Francis Chantrey (1781-1841) produced a series of drawings
of Derbyshire that were engraved by G. Cooke to accompany
Ebenezer Rhodes' book "Peak
Scenery". As the engraving has the word "Proof"
on this it may or may not have been the final version.
It was drawn from a very similar position to the earlier Matlock
High Torr &C, 1751 and shows High Tor on the left,
with the limestone crags towering over the valley floor.
The waters of the Derwent seem to be very low as there
are numerous rocks showing above the waterline. There is
a narrow trackway on the right hand river bank which was
the only way into the Dale from the north.
The large rocks on the river bed have often appeared in
photographs and some of them were still there until the river
was deepened in the late 1970s/early80s(?). They are the
remains of the weir and island for the water wheel which
was situated on the east side of the river. According to
David Palmer Pearson (1858-1932[1]),
this patch of fishing was known as Collingwood's Stream and,
some years after the wheel ceased operation, the majority
of the stone was removed and used to build Alpine Cottage
in Matlock Bath[2].
Phoebe Bown "lived nearly opposite to the High Tor
at Matlock" for a good part of her life and the cottage
amongst the trees on the right, shown in the enlargement
below, fits that description; we also know that her father
Samuel had owned land here which was passed down to Phoebe
by Will[3].
This property would have been Phoebe's home, where she lived
with her parents until their deaths and continued to live
for a good number of years afterwards. The Land Tax of 1s 4d that
Phoebe paid in 1820 would have been the sum due for this
cottage[4]. Just
few years afterwards the Bown's home was sold and demolished
to make way for Tor
Cottage (later the High Tor Guest House/Hotel), which
is still in the Dale today[5].
Phoebe Bown then moved to Matlock where she remained until
her death.

Enlargement of the Bown's cottage.
It would "probably have been sited immediately south of
the main
High Tor hotel building, about on the old turning place/sundial
on the ridge just opposite the
suspension bridge"[2]. |

Chantrey's drawing, without
the added colour, can be found on
the British Museum web site (external
link so will open in a new window).
If the link doesn't work, click on 'Search
the collection database' and type in High Tor.
Further reading:
Croston, James 1889, reprint 1974 "Chantrey's
Peak Scenery, or Views in Derbyshire", Moorland Reprints,
Moreland Publishing Company is a relatively recent publication
and features all the engravings from Rhodes' original work. |
(coloured links are to transcripts or more information elsewhere
on this web site):
[1] Palmer Person was a well-known
Derbyshire antiquararian. He was member of the English Place-Names
Society, and was one of the leading authorities on Derbyshire
place-names. He lived at Heath
Bank and later at Hilderstone.
[2] With grateful thanks to Colin
Goodwyn for his help with this and for explaining just how
many weirs there were along the river Derwent over the years.
[3] From research about the purchase
of the land by Samuel Bown undertaken by Colin , mentioned
on other pages. See Pre-1858
[4] Parish of Matlock Land Tax Assessments,
1820, Derbyshire Record Office, Matlock.
[5] "Derby Mercury",
3 August 1831. Torr Cottage sale notice. "This elegant
dwelling, situate near the banks of the Derwent, ... has been
erected within the last three years ...".