"History, Topography and Directory of Derbyshire"
by T. Bulmer and Co.
printed at Preston (1895), pp.421-422
Surnames A - J
Abbott William Clarke, vict., Queen's Head, The Bridge
Adams Charles, saddle and harness maker Matlock Green
Alsop Adam and Mrs. Mary, Belle Vue Hydropathic Institution
Alexander Thomas, Alexander Ltd, Woodbine cottage, Smedley street
Allen Joshua, Cavendish House school, Smedley street
Arms Jesse, beerhouse, Crab Tree, The Bank
Asbury Thomas, chemist, The Bridge and at Matlock Bath
Ashton John, stationmaster (Midland Railway), Matlock Bridge
Askew William Brightmore, builder contractor and stone merchant, Dale road
Bagshaw Robert, horse and carriage proprietor, The Dimple
Bagshaw Thomas, joiner, undertaker and furniture broker, Tram terminus, Matlock Bank
Bailey Ernest Henry, corn miller, Cliff
Baker Miss Lucy, Fernside
Baker Robert Henry, master, National school, The Dimple
Banister John, plumber glazier and gasfitter, Wellington street
Barber Frederick & Son, photographers, Bank road; h Albion House
Barlow Mr. John, Linden cottage, Lime Tree hill
Barlow Thomas, fancy draper, Smedley street
Barnard Henry, postmaster stationer and fancy draper, Smedley street
Barnwell Henry, watchmaker and jeweller, Matlock Bridge
Barton George Barnard, Dalefield, and Jackson House Hydropathic Establishments
Bateman George, beerhouse, Railway Inn, Matlock Bridge
Bayley Alexander Edmund, MRCVS, veterinary surgeon, Lyndhurst, Dale Road
Beardsley Francis, farmer, Riber Hall
Beck Thomas, stone merchant, Midland station, Matlock Bank
Bennett Mr. Frank Harper, Lynda Vista, Snitterton road
Bennett Samuel Nevitt, Shotwood cottage
Boden George, stone merchant and quarry owner (Poor Lots quarries); h Matlock Green
Boden John, confectioner, Bank road
Boden Joseph and Sarah, cab and carriage proprietors, Bank Road; h Cherry cottage, Wellington street
Boden Thomas, coal merchant, Church street and Midland station
Boden William, vict., Gate Inn, Smedley street
Bradshaw Thomas, Fern cottage, The Dimple
Bramald William, Elm Tree Hydropathic Institution
Briddon John, shopkeeper, Cliff
Bridge Luke, wine and spirit retailer, Bank road
Bridge Thomas, stone merchant and quarry owner, Poor Lots quarries; h Tansley road
Brooks James, Starkholmes road
Brooksbank Charles James, surgeon dentist, Summerfield
Brough John Henry, printer and stationer, Smedley street
Brown John, fruiterer and florist, Rutland street (opposite tram terminus)
Brown Jonas, Old Bank House Hydropathic Establishment
Brown Samuel, estate agent, New street
Brownson Charles, shopkeeper, Holt lane
Buckley Francis, florist, Dale road
Burrell William Dracass, wholesale potato merchant and fruiterer, Smedley street; store room, The Green
Burton Richard, Temperance Hotel, Dale road
Castle Harry Merry, draper and outfitter, Dale road
Castle & Hurd, draper and outfitters, Crown square
Checkley William, horse and carriage proprietor, Vine cottage, Knowlston place
Challand Henry, manager Smedley's Hydro; h Norwood Villa, Lime Grove road
Chamberlain William, clerk, Lime Tree hill
Charity Arthur, grocer's traveller, Matlock Green
Clark John Joseph, clerk, and agent to Sun Fire and Life office, Cliff
Clay John, yeoman, White house, Snitterton road
Clay William, wholesale and retail ale and porter merchant, Wellington street
Clough Robert Hunt, Bridge House academy, Tansley Road
Constable W. E. & Co., limestone merchants, lime burners, manufacturers of asphaltic tar paving; Martin Wardle, manager Cawder quarries, Matlock Bridge
Cooper Jabez, glass, china and earthenware dealer, The Green
