"is a large village, situated in the two counties of Derby and Leicester:
the greatest number of its houses standing in the former, and its
church in the latter county."
In the Deanery of Repington.
"written in Domesday Pevrewic*, is a chapelry belonging
to the parish of Ashbourn. The church is dedicated to St. Peter.
At the time of the Norman survey, Parwich was a royal manor, and
passed in the same manner as Wirksworth, till the time of Charles
I. In this manor, was included a subordinate, yet more valuable one,
which belonged to the Fitzherberts of Norbury, and afterwards to
the Cokaines of Ashbourn, who sold it in the time of James the First[1];
in whose reign it was purchased by the family of Levigne,
a descendant of which, Sir Richard Levigne, is the present possessor
of the estate.
Half a mile to the North of this village, there are some faint
vestiges of a Roman encampment or station. The spot is called Lombard's
Green, and is a level piece of ground, on the summit of a very
high eminence. It is of an oblong form, and occupies about half an
acre of ground. It consists of about twelve divisions, made by walls,
the foundations of which are in many places still visible. The size
and shape of the remaining divisions are various, some being oblong,
some semi-circular, and others square. The ground has been much disturbed
by searching for lead ore; and it was by a miner, about forty years
ago, the discovery was made, which led to suppose that it was occupied
by the Romans. About the depth of two feet and a half, a military
weapon, a considerable number of coins, and an urn of great thickness,
in which the coins, had, most probably, been deposited, were found.
The coins, consisted, principally, of Roman Denarii, in good
preservation. They were all together about eighty, and stamped in
the Upper empire, and were some of them as high as the Triumvirate
of Octavius, Lepidus, and Marc Antony ; and
others as low as the emperor Aurelian. Near this ancient station,
on the summit of the hill, is a bank about two feet high, and three
broad, which extends nearly two miles and a half, in a direction
East and West: at the western extremity it enters the road leading
from Ashbourn to Buxton. About four hundred yards below is a second
narrow ridge of earth, which extends about half a mile to the West
in a direction nearly parallel to the former. Whether these banks
were formerly connected with the station, or only intended as boundaries,
it seems impossible to ascertain."
*A footnote records:
To this manor belonged then "three berewicks, Elleshope (Alsop), Hanzedone (Hanson
Grange) and Eitun (Eaton); and five manors, Derelai (Darley), Mestesforde, Werchefourde (Wirksworth), Esseburne (Ashbourn)
and Peurewic (Parwich), which, with their berewicks, paid
in King Edward's time thirty-two pounds, and six sectaries and a
half of honey, now forty pounds of pure silver."
In the Deanery of Ashbourne.
"is another chapelry belonging to Hathersage. The church is
said to have been built by the Countess of Shrewsbury, and is now
under the patronage of the Duke of Devonshire. William Ferrers, Earl
of Derby, gave to the Monks of Lenton, in Nottinghamshire, the tithe
of all his essarts in the forest of High Peak.
The village is but small, containing, together with the whole liberty,
100 houses. The name (Peak Forest) is not applicable to the village
only, but to an extensive tract of land, formerly covered with trees,
but now naked, forlorn, and apparently unprofitable. The forest was
anciently called De alto Pecco, and included the parishes
of Castleton, Hope, Chapel, or Boden, and Glossop, in this county;
and Mottram in Longdendale, in the county of Chester. It was stocked
with red deer, which, by tradition are reported to have traversed
the country so low as Ashford. Most of the deer perished in a deep
snow, about the time of Elizabeth, or the beginning of the reign
of James the First. Many petrified horns have been found in the limestone
The Limestone Quarries on the Peak Forest occupy an extent
of nearly half a mile in length, and two or three hundred yards in
length. Here many workmen are continually employed in boring the
rocks and shattering them into pieces by the explosions of gunpowder.
A Rail-way extends from the quarries to Chapel-en-le-Frith,
where an inclined plane has been formed on the side of a mountain,
to convey the limestone to the Manchester canal. The velocity with
which the loaded carts descend is regulated by mechanical principles."
In the Archdeaconry of Derby.
Elden-Hole[2], is situated
on the side of a gentle hill about a mile to the north-west of the
village of Peak Forest. It is a deep chasm in the ground, surrounded
by a wall of uncemented stones to prevent accidents. Many exaggerated
descriptions, and marvellous reports, have been propagated concerning
this fissure : it has, at one time, been represented as perfectly
unfathomable ; at others, as teeming, at a certain depth, with such
impure air, that no animal could respire it without immediate destruction.
Cotton affirmed more than a century ago, that he endeavoured to plumb
the cavity with a line 884 yards long, but could not find the bottom;
and that upon examining the lower end of the line, he found that
80 yards had sunk through water. And a gentleman, whose account was
quoted in Catcott's Treatise on the Deluge, from the second number
of the Philosophical Transactions, has asserted, that he let down
a line 933 yards, without meeting with a bottom. But these descriptions
of its depth are, for some reason or other, certainly erroneous:
persons have, at different periods, descended into it, and affirmed,
that the depth of the first landing below the surface, was not above
seventy yards.
