General Commercial Directory and Topography of the Borough of Sheffield
with all the Towns, Parishes, Villages and Hamlets Within a
Circuit of Twenty Miles, pub. Francis White & Co. Sheffield
Price to subscribers 12s 6d; non subscribers 5s extra
475 names
Post Office, at Miss Elizabeth Travis's, Matlock Bath. Letters
arrive at 6.30a.m. and are despatched at 7.10 p.m. Money Orders issued
and paid here.
Post Office, at Lindsey Hodgkinson's, Matlock Bridge. Letters
arrive at 8.30 a.m and are despatched at 5.30 p.m. Money Orders issued
and paid here.
Adam William, geologist and mineralist
Allen George, Esq., Riber Hall
Allen Mr. John, Matlock Bath
Arkwright and Co., cotton &c. spinners, Masson Mills ; Charles
Swift, factory manager
Arkwright Peter, Esq., J.P. D.L. Willersley Castle
Boden John, secretary to the Literary Institute and News Room
Booth John C. temperance lecturer, Dale
Bryan Henrietta, cavern guide, Matlock Bath
Broadhurst Benj., station master, Bridge
Brookhouse Jph., gent., Knowlton place
Campbell James, civil engineer, Hunt Bridge Cottage
Cardin Thomas, cavern guide, Dale
Cartledge William, warehouseman, Green
Cash Josiah, surgeon (Adams and Cash), Bridgehouse
Caulfield John B. K. dentist, Dale
Chinery William, Esq., The Dale
Clark Charles, Esq., J.P., Masson Lodge
Chadwick Robert, gent., Matlock Bath
Corder Mining Co., Dimple: -Milnes, agent
Cox Jph., mngr., Gas Works, Matlock Bath
Crowder Joseph, plasterer, Bank
Derbyshire Geo., & Reuben, slaters, Bank
Dyal Rev. Samuel (Indpt.), Lumsdale
Eaton Geo., fishing tackle mkr., Starkholme
Else Mr. Charles, Lime Tree Hill
Else Charles, jun., assistant overseer, Lime Tree Hill
Else Mr. John, The Firs
Froggatt Benj., cavern guide and mineral dealer, Upper Wood
Gratton Miss, Matlock Bath
Greaves Mrs. Louisa Jane, The Rocks
Green Thos., marble & lime seller, Holt In
Hall Miss, Knowlton place, Town
Hall Spencer Timothy, M.A. et. Doct. Phil. et M.D. ; h Well Field
House ; and Hydropathic and Homeopathic Establishment, 3 Prospect
Hardstaff George, marble mason and inlayer, Masson side
Haywood Mr. James, Bank
Higgs, Rev. John, B.A., Bank
Hodgkinson Mrs. Sarah, Matlock Bath
Ingall Mr. Samuel, Elm Tree Cottage
James Mr. Alex. Dean, Bridge Cottage
Keeling Richd. G., coml. trav., Bellevue Hs
Knowles John, contractor, Knowlton place, Town
Latham John, photographer, Taghill Cottage
Leacroft Miss Catherine, Cliff House
Leacroft Lieut.-Col. Richd. Bechor, Tor Hs
Leacroft Richd. Brook. Esq., Strawberry Cottage
Lees Samuel, chimney sweep, Green
Marriott James, mine agent, Bank
Martin George, marble turner, Dale
Maynard Rev. John Martin, incumbent of Trinity Church, Parsonage
Milnes Herbert, lead mcrt., Wood end
Melville Rev. Wm. Roylance, M.A., Rectory
Mellor Wm., watchmaker, Tansley Cliff
Meyers Mr. John Fredk., Poplar Cottage
Morrall Michael Ths., gent., Barmoral Hs
Needham Mr. Joseph, Dale
Newbold James Clifford, Solicitor, and Steward of the Barmote Court
for Wirksworth Hundred, Bridge House
Newbold Thos. Hy., solr., Bridge House
Nuttall Mrs. Ann, Brick House
Oldfield George, corn miller, Matlock Mill
Oldfield Thomas, jun., corn miller, Matlock Mill
Oliver Joseph, plasterer, Matlock Bath
Pearson Mr. James, Dale
Pearson Mr. William, Matlock Bath
Price William, drill sergeant, Bank
Priest Wm., in. rev. officer, Matlock Bath
Radford Edw. Cotton spinner, h Tansley Wood
Radford and Sons, cotton and candlewick spinners, Tansley Mill
