Matlock & Matlock Bath's Memorial Inscriptions |
Surnames Index for all Matlock and
Matlock Bath's memorials, and many MI transcripts |
Holy Trinity Church, Matlock Bath : in the Churchyard* |

About Holy Trinity Church |
Numbering & order is the
same as the DFHS fiche* to avoid confusion,
so 239a comes before 239
- In loving memory of/ANTHONY BODEN of Matlock Bath who died/October
4th 1900 aged 49 years/also ANNIE his beloved wife who died/December
14th 1930 aged 75 years. R.I.P.
(Kerb & black vase)
- In memory of GERTRUDE MARY ELIZABETH/the dearly beloved wife
of/FREDERICK WILLIAM FLETCHER and fourth daughter/of SAMUEL and
JANE E. SPRINTHALL who fell/asleep July 11th 1901 aged 26 years/At
rest in the Lord/ also in loving memory of JANE ELIZABETH/ the
dearly beloved wife of /SAMUEL SPRINTHALL who died December 25th
1903/aged 66 years/also of ERIC FLETCHER died December 16th/1919
aged 18 years/ SAMUEL SPRINTHALL who died March 20th 1920/aged
82 years.
(Cross & broken kerb & ledger)
- In loving memory of my dear husband/STANLEY BEECROFT CLOUGH
who passed into God's/keeping March 5th 1965 aged 66 years.
(Kerb & vase)
- In loving memory of CLIFFORD RIDLEY died/November 10th 1964
aged 59 years/EDITH dear wife of CLIFFORD died December/22nd 1970.
(Headstone kerb & vase)
- In memory of Revd FRANK R. BELLAMY the esteemed/Pastor of Lady
Glenorchy Chapel for 42 years/died 8th November 1906 aged 67 years/also
MARTHA BELLAMY his wife died 20th Aug/1906 aged 64 years/also
ELIZABETH LETITIA BELLAMY his sister/died 12th January 1905 aged
60 years/Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.
(Scroll and kerb)
- Sacred to the memory of JOHN ADDISON STAINSBY/of Darlington
who died at East Dale Matlock/Bath on the 12th March 1902 aged
65 years/Peace perfect peace.
(Cross & kerb)
- In loving memory of EDMUND MARTIN WELLS born/Nov 24th 1913 died
Oct 27th 1927.
(Cross & kerb)
- in loving memory of WILLIAM ELLIOTT HOWE of/Matlock Bath who
died November 23 1890 aged/63 years/also of HILDA sixth child
of the above who/died April 21 1884 aged 6 years/He giveth his
beloved sleep/also of MARY ANNE wife of the above who went/to
rest September 9 1916 aged 75 years/Thou wilt keep him in perfect
peace whose mind/is stayed on thee. Isaiah 26,3/and of HELENA
second child of the above who/joined them on October 27 1921 aged
50 years.
(Headstone & kerb)
- Holding forth the word of life/In affectionate remembrance of
JOHN MARTIN MAYNARD/ formerly Incumbent of this parish/who died
September 16th 1871 aged 48 years/"This God is our God for ever
and ever:He/will be our guide even unto death." Psalm 48/"We know
that all things work together for/good to them that love God."
Romans 8,28/"If we believe that Jesus died and rose again/even
so them that also sleep in Jesus will God/bring with him." 1 Thes
4,14v/also of CHARLOTTE his wife who died April 21/1895 aged 78/He
hath made with me an everlasting covenant. 2 Sam 23,5v.
(Headstone & kerb)
- In memory of CATHERINE A R COLLINGWOOD eldest child of HENRY
aged XVI years/In memory of EMILIE-MARIA COLLINGWOOD fifth daughter
of HENRY S J COLLINGWOOD and JANE his wife who died May XI MDCCCLI
aged IX years.
(Chest tomb & kerb)
- In memory of CAROLINE the youngest daughter of JOHN PECHELL
Esquire J P & NANCY WECENER his wife of Kingston upon Hull and
of Guildroy House Matlock who departed this life the 25th June
1855 aged 18 years/She is not dead but sleepeth. Luke 8,52.
(Table tomb & kerb)
- In affectionate remembrance of CHARLES MILNES Esquire of Wood
End who died July 1st 1858 aged 58 years/If we believe that Jesus
died and rose again even so them that also sleep in Jesus will
God bring with him. 1 Thess IV 14/also sacred to the memory of
MARY his wife who died in Winster June 18th 1874 aged 63 years/So
he giveth his beloved sleep.