About fifty years ago, a Mr. Loyd, descended into it; and communicated
an account of his descent, through the sixty-first volume of the
Philosophical Transactions. He says, that for the first twenty yards,
he descended somewhat obliquely, and that the passage then became
difficult from projecting crags. At the depth of ten yards more,
the inflexion of his rope varied at least six yards from the perpendicular.
From hence, the breadth of the chink was about three yards and the
length six; the sides irregular, moss-grown, and wet. Within fourteen
yards of the bottom, the rock opened on the east, and he swung till
he reached the floor of a cave, sixty-two yards only from the mouth,
the light from which, was sufficiently strong to permit the reading
of any print. The interior of the chasm, he describes as consisting
of two parts; one like an oven ; the other, like the dome of a glass-house,
communicating with each other by a small arched passage. On the south
side of the second cavern, was a smaller opening, about four yards
long, and two high, lined throughout with a kind of sparkling stalactite,
of a fine deep yellow colour, with some stalactitical drops hanging
from the roof. Facing the entrance he found a noble column, above
ninety feet high, of the same kind of incrustation. As he proceeded
to the north, he came to a large stone which was covered with the
same substance; and under it he found a hole, two yards deep, uniformly
lined with it. From the edge of this hole sprung up a rocky ascent,
sloping like a buttress against the side of the cavern, and consisting
of vast, solid, round masses of the same substance and colour. Having
climbed this ascent to the height of about sixty feet, he obtained
some fine pieces of stalactite, which hung from the craggy side of
the cavern. Descending with some difficulty and danger, he proceeded
in the same direction, and soon came to another pile of incrustations
of a brown colour; above which he found a small cavern, opening into
the side of the vault, which he entered. Here he saw vast masses
of stalactite, hanging like ice-icles from every part of the roof;
some of these being four and five feet long, and as thick as a man's
body. The sides of the largest cavern were mostly lined with incrustations
of three kinds; — the first was a deep yellow stalactite ; the second
a thin coating, which resembled a light stone-coloured varnish, and
reflected the light of the candle with great splendour; and the third
a rough efforescence, the shoot of which had the similitude of a
kind of rose flower. These are the principal facts communicated respecting
Elden Hole by Mr. Loyd, the only scientific person who visited it,
and whose account is the only one on which any reliance can be placed
— this it may be observed, furnishes no arguments of immeasurable
[there follows further description from "Beauties", but
it is not included]
See Pentridge.
"Pencriz, and in Domesday Pentrice, is a parish
containing the hamlet of Ripley. The living is a vicarage, and the
church is dedicated to St. Matthew. It formerly belonged to Derley
Abbey. The Duke of Devonshire is the patron. Waingriff in this parish,
was presented by Ralph Fitz-Stephen, to the Knights Hospitallers
of St. John of Jerusalem, for the erection of a house of that order
at this place. There is a Calvinists' place of worship at Pentridge."
In the Deanery of Derby.
"is a hamlet in the parish of Endsor, and containing about thirty-five
In the Archdeaconry of Derby.
Also see North Wingfield.
"is a parish containing about ninety houses, and four hundred and
twenty five inhabitants. The living is a rectory; and church is dedicated
to St. Helen. There is a considerable porcelain factory at Pinxton,
which finds employment for several hands."
In the Deanery of Chesterfield.
"is a parish and hamlet containing about ninety houses. As early
as the time of Edward the Second[1] there
was a church at this place: for in the tenth of that reign, Roger
Willoughby died possessed of the manor and advowson of the church.
The present living is a rectory, and the church is dedicated to St.
In the Deanery of Chesterfield.
"At the time of the Norman survey, there were at Sandiacre, a priest
and a church, and one mill of five shillings and four-pence, and
thirty acres' of meadow, and an equal quantity of coppice-wood." "Near
this" (Risley) says Camden" stands Sandiacre, or as others
would have it SaintDiacre, the seat of that noble family, the Greys of Sandiacre, whose estate came to Edward Hilary in right of his
wife; his son took the name of Grey; one of whose daughters and heirs
some years after, was married to Sir John Leak, Kt. the other to
John Welsh. The living of Sandiacre is a curacy, of the clear value of £23.
The Prebendary of Litchfield Cathedral is patron and proprietor."
In the Deanery of Derby.
"in Domesday Salle, is a very extensive parish containing
the chapelries of Wilne, Long-Eaton, Breason, Risley and
the hamlets of Draycott and Hopewell. At the time
of the Norman survey, there were "in Salle, and Dracot,
and Opeuuelle, a priest and two churches, a mill, one fishery,
and thirty acres of meadow." The living of Sawley is a curacy,
and the church is dedicated to All-Saints. The church at Wilne is
dedicated to St. Chad: that at Long-Eaton to St. Lawrence : and
that at Breason to St. Michael.
