Bank & Bridge, 1900-02 |
Matlock : Twentieth Century Photographs, Postcards,
Engravings & Etchings |

The second image was published in this Guide.
There are several pointers to help
define the date of the three images here, one of which is
in the Reliable Series whilst the two black and white pictures
published by Photochrom. For example, development along
Lime Grove Walk is restricted to the top section of the
road and is only on one side. On St. Joseph's Street we
can see the Presbytery (built in 1896), Inglenook (completed
before 1901) and one of the pairs of semi-detached houses.
The second of these was built a year or so later. On
Edge Road there is a detached house close to the junction
with Bank Road, but only two of the terrace of six properties
had been constructed. Higher up the Bank Rockside had not
been re-developed; that work was undertaken between 1903 and
1906. So the photographs were taken at the earliest during
1899 and no later than 1902 and the third image, below, was
published in a Ward Lock guide soon afterwards.
Bridge House (later Bridge Hall Hydro), which was described
in 1893 as "having an attractive villa like appearance",
was extended in 1899-1900 and by this time was being used
as the Town Hall and the Council
Offices. Various concerts and shows were also staged in the
building. For example, in the spring of 1902 a Mr. Joshua
Dyson together with his original Diorama and Gipsy Choir
visited Matlock for nine days. It was their first visit to
Matlock and the programme promised something different for
every recital from the choir of 20 performers[1].
Another entertainer to perform there later the same year
was Mr. Mel. B. Spurr who gave a "humourous and musical
recital", though it seems his efforts were only appreciated
by a small audience![2]
Plots of land for building would be offered for sale from
time to time and in 1902 Joseph Hodgkinson advertised a plot "situate
in Limegrove Walk No. 1, Matlock Bridge, being Lot 27 on
the Matlock Bridge Land Society's Estate Plan, containing
533 square yards or thereabouts". The land did not sell
on that occasion so the land was not developed[3].
This was followed by a important sale of property from
Charles Rowland's estate. Six freehold houses and shops with
frontages onto Bank Road and Oak Road were sold to Mr. George
Bunting; Oak Terrace on Matlock Bank was also purchased by
Mr. Bunting. Five cottages (Carlton Terrace) and four more
(Moyston Terrace) were bought by Dr. Le Page. Pope Carr
Gardens, with a cottage and greenhouses and occupied by James
Greaves at the time, were bought by a Mr. Sheridan of Sheffield[4].
In December 1902 there was an incident on the Bank that
could have been considerably worse than it turned out to
be. A pantechnicon had been sent to Matlock Station from
a Leicestershire firm, laden with furniture for Rockside
Hydro and the goods were successfully conveyed to their destination
by the rail company's dray. Having delivered the items to
the Hydro without any problems, the dray began the return
journey down Bank Road via Rutland Street. Unfortunately
the horse took exception to a stationary tram and shied,
then started to trot down the hill but rapidly began to gallop.
The unfortunate animal careered into a lamp post between
Matlock House Hydro and Hands Garage and the lamp post snapped!
The horse continued on but after several other incidents
it unfortunately sustained fatal injuries. It was lucky no
people were injured as Smedley's bus was going up Bank Road
at the time, but managed to avoid a collision[5].
It wasn't unusual for postcard publishers to use the same photograph
for several years and the very early twentieth century picture
of Matlock Bank, above, predates its franking date by eight
to ten years. The publisher, Photochrom, also provided images
for the Ward Lock Guides and the third image, below, is from
the 1903 Guide.
Initially it was thought the two black and white pictures
were two different images, but on close examination it has
been found that the postcard is actually just a cropped version
of the picture from the Guide. There are several small details
that prove this. Firstly, the people surrounding the tram
are exactly the same in both pictures[6];
secondly, there is another tram outside the Matlock Methodist
and United Reformed Church on Bank Road; and thirdly, the
chimney smoke rising from both one of the Dale Road shops
and another building to the left of the County Bridge in
the foreground is also the same. All three things would not
be identical if two pictures had been taken from the same
location at different times. |

Panorama of Matlock Bank, a Photochrom image published
by Ward Lock in 1903. |
The panoramic view from the guide includes two buildings
that don't appear on many photos taken from this vantage
point - the United Methodist Free Chapel in the grounds of
Smedley's Hydro[7] (left,
top), which is also just about visible in the coloured picture,
and the stone built "Rag
Mill" with
a tall chimney which was used as a colour works in 1893 (left,
The building is partly obscured by a tree which hides the
middle section. |
1. "Matlock Bridge and Bank from Masson". One of
the Reliable Series, W R & S, No.5122. Chromotyped in Hessen.
Not used. © Ann
Andrews collection
2. "Matlock Bank" published by Photochrom Co. Ltd.,
London posted 10 Sep 1910 in Matlock Bath to Miss Butler, Leamington
Spa from J. B. Morral.
In the collection of provided by and © Pauline
3. Photograph of "Matlock Bank" published by the
Photochrom Co., Ltd., London. From Ward Lock & Co's "Guide
to Matlock, Dovedale, Etc.", Illustrated Guide Books
of England and Wales (Guide Series 1903-4) © Ann Andrews
collection. This image was originally on matlock_bank_01_wl1903.htm
but the two pages have now been merged.
Images scanned for this website and information researched,
written by and © Ann Andrews.
Intended for personal use only.
References (coloured links are to transcripts and information
elsewhere on this web site):
[1] "Derbyshire Times",
17 May 1902 (Matlock Bridge. Dyson's Gipsy Choir). Mr. Dyson
toured the country for many years and died at Wetherby in
October 1910.
[2] "Derbyshire Times",
11 October 1902. He was about to embark on a prolonged tour
of America.
[3] "Derbyshire Times",
10 May 1902. The plot was auctioned at the Old English Hotel
by Joseph Hodgkinson on 14 May 1902 but failed to its reserve
and was withdrawn.
[4] "Derbyshire Times",
21 May 1902 and "Derbyshire
Times", 31 May 1902. The occupiers were:
Shops and
houses on Bank Road and Oak Road - Isaac Buxton,
William Addy, John Oakley, Thomas Shaw, George Statham and
Mrs. Fowler;
Oak Terrace -Messrs Dakin, Goodwin, Rouse and Winterbottom;
Carlton Terrace - Hopkinson, Moore, Upton, Killick and another;
Moyston Terrace - Henshaw, Hallam, Frost and Allen (bounded
by properties of Dr. Le Page, Henry Ward);
Pope Carr Gardens - James Greaves was a florist and market
gardener (bounded by properties of Dr. Le Page, Henry Ward,
Mr. A. Allsop, Oak Road and Chesterfield Road).
[5] "Derbyshire Times", 6
December 1902.
[6] See Bank
Road & the Steep-Gradient Tramway
[7] There is more about the Chapel
- United
Methodist Free Chapel, Smedley's Hydro, Matlock, 1885
[8] 1893 auction notice. There
are several other images of the former colour works and
its chimney on the site: The
Popular Album of Matlock is a late 19th century booklet
and the chimney is coloured red on Matlock
- looking towards Hackney, early 20th Century | Holt
Lane and Dale Road, about 1900. You have
to look hard, but it also can be seen on Matlock
Bank, the Hall Leys and Dale Road, 1912-14 (top image).