(Table tomb & kerb)
- Sacred to the memory of WILLIAM CHADWICK who died November 25th
1860 aged 77 years/also ROBERT CHADWICK who died July 12th 1880
aged 75 years/also ELIZABETH wife of the above ROBERT CHADWICK
died March 1st 1905 aged 84/FRANCES SPRINTHALL sister of ELIZABETH
CHADWICK died Jan 22nd 1909 aged 95 years/MARY ANNE CHADWICK at
rest Sep 8th 1931 aged 90.
(Headstone & coped stone)
- In memory of LYDIA wife of JOHN ALLEN of Matlock Bath who died
April 6th 1866 aged 72 years/In memory of JOHN ALLEN of Matlock
Bath who died December 15th 1867 aged 73 years/Thanks be to God
which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Cor
XV 57.
(Table tomb ledger & kerb)
- Sacred to the memory of THOMAS PEARSON of Temple Terrace Matlock
Bath eldest son of the late JOSEPH & ELLEN PEARSON who departed
this life November 2 1868 aged 48 years/In loving memory of ELLEN
second daughter of the late JOSEPH & ELLEN PEARSON of Temple Terrace
Matlock Bath who died January 3 1883/Sacred to the memory of LYDIA
PEARSON who died 17th Dec 1902/also of MARY ANN PEARSON who died
15th Jan 1903/For ever with the Lord.
(Altar tomb & kerb)
- Sacred to the memory of GEORGE WIGLEY WALKER who departed this
life July 28th 1873 aged 70 years/also LYDIA wife of the above
who died June 26 1890 aged 83 years/Jesus bids me come.
(Headstone & kerb)
- In loving memory of MARY the beloved daughter of JOSEPH MICHAEL
and MARGARET WADSWORTH of Matlock Bath who entered into rest October
14 1883 aged 30 years/also of the above JOSEPH MICHAEL WADSWORTH
died April 25 1894 aged 78 years/also of MARGARET his beloved
wife who died March 17 1895 aged 80 years/Her end was peace/also
of JOSEPH their son who died November 22 1935 aged 92 years/Peace
perfect peace.
(Headstone footstone & kerb)
- In loving remembrance of JAMES WALTERS who died September 15th
1879 and of MARY ANN WALTERS his wife who died December 14th 1878/Trusting
in the Lord/ In memory of ANNE WALTERS who died July 3rd 1899/Trusting
in the Lord.
(Chest tomb)
- In memory of JANE GEORGINA BRUCE who died 25th June 1872/"He
giveth his beloved sleep".
(Cross & kerb)
- In affectionate remembrance of GEORGE ELLIS of Matlock Bath
who died August 20th 1866 aged 35 years/In the midst of life we
are in death/also of MARINA ELIZA ANN SMITH at rest September
21st 1934 aged 82 years.
(Chest tomb)
- In remembrance of the late HENRY STEVENS of The Shaws Matlock
who departed this life June 5th 1865 in the 77th year of his age/also
of SARAH his wife died May 13th 1866 aged 64 years.
(Table tomb)
- Sacred to the memory of the late WILLIAM BROOKER of Matlock
Bath who died on the 15th January 1865 aged 35 years/In the midst
of life we are in death/In memory of JAMES WILLIAM HODGKINSON
BROOKER died at Portslade-by-Sea August 8th 1870 aged 14 years/also
FREDERICK GEORGE BROOKER who died March 30th 1901 aged 42 years/also
ANNIE wife of the above who died Nov 23 1900 aged 39 years. (Inscription
(Coped stone)
- This monument is erected as a tribute of affection to a beloved
friend CHARLOTTE DALE who departed this life February 21st 1864
aged 33/They which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him 1 Thess
IV 14/In affectionate remembrance of MARY GRATTON late of Chesterfield
who departed this life October 12 1886.
(Table tomb)
- In affectionate remembrance of GEORGE WITHERS SAXTON of --------
who died Jan ----------/ELIZA SAXTON ----------/In affectionate
remembrance of ALICE SAXTON who died -------- 1869 aged 82 years/Christ
is all and in all Col III II/ MARY ANN SAXTON who died July 10
1874 -----------/Looking unto Jesus/also of HARRIETT SAXTON died
September 25th 1877 aged 83 years.