Radford Thomas, cotton spinner, Green
Rawson Thomas, lime and marbl. merchant, Boat Hotel, Dale
Redish Mr. Joseph, Bridge
Rich William, station master, Bath Station
Royal Miss Elizabeth, Green
Saxton Misses Alice & Mary A., Matlock Bath
Schofield Samuel, glass, china, earthen & fancy ware dealer,
Matlock Bath
Skirrow Robert, merchant, Matlock Bath and Whatstandwell Bridge ;
h. Green
Smith Miss Ann, Knowlton place
Smith Samuel, marble turner, Bath
Statham Mrs. Sarah, Starkholme
Statham Mr. William, Starkholme
Stevens Mr. Henry, Shaw
Stevens Thomas, colour &c. manufacturer; h Dean hill
Stevens Frederick William, colour &c. manufacturer, h Tor Villa
Thimbleby Mr. Wm. B., Hope Cottage
Tiler Rev. Wm. (Indpt.), Matlock Bath
Tregea William, police sergeant, Lock-up, Green
Trickett Mrs. Ann, Lime Tree lane
Tunnicliffe Fras. Roulstone, gent., Dale
Walker George, mine agent, Matlock Bath
Walters Mr. Daniel
Ward Miss Catherine, Dale
Ward George, stone mert., Lime Tree lane
Ward John, stone merchant, Bank
Ward Samuel, stone merchant, Bank
Ward William and Sons, stone merchants, Moor and Grey Fossil Marble
Works, Lumsdale
Wheatcroft Edward, gent., Matlock Bath
Wheatcroft John, civil engineer and land agent, Bath
Wheatcroft John, cavern guide, Matlock Bath
Wildgoose Mrs. Ruth, Brook Cottage
Wilson Luke, parish clerk & sexton, Town
Wright Benjamin, marble, inlayer and mosaic works, Town
Wright Chas., salt & earthenware dlr., Town
Wright Misses H. and R., Taghill end
Hotels, Inns and Taverns.
Boat Hotel, Thomas Rawson, Dale
Blue Ball, Samuel Parkins, Town
Crown, Alexander Sims, Bridge
Devonshire and Family Hotel, George Ellis, Bath parade
Duke William, John Rouse, Town
Gate, Samuel Boden, Bank
Hodgkinson's Hotel, Wm. Brooker, Matlock Bath
Horse and Jockey, Jacob Gregory, Bank
Horse Shoe Commercial & Posting Rouse, John Froggatt, Green
King's Head, Abraham Hendry, Town
King's Head (empty)
Miners' Arms (empty)
New Bath and Family Hotel, Miss Ivatts and Mrs. Jordan, Matlock Bath
Old Bath Royal Hotel and Posting House (empty)
Queen's Head, Elizabeth Roper, Bridge
Red Lion, George Walton, Green
Rose Cottage, James Croft, Bank
Rutland Arms Inn and Family Hotel, John Holmes, Matlock Bath
Temple Family and Posting Hotel, Hester Evans and Co., Matlock Bath
Walker's Boarding House and Family Hotel Richard Walker, Matlock Bath
Wheat Sheaf, Timothy Spencer, Town
White Lion, Samuel Fox, Starkholme
Marked * are Boarding.
*Bromley Harriet Mary, Tansley Cliff House
Carline Ebenezer James, Starkholme
Cumming Ann, Town
Free, Taghill, Robt. Bunting
Hezier George Chas., Dale
Marsden Henry, Bridge
*Matlock Green Academy, William Cordon Clarke, M.C.P., principal
Goddard Mary Frances, Montpelier House
National, Matlock Bath, Henry William and Sarah Ann Walpole
*Redish Jane and. Emily, Riversdale House
Rotherham Lucy Smith, Matlock Bath
Ale & Porter Merts.
Hodgkinson and Brooker, and hop merts. & dealers in cigars),
Matlock Bath
Storer Jph., Scarthing row
Bird Edw. (& black marble ornament mnfr.), Old Bath hill
Hodgson William (photographic), Bridge
Woodfield William (in black marble), Matlock Bath
Aldam William Hurd, Tor Cottage
Evans Walter M. S., Matlock Bath
Newbold & Son, Bridge Hs
Bakers & Confectionrs.
Marked * are Bakers only
Boden Lydia, Matlock Bath
Boden Thomas, Town
Fletcher Mary (and coffee rooms), Matlock Bath
Moore Peter, Bank
Smedley Job, Matlock Bath
*Walton John, Town
Barytes Manufacturs.