Cotton Alfred, boot and shoe maker Matlock Bridge
Croft James Thompson, builder and contractor, Crown square
Croft Wilfred, watchmaker and jeweller, Crown square
Crompton & Evans Union Bank, Arthur Edward Downs, manager
Crowder William, hosiery manufacturer, Matlock Bank
Crowder William, vict., Star Inn, Church street
Crown Hardware Co Robert Hall, proprietor, Crown square
Cupit John, Smedley street
Dakin Harry, boot and shoe maker, Smedley street
Dakin Samuel, hairdresser tobacconist and newsagent, Smedley street
Dale George, butcher, Matlock Green
Davis Edwin, master, British school, The Green
Davis George, Tor House Hydro, Matlock Bank
Davis George, manager (Davis & Sons, proprietors), Poplar Cottage and Prospect Place Hydropathic Establishment
Dawes John, Sycamore House Hydropathic establishment, Matlock Bank
Dawes Thomas, builder and contractor, The Cliff, Tansley road
Dean Misses Gertrude Lillian and Mary Evelyn, fancy drapers, Bank road
Dean Joseph Leedom and Mrs. E. A., hydropathists, Roseberry house, New street
Derby and Derbyshire Banking Co Ltd; Edwin Augustus George Jewitt, manager
Derby and Derbyshire Convalescent Home; Miss Fanny A Peat, lady superintendent
"Derbyshire Times," ; branch office, Smedley street
Dicken John, shopkeeper, Church street
Doughty Robert S, architect and surveyor, Dale road
Douglas Mrs. Ellen, Beechville, Matlock Bank
Douse Robt. Henry, accountant, Liberal agent for Western and Mid Divisions, Hollin Royd
Downes Arthur Edward, manager Crompton & Evans Union Bank, Dale road
Drabble Frederick Henry, waste merchant, fuller and bleacher, Tansley Wool mills
Drabble George Standall, English timber merchant, The Limes; office and yard, Matlock Bath
Drabble Thomas Cooper, C.C., stone merchant and quarry owner Bentley Brook, Farley and Darley Dale quarries, Midland station; h The Mount.
The following buildings have been supplied with stone from these quarries:-
Smedley's Hydropathic Establishment
The Whitworth Hospital, Darley Dale
Claybury Asylum, London, C.C.
The Albion Congregational Church and Municipal Buildings, Nottingham
Derby Royal Infirmary, Mechanics' Institute
The Deaf and Dumb Institution, Derby; and Eye Hospital, Birmingham
Post office for Her Majesty's Office of Works
Hotel Metropole and Savoy Theatre, London
Stone supplied for Railway Work
Ten tons of stone supplied to the Midland Railway for New Goods Station, Birmingham
Grindstones for all purposes
Else Alfred, (Else & Son), Carr Bank
Else Mrs. Ann, Lime Tree house
Else Frederick, bookseller and stationer Dale road
Else George Nuttall, collector, Matlock Local Board, Matlock Bank
Else John, assistant overseer for Matlock, Matlock Bath and Cromford
Else John & Son, auctioneers and valuers, house, estate and insurance agents, offices, Matlock Bridge
Else Joseph, tailor, The Dimple
Else William, corn mill manager, New street
Evans John, registrar of births deaths and marriages, Darby Hill Side
Evans Thomas, vict., The Horse Shoe Hotel, The Green
Evans William & Son, watchmakers and jewellers, Dale road, and at Wirksworth
Eyre Charles, Rose Cottage Hydropathic Establishment
Falding Arthur Edwin, surveyor
Farnsworth George, greengrocer, Matlock Green
Farnsworth George, nurseryman, Matlock Bank
Farnsworth Richard, bleacher, Lumsdale
Felthouse Charles, drug stores, and wine and spirit dealer, Smedley street
Furness William, livery stable proprietor, Bank road; h2 Hopewell terrace
Garton Edward Hall, bleacher, Lumsdale
Goodlad Emanuel, senr., 2 Burton Villa, Smedley street
Goodwin Miss Marie, L.R.C.P.I., L.R.C.S.I., physician, (Rock Side Hydro.)