(Table tomb)
1858 died April 26 1859/Suffer little children to come unto me
for of such is the kingdom of God. Luke 18/Sacred to the memory
of ROBERT GUN CUNNINGHAME JP DL of Mount Kennedy Co Wicklow who
died June 7 1877 aged 85 years/also AGNES EMMA wife of the above
who died January 22 1877 aged 50 years.
(Table tomb)
- Sacred to the remains of HENRY WILLIAM JORDAN who departed this
life 21st April 1856 aged 41 years/MARY BROWN IVATTS of Matlock
Bath died October 3rd 1863 aged 60 years/ROBERT IVATTS died February
26th 1869 aged 71/also ALICE LEAKE sister of the above died January
11th 1870 aged 80 years.
(Chest tomb)
- MARIA wife of R H BARKER of Horbury departed this life December
II MDCCCLIV/ROBERT HENRY BARKER of Horbury in the county of York
born June MDCCXCVII died October MDCCCLVII.
(Headstone & slab)
- Sacred to the memory of EDWARD GLOVER Esq who departed this
life at Matlock Bath on the 27th day of December 1849 aged 69
years/Sacred to the memory of CHARLOTTE GLOVER widow of EDWARD
GLOVER Esq who died at Matlock Bath June 23rd 1864 aged 75 years/Despise
not thy soul it is of more value than precious stones.
(Table tomb)
- In memory of JOB HODGKINSON of Matlock Bath, wine merchant
who departed this life June 16th 1853 aged 55 years/also of
JONATHON HODGKINSON son of the above who died December 15 1847
aged 25 years/He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the
Lord Prov XIX 17/In affectionate remembrance of ANNIE LOUISA
the beloved daughter of WILLIAM and ANNIE BROOKER who died August
21 1861 aged 1 year and 11 months/In memory of SARAH widow of
the late JOB HODGKINSON of Matlock Bath who died April 6 1869
aged 66 years.
(Chest tomb)
- Sacred to the memory of MARY wife of JOHN VALLANCE who departed
this life on the 13th of January 1847 aged 67 years/Beneath this
stone are deposited the remains of JOHN VALLANCE of Matlock Bath
who died on the 29th of June 1853 aged 72 years/Come unto me all
ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take
my yoke upon you and learn of me for I am meek and lowly in heart
and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy and
my burden is light. St Matthew chap XI v 28,29.
(Table tomb)
- Beneath this stone are the mortal remains of ELIZABETH SARAH
wife of WILLIAM THOMASON of Manchester merchant and eldest daughter
of the Rev JAMES CRAIG of Severn Hill House near Shrewsbury who
departed this life the 4th day of August 1845 in the 29th year
of her age/Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord/In loving
memory of HENRY the youngest son of WILLIAM and ELIZABETH SARAH
THOMASON born March 3rd 1845 died January 6th 1872.
(Chest tomb)
- In loving memory of ETHEL beloved wife of ALFRED COLLINSON who
died April 18th 1934 At rest/also of ALFRED COLLINSON who died
March 18th 1961 aged 85 years.
In loving memory of ALFRED from his loving and devoted wife MOLLIE
- In memory of HENRY COLLINSON who died September 17 1901 aged
56 years/God is love/also of ANNIE MARIA COLLINSON who passed
away Oct 25 1930/And night shall be no more/also of ELSIE ANNIE
COLLINSON passed over June 27th 1932/He giveth his beloved sleep.
(Headstone & kerb)
- In loving memory of OBEDIAH DOXEY of Matlock Bath died June
22nd 1910 aged 72 years/also KATHERINE his wife died May 17th
1904 aged 61 years/At rest.
(Scroll & kerb)
- In loving memory of FRANK TAYLOR died 4th Jan 1934 aged 74/also
ELIZABETH ANN his wife died 4th Dec 1947 aged 97/and their son
FRED aged 10.
(Headstone & kerb)
- In loving memory of LOUISA THEODOSIA beloved wife of THOMAS
CHAPLAIN of Matlock Bath who died July 30th 1904 aged 68 years/Peace
perfect peace.