Garton John, Lumsdale
Stevens Thomas and F. W., Tor Works
Marked * are Hydropathic
*Davis George, 1 Prospect terrace
*Davis Ralph, Bank
*Davies Thomas, Bank
Fountain, Joseph Dakin, Matlock Bath
Frost Samuel, 2 Prospect terrace
Hall Spencer T., M .A., 3 Prospect terrace
Ivatts & Jordan, New Bath hotel
*Rowland Charles, Rockside, Bank
*Smedley John, Bank
Gonden [sic] Henry (and Tea Garden), Matlock Bath
Wadsworth Joseph, Matlock Bath
Ward George, Bank
Briddon Geo. Matlock Bath
Gunby John (genl.), Green
Slack John, Starkholme
Thompson James, Bridge
White Henry, Taghill
White Obadiah, Green
Farnsworth John, Tansley ; h. Bank
Garton John, Lumsdale
Radford & Son, Lumsdale
Booksellers & Statnrs.
Bemrose William and Sons, Matlock Bath
Bromley Jas. Wm. A., Bridge
Holmes Thomas (and fancy toy dlr.), Matlock Bath
Boot and Shoemakers.
Bagshaw Noah (and hair-dresser), Bank
Ballington George, Bridge
Bowler Isaac, Matlock Bath
Brelsford Geo., Tansley Cliff
Bunting Thomas, Town
Carline Thos.. jun., Starkholme
Clarke William, Green
Fox Samuel, Starkholme
Holmes Barnett, Holt lane
Knowles Adam, Bank
Lymn John, Matlock Bath
Richards George, Bank
Spencer Wm., Tansley Cliff
Statham George, Bank
Statham Isaac, Starkholme
Statham Joshua, Dimple
Walker Thos., Starkholme
Walthall Wm., Matlock Bath
Walton George, Tag hill end
Wildgoose Ralph, Bank
Wright George, Bridge
Hodgkinson and Brooker, Matlock Bath
Cantrell Charles, Town
Coates Chas., Matlock Bath
Marriott John, Bridge
Statham Wm., Starkholme
Stevens Charles, Allin hill
Walton William, Town
Chemists & Druggists.
Bratby William, Bridge
Clay Francis, Green
Flower Thomas S., Matlock Bath
Greaves Jph., Matlock Bath
Statham Nathan, Green
Coal Merchants.
Boden William, Bridge Station; h Town
Fox Jph., Bridge Station; h Dale
Hadfield Isaac, Bridge Station; h Dale
Knowles Adam, Bridge Station; h Bank
Marsden William, Bridge Station; h Oakeshill side
Moore Caleb, Matlock Bath
Wheatcroft Abraham, Cromford Bridge
Woodhouse James, Bridge Station; h Town
Corn Millers.
Blackwell John (& factor), Town mill
Oldfield Thomas and Sons, Matlock mill
Addy John, Bank
Beresford David, Riber
Carding John, Green hills
Carline Wm., Starkholme
Cotterill John, Riber
Farnsworth John, Bank
Fox Joseph, Starkholme
Fox Luke, Woodseats
Fox William, Starkholme
Fox William, Riber
Freckingham Henry, Bank
Gittins Edward, Dimple
Goodwin John, Woulds
Greatorex Joseph, Masson
Hadfield Luke, Riber
Hardy William, Cuckoo Stone Dale
Holmes James, Starkholme
Houseley George, Dale
Kirkland Charles, Amber House
Knowles Edwin, Bridge
Knowles Job (& limestone merchant), Bank
Ludlam Mary, Moor
Marriott James, Dimple
Marriott John, Bridge
Marriott Matthew, Bridge
Palethorpe William (& land agent), Dale
Rawson George, Bank
Rawson Thomas, Dale
Reines Isaac, High Lees
Skirrow Robert, Green
Smith Samuel (and besom manufacturer), Bank
Spencer Timothy, Town
Spencer Thos., Tansley Cliff
Statham Isaac, Starkholme
Stevens Charles, Allen Hill
Stevenson John, Cuckoo Stone Grange
Taylor John, Bough Wood
Taylor Timothy, Hilltop
Taylor Wm. Hall, Dale
Wall Elizabeth, Riber
Wall George, Riber
Waterhouse Samuel, Dale
Wheatcroft Leonard, Dimple
Wheatcroft Nthl., Willersley
Wildgoose Lawrence, Hirst
Wragg William, Asker farm
Boden James, Matlock Bath
Hendrey Abraham, Town
Smith Jarvis, Bank
Grocers & Tea Dealers.