Goodwin Miss M. E., manageress, Rock Side Hydropathic establishment
Gratton Albert, clerk to county court, collector of income tax, Crown buildings; h Laurel Bank
Greatorex & Son, Job, limestone merchants and quarry owners, Dale road
Greatorex Thomas, joiner, builder and blacksmith, The Green
Green Thomas, beerhouse, Holt lane
Gregory John Henry, china and earthenware dealer, Town
Gregory Peter, furniture broker and general dealer, dealer in curiosities, Dale road
Gregory William, tailor, Lime Tree Hill
Grover Alfred, baker and confectioner, Bank road
Hadden Mrs. Catherine, draper, Matlock Green
Hague Miss Lucy, dressmaker, Vine terrace, Matlock Bank
Hall Robert, accountant and share broker, Crown buildings, The Bridge; h Ecclesbourn
Hand Mrs. Emma, apartments, Cordella, Smedley street
Hand Henry & Son, cab proprietors, Pope Carr
Hardy Miss Elizabeth, dressmaker, Vine terrace
Harker Robert Alfred, chemist, Victoria buildings, Dale road
Harrison William, MD, JP, Dean Hill house
Hartley Hodgson Genn, saddle and harness maker and spar stone lime and tufa merchant, Crown square
Hartley's Matlock Sanitary Laundry Company, office, Crown square, H G Hartley, proprietor
Hatfield Mrs. Ann, shopkeeper, Jackson road
Hausman John Albert, stationer and importer of fancy goods, Dale road
Hawley Albert, bird dealer Smedley street
Hazlewood Thomas, grocer's manager (R Orme & Co), Stoneleigh
Heys William Henry, draper Victoria buildings, Dale road
High Tor Recreation Grounds Co. Ltd., R Hall secretary
Hill & Co. Ltd., boot and shoe dealers, Dale road
Hill William, tailor, Bank road
Hilton Richard, tailor and outfitter, Matlock Bridge
Hilton Stephen, boot and shoe dealer, Bank road
Hodgson William, sign writer and decorator, Holt lane
Hodgson William, picture restorer and registry office for servants, Dale road
Hodgkinson George, printer, stationer and postmaster, The Bridge
Hodgkinson Joseph, auctioneer and valuer, and secretary to Matlocks Waterworks Co. Ltd., The Bridge
Hodgkinson The Misses, Glendon, Knowleston place
Holgate Mrs. Mary Jane, apartments, Burton Villa, Smedley street
Hollingworth, Aaron, superintendent of police for Petty Sessional Division of Matlock, The Constabulary
Holmes Peter, hatter, hosier and draper, Crown buildings
Holmes, Thomas, carrier to Derby, Town
Holt Horace H, civil engineer, Clifton villa
Hope John Thomas, Dent house
Hopkinson, Frank, builder and slater, New street
Houseley, Mrs. Blanche, shopkeeper Bank road
Hoyle Mrs. Mary, apartments, Stanley villa, New street, Matlock Bank
Hoyle William, bath chair proprietor, New street
Humphries Rev. Albert Lewis M.A., Primitive Methodist, Daisy bank, New street
Hurd Mrs. Ann, beerhouse, Cobden road
Hurd Sons & Co., hosiery manufacturers, Portland Grange mills
Jewitt Edwin Augustus George, bank manager for Derby and Derbyshire Banking Co. Ltd., Dale road
Johnson Mrs. Elizabeth Ann & Co., milliners and dressmakers, Bank road
Johnson George, boot and shoe maker Lime Tree hill
Jones Rev Robert Morgan M.A., late vicar of Cromford, Spring cottage, Matlock Dimple
Jones Thomas Arthur, boot and shoe maker Smedley street
[End of transcript]
An Ann Andrews transcript.
Note: spelling, case and punctuation are as they appear in the Directory.