(Scroll & kerb)
(Small Cross)
- Sacred to the memory of JOSEPH CALDWELL late of Manchester
who departed this life August 7th 1858 aged 48 years. [corrected
(Chest tomb & kerb)
- Sacred to the memory of ALFRED SMEDLEY who departed this life
on the 2nd of April 1865 in the 29th year of his age/Resting in
Jesus/Sacred to the memory of WILLIAM SMEDLEY) who departed this
life on the 12th October 1874 in the 35th year of his age/Resting
in Jesus.
(Chest tomb)
- In affectionate remembrance of the Rev GEORGE BODEN who died
February 4th 1870 aged 77 years/He sleeps in Jesus/and also ALICE
widow of the above who fell asleep in Jesus January 12 1882 aged
80 years/and of LYDIA MARTHA eldest daughter of the above who
died December 28th 1885 aged 57 years/absent from the body present
with the Lord.
(Scroll & slab)
- ROBERT BELLAMY died May 16 1875 aged 74 years.
(Headstone & kerb)
- In affectionate remembrance of BESSIE BLANCHE dearly loved and
devoted wife of Lieut Col EDWARD REDDISH of Stockport and of Riversdale
Matlock who died at Riversdale October the 5th 1875 aged 37 years.
(Recumbent ledger & kerb)
- In memory of EMILIE MABEL beloved adopted child of ALFRED and
LOUISA HENLEY who died on Sunday April 12th 1885 in her 16th year/She
is not dead but sleepeth. St Luke VIII 52.
- To the loved memory of WILLIAM SHUTES who entered into rest
May 23 1885 in his 42nd year/Quietness and assurances for ever.
(Large obelisk & kerb)
- In loving memory of MARY widow of JOHN EBDELL HALL late of Great
Corby Cumberland who died at Matlock 7th Sep 1887 aged 75 years/also
of the above JOHN EBDELL HALL who died at Great Corby 6th Oct
1857 aged 49 years/also JOHN EBDELL HALL their son who died and
was buried at Dresden July 1st 1887 aged 32 years/In Christ shall
all be made alive.
(Chest tomb)
- In memory of WILLIAM GREEN for thirty years clerk to the local
board of Matlock Bath who died May 7th 1893 aged 74 years.
- ELIZABETH BROOMHEAD/died July 19th 1893.
- In loving memory of/THOMAS son of THOMAS and ISABELLA WALKER
born December 21 1877 died June 17 1878/our dear mother ISABELLA
wife of THOMAS born December 15 1840 died May 8 1896/also our
dear father THOMAS WALKER born Sept 23 1841 died Feb 19 1900.
(Cross & kerb)
- In loving memory of MARY THICKETT died 19th March 1899/ANNIE
THICKETT died 29th Sept 1903.
(Headstone & kerb)
- In loving memory of JEMIMA second daughter of ELIZABETH and
the late GEORGE FERRIMAN of Oldham born September 17 1853 at rest
January 28 1900/In loving memory of ELIZABETH widow of GEORGE
FERRIMAN born January 29 1831 at rest March 15 1909/also of ISABELLA
FERRIMAN eldest daughter of the late GEORGE and ELIZABETH FERRIMAN
died Sepr 21 1922 aged 70 years. Interred at Balne Yorks/also
of MARY ANN BAKER sister of the above and widow of CHARLES BAKER
Vicar of Matlock Bath 1883 to 1914 entered into rest Feb 16th
1941 aged 83.
(Cross & kerb)
- In loving memory of SAMUEL SMITH of Matlock Bath who died February
13th 1900 aged 65 years/also of ELLEN the beloved wife of the
above died May 20th 1903 aged 72 years/SAMUEL WALKER SMITH their
son (of Matlock Bath) died Feb 26th 1927 aged 68 years.
(Scroll & kerb)
- In loving memory of ANNIE CATHERINE wife of Revd A J SLACKE
Vicar of Carlton Staffs who fell asleep 3rd September 1899/Jesu
mercy/also of the above WILLIAM JAMES SLACKE M.A. who fell asleep
daughter died 12th April 1937 aged 75 years.
(Cross & kerb)
- In loving memory of ELIZABETH the beloved wife of THOMAS BIRD
of Matlock Bath who died May 31st 1896 aged 63/In the midst of
life we are in death/also of the above THOMAS BIRD of Scarthin
Matlock Bath who died January 11th 1901 in his 71st year/Not my
will but thine O Lord.