Risley. "Henry de Laci Earl of Lincoln, at his death
was seized of a certain Wapentake at Risley, in the county of
Derby, held every three week of the manor of Knesale and Wapentake
of Allerton, in the county of Nottingham." In
the reign of Edward the Third[1],
Risley was granted to Geffrey, son of Roger Mortimer, Earl of March,
being part of the land of the Earl of Kent attained. Some time
afterwards it became the property of the Lord Sheffield, ancestors
to the Duke of Buckingham; of whom it was purchased by the Willoughbys
of Risley in the year 1587. Of this family was Sir Hugh Willoughby,
who in the last year of Edward VI. was employed in seeking a north-east
passage in the frozen ocean, but was starved to death with all
his company, near Wardhous, in Scandia; and whose melancholy
fate is thus delineated by Thomson in his Seasons: [verse omitted]
The family of the Willoughbys, is now extinct : the last of them,
a daughter, dying in 1720, or 1721, unmarried. She is represented
as a very charitable woman; and the foundress of the free-schools
at Risley, Near the site of an ancient Manor-House belonging to
the Lords Sheffield, in the mote at Risley-Park, was found in the
year 1729, a large silver dish, or salver, of antique basso relievo,
and of Roman workmanship. Dr. Stukely, by whom an account of it
was read before the Antiquarian Society, observes that it was twenty
inches long, and fifteen broad; and weighed seven pounds. Upon
the face there were a variety of figures, representing rural sports,
employments, and religious rites. It stood upon a square basis or
foot; and round the bottom, and on the outside, this inscription
was rudely cut with a sharp pointed instrument, in Roman characters
of the fourth century:—
Intimating, that it "was given by Exsuperius, who was Bishop
of Bayeux and Toulouse in the year 405, to the church of Bouges:" near
which battle was fought in the year 1421, between the Scots, under
the Duke D' Alenson, were quartered in the church, and the English,
under Thomas, Duke of Clarence, brother to Henry the Fifth, who
was slain there. At this time it is supposed to have been taken
from the church as a trophy, and given to Dale Abbey.
A few miles to the South of Risley is CAVENDISH-BRIDGE; so named from its having
been built by the Cavendish family about fifty years ago. Formerly
there was a ferry at this place, which, from the overflowing of
the Trent, was sometimes very inconvenient. The present bridge
is a handsome modern fabric of three arches, composed of free-stone,
brought from a neighbouring quarry : it crosses the Trent, and
unites the counties of Derby and Leicester. Near the bridge, the
great Staffordshire Navigation, or Grand Trunk Canal, falls into
the Trent, and, by its various connecting-branches, facilitates
the removal of goods to every part of the kingdom. Some good houses
have been erected here, by the gentlemen who have the direction
of the wharf; which, together with other buildings raised near
them, go under the name of Cavendish-Bridge."
In the Deanery of Derby.
"in Domesday Scardeclif, including the hamlet of Palterton
(Paltretune) contains about ninety houses. Anker de Fretchville
was proprietor of the manor of Scarcliff, at the commencement of
the reign of Henry the Third; but about its close, it was seized
by the king, because the castle and town of Northampton were, in
a hostile manner, detained from him, by the above Anker, Simon de
Montford, Hugh de Spenser, and others. Some time after, the town,
of Scarcliff was presented by Robert Lexington to the prior and canons
of Newstead. The advowson of the church was given to Derley Abbey,
by Hubert the son of Ralph; but the Duke of Devonshire is the present
patron. The living is a vicarage, and the church is dedicated to
In the Deanery of Chesterfield.
See Cromford
SCRAPTON "which is situated near the banks of the Dove, lies detached from
the other parishes of which the Deanery consists. At the conquest, Scrotune was a place of considerable consequence. There were
thirty-two villanes and twenty bordars there. There were also a priest,
and a church, and one mill, and the site of another mill : Valued
altogether at ten pounds. — Henry de Ferieres[4] who
then held the manor, bestowed the tithe of his Lordship of Scrapton
to the Priory of Tutbury, in the eleventh century. The church is
dedicated to St. Paul, and in former times, belonged, to the chantery
of Scrapton. The whole parish consists of the liberties of Scrapton
and Foston."
In the Deanery of Derby.
[Also see Foston]
Sedelau at Domesday. Hamlet lying within the parish of Aston..
Contains "about seventy houses."
In the Deanery of Derby.
See Aston.
"The church at Sheldon, Scelhadun, is dedicated to All-Saints.
The number of houses in the liberty is about 35."
In the Archdeaconry of Derby.
A small hamlet in the Deanery of Derby and parish of Heanor.
(See Heanor)
"written in Domesday Sirelunt, is a parish,
which includes part of the hamlets of Stretton (Streitun) and
Higham, and contains about one hundred and eighty houses. The living
is a rectory, and the church is dedicated to St. Leonard. There was
a church here as early as Edward the Second's time: for in the first
year of his reign, Reginald de Grey was possessed of the manor and
advowson of the church. This person was one of the Greys de Wilton,
who once resided at Shirland, which was the seat of their barony,
before they were styled de Wilton. The estate was sold to Talbot,
Earl of Shrewsbury, about Edward the Fourth's time; and rather more
than a century after, was divided among the heirs general of that
family. In the church is a monument of one of the Lords Grey, of
the time of Edward the Third, with many shields of arms."[1]
In the Deanery of Chesterfield.
There are five photographs of Shirland
church and one of the interior of St. Leonard's
The Gentleman's Magazine Library, 1731-1868 includes
Shirland and its Church.
