The exterior of Smedley's looked grander and grander with every
extension and internally the addition of such modern inventions
such as the electric light, installed in 1886, kept apace of nineteenth
and early twentieth century advances. In 1908, a year before this
particular postcard was sent, a garage for fifteen cars was built.
This was a major change and not just because motor cars were beginning
to replace horse drawn carriages as the chosen means of transport.
As Lawrence du Garde Peach was to later observe, the type of "patient" to
visit the hydro in a motor car in 1908 would not have been an invalid.
He or she would have travelled along deeply rutted limestone roads
that also had quite a few potholes in vehicles that were not well
sprung. Not ideal if you were really unwell! In 1908 this was "an
adventure for a healthy man, not the sort of risk to be taken by
an invalid[1]".
The card's sender thought this view of Smedley's was "not
a good one, as it only gives an idea of a quarter of the size of
the building".
Smedley's was not without its share of people coveting what wasn't
theirs. Billed as the "Matlock Hydro sensation" in 1912,
jewellery and a purse belonging to a Miss Ethel Quick, who was
a guest (and a relative of Mr. Barney Barato, the late South African
millionaire), were reported missing on 13th March. A Swiss governess,
one Leah Schneider, had also been staying at the hydro but on the
Saturday morning she was arrested at Matlock station, her luggage
was searched and the missing items found[2].
Whilst it seems to have been a fair cop, Miss Schneider was only
19 years old. This may have helped her case, as when she
appeared in court she was given a nominal sentence of one day and
promptly released[3].
She had a lucky escape as about three years earlier a notorious
gentleman thief who used several aliases and was said to be the
most expert hotel thief in the country was given seven years penal
servitude for stealing from the hydro's visitors[4].
James Robertson had stayed at Smedley's and was seen "walking
smartly to the station with a lady's jewel case in his hands".
Miss Schneider and Mr. Robertson were not the only ones to be prosecuted,
but their stories are the most interesting.
The hydro continued to expand up to World War One, with new features
added each year. Despite a smoke room being built in 1892,
smoking was not allowed either in the corridors or in the public
rooms until 1915. This was all in sharp contrast to the days of
John Smedley when Reverend Charles H. Spurgeon was rebuked for
smoking in his room and Smedley wouldn't have tolerated either
a smoking room or smoking anywhere in the hydro[1].

This view of the hydro had been repeated on a number of cards, although no others found to date that include the hydro's contact information. It is likely
to have been a card advertising the hydro, rather that one more readily available in local shops. The underlying drawing was used on a number of
the establishment's advertisements after WW1. The hydro stands aloft here, with all the buildings on the hillside behind it edited out! Posted in 1912,
the image indicates that the tennis court had become a hard court. The hydro's bowling green is on the opposite side of the footpath.
A selection of pictures, found in the Vernon Lamb Archive, of Smedley's
staff just before the war:
Read the next stage in the hydro's
history, Matlock: Smedley's Hydro
during the First World War
Other pages of interest:
Smedley's Hydropathic Establishment Enumeration
Book in the 1901 census
of Local Businesses, 1900-1949 (5), S-T
1. "Smedley's Hydro, Matlock". Published by Salisbury Ball, Sheffield.
Posted 7 Aug 1912 at Matlock Bath. Another card like this was posted
1910. Personal message not relevant to picture.
2. "Smedley's Hydro, Matlock". No publisher, but probably
produced for the Hydro. Posted 27 Dec 1909 at Matlock. Sent to Miss
Pope in Shoreham.
Images in the collection of, provided by and © Ann Andrews.
3. "Smedley's Hydropathic Establishment, Matlock". No publisher given, but printed in Germany. Posted Matlock July
16 1912. Sent by Harriett of Wilmot Street to her brother and sister [in law]. Image © Maureen Smith collection.
Written, researched by and © Ann Andrews.
Intended for personal use only.
[1] Peach, Lawrence du Garde (1954) "John Smedley of Matlock and his Hydro", Bemrose Publicity
Co.: Derby & London.
[2] "Derbyshire Courier",
30 March 1912. The Matlock Hydro sensation. The newspapers obviously
liked the headline as it was used on several occasions in the early
years of the twentieth century.
[3] "Derbyshire Courier", 13 April 1912.
[4] "Manchester Courier and Lancashire
General Advertiser", 7 January 1909. Robertson claimed he
had not paid his bill because he had been gambling and had lost all
his money!