Guide to Matlock ... , about 1869* |
Eighteenth and nineteenth century tour guides
about Matlock Bath and Matlock |
The Royal Cumberland Cavern & Romantic Rocks Advertisement

'These caverns are, for the most part, mostly excavated mines, which
have been worked, from age to age, by successive generations from
the olden time, when those mighty masters of the world, the ancient
Romans, left the memorials of their power and skill in Britain - till
their subterranean chambers ceased to yield a remuneration for the
toil of the exploring labourers.'
'Messrs. Smedley's CUMBERLAND CAVERN is the oldest and, geologically
considered, the most remarkable of these astonishing excavations;
exhibiting singular cominations and wonderful contrasts, that cannot
fail to impress the ordinary observer, and to perplex the conjectures
of the studious.' |
*'Bemroses' Guide to Matlock, Bakewell, Chatsworth, Haddon Hall,
&c' by John Hicklin, Third Edition, pub Bemrose and Sons,
London (no date, but about 1869).
Reproduced here with the very kind permission and help of Sonia Addis
Smith, whose book this is from.
OCRed and images scanned by Ann Andrews, 2001 - 2004.
More on site information
about Matlock Bath's Caverns
of the Peak (1840)
Lead Mining
The following may also be of interest
William Smedley wrote a
poem called Matlock Bath, Derbyshire (scroll down the page)