(Headstone & kerb)
- In affectionate memory of ELEANORA SIMPSON ROPER only daughter
of the late THOMAS ROPER Esq formerly of Vane House Hampstead
London born 21st of October 1820 died the 14th of March 1895.
(Cross & kerb)
- In memory of CHARLOTTE HORTON died March 12th 1874 aged 72
years/also of CHARLES WILLIAMSON died Feb 3 1896 aged 82 years/and
MARY ADA WILLIAMSON relict of the above died Aug 27 1899 aged
68 years.
(Cross & kerb)
- In memory of CAROLINE ELIZABETH the beloved wife of Revd LUCIUS
ARTHUR who died April 1st 1869 aged 57 years/To this end both
Christ died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both
of the dead and the living. Rom XIV 9v/ In memory of Rev LUCIUS
ARTHUR of Glenomera Co Clare Ireland who died January 4th 1887
aged 76 years/Christ died for our sins 1 Cor XV 3/By him all that
believe are justified from all things. Acts XIII 39/ also in memory
of their beloved daughter MARIA ANNIE FLORENCE who died July 31st
1878 aged 34 years/ Them also that sleep in Jesus will God bring
with him. 1 Thess IV 14v.
(Chest tomb)
- In loving memory of JANE the beloved wife of ALFRED POWELL who
died May 5th 1895 aged 52 years/Only a step removed/And that step
into bliss/Our own our dearly loved/Whom here on earth we miss.
- In loving memory of ELIZABETH wife of JOHN SPENCER of Scarthin
who died July 10 1883 aged 58 years/Thy will be done/In loving
memory of EMILY wife of WILLIAM HALLAM of Barnsley who died November
22nd 1900 aged 49 years.
(Kerb & cross)
- In loving memory of MARY COTES of Matlock Bath who entered into
rest December 26 1874 aged 64 years/also BLANCHE fell asleep Novr
28 1875 aged 2 years/also MAY fell asleep June 3 1888 aged 13
years/The fondly loved children of SAMUEL and MARY JANE SULLEY
of London and grandchildren of the above/And they shall be mine
saith the Lord of Hosts in that day when I make up my jewels.
Mal 3,17.
(Headstone & kerb)
- In memory of PETER McPARLIN of Blackpool who died at Matlock
Bath 26th May 1859 aged 63 years.
(Chest tomb)
- In loving memory of HENRY PATISON EDMONDSON/also ADA his daughter/also
HARRIETT his wife.
(Cross & kerb)
- In loving memory of WILLIAM PEARSON of Matlock Bath who entered
into rest February 28th 1884 aged 76 years/He giveth his beloved
sleep/also of SARAH ANN SPRINGTHORPE his daughter who fell asleep
July 8th 1875 aged 35 years/Therefore so it seemed good in thy
(Chest tomb)
- In memory of BETSY relict of the late JAMES FLETCHER Esq of
Tithebarn Street Bury Lancashire who died at Matlock Bath on the
21st of June 1846 aged 67 years.
(Chest tomb)
- In loving memory of/LOUISA DAVIS died May 14th 1946 aged 78
years/also of FREDERICK DONALD DAVIS died December 10th 1920 aged
8 years.
- In loving memory of PIERCY WATSON who died July 6 1946 aged
66 years/At rest.
- In loving memory of GLADYS the beloved daughter of THOMAS and
the late ELIZA SHAW died 17th Jan 1934 aged 25 years/also of THOMAS
SHAW died 16th Oct 1936 aged 63 years/At rest.
(Headstone kerb & vase)
- In loving memory of MARIA LEES who died July 31st 1905 aged
73 years/also of WILLIAM WINNALL LEES husband of the above who
died Oct 19th 1905 aged 63 years.
(Headstone & kerb)
- Sacred to the memory of ROGER HUGH BOOT the beloved son of JOHN
THOMAS and HARRIETTE BOOT born at The Orchards Hucknall Huthwaite
19th August 1874 died at Matlock 27th August 1905/"Lived beloved
died lamented".
(Headstone & kerb)
- In loving memory of/my dear husband WALTER MOTTRAM who passed
away March 26 1921 in his 57th year/At rest.