Six early trade directories of Shirland
Kelly's 1891 Directory
SHIRLEY "at Sirelei there were at the compilation of Domesday,
a church and a priest, and one mill. The living is at present a
vicarage: the church is dedicated to St. Michael. It formerly belonged
to the Monastery at Darley; it has the same patron as Brailsford
[Rev. Mr. Gardiner].
At Shirley stood, some years ago, the ancient seat of the Etendon
family, which assumed the name of Shirley, in the reign of Henry
the Third ; at which time James Shirley had free Warren granted to
him, in all his demesne lands in this place. The manor passed through
the same persons as Brailsford, to the late Earl Ferers, when the
farms, of which it consisted, were sold to different purchasers."
In the Deanery of Castillar.
Kelly's 1891 Directory
"In the northern part of this hamlet is a sulphureous spring:
but from the scent and taste, the impregnation seems to be but small.
The sulphorous quality of this water, like that of Kedleston, depends
upon the presence of inflammable air holding sulphur, and a small
quantity of purging salts in solution; but as these are found in
small quantities, its medical virtues cannot be great. It has a sharp
acid taste, and when swallowed, occasiones a dryness and irritation
in the throat and stomach. Its virtues, though not powerful, are
similar to those of the Kedleston water."
In the Deanery of Derby.
Chapelry in the parish of Morley. "The village
of Smalley is pretty considerable in size, and its chapel
dedicated to St. John the Baptist."
In the Deanery of Derby
A hamlet in the parish of Youlgrave. See Youlgrave.
SMITHESBY or SMISBY "is situated in the south-eastern
part of the county, on the North side of the Trent. In the time of
the Norman survey Edwin Earl of Mercia "had two carucates of
land to be taxed at Smidesbi. Land to two ploughs. There
is now in the demesne one plough, and five villages with one plough.
Wood pasture half-a-mile long, and six quarentens and seventy perches
broad. Value in king Edward's time eighteen shillings, now nine shillings."
The living is a donative curacy of the clear value £35. The
church, according to Ecton, formerly belonged to the priory of Derlegh
: but it appearing from the charter of Hugh Earl of Chester, that
it was given towards the end of the twelfth century, to the priory
of Calke, he is thought to have been mistaken in his statement. The
Earl of Huntingdon is the patron. The liberty contains about sixty
houses, and the inhabitants are principally engaged in agricultural
pursuits, though some of them are employed in spinning jersey, and
making stockings."
In the Deanery of Derby.
Gentleman's Magazine Library
Snelson (Snellestune) is a chapelry in the parish of Norbury
in the Deanery of Ashbourne. Chapel dedicated to St. Peter.
A township in the parish of Darley. See Darley.
SOMERSALL "In Domesday Sumersale is a parish containing the hamlets
of Church Somersall and Herbert-Somersall.
The living is a rectory; the church is dedicated to St. Peter and
the Earl of Chesterfield is the patron.
'The mansion of __ Fitzhertbert, Esq. stands in the liberty of Herbert-Somersall
and is supposed to have been built with the materials, which were
collected from the ancient seat of the Montgomery family, which was
situated near the church at Cubley." In the Deanery
of Castillar.
"is a small parish, including a village of the same name. The number of houses in the parish is one hundred and twenty one, and
of inhabitants, five hundred and ninety; who are chiefly employed
in the collieries and the manufacture of stockings.
JEDEDIAH STRUTT, Esq. the ingenious inventor of the machine for making ribbed stockings, was a native of Normanton
where he was born in the year 1726. His father, who was a farmer and a maltster, is represented as a severe man, who paid but little
attention to the welfare of his offspring ; whose education he neglected during their early years, and in whose establishment of the world,
when arrived at the years of maturity, he took no interest. Nature, however, had invested them with understandings superior to those of the
class of society in which they ranked; and notwithstanding the many disadvantages under which they labored, their abilities became conspicuous,
in their ultimate success and prosperity. This remark is more strictly applicable to the subject of the present memoir, Jedediah, the second
son, than to either, his elder or younger brother. Early in life he discovered and ardent desire for his own improvement, which at last grew
into an habitual and strong passion for knowledge : and unassisted by the usual aids for his acquisition of learning, he, by the powers of
his own genius alone, acquired a considerable acqaintance with literature and science.
In the year 1754 Mr. Strutt took a farm at Blackwell, in the neighbourhood of South Normanton, and married. Soon after this, about the year
1755 and event occurred, which may be considered to be the foundation for his future prosperity— ...
Mr. William Woollatt, his wife's brother, who was a hosier, informed him of some unsuccessful attempts that had been made to manufacture
ribbed stockings on the stocking frame, which excited his curiosity and induced him to investigate that curious and complicated machine,
with a view to effect what others had attempted in vain. After much attention, labor, and expence, he succeeded in bringing the machine
to perfection ; and in the year 1756, in conjunction with his brother-in-law, obtained a patent for the invention, and removed to Derby,
where he established an extensive manufacture for ribbed stockings."
The advantages resulting from this invention, were not confined to the patentees; for a very short time after the patent was obtained,
another was granted to the Messrs. Morrises of Nottingham, for a machine on a similar principle, but applied to the making of silk-lace;,
a business which since has been carried on to a very great extent. Subsequent to this period, the principle of the invention has been applied
to a considerable variety of other works.
