A patient at Smedley's at the beginning of the First World War wrote
the following message:
"Am settling down to the ways of this Estab - the Dr has
ordered me various baths & massage treatments, & it takes
all morning to get through with them. I haven't to exert myself
in the least & for a week must not leave the Hydro grounds
but lay on the couch on a balcony and rest. The Dr thinks that
after a week's thorough treatment I shall pull up well & that
before I leave here he will have made a cure so that I shall
not need to go anywhere else - I'm thankful of this as I want
to be feeling fit & do some work again ..."[1].
Patients can be seen resting on the verandah and enjoying the
fresh air, some in easy chairs and some on couches.
Many of Matlock's hydros were requisitioned in the First World
War, but Smedley's functioned normally and the permanent residents
were largely undisturbed. The hydro had to take some Service personnel
who needed either treatment or convalescence, but the numbers were
So, although the
Hydro could not develop and grow during the War, at least the
management did not face a repair bill afterwards. In 1916, for
example, the hydro's manager Henry Challand advertised the hydro
as the "Largest and Most Complete. Extensively patronised
all the year round as a HEALTH and PLEASURE RESORT; there being
an average of over 240 visitors daily in residence. Illustrated
Souvenir on application"[3].
As with many other establishments, a large number of male employees
joined up and several were killed in the conflict (see War
Memorials). At the annual shareholders' meeting on 16th
Sept 191 the Chairman reported that "The total number
of members of the staff who were serving either in the Army
or munitions shops was 30"[4].
He also paid trubute to Bertie Checkley, who had been killed
in the August[4].
One of those returning from France to work at Smedley's after
the War was Harry Douglas, who had been the hydro's Book-keeper
before the War. He did not return from the Front until the very
end of February 1919; the High
Peak News reported that Captain Douglas, as he had become,
and another local man, "have
done splendid work for the Country during the whole of the war
and are still doing it"[5].
Harry Douglas was not finally demobilised until mid November
"Smedley's was to emerge triumphant and more
popular than ever from the war years, but it was a more modern,
go-ahead, up-to-date institution, which John Smedley would scarcely
have recognised[2]".
At the Hydropathic Company's annual meeting in September 1919
the chairman, Mr. William Crowther, said that although the directors
had been compelled to increase their charges, they were not
in proportion to those of other places". Their profits
were lower, although the work done was in excess of previous
years. Mr. William Crowther and Mr. H. Bunney were appointed
directors, with Mr. Bunney replacing the late Mr. William Quilliam[7].
At the company's meeting the following year Mr. Crowther announced
that necessary improvements to the kitchen and dining room,
estimated as costing £25,000, were in hand. It would mean
the hydro could cope with the increased business it had generated.
He added that the cost of food had increased 135% since
the war, whereas their charge had only been raised by 40%,
with the total income for the past year - £88,076 - being
the highest on record. This was a good start to the inter war
The two advertisements below, the first from the back cover
and the second from within the text of a local guide, show what
was available at the hydro in the second decade of the twentieth
Two advertisements from Hodgkinson's
Guide, published about 1917-18. |
A selection of pictures, found
in the Vernon Lamb Archive, of Smedley's staff just before the
Read the next stage in the hydro's
history, Matlock: Smedley's
Hydro, The Inter-War Years
Other pages of interest:
Directory 1916 shows Henry Challand at the hydro's M.D.
of Local Businesses, 1900-1949 (5), S-T