Mineral
and Aërated Water Manufacturers at Matlock Bridge (WHITE
and MILLNE), dissolved by mutual consent 18 Mar 1892 |
29 April 1892
Caroline Anne SMEDLEY, Deceased, Widow, late of Riber Castle,
in the parish of Matlock (died 26 Feb last) Will proved at Derby
31 Mar last by George Samuel DEVERELL, of HMS "Empress"
off Row, DMB a Commander in the Royal Navy and Frederick Osmond
HARWARD, Leicester-villas, 44 Broderick Road, Upper Tooting,
Bank Clerk. James POTTER, Matlock Bridge, solr for Executors |
10 May 1892
Joseph Travis CLAY, late of Rastrick, YKS. Alfred CLAY, Esq.,
of Matlock one of the Executors |
10 May 1892
[Bankruptcy, Unconditional Discharge] DRABBLE, Thomas Cooper
(see 1878]... formerly residing at Matlock Bridge but now of
Matlock Bank, Silk Throwster and Manufacturer |
20 May 1892
[Bankruptcy, Notice of Intended Dividends] BALLINGTON, Josiah,
Dale road, Matlock Bridge |
28 June 1892
[Bankruptcy, Notice of Dividends] BALLINGTON, Josiah, Dale road,
Matlock Bridge |
12 July 1892
Matlock Tramway Company Limited - By-Laws and Regulations |
26 July 1892
David DOXEY, Deceased, Gentleman, late of Matlock (died 29 March
1892) Will proved Derby 20 Apr 1892 by David DOXEY of Newhaven,
Charles James Carr of Liverpool and Elizabeth WESTON of Bury.
James POTTER, Matlock Bridge, solr for Executors |
26 July 1892
James SMITH, Darley Dale, Nurseryman, (d.29 Mar 1892) Will Derby
19 May to Arrow Smith of DD Nurseryman and Joseph Henry Dawson
of DD Clerk. James POTTER, Matlock Bridge, solr for Executors] |
16 September 1892
[Deed of Assignment] Isaac Hutchinson LONGMIRE of Crown-buildings,
Matlock Bridge, Draper, estate of. Trustee will make a dividend
as soon as convenient |
1893 |
10 January 1893
[Bankruptcy, Notice of Intended Dividends] BALLINGTON, Josiah,
Dale road, Matlock Bridge |
10 February 1893
[Bankruptcy, Notice of Dividends] BALLINGTON, Josiah, Dale road,
Matlock Bridge |
14 February 1893
Partnership between James TURNER and George Robert HALL, Architects,
Surveyors and Estate Agents at Matlock Bridge (TURNER and HALL),
dissolved by mutual consent 4 February 1893 |
14 February 1893
Deed of Assignment. Walter HADFIELD of Hartshorne, Riber, Matlock.
William YEOMANS of Holloway, Land Agent is Trustee |
11 April 1893
HARRIS and TERRY, Matlock Bridge, Solr for Executors re Estate
of Georgiana PALMER-MOREWOOD, Deceased |
6 June 1893
[Bankruptcy, Receiving Orders]
ELLIOTT, George William, Tailor,
lately trading at Buxton House, Matlock Bridge, trading at 1
and 2 Babington-lane and residing 19 Sacheveral-street, both
Derby. Debtor's Petition
[Bankruptcy, Adjudications] ELLIOTT, George William, Tailor,
lately trading at Buxton House, Matlock Bridge, page 43 |
9 June 1893
[Bankruptcy, First Meetings and Public Examinations]
ELLIOTT, George William, Tailor, lately trading at Buxton House,
Matlock Bridge |
23 June 1893
[Bankruptcy, Appointment of Trustees]
ELLIOTT, George William,
Tailor, lately trading at Buxton House, Matlock Bridge |
4 July 1893
HARRIS and TERRY, Matlock Bridge, Solr for Executors re Estate
of Andrew SHAW, Deceased |
7 July 1893
[Bankruptcy, Receiving Orders]
CLARK, Richard Peter, Late Brewer's
Traveller now out of employment, Tansley, near Matlock. Debtor's
[Bankruptcy, First Meetings and Public Examinations]
CLARK, Richard Peter, Late Brewer's Traveller now out of employment,
Tansley, near Matlock, page 37.