About the year 1771 Mr. Strutt entered into partnership with the celebrated Sir Richard Arkwright, who was then engaged in the
improvement of his judicious machinery for cotton spinning. But though the most escellent yarn, or twist was produced by this ingenious machinery,
the prejudice which often opposes new inventions, was so strong against it that the manufacturers could not be prevailed upon to weave it into
callicoes. Mr. Strutt, therefore, in conjunction with Mr. Samuel Need, another partner, attempted the manufacture of this article in the year
1773, and proved successful ; but, after a large quantity of callicoes had been made, it was found that they were subject to double the duty
(viz. sixpence per yard) of cottons with linen warp, and when printed, were prohibited. They had, therefore, no other resource, but to ask
relief of the legislature, which after great expence, and a strong opposition. from the Lancashire manufacturers, they at length obtained.
In the year 1775, Mr. Strutt began to erect the cotton works at Belper, and afterwards at Milford, at each of which places he resided many
years. These manufactures were carried on for a number of years by Mr. Strutt himself, and are continued to the present period, by the
Messrs. Strutts, his three sons. A little before his death, Mr. Strutt, feeling his health declining, removed to Derby, where he died
surrounded by his family in the year 1797, and lies buried with his brother, in the burying ground of the Chapel which he erected at Belper.
At Thurlston-Grange, the residence of Samuel Fox, Esq. is a fine whole length portrait, by Wright, of this eminent mechanic, whose
daughter that gentleman married."
In the Deanery of Chesterfield.
See Belper engraving
"or Winfield, called in Domesday Winefield and Winnefelt,
is an extensive parish, including a part of the manor of Lea, and
the whole of the manor of Ufton and Oakerthorpe; in the latter of
which stands the parish church, though it bears the name of Wingfield
church. The living is a vicarage, the church, which formerly belonged
to Derley Abbey, is dedicated to All-saints; the Duke of Devonshire
is the patron. The whole parish contains about eight hundred inhabitants,
who are employed in the pursuits of agriculture, working at the stocking
frame, and at the cotton mill. The number of houses is about 170.
The commons and waste grounds of Wingfield were enclosed under an
act of Parliament in the year 1786.
South Wingfield appears to have been the seat of several distinguished
persons, at different periods of time. Prior to the Norman Survey,
Roger of Poitou held it, but at that period it was held by William
Peveril, under Earl Allan, who accompanied the Conqueror into England,
and commanded the rear of his army at the Battle of Hastings. About
the eight of Henry the Sixth[1],
it came to the possession of Ralph, Lord Cromwell, who claimed it
as a cousin and heir in law of Margaret, wife of Robert de Swyllington,
Knt. to whom it has descended through the families of Heriz and Bellers,
the former of whom had held it for several generations from the compiling
of Domesday-book. The right of the Lord Cromwell to Winfield, was
contested by Henry Pierpoint, Knt. the heir at law of John de Heriz,
who died in the third of Edward III.[1] but,
on a compromise, was allotted to the former, and by him the reversion
was sold to John Talbot, second Earl of Shrewsbury. In this family
it continued till the decease of Gilbert, the seventh Earl, in the
year 1616, when it became the property of William, Lord Herbert,
Earl of Pembroke ; Henry Grey, Earl of Kent ; and Thomas Howard,
Earl of Arundel and Surry ; who had married the three daughters,
and co-heirs of Earl Gilbert. The manor being divided between these
noblemen, became still further divided in succeeding years, and now
belongs to several persons ; but the greatest share is the property
of Wingfield Halton, by whose ancestors it was purchased in the reign
of Charles the Second. In the year 1666, Emanuel Halton[5],
who was the first resident of that name, lived at Wingfield Manor
; he was a good Mathematician, and some of his pieces are published
in the appendix to Foster's Mathematical Miscellanies : in the Philosophical
transactions for 1676, in an account of an eclipse of the sun observed
here by him : but the principal of his manuscripts were destroyed
through carelessness.
The ancient Lords of this manor had two extensive parks, on the border
of one of which nearest Okerthorpe, are a moat and other vestiges
of an ancient mansion, said by tradition to be called Bakewell-Hall.
These parks, which contained above 1000 acres of land, are now disparted
into farms. The early mansion-house of the Lords of Wingfield, (unless
it were the place already mentioned, Bakewell hall) was near to the
Peacock-Inn, on the turnpike road between Derby and Chesterfield
: for the site of Ufton-Hall, (Uftane) which was unquestionably
one of the houses of the Lords of Wingfield, is within a hundred
yards of the inn; which is believed to have been built on the site
of the offices belonging to it, and is sometimes called Ufton Barns.
[There is more about the manor house, but it is not included]
During the reign of Elizabeth I. Wingfield was, at different times, made the place of confinement of Mary, queen
of Scots[6], first under the Earl of Shrewsbury, and afterwards under
Sir Ralph Sadler. ... The length of time which tradition says Mary was confined at Wingfield, is nine years. ...
