Primitive Methodist, Bank Road
Sunday, 8 March, 1925
Organ Recital by Capt. H. Douglas
Soloists: Miss Edith Hockley and Mr. Stanley Moreton
The Prize Choir
Chairman: Mr. Fred Drabble
Printer: Geo. Hodgkinson, Matlock

Tuesday, 28th February 1928
Musical Recital
Mrs. A. Slater, Soprano
Miss Berta Young, Violin
Mr. H. D. Wildgoose, Pianoforte
Mr. H. Douglas, Organ

Primitive Methodist Church, Matlock Bank - Choir Festival
Easter Sunday 1929
Preacher: Rev. J. B. Hardy
Organists: Mr. L. G. Wildgoose & Harold D. Wildgoose
Chairman: Fred Drabble, Esq.
Soloists: Madame Eliot Caldwell, Mr. Sam Fowkes
Organ Solo: Capt. H. Douglas
The Choir

Matlock Congregational Church
Sunday, 23rd February 1930
Organ Recital by Capt. H. Douglas
Soloists: Mr. Henry Askew, Tenor

Matlock Rotary Club
Music Programme on behalf of the Schoolboys' Camp performed at Matlock Congregational
Sunday, 26th November 1933
Soprano: Miss Muriel Palmer
Violinist: Miss Margaret Hampson
Pianist: Miss Edna Downing
Organist: Capt. H. Douglas

Matlock Congregational Church Music Recital
Wednesday, 9th December, 1936
Vocalist: Miss Dorothy Marshall
Violinist: Miss Margaret Hampson
Pianist: Miss Ethel Gregory
Organist: Capt. H. Douglas
Major Douglas died on 30 December 1954, aged 72. The obituary
notice in "The Times" commented on his considerable
musical abilities[2].
He had also been a first class shot. In 1922, for example, it was
noted that he had been recorded in the King's Hundred at Bisley
six times[4].