(See also Shopkeepers.)
Boden Ann, Matlock Bath
Boden Lydia, Matlock Bath
Boden Thomas, Town
Bratby, William (& seedsman), Bridge
Clay Francis, Green
Farnsworth John, Bank
Fletcher Mary, Matlock Bath
Goodwin Mary, Dale
Hodgkinson Joseph, Matlock Bath
Hodgkinson Lindsey, Bridge
Skidmore Margaret, Matlock Bath
Smedley Job, Matlock Bath
Statham Nathan, Green
Storer Jph., Scarthing row
Wright George W., Taghill
Hat Manufacturers.
Carline Thomas, Starkholme
Shaw George, Starkholme
Walton George, Green
Hosiers and Fancy Repositories.
Barnes Saml., Matlock Bath
Davies George, Bank
Horton Chrlt., Matlock Bath
Potter Henry (mnfr.). Dimple Hill
Clay Francis, Green
Gregory Jacob, Bank
Joiners & Cabinet Mkrs.
Croft James, Bank
Crouch James (and builder), Matlock Bath
Gregory Peter, Riber
Knowles Thomas, Riber
Knowles William, Bank
Statham Wm., Starkholme
Linen & Woollen Drprs.
Bromley James W., Bridge
Greenhough Edward, Derwent terrace, Bath
Gregory Jacob, Bank
Skidmore Samuel (& agent to the Royal Insurance) Fire and Life
Co., Matlock Bath
Statham Joshua, Green
Walters Thomas, Bridge
Livery Stable Keepers, and Post Horse, Carriage, &c.
Boden Samuel, Gate Inn, Bank
Brooker William, Hodgkinson's Hotel, Matlock Bath
Evans Hester & Co., Temple Hotel, Matlock Bath
Ellis George, Devonshire Hotel, Matlock Bath
Hardy Saml., Matlock Bath
Holmes John, Rutland Arms, Matlock Bath
Ivatts & Jordan, New Bath Hotel
Pearson Wm., Matlock Bath
Sims Alexander, Crown Inn, Bridge
Smith Wm., Matlock Bath
Walker Richard, Walker's Hotel, Matlock Bath
Lodging House Kprs.
Berresford Elizabeth, Bank
Boden Joseph, Matlock Bath
Broadfoot John, Matlock Bath
Broomhead Eliz., Belmont
Carding Anthony, Bank
Carding Ann, Dale
Cartledge William, Lime Tree View
Coates John, Matlock Bath
Cowley Ann, Matlock Bath
Davis Horatio, Bank
Dawson William, Dale
Goodlad Emanuel, Bank
Greenhough Edward, Derwent terrace
Gordon Henry, Matlock Bath
Gregory Edward, Matlock Bath
Gregory Jacob, Bank
Hadfield Isaac, Dale
Hird John, Bank
Holmes Thos., Matlock Bath
Kays John, Bank
Keeling Richard G., Bellevue House
King James, Bath
Lymn John, Museum parade
Monk William (and gymnastics), Bank
Moore Caleb, Fountain Villas
Neal Luke, Strawberry Cottage
Otter Ann, Museum parade
Pearson Ellen, Mary Ann, & Lydia, Temple terrace
Radfirth George, Fountain Villas
Roberts Joseph, Fountain Villas
Rothwell M., Matlock Bath
Rothwell Sarah, Fountain Villas
Saxton George, Woodland House
Shaw Mary, Bank
Skidmore Margaret, Matlock Bath
Smedley John, Bank
Smedley William, Matlock Bath
Smith Samuel, Matlock Bath
Smith William, Matlock Bath
Walker Geo., Matlock Bath
Walker William (and mail driver), Dale
Woodfield William, Museum Parade
Milliners and Dress Makers.
Cowley Ann, Matlock Bath
Dodson Mary Ann, Bank
Else Hephzibah & Catherine, Bridge
Ludlam Martha, Dimple
Orme Elizabeth, Town
Advertiser, Sat., Wm. Bemrose & Sons, Matlock Bath
Telegraph, Saturday, T. H. Holmes, Matlock Bath
Paint & Colour Manfrs.
Carding Solomon, Green
Garton John, Lumsdale
Painters, Plumbers, & Glaziers.