The Manor-House is supposed to have first suffered from an attack
of the Royalists, in the time of Charles the First, a party of whom,
under the command of William Cavendish, Marquis of Newcastle, in
the month of November 1643, took it by storm. But shortly afterwards,
Sir John Gell, of Hopton, having raised a regiment of horse for the
service of Parliament, sent Major Sanders, one of his officers, with
the horse, to attack the party who kept garrison at Wingfield ...
The papers of the neighbouring gentry, and the traditions of the inhabitants about Winfield, intimate it
to have been the scene of some other trifling skirmishes. A few years after it had been taken possession
of by the Parliament, an order was issued, dated June the twenty-third, 1646, for dismantling
it. —From this time for many years it was neglected ; and it had been fortunate for the admirers of
so venerable an edifice, had that negligence been uniform from thence to the present time ; but a small
portion of it having been occupied by the famly of Halton, and a partition of the estate having taken place
some years ago, under a decree of the Court in Chancery; the mansion was allotted to the late Mr. Halton[7],
who began to build a house at the foot of the hill, near to the manor ; and, since that time, some
of the most beautiful parts of the old building have been pulled down for the sake of the materials."
In the Deanery of Chesterfield.
"is called Spondune in Domesday, at which time there
were a priest, and a church, and one mill of five shillings and fourpence
there. The living is at present a vicarage, and the church is dedicated
to St Mary. In former times it belonged to the Hospital de Lazars at
Burton, in the county of Leicester.
Spondon is a large parish, including the chapelries of Stanley,
Chaddesden, and Locko. The village itself is large, containing
nearly 200 houses; and, standing in an airy, elevated and pleasant
situation, is inhabited by several genteel families."
In the Deanery of Derby [Spondon is listed in the book as being in
the Deanery of Repington, but a footnote on the page corrects the
STADEN [near Chelmorton]
"The villages of Flagg, Blackwall, Cowdale and Staden, (near which is Staden-low, the ancient work already mentioned) contain altogether
about fifty houses, and two hundred and forty inhabitants."
In the Archdeaconry of Derby.
See Halt Hucknall
STANLEY "During the Norman survey, Stanlei belonged to Robert
son of William and was valued at 10 shillings. The Church at Stanley
is dedicated to St. Andrew, and its clear value is £10.
Liberty contains about fifty houses."
In the Deanery of Derby.
"Near the hamlets of Birchover, and Stanton, the former of which
contains about eighty houses, and the latter seventy, there are several
objects well worth particular attention." ...
"Stantune is a manor, the joint property
of the Duke of Rutland and Bache Thornhill Esq, the latter of whom
has an elegant mansion here, on a demense, that has been the property
of his ancestors, of the surnames of Bache and Thornhill, for more
than two centuries.
Near the south-west side of Stanton-moor, (a rocky uncultivated
waste of about two miles in length, and one and a half in breadth,
is an elevated ridge, which rises into three craggy eminences, respectively
called, Carcliff-Rocks, Graned Tor, and Durwood
Tor. On the top of the former are several basins, varying in diameter
from two to three feet ; and about midway to the bottom, towards the
west, is a small cave, called the Hermitage, supposed to have
been, in former ages, the abode of some mistaken and zealous devotee.
To the right hand on entering it, is seen a crucifix about a yard high
; it is in relief, and almost perfect : in the inner part is a seat
and a recess, apparently intended as a sleeping place.
"Graned Tor, called also Robin Hood's Stride, and
Mock Beggar's Hall, is a singular heap of rocks, which Mr. Rooke
supposes to have been anciently a curious group of Druidical monument."
[There is more about other parts of the moor, including The Nine
Ladies stone circle, but it is not included]
In the Archdeaconry of Derby.
See Newhall. In the parish of Stapenhill.
A hamlet in the parish of Youlgrave. See Youlgrave.
"at the time of the Norman survey, was called Stantone, and
belonged to Gilbert de Gand. The parish is not extensive : The living
is a curacy, and the church is dedicated to St. Michael and formerly
belonged to Dale Abbey; Mr. Thornhill is the patron."
In the Deanery of Repington.
STANTON [near Repton, Stanton by Bridge]
"is a parish of small extent, containing from thirty to forty
houses. The living is a rectory of the value, in the king's books,
of £6 12s. 8 ½d and yearly tenths, 13s. 3¼d. The church is
dedicated to St. Michael; and Sir Henry Crewe is patron."
In the Deanery of Repington.
"or Staepenhill. The living is a vicarage; and the church,
which was formerly part of the endowments of the Abbey of Burton,
is dedicated to St. Peter.
Many of the houses which compose the village of Stapenhill, stand
within the parish of Burton."
In the Deanery of Repington.
"is a parish, containing the chapelry of Barlow, and
the hamlets of Netherthorp, Woodthorp, and three of the name
of Hanly, containing altogether about 408 houses. At the compilation
of Domesday, there were a church and a priest at Stavelie. The
living is a rectory, the church is dedicated to St. John the Baptist,
and the Duke of Devonshire is the patron.
In the time of Edward the First[1], the Manor of Stavely belonging to
John Musard; after which it became the property of the family of
Frescheville, a branch of the family of that name, who were barons
of Crich, in the reign of Henry the Third . John Freecheville, Esq.
of Stavely, was, as a reward for his attachment to Charles I. advanced
by Charles II. to the dignity of a Baron of the realm, by the title
of Lord Frescheville of Stavely. There are in this parish some valuable
beds of iron-stone; and furnaces have been built for converting it
into metal, which employ many hands."
