Matlock & Matlock
Bath Wills Calendar |
Lists of pre-1858 Wills and Wills proved within
Derbyshire 1858 - 1928 |
Did they leave a Will? |
Here are lists of names of former Matlock and Matlock Bath
residents known to have left a Will.
- Pre 1858 Will information has been extracted from a variety
of sources, including from Extracts of Death Duty Registers
(DDR) held at TNA and Phillimore's "Calendars, 1516-1652" ... see
Will Info. There are Wills proved in the Lichfield Consistory
Court and in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, plus Wills
held by the DRO.
- Burial dates have been linked to almost all Wills
before 1699. Sometimes there
are spelling variations between the name on the Will and
the name in the Parish Register. Occasionally an individual
asked to be buried outside Matlock and their burails are
not here.
- Pre-1858 wills information is an ongoing project and your
input is welcome.
- The 1858 - 1928 lists on these pages are based on information
researched by Michael Spencer of Matlock and originally circulated
to the Derbysgen Discussion Group[1].
Additional information, such as dates of death or of probate
and executor(s), researched by Ann Andrews from various sources
including First Avenue House.
- Not every Matlock will post 1858 was proved within Derbyshire
so what you are seeking may not be found here ... see Will
- All references to "Lichfield" Wills mean Wills
that were held at the former Lichfield JRO but are
now at the Staffordshire Record Office.
Part of a Copy of a Grant of Probate |
Sample of a pre-1858 PCC will |
[1]Michael Spencer's work is reproduced
with kind permission.
Michael's extracts for the whole of
Derbyshire may now be found at Yesterdays,
a site maintained for him by Neil Wilson.
The Derbyshire Record Office have now produced an online index
of Derbyshire wills they hold for the period 1858-1928 (as .pdf
files) and you can search by surname, area or date of probate
Go to Search
Derbyshire Wills
My grateful thanks also to John Palmer for getting me started
with the first 117 names of the post 1858 Wills and to Kathryn
Morano for forwarding many of the remainder.