Dyson and Clough's Matlock Bath Filling Station on Derby Road was originally owned by Mr. Guy Le Blanc Smith.
He sold it to Messrs. Dyson and Clough in 1930 and they subsequently enlarged the premises[1].
The garage replaced some old buildings called Win Tor that were between Bath Terrace and Derby Road. A postcard on
this site shows the Win Tor buildings partly demolished - see Matlock Bath
from Cat Tor.
Stanley Beecroft Clough, one of the two owners of the garage, was born in Horsforth, Yorkshire, in 1898[2].
His father was a Commission Wool Merchant in Bradford and he and his wife moved to Guilderoy (west) in 1930 when Thomas closed his business there[3],
presumably bringing Stanley with them. Mr. Clough's partner at the garage was Harold Dyson[4]. The top photograph,
which dates from the 1930s, almost certainly shows Mr. Dyson behind one of the petrol pumps on the forecourt.
In 1933, following a heat wave, there was a flurry of excitement at the filling station as Messrs. Dyson and Clough were reported
to have caught a scorpion on their premises. It was described as something like a wasp but four times bigger and was said to
have two stings, one of which was three-quarters of an inch long. It was also said to have had a hard, scaly body[5].
The company, Dyson and Clough Limited, was eventually wound up in 1965 and liquidators were appointed on 23rd September
of that year[6].
"Appointment" card dating from before 1940[6].
Enlargement of the picture on the Appointment card.

Harold Dyson and Stanley Clough are standing behind the motor
cyclists, slightly right of centre.
They are both wearing what would have been a coat / overall, possibly light brown.
The motor cyclists would have been members of the Matlock Motor Cycle and Light Car Club.
Below is a photograph of Matlock Bath Filling Station, also
dating from before 1940 [7].
It shows the corner of the old Hartle's
Bazaar building, which was demolished in the 1930s.
The final photograph is of Harold Dyson