In the Deanery of Chesterfield.
Gentleman's Magazine Library
See Barrow.
"is a small hamlet, situated among grey rocks, surrounded by
wild, dreary and desolate country. The church, which is dedicated
to St. Martin, is of an octagonal form, and was built some years
ago by subscription, the greater part of which was furnished by the
Duke of Devonshire.
Middleton-Dale is a narrow, winding and deep chasm, inferior
to the most of the other dales in Derbyshire : yet the rocks are
of so peculiar a shape that they never fail to make a striking
impression on those who visit the place. On the north side, they
bear a strong resemblance to the round towers and buttresses of
a ruined castle; in other parts, there is such an appearance of
mouldings, that one can scarcely help thinking, that the chissel
has been employed in their formation. The rocks, more especially on
the north side, are perpendicular, and rise to the height of three
or four hundred feet; but every where naked and unadorned, excepting
near the entrance in Eyam Dale. Thus deprived of every verdant
covering, the picturesque is excluded; whilst their clumsy, heavy,
round forms preclude the idea of grandeur. It has the appearance, as
if the rocks which form this chasm had been rent asunder by some convulsion
of nature; and the turnings of the Dale are so sharp, as, occasionally
to give the idea of all further progress being prevented by the opposition
of an insurmountable barrier of precipitous rock. Its character, therefore,
is rather singularity, than magnificence or loveliness. The road from
Chesterfield to Tideswell passes through it, accompanied by a streamlet,
which runs beside it, a great part of the way. Here are some remarkable
caverns; one of which is called Bossen Hole; but the chief is Bamforth
Hole, in Charleswork, of great extent, and beautifully ornamented
with stalactitious petrifaction.
On the north side of Stoney Middleton is St. Martin's Bath, enclosed
by four walls, but open at the top. These tepid waters very much resemble,
in their chemical properties, and medicinal virtues, those of Matlock,
and have been found efficacious by those afflicted with rheumatism.
The thermometer stands at 63 degrees in the bath ; and perhaps, if
the spring were covered in, and a convenient room built adjoining it,
the place would be more resorted to then it is at present; though its
want of charming scenery would prevent its becoming so eminently distinguished,
or so attractive, as Matlock. Several other warm springs rise in the
environs, and also a chalybeate one."
In the Archdeaconry of Derby.
Gentleman's Magazine Library
"is another small parish, containing about 30 houses. At the
time of the Norman survey, it was part of the land of Henry de Ferrars;
and Streitun, at that time, consisted of some arable land, and
one mill; altogether valued at 15 shillings."
The living is a rectory, and the church is dedicated
to St. Michael. Its valuation in the king's books is £9
10s. 5d. and the yearly tenths, 19s. 0s. ½d."
[Note: this entry refers to Stretton-en-le-Field]
In the Deanery of Repington.
Also see Shirland or North Wingfield
[Note: Stretton was divided between the two parishes]
Hamlet in the parish of Dronfield. See Dronfield.
Township in the parish of Shirley.
Gentleman's Magazine Library
"At the time of the Norman survey, there were a church and a
priest at Sudberie. The living at present is a rectory, and
the church is dedicated to All-saints. It formerly belonged to the
priory at Tutbury. Lord Vernon is the patron.
The manor of Sudbury belonged, in the time of Edward the Second,
to the Montgomery family, who held it until the time of Henry VII,
when the younger daughter, and co-heiress of Sir John Montgomery,
conveyed it, by marriage, to Sir John Vernon, son of Sir Henry Vernon
of Haddon-Hall ; whose descendant George Venables, Lord Vernon,
is the present proprietor.
The mansion, which is the seat of his present Lordship, was erected
about the year 1610, by Mary, widow of John Vernon, Esq. grandson
to the above Sir John. Though the house is so ancient, yet it contains
several good apartments, fitted up in a neat and elegant manner.
It is a respectable building of red brick, intermixed with others
of a darker colour ; and though not very large, is well proportioned,
and has two small wings. [Details of paintings not included]
... The family of the Vernons is of great antiquity. They are descended
from the Lords of Vernon in Normandy ; one of whom, Richard de Vernon,
accompanied William the Conqueror into England, and was one of the
seven Barons, created by Hugh Lupus, the great Earl of Chester.
Sir Ralph de Vernon, who was alive in the reign of Edward II, was
styled the Long-Liver, from his great age, which is said
to have been 150 years. The first of this family invested with a
peerage was the late George Venables Vernon, who was raised to that
honor by his present majesty, in the year 1762, by style and title
of Lord Vernon, Baron Kinderton, in the county of Stafford.
Sudbury church is an ancient fabric, standing in the garden near
the house; and being luxuriantly covered with ivy, becomes a picturesque
object. Here the ancestors of the family, for more than two hundred
years, have been deposited, and several monuments have been erected
to their memories."
In the Deanery of Castillar.
Hamlet in the parish of Dronfield. See Dronfield.
