Kelly's Directory of the Counties
of Derby, Notts, Leicester and Rutland. Pub. London (May, 1891)
Bennett Samuel Nevitt, The Beeches
Clay Henry, White House, Snitterton road
Dawber John, Glen roy
Else Alfred Charles, The Firs
Else John, The Firs
Frost Miss, Masson mount
Goodall Mrs., Dale Bridge terrace
Goodfellow Rev. Frank Robert [Congregational], Bridge hall
Irving Miss, Midland view
Jewitt Edwin A. G. Bank house
Marsden Hy. The Woodlands, Darley rd
Millward Benjamin William, Riversdale
Nuttall John, Lyndhurst
Nuttall Percival, Crompton house
Potter James, Dimple house
Potter Mrs. Midland View
Rains Robert Harding M.R.C.S. Moss bank, Dale road
Richardson Thomas Robert, Volta ho
Roper Mrs. Laurel bank
Terry John Frederick, Glenholme
Wagstaffe Thomas Richd. Gordon villa
Westcombe George, Rockleigh
Wilkinson, Arthur Gregory, Volta house
Wragg Mrs. 2 Station villas
Abbott William, Queen's Head P.H.
Askew William Brightmore, builder & contractor, Dale road
Bakewell Hugo, stationer, Victoria bldgs
Balguy F. C. manager of the Derby & Derbyshire bank & treasurer
to the Matlock Bath local board
Ballington Josiah, boot & shoe maker
Barker John Goddard A.C.O. professor of music, Dale road
Barnwell Henry, watchmaker & jeweller & dealer in crown derby
Bateman John, Railway inn, good stabling accommodation, Bakewell rd
Beck Thomas, stone merchant & builder
Boden George, stone merchant, Railway wharf; & at Matlock Green
& Poor Lots grindstone quarries, Tansley.
Boden John, Baker & confctnr. Crown bldgs
BODEN THOMAS, coal & coke merchant;
res. Matlock Town
Boden Thos. Abel, butcher, Crown bldgs
Brailsford Ann (Miss), lodging house, Kingsbridge terrace
Brayshaw Benjamin, grocer, Dale road
Bridge Andrew, stone merchant
BRITTAIN S. S. JUN. Accountant, house,
estate & insur. Agent & valuer
Brown's Temperance Hotel (Miss H. Marriott, proprietress), Dale road;
& at Buxton; good accommodation for private families & commercials.
Brownson Chas. shopkeeper, Holt ter
Buckley Thomas, monumental mason, Darley road
Bunting George, boot & shoe maker
Burton & Nix, boarding house, Dale rd
Cassell & Pearson, farmers, Megdale frm
Castle & Hurd, drapers & outfitters
Clarke John Joseph, insurance agent
Conservative Club, (Henry Barnard, hon. sec)
Constable William Edward & Co tar paving contractors
Coton Alfd,, boot & shoe ma. Halifax ho
Crofts Jas. Thompson, joiner & builder
Crompton & Evans' Union Bank Lim. (branch)(Percival Nuttall, manager);
draw on Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co. London EC
Crown Hardware Co. (Robert Hall, sec.), ironmongers, Crown square
Derby & Derbyshire Banking Co. Lim. (branch) (F. C. Balguy, manager);
draw on Williams Deacon & Manchester & Salford Bank Limited,
London E C
Derbyshire Times (branch), market house chambers
Drabble George S., stone merchant and quarry owner, Railway stn
Else E. & F. booksellers & stationers
ELSE & SON, auctioneers, valuers,
accountants & estate & land agents
Else John, assistant overseer
Farnsworth Bros. Ivory black manufrs
Fisher William Sealy, solicitor & commissioner for oaths &
registrar & high bailiff to the Wirksworth & Matlock county
courts, Dale road
Fowler Martha (Mrs), lodging house, 2 Kingsbridge terrace
Gratton Ernest, chief clerk to county court, Dale road
Greatorex Job, quarry owner, Dale road
Green Thos. Beer retailer & lime burner
Haining William, bill poster
Hall Robert F.S.A.A. accountant &c. & sec. to the Matlock
& District Company Lim.; & at Wirksworth
Hallam Ernest, ldgng. Ho. Kingsbridge ter
Harker Robert Alfred, chemist & druggist, Harker's Compound
Balsamic Cough Elixir, Quinine and Iron Tonic, Teething and Cooling
Powders, three well-tried medicines which should be kept in every
Harris & Terry, solicitors
Harris Walter Noel, solicitor, commissioner for oaths & perpetual
commissioner (firm, Harris & Noel)
Hartley Hodgson Genn, saddler & harness maker
Higton Wm. marine store dealer, Dale road
Hilton Richard, tailor & outfitter
Hodgkinson George, printer, bookbinder & postmaster
& dressmaker
Hodgkinson John Samuel, chemist & agent for W. & A. Gilbey,
wine & spirit merchants, Dale road
Hodgkinson Joseph, auctioneer & valuer
Hodgkinson Lindsey, grocer
Hodgson William, painter &c
Holmes Peter, draper, Victoria house, Dale road
Hutchings Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, Woodlands cottage, Dale road
Hussey Jane (Miss), lodging house, 3 Kingsbridge terr
Keeling Arthur Reginald, plumber
KIRKLAND WILLIAM, plumber, glazier,
gas fitter, electrical engineer, bell hanger & painter, Victoria
Knowles Edwin, farmer, Hall dale
Knowles Henry, china dlr. Crown bldngs
Liberal Club (Edward Slack, sec)
general & fancy draper, dress making & mourning orders punctually
executed, Derwent house & Matlock Bank
Loverock & son, drapers &c
Macdonald James Brunton A.C.A. sec. To the National Assurance Co.
