Guide to Matlock ... , about 1869* |
Eighteenth and nineteenth century tour guides
about Matlock Bath and Matlock |
Designed for the Victorian visitor |

the Guide
Bemroses' Guide is a beautifully illustrated and informative
little book. Here you can browse through the whole of the Matlock
section of the guide.
Page headers in old books contained what we now think of as sub
headings; this guide was no exception and these are listed
below in the chapter information. You'll also notice that the
Guide may have the title Matlock, but is mostly about Matlock
Bath. Many old books talked of Matlock, yet it was often 'The
Bath' and its lovely scenery being described. Advertisements were
placed at the back of Guides and all ten advertisements for Matlock
and Matlock Bath in Bemroses' Guide are on site; suggested walks
and places to visit were also included to make it a "must" for
tourists to buy and read.
The publication date suggested here has been arrived at from a
variety of "clues" within the guide itself, though
there is no publication date given. The railway timetables are
dated 14th May 1869 and it is likely this guide was published
in preparation for the summer tourist season of that year. It
was clearly published after 1866 as page 18 refers to 1866 in
the past tense. In addition, Joseph Radfirth, whose advertisement
appears on p.6 of the adverts, died in August 1869. Whilst it
is a guess, I believe that the advert was submitted for inclusion
and Mr. Radfirth then died. If you have any further information
please email.
An advertisement for the Bemrose Matlock
Bath Circulating Library was published in Hall's "Day's
in Derbyshire"
in 1863
*Transcribed from
'Bemroses' Guide to Matlock, Bakewell, Chatsworth, Haddon Hall,
&c' by John Hicklin, Third Edition, pub Bemrose and Sons,
London (no date, but about 1869).
Reproduced here with the very kind permission and help of Sonia Addis
Smith, whose book this is from.
OCRed and images scanned by Ann Andrews, 2001 - 2004.
The following may also be
of interest
Matlock Images:
Photographs, Postcards, Engravings and Etchings