[Sutton-cum-Duckmanton] "which was in former times connected
with the living of Duckmanton (Dochemanestun), is a rectory,
and the church is dedicated to St. Mary. The church at Duckmanton,
which is not now standing, was dedicated to S.S. Peter and Paul ;
and belonged, in former times, to the monastery of Welbeck. The
liberty of Sutton contains about twenty-three houses ; and Duckmanton,
fifty three. The inhabitants are chiefly supported by agriculture.
SUTTON-HALL, in this parish, is a large and ancient mansion, standing
upon elevated ground and commanding some beautiful views over the
adjacent country. At different times it has been the seat of several
respectable families. — In the time of Henry the Third it belonged
to the family of Harstone, whose heir general married a Grey,
a descendant of a younger branch of the Lords Grey of Codnor Castle.
In the fourth year of Henry IV. the heir general of Grey was married
to Jo. Leak, whose descendant Francis Leake was raised by king James
the First, to the dignity of a baronet ; afterwards created a baron
of the realm, by the title of Lord D'Eincourt of Sutton : and in
consideration of his services to Charles the First, was, by that
monarch, advanced to the degree of Earl of Scarsdale. After the death
of Nicholas, the fourth and last Earl of this family, who succeeded
his uncle in 1707, the Sutton estate was sold, and again re-sold
to Godfrey Clarke, Esq. of Chilcote : it is now the property of Thomas
Kinnersley, Esq. who succeeded to the estate, under the will of Godfrey
Bagnall Clarke, Esq."
In the Deanery of Chesterfield.
"when Domesday was compiled, Sudtune was a part of the
lands of Henry de Ferrers and there were a church and a priest
there at that time. The living of Sutton is a vicarage, and the
church is dedicated to St. Michael."
In the Deanery of Castillar.
(Siuardingescote) Hamlet in the parish of Gresley in the Deanery
of Repington. [See Gresley]
"is a small hamlet a little to the south of Alfreton. Here there
is a Free-school for twenty-four poor children, who are instructed
in reading and writing. The school was built in the year 1740, at
the expense of Mrs Elizabeth Turner, and by her endowed with £500,
for the support of a master. At a place called Greenhill-Lane,
at some distance from this place, an urn, containing about seven
hundred Roman coins, was discovered some years ago, by a labouring
man, who was repairing a fence."
In the Deanery of Chesterfield.
SWARKESTON "called by the Norman survey Sorchestun, is a small
village, a few miles to the south of Osmaston.
The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £5,
and yearly tenths 10s. The church is dedicated to St. James. Swarkeston-bridge ,
which crosses the Trent, and low meadows subject to flooding, stands
near this place. It was constructed several centuries ago, but the
particular time cannot be ascertained. According to the tradition
of the neighbourhood it was built at the expense of two maiden sisters.
Their names, however, have not been preserved; and when the great
length of the bridge, which extends to a distance above three quarters
of a mile, is considered, it renders the tradition improbable ; as
the expence of such an undertaking must, in former ages, have exceeded
the ability of private individuals. The number of arches, standing
at various distances from each other, is said to be twenty-nine :
of late years, that part of the bridge which crossed the Trent has
been rebuilt."
In the Deanery of Derby.
Notes on the above:
[1] Edward I reigned 1272-1307; Edward
II reigned 1307-27; Edward III reigned 1327-1377; Henry VI reigned
1422-1461; Edward IV from 1461-1483; Elizabeth reigned 1558-1603.
[2] Elden Hole has been described as one
of the seven 'Wonders of the Peak'.
[3] Whilst not mentioned by Davies, Renishaw
Hall, the estate of the Sitwell family, is at Renishaw. Purchased
by Francis Sitwell Esq. (d.1753) of Eckington, it had previously
belonged to the family of Wigfall.
[4] There is a page footnote about Henry
de Feriere:
"He was one of the commissioners appointed to take a general survey of England and received Tutbury Castle
as gift from the Conqueror. He possessed one hundred and fourteen Lordships in Derbyshire,
besides several in other counties.-Dug. Bar. v. I. p. 275."
[5] According to an MI in the church at
South Wingfield, Emanuel (or Imanuel) Halton was born at Graystocke,
Cumberland and was educated "in ye Gramer Schools of Blencow
in that County, and afterwards was a student in Gray's Inn; From
whence he was called into the service of ... Henry Duke of Norfolk
... The last years of his life were chiefly spente in the studies
of Musicke and the Mathematickes in which Noble Sciences he attained
a great perfection." He had married Mary, daughter of Mr John
Newton of Oakerthorpe at the parish church in 1660. He died at Wingfield Manor on 31 Oct 1699
and was buried three days later. The web mistress also descends from John Newton.
[6] Mary, Queen of Scots, was executed
in 1587. Also see Dethick.
[7] This would have been Immanuuel Halton who had married Rececca, daughter of Edward Thorpe.
He had died 17 Feb 1784. This from Blore's Pedigree of Halton.
[8] About 1890 it was discovered that the
church at Spondon, having been for a long time been called St.
Mary's, had been originally dedicated to St. Werburgh. So the
name of the church was changed back to St. Werburgh. It has subsequently
reverted to St. Mary.

An Ann Andrews book transcript