[Bankruptcy, Adjudications] CLARK, Richard Peter, Late Brewer's
Traveller now out of employment, Tansley, near Matlock, page
41 |
11 July 1893
[Order of the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division] NUTTALL
v. JACKSON, 1871. To be sold at the Old English Hotel, Matlock
Bridge by Mr. Joseph HODGKINSON on 3 Aug 1893. Properties near
Matlock Bridge: 1. Freehold residence, stabling, coach house,
etc., known as The Firs, with the orchard and garden (small
part being copyhold); 2. Freehold dwelling and garden on Chesterfield
Road; 3. About 5 acres of land abutting on same road. Particulars
available from the Auctioneer, Mr. Joseph HODGKINSON, Bank Chambers,
Matlock Bridge, and in London |
14 July 1893
Timothy TAYLOR, Deceased, Licensed Victualler, late of Tansley
(died 24 July 1892) Will proved Derby 13 Dec last by John TAYLOR
of Matlock Bridge, Licensed Victualler, Thomas TAYLOR of Brackenfield,
Licensed Victualler, and George Taylor of Tansley, Licensed
Victualler, the Executors. James POTTER, Matlock Bridge, Solicitor
for Executors |
18 July 1893
Corbetta Sophia Frances LEACROFT, Deceased, late of Matlock
Dale, Widow, Deceased (died 26 April 1893). Claims to executor
by 31 Aug. Walter N. HARRIS, the Rocks, Matlock, Solicitor (and
Executor) |
15 September 1893
Estate of Elizabeth BROOMHEAD, Deceased, Spinster, late of Belmont
Cottage, Matlock Bath (died 19 July 1893) Will proved Derby
8 Sept 1893 by John ROBINSON of Handsworth, Sole Executor |
15 September 1893
[Bankruptcy, Notice of Release of Trustees]
LUGG, William Surtees,
lodging in Derby but late of Matlock Bridge |
3 November 1893
Estate of Andrew Bunting BRIDGE, Deceased, Stone Merchant and
Farmer, late of Matlock Cliff, itpo Matlock (died 6 Nov 1892).
Will proved Derby 10 Jan 1893, by Ann BRIDGE, Thomas BRIDGE
and George BODEN, the Executors. James POTTER, Matlock Bridge,
Solicitor for Executors |
7 November 1893
[Bankruptcy, Notice of Intended Dividends] ELLIOTT, George William,
Tailor, lately trading at Buxton House, Matlock Bridge |
14 November 1893
Estate of John TAYLOR, Deceased, Hotel Keeper, late of The Old
English Hotel, Matlock Bridge (died 21 Oct 1892). Will proved
Derby 20 Jan 1893 by Timothy TAYLOR and John TAYLOR, the Executors.
James POTTER, Matlock Bridge, Solicitor for Executors |
24 November 1893
Hunslet Citadel Company Limited and Stockport Citadel Company
Limited. Frederick Edwin LEGGOE of Matlock Bath, Accountant
appointed Liquidator for purposes of winding up both companies
(given in two notices) |
28 November 1893
[Bankruptcy, Notice of Dividends] ELLIOTT, George William, Tailor,
lately trading at Buxton House, Matlock Bridge |
1894 |
2 February 1894
Mary FOX, Deceased, Spinster, Late of Matlock Bridge (died 10
July 1893) Will with one codicil proved Derby 7 Oct 1893 by
John FOX and Robert Alcock, surviving Executors. John Edward
ALCOCK, of Mansfield, solr the for Executors |
27 February 1894
[Civil Service Commission, Certified for the Appointment] Without
Competition: Post Office, Postmen, Alfred HURSTHOUSE, Matlock
Bath |
20 March 1894
[Bankruptcy, Receiving Orders]
NICHOLSON, Richard, Hydropathist,
Bridge House, Matlock Bridge and Clarence House, Matlock Bath.