of Scotland, Dale road
Maguire Alex. Grocer & provision dealer, Dale road
MARSDEN HENRY, tailor & draper;
dressmaking & mourning orders punctually executed, Derwent house
& Matlock Bank
Marsden Jsph. butcher, & at Matlock tn
Marsden Jsph. D. grocer & provision dlr
Matlock Bridge Assembly Rooms (Wm. Abbott, lessee), Market hall
Matlock Bridge Freehold land Society (G.W. Wright, sec)
Matlock Bridge Market Hall (William Abbott, collector)
Matlock & District Gas Co. Lim. (Robert Hall F.S.A.A. sec. &
manager); works, Darley road
Matlock & High Tor Recreation Grounds Co. Limited (Robert Hall,
Matlock Industrial & Provident Society Lim. coal merchants,
railway statn
Matlock Visiting List (Mrs. Elizabeth Edmunds, publisher), Market
House chambers
Matlock Water Works Co. Lim. (Jsph. Hodgkinson, sec.); works, Matlock
Milward Benjamin William, manager of Sheffield & Rotherham Joint
Stock Banking Co. Limited & treasurer to the local board
Moore William Harrison, baker & confectioner
Muir Jas. Gilchrist, jeweller & watch ma
National Assurance Co. of Scotland Lim. (branch) (James B. Macdonald,
sec), Dale rd
Newbold Emily (Miss), day scl. Dale rd
Nicholson Rev. Richard, hydropathic institution, Bridge hall
Nuttall John, architect & surveyor
Nuttall Percival, manager to the Crompton & Evans Union Bank Limited
Orme Robert & Co. grocers &c.; & at Bakewell
Peglar George, Crown hotel
Phillips William, hair dresser, newsagent & tobacconist
Platts Florence (Miss), dress maker
Platts George, farmer, Midland view
Platts James, farmer, Station villa
Potter James, solicitor, commissioner for oaths & perpetual commissioner,
clerk to the magistrates & steward of the manor of Matlock
Potter John William, hosier & outfitter, Buxton house
Pride William, fishmonger
Rains Robert Harding M.R.C.S. Eng. surgeon, Mossbank, Dale rd
electricians, Volta house, Bank rd
RICHARDSON FRANK, L.D.S. Eng. surgeon-dentist,
London house, Dale rd
Roberts Elizabeth (Mrs.) lodging ho. 1 Kingsbridge terrace
Sharp Thos. upholstr. & cabinet maker
CO. LIMITED (branch) (B.W. Milward...
Sherwood Foresters (Derbyshire Regt.) 2nd Vol. Batt. (K Company) (Capt.
J. R. Dudley, commandant; E. W. Davy & John R. Hall, lieuts.;
Rev. Chas. M. Leacroft, acting chaplain)
SKIRROW WILLIAM, coal & general
merchant, Railway station; residence Matlock green
Sleigh Myles Atkinson, solicitor & clerk to Matlock local board,
Market hall chambers
Singer Manufacturing Co. (Chas. Speed, agent), Dale road
Slack Edward, butcher & farmer, Allen hill & Dale rd
Statham Geo. Edwd. architect & surveyr
Statham William Nathan, photographr
Taylor Gervase, farmer, Hall dale
Taylor John, Old English family & commercial hotel
Terry John Frederic, solicitor & commissnr. For oaths (firm, Harris
& Terry)
Thompson Abraham & Son, shoeing & general smiths
Thompson James, blacksmith
Victoria Mutual Assurance Society (branch) (James B. Macdonald, sec),
Dale rd
Walters Susan (Mrs.), berlin wool & fancy repository
Watts Joseph, mason & builder
WHITE & MILLNE, wholesale &
retail family grocers & tea dealers, wine & spirit merchants
& mineral water manufacturers, Bee Hive Tea mart
Wood William, Boat House hotel
estate agent & sec. To the Matlock Bridge Freehold Land Society,
assessor & collector of income tax for Matlock, Matlock Bath &
WRIGHT TOM, coal, coke, lime &
cement merchant & district agent for the Pinxton collieries; &
at Darley Dale
POST, M.O. & T.O., S.B. & Insurance Annuity & Office,
Matlock Bridge. - George Hodgkinson, postmaster. Letters arrive
from Matlock Bath at 7.30 a.m. & 2 & 5 p.m. ; & dispatched
thereto at 10 a.m., 5.30, 6.5 & 7 p.m. ; sundays 5.55 p.m.
[Additional information for Matlock Bridge:
Railway Station, John Ashton, station master]
An Ann Andrews transcript
Note: spelling, case and punctuation are as they appear in the Directory
Elsewhere on this site: Kelly's
Derbyshire, 1891
Cromford extracts (Scarthin, etc.) for 1891 are located there