Coates John, Matlock Bath
Hodgson William (& gilder), Bridge
Keeling George, Town
Oakley Charles (and paper hanger), Tansley Cliff
Taylor Joseph (and engineer and gas fitter), Bridge
Wheatcroft James Walter, Matlock Bath
Paper Manufacturer.
Simons George, Masson Paper Mills ; Wm. Stevenson, manager
Petrifaction and Spar Dealers, and Manfrs.
Marked * have Museums.
*Bird Edward, Matlock Bath
Boden James, Matlock Bath
Boden Sarah, Matlock Bath
Buxton Herbert, Museum parade
Dakin Jph., Museum parade
Gregory Ed., Matlock Bath
Hardstaff Geo., Masson side
*Hartle Robt., Matlock Bath
King James, Matlock Bath
*Pearson Ths., Matlock Bath
Smedley Thos., (& cavern guide), Bridge House
Smedley Wm., Matlock Bath
Smedley Wm., Matlock Bath
*Walker Thomas, Museum parade
Petrifying Wells.
Boden Sarah, Matlock Bath
Pearson Thomas, Matlock Bath
Smedley Ths., Matlock Bath
Quarry Owners.
Walton Anthony, Town
Ward William, Moor
Saddlers and Harness Makers.
Adams Obadiah, Town
Charlton John, Green
Derbyshire Richd., Museum parade
Boden Samuel, Bank
Boden Thomas, Town
Broomhead Joshua, Town
Carline Ebenezer James, Starkholme
Carline Joseph, Starkholme
Davis Horatio, Bank
Hatfield Francis, Bank
Hurd John, Bank
King Anthony, Bank
Rouse Rebecca, Bank
Statham Isaac, Starkholme
Statham Solmn., Starkholme
Ward George, Bank
Wheatcroft James W., Matlock Bath
Woodhouse Alfred (and carter), Bank
Wright Hannah, Town
Stone Masons.
Eyre Wm., Matlock Bath
Hurd John, Bank
Wall George, Bank
Walton Anthony (& quarryman), Town
Wildgoose John, Bank
Wildgoose Lawrence, Bank
Young Charles, Bank
Adams Jph., Matlock Bath
Adams and Cash, Bridge House
Brown Ewd., Matlock Bath
Mant and Alderson, Bank
Bromley James Wm., Bridge
Gregory Jph., Starkholme
King Jas., Matlock Bath
Langhorne Thomas, Green
Rawson George, Bank
Statham Joshua, Green
Bagshaw Thomas, Bank
Bunting Maria, Green
Froggatt John (and timber dealer), Green
Martin Charles, Dale
Ward George, Bank
Wine and Spirit Merts.
Hodgkinson and Brooker, Matlock Bath
Railway Conveyance.
Matlock & Rowsley Branch of the Midland Railway.
Stations, Matlock Bridge and Matlock Bath; six trains each way daily
(Sunday excepted), when there is but one. Benj. Broadhurst, station
master, Matlock Bridge; and William Rich, Station master, Matlock
Bath. AN OMNIBUS AND CABS attend the arrival and departure of every
train from and to Matlock Bath Station
To Buxton and Manchester (from Hodgkinson's Hotel) daily, during the
Derby, John Holmes and John Smith, Tuesday & Saturday
Chesterfield, John Rouse, Tues., Thurs., & Sat.
Wirksworth, John Rouse, Friday
Listed under Cromford, but the address is Scarthing Row, Matlock Parish
There's an index for Cromford directories elsewhere
on this web site
Kirk, John, hat manufacturer
Marsden, Mrs. Rebecca Mary
Wevill Rev. John (Wesleyan)
Inns and Taverns.
Bull's Head, John Walker
Boden Ruth
Boden Samuel
Wragg Samuel
Bakers & Confectioners.
Boden Abel
Smith John
Stone John
Boot and Shoemks.
Brocklehurst Rd.
Satchel Joseph
Taylor John
Wanson George
Boden Edward
Boden Samuel
Coal Merchants.
Barton Fras. (post master) ; h Wirksworth
Glass, China, & Earthnwr. Dlrs
Hall Luke
Spencer John
Hall Luke
Spencer John
Smith John
Stone John
Toplis John
Stone William
Linen and Woollen Drapers.
Davies Phineus
Fryer John
Manfrs. and Inlayers in Marble.
King John
Weston Anthony
Milliners, and Dressmakers.
Boden Mary
Storer Joseph (and ale & porter mert.)
Wain Thomas |