- In loving memory of GEORGE ASLETT entered into rest March 30
1912 aged 77 years/"In Jesus' keeping we are safe and they".
- In loving remembrance of ANNIE UNWIN born June 21st 1848 died
March 12th 1925/At rest.
- Sacred to the memory of ANN only daughter of WILLIAM and MARY
SMEDLEY who departed this life on the 12th of December 1860 in
the 27th year of her age/She ceased from her labour.
(Scroll & kerb)
- In memory of JANE the beloved wife of THOMAS BODEN of Matlock
Bath who died April 12th 1863 aged 44 years.
- In memory of ELIZABETH TRAVIS who died at Matlock Bath August
14 1864 aged 75 years/Absent from the body present with the Lord
2 Cor v 8/also ELIZABETH TRAVIS daughter of the above who died
July 18th 1877 aged 58 years/also HANNAH TRAVIS born November
4th 1816 died July 15th 1895.
(Scroll ledger & kerb)
- In memory of EDWARD GITTINS of Matlock Bath who departed this
life on the 24th day of March 1865 aged 55 years/also of HANNAH
wife of the above who departed this life December 5th 1875 aged
67 years.
- In memory of JOSEPH REDDISH formerly of Liverpool who died on
the 20th of June 1866 aged 79 years/also of MARGARET widow of
the above who died Decr 29 1867 aged 80 years.
- Sacred to the memory of ANNIE SWIFT daughter of SAMUEL and MARY
SWIFT she died January 14th 1869 aged 3 years and 7 months/She
died for Adam sinned/ She lives for Jesus died/In affectionate
remembrance of CHARLES SWIFT of Scarthin Row who died February
20 1881 in his 70th year/Think mortal what it is to die.
(Headstone & ledger)
- In affectionate remembrance of JANE SUSSANNA CARR widow of JOHN
CARR Esq of Roseworth Northumberland who died March 17th 1869
aged 63 years/"Who loved me and gave himself for me".
(Chest tomb)
- In affectionate remembrance of EUSTACE CAMP KING the beloved
son of WILLIAM and ELIZABETH KING born November 27th 1863 died
May 18th 1869/also of ELIZABETH the dearly beloved wife of WILLIAM
KING born Jany 26th 1828 at rest Sept 9th 1907/also of the above
WILLIAM KING who died April 2 1914 aged 81 years.
(Headstone & ledger)
- In affectionate remembrance of HERBERT RICHARD son of JOHN and
MARIA TOPLIS of Cromford who departed this life Sept 6 1869 aged
8 years/"He cometh forth like a flower and is cut down"/also the
above named JOHN TOPLIS died September 28 1876 Aged 70 years/also
of MARIA his wife died November 11 1880 aged 62 years.
( Headstone & ledger)
- In loving memory of THOMAS WILDGOOSE died Mar 16 1953 aged 53
years/also his wife HILDA ROSE died Mar 20 1957 aged 57/At rest.
- In memory of JOHN WALTER son of ISAAC and SARAH BUCKLEY who
died November 4th 1872 aged 9 years and 11 months/The Lord gave
and the Lord hath taken away blessed be the name of the Lord/In
loving memory of ISAAC BUCKLEY died Feby 6 1903 aged 86 years/also
SARAH his wife died March 18 1899 aged 78 years/ God is love.
(Scroll & ledger)
- Sacred to the memory of CHARLES CURRELLY of Matlock Bridge born
October 28th 1836 died January 4th 1874/also FLORENCE the dearly
loved and only child of the above aged 2 years and 8 months/They
sleep in Jesus/also CHARLOTTE DAVENPORT wife of the Rev MARK DAVENPORT
Wesleyan Minister and sister of the above CHARLES CURRELLY born
January 14th 1839 died July 20th 1907/also of the above MARK DAVENPORT
born July 26th 1830 died June 5th 1916/At rest.
(Headstone & ledger)
- In memory of WILLIAM STEVENSON of Matlock Bath who died March
16th 1874 aged 67 years.
(Headstone & ledger)
- In memory of the Rev JOSEPH BARTON Independent Minister born
at Doncaster 6th June 1803 died at Matlock Bath 12th August 1874.
(Headstone & slab)
- In memory of WILLIAM HOPKINSON late of Nottingham who died at
Matlock Bath September 9th 1873 aged 76 years/Prepare to meet
thy God.