Debtor's Petition
[Bankruptcy, First Meetings and Public Examinations]
NICHOLSON, Richard, Hydropathist, page 44
[Bankruptcy, Adjudications] NICHOLSON, Richard, Hydropathist,
page 51 |
23 March 1894
Ecclesiastical Commissioners. Incumbent of Holy Trinity, Matlock
Bath and his successors. Land including messuage or dwelling
house to them to have and to hold forever |
20 April 1894
Partnership between Walter Noel HARRIS and John Frederic TERRY,
Solicitors at Matlock, Crich, Alfreton and Ilkeston, dissolved
by mutual consent 17 Apr 1894. WNH to continue |
20 April 1894
Estate of William CLARKE, Deceased late of Tansley (died 4 Dec
1893). Will proved Derby 26 Jan instant by Thomas TAYLOR of
Tansley Farmer and Joseph HODGKINSON of Matlock, Auctioneer,
Executors. James POTTER, Matlock Bridge, Solr to Executors |
1 June 1894
[Civil Service Commission, Certified for the Appointment] Without
Competition: 30th May, Post Office, Postmistress, Wirksworth
(S.O.), Matlock Bath, Hannah, ALLEN.
[Same Page] 1st June, Post Office, Hannah ALLEN to be Postmistress,
Wirksworth, S.O., Matlock Bath |
5 June 1894
[Bankruptcy, Notice of Intended Dividends] ELLIOTT, George William,
Tailor, lately trading at Buxton House, Matlock Bridge |
12 June 1894
[Bankruptcy, Notice of Intended Dividends] CLARK, Richard Peter,
Late Brewer's Traveller now out of employment, Tansley, near
Matlock |
26 June 1894
[Bankruptcy, Notice of Dividends] ELLIOTT, George William, Tailor,
lately trading at Buxton House, Matlock Bridge |
13 July 1894
[Bankruptcy, Notice of Dividends] CLARK, Richard Peter, Late
Brewer's Traveller now out of employment, Tansley, near Matlock |
9 October 1894
Partnership between Robert LOWE of Manchester and James Howard
SCHOLES of Tansley Mills, Matlock, Woollen and Shawl Manufacturers
and Smallware Manufacturers at Tansley Mills (LOWE and SCHOLES),
dissolved by mutual consent 31 Aug 1894. Woollen and Shawl Manufacturing
continued by RL at Manchester. Smallware Manufacturing continued
at Tansley Mills by JHS |
9 November 1894
Estate of John Bassett GREGORY, Senior, Deceased (died 5 Jul
1894) of Ashover. James POTTER, Matlock Bridge, Solicitor for
Executors |
11 December 1894
[Bankruptcy, Notice of Release of Trustees]
Frederick, Prince of Wales Hotel, Matlock Bath, Hotel Proprietor |
18 December 1894
[Bankruptcy, Notice of Intended Dividends] NICHOLSON, Richard,
Hydropathist, Bridge House, Matlock Bridge and Clarence House,
Matlock Bath |
1895 |
8 January 1895
[Civil Service Commission, Certified for the Appointment] Without
Competition: 3rd Jan, Post Office, Postmen, Joseph SPENCER,
Matlock Bath |
18 January 1895
[Bankruptcy, Notice of Release of Trustees]
CLARK, Richard Peter,
Late Brewer's Traveller now out of business, Tansley, near Matlock
formerly Oakerthorpe |
8 February 1895
[Bankruptcy, Receiving Orders]
BURRELL, William Dracas, Fruit and Potato Merchant, Central
Buildings, Matlock Bank. Debtor's Petition |
12 February 1895
[Bankruptcy, Notice of Dividends] NICHOLSON, Richard, Hydropathist,
Bridge House, Matlock Bridge and Clarence House, Matlock Bath |
5 March 1895
[Bankruptcy, Receiving Orders]
CLARK, Mary Jane, Pork Butcher
(wife of Peter) Central Buildings, Matlock Bank. Creditor's
Petition |
8 March 1895
[Bankruptcy, First Meetings and Public Examinations]
CLARK, Mary Jane, Pork Butcher (wife of Peter) Central Buildings, Matlock
Bank |
22 March 1895
[Bankruptcy, Adjudications] CLARK, Mary Jane, Pork Butcher (wife
of Peter) Central Buildings, Matlock Bank |
2 April 1895
[Bankruptcy, Notice of Release of Trustees]
William, Tailor, lately trading at Buxton House, Matlock Bridge |
7 May 1895
[Bankruptcy, Receiving Orders]
THOMPSON, James, the younger
(lately trading as J.E.and M. THOMPSON) Fruiterer, Matlock Bridge,
lately trading at Matlock Bridge. Debtor's Petition |
10 May 1895
[Bankruptcy, First Meetings and Public Examinations]
THOMPSON, James, the younger (lately trading as J.E.and M.
