This photograph was taken from almost the same vantage point as Matlock
Bridge & Bank, 1903-04 before the green fields were covered
by houses. It was registered by Valentine's in 1907. The view
is looking towards Hackney and shows Allen Hill, The Dimple, Imperial
Road (bisected by the red chimney) with a short stretch of Edge
Road - shown as a cul de sac at that time - from the point it joins
Woolley Road / Imperial Road to it disappearing into a tree. It
also includes a few buildings on Bakewell Road and Snitterton Road.
Wolley Road, or Woolley Road as it became, was originally known
as Allen Lane[1]. The
early maps show Allen Lane as very narrow but in 1895 notices were
placed in the Derbyshire press to improve things:
"Derbyshire Advertiser and Journal", 21
June 1895
Derbyshire Times, 26 June 1895
CONTRACTORS AND OTHERS.-TENDERS are invited for the Widening
and Construction of a Road known as "Wolley Road",
situate at Matlock Bridge, and also for the laying out and
Construction of three new Streets lying between the said
Road and Dimple Road. The work consists of excavation, forming,
ballasting, curbing, sewering &c., &c. Plans, &c.,
may be inspected and forms of tender obtained from Messrs.
John Parkin and Son, Idridgehay, near Derby, to whom tenders
must be sent in on or before Saturday, the 6th of July next".
The "Derby Mercury" of 26 June 1895 published the same
notice, but used Woolley.
Below the line of houses on the top of the hill, which are
on Cavendish Road just above Jackson Tor, is Jackson House. In
both 1908 and 1916 Leonard Bramwell was running Jackson House as
a hydropathic establishment[2].
All Saints' Church is easily distinguished by the large grey roof.
Part of Wolley Road is just above the red chimney and looks like
an angular letter J, with the houses of Malpas Road off it to the
left. Beyond that are the buildings around the Crabtree Inn and
Hackney just goes off on the far left.
As for the red chimney, this was part of the "Rag Mill" near
the railway station,
and later was occupied by Poyser's Patents. It was built between
1876 and 1884[3] but
there was no clear indication of an occupier until Smedley's Hydropathic
Company Limited bought the disused mill from Mr John Fisher of
Chindrass House, Starkholmes in 1901. The mill had been empty for
years but had a right to water power from the River Derwent. The
hydro's purchase seems to have been unexpected though it transpired
that they had bought the mill for conversion to an electric power
station. It was said that until he had accepted the cash for the
deal John Fisher did not know the name of the buyer![4].
Smedley's required an adequate water supply, mentioned in the company's
annual report, but the mill neither did nor could take river water
for power although it must have drawn its supply for its boiler
and also for use in paint grinding from there. Smedley's idea
was destined to be short lived[3].
In June 1902 the Notts. and Derbyshire Electric Power Bill was
among the Bills which received the Royal Assent the House of Lords[5].

Jackson House is at the top, slightly right of centre,
with All Saints' to the right. |
In the enlargement, above, that shows the Woolley Road, Imperial
Road and Edge Road junction we can see early twentieth century
development. There are two houses on Edge Road and the beginnings
of the three pairs of semi detached houses on the north side
of Imperial Road. There was further development, but not
much, before the First World War.
References (coloured links are to transcripts and information
elsewhere on this web site):
[1] The road is shown as Allen Lane on
Ordnance Survey maps 1876-80 1 : 2,500 and the 1884 map. By 1899-1900
it was shown on maps as Woolley Road although trade directories
of 1908 and 1912 used the Wolley spelling variant.
[2] See Kelly's
Directory, 1908 and Kelly's
Directory, 1916.
[3] Information from Colin Goodwyn
The mill chimney can also be seen on The
Popular Album of Matlock (scroll down) and Matlock:
Holt Lane and Dale Road, about 1900. You have to look hard,
but it is also on Matlock Bank & Bridge,
about 1900 (2) and Matlock
Bank, the Hall Leys and Dale Road, 1912-20 (top image). There
is another view of the rag mill on The
Bridge (4), and the Broad Walk.
[4] "Derbyshire Times",
23 March 1901. Probable Electric Lighting of Matlock. Mr. Fisher's
House can be seen on Starkholmes,
Sheffield Works Societies' Convalescent Home.
[5] "Derbyshire Times",
28 June 1902.