THOMPSON) Fruiterer, Matlock Bridge |
17 May 1895
Revd. Valentine WARD, Deceased, Congregational Minister, late
of Matlock (died 6 Dec 1894). Will proved Derby 15 Jan last
by Emma WARD, Widow of Matlock, Thomas Leman TEMPERLEY of Hexham
and Hugh PEARSON of Clapton Park, MDX, Executors. James POTTER,
Matlock Bridge, Solicitor for Executors |
2 July 1895
[Civil Service Commission, Certified for the Appointment] Without
Competition: 3rd Jul, Post Office, Sorting Clerks and Telegraph
Learners, Frederick Herbert BRIDDON (Matlock Bath) |
2 July 1895
[Civil Service Commission, Certified for the Appointment] Without
Competition: 9 Nov, Post Office, Sorting Clerks and Telegraph
Learners, Florence Sophia JEFFREY (Matlock Bath) |
5 July 1895
Anne ROBINSON, Deceased, Spinster of Leicester (died 13 Mar
1891 intestate). Administration granted Leicester 19 June 1895
to Annie ROBINSON of Brimswood-terrace [sic] Matlock
Bath. F. C. LYMN, Matlock Bath, Solicitor for Administratrix |
23 August 1895
[Bankruptcy, Notice of Release of Trustees]
Hydropathist, Bridge House, Matlock Bridge and Clarence House,
Matlock Bath. Robert HALL, of Crown Buildings, Matlock Bridge,
Trustee |
13 September 1895
[Civil Service Commission, Certified for the Appointment] Without
Competition: 10 Sep, Post Office, Sorting Clerks and Telegraph
Learners, Charles Anthony CHEETHAM (Matlock Bath) |
18 October 1895
[Civil Service Commission, Certified for the Appointment] Without
Competition: 15 Oct, Post Office, Sorting Clerks and Telegraph
Learners, Alfred George COLLINSON (Matlock Bath) |
5 November 1895
[Civil Service Commission, Certified for the Appointment] Without
Competition: 2 Nov, Post Office, Sorting Clerks and Telegraph
Learners, Mary Hirons JONES (Matlock Bath) |
12 November 1895
[Civil Service Commission, Certified for the Appointment] Without
Competition: 9 Nov, Post Office, Sorting Clerks and Telegraph
Learners, Elizabeth WRIGHT (Matlock Bath) |
12 November 1895
Reverend John HIGGS, Deceased, Clerk in Holy Orders, late of
Matlock Bath (died 1 Aug 1895) Will Proved Derby 19 Sep 1895
by Thomas DAKIN of Quorndon and Job SMITH of Matlock Gentleman,
Executors. James POTTER, Matlock Bridge, Solr to Executors |
19 November 1895
Matlock Bath Gaslight and Coke Company Limited. Application
to Board of Trade (about 23 Dec). Including 1. to maintain,
alter, enlarge etc their gasholders etc on land at Matlock containing
5,375 sq. yds bounded by land owned by Frederic Charles ARKWRIGHT,
Esq., and Midland Railway Company; to supply and sell gas within
the Urban District of Matlock, Matlock Bath and Scarthin Nick
(except where supplied by Matlock and District Gas Co) and Bonsall
and Cromford RD. James POTTER, Solicitor for the Promoters |
26 November 1895
Matlock Bath Gas. Bill to be deposited House of Commons by 21
Dec. F.C. LYMN, Solicitor, Matlock Bath |
20 December 1895
[Civil Service Commission, Certified for the Appointment] Without
Competition: 16 Dec, Post Office, Postmen, Joseph Jesse ROSLING
(Matlock Bath) |
20 December 1895
Estate of John ELSE, Deceased, Auctioneer and Estate Agent (died
28 April 1895). Will proved Derby 16 Dec 1895 by Alfred Charles
ELSE, George Nuttall ELSE, Hepzibah Selina ELSE of Matlock,
Executors. James POTTER, Matlock Bridge, Solicitor |
Entries for 1896 - 1900 are on
the next page |
Provided for personal research purposes only.
Originally researched by the web mistress for personal private research
and held in two databases as some surnames, i.e. BRYAN, NUTTALL, CLAY,
LEACROFT are also included in personal private research databases.
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