- In loving memory of GEORGE RADFIRTH who died June 19th 1870
aged 72 years/ also SARAH wife of the above GEORGE RADFIRTH who
died April 16th 1893 in her 96th year/also JOSEPH RADFIRTH died
August 25th 1869 aged 28 years/also GEORGE RADFIRTH died August
31st 1884 aged 56 years/also LUCY wife of GEORGE RADFIRTH who
died March 15th 1888 aged 63 years/HANNAH WILDE RADFIRTH died
May 29 1905 aged 72.
(Cross (fallen) kerb & ledger)
- In affectionate remembrance of HANNAH BESWICK the wife of GEORGE
BESWICK who departed this life June 15 1868 aged 81 years/Lord
Jesus receive my spirit/also of the above GEORGE BESWICK who departed
this life June 14th 1869 aged 80 years.
(Headstone & ledger)
- In loving memory of RICHARD BESWICK born October 7th 1826 died
December 24th 1880/Saved through the mercy of God by faith in
Jesus Christ.
(Headstone & ledger)
- In memory of JOHN NIXON of Rotherham Yorkshire who died at Matlock
Bath April 24th 1866 aged 27 years.
(Scroll & ledger)
- Footstone no inscription.
- In affectionate remembrance of J GEO SMITH of Brooklyn New York
who departed this life March 10th 1865 at Matlock Derbyshire England
aged 35 years/Beloved brother of Mr & Mrs T.THORN's Boston Lincolnshire/Gone
but not lost.
(Scroll & ledger)
- In memoria/HENRY PHILIP GREAVES the beloved son of HENRY J (sic)
SELENA GREAVES (of Ashbourne Derbyshire) born June 1839 died July
1863/Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord/Resurgam.
- In memory of JOHN BAMFORTH who died Jany 13th 1859 aged 58 years.
- In memory of the late Captain C J MORRIS of the 2nd Regiment
of Foot and late paymaster in the Denbigh Militia who died May
3rd 1854 aged 70.
(Slate ledger)
- in loving memory of PERCY DEARDEN died 20th Jan 1974.
- ROBERT LESLIE DUNHAM died 31st October 1975.
- In memory of THOMAS son of EDWARD and JANE SOUTHERNIN who died
July 20 1848 aged 3 years/Suffer little children to come unto
me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of heaven. Matt
XIX 14.
- Sacred to the memory of ELIZABETH wife of JAMES RAWLINSON &
daughter of the late JOHN PETER LETERLEND Esq of Ashby Old Park
and niece of the late THO FISHER of Castle Donington who departed
this life June the 27th 1847.
(Ledger head & footstone)
- Sacred to the memory of SARAH STAVELEY BRITLAND the beloved
daughter of JOSEPH and SARAH BRITLAND she died March 13th 1847
aged 22 years/In memory of JOSEPH BRITLAND who departed this life
May 16th 1849 aged 67 years/also of SARAH relict of the above
she died January the 11th 1857 aged 72 years.
(Chest tomb)
- In loving memory of a dear husband and father PERCIVAL PATTISSON
who died July 8th 1964 aged 59 years.
- In loving memory of ALFRED MILLS JONES died April 21at 1962
aged 79 years/ also of his wife ELIZABETH died May 4th 1970 aged
88 years/Re-united.
- Fondest memories of HAROLD CHARLES CROWDER beloved husband of
BELLE CROWDER 1891 to 1961.
(Headstone kerb & vase)
- In loving memory of GEORGE COATES died 12th June 1963 aged 56/In
heart a constant thought/in mind a silent sorrow.
In loving memory.
- In loving memory of ELLEN VIOLETTE GREGORY died July 30 1963
aged 52/at rest.
- In loving remembrance of JOHN THOMAS BOOT of Matlock formerly
of The Orchards Hucknall Huthwaite who departed this life on May
11th 1914 aged 79 years also in loving remembrance of HARRIETTE
the wife of JOHN THOMAS BOOT who departed this life April 16th
1919 age 81 years.
- In memory of OSCAR THOMAS HEWITT who departed this life June
6 1914 aged 35 years.
- WILLIAM THOMAS HOLDSWORTH at rest Feby 25 1915 aged 64/and MARY
ELIZABETH his wife at rest September 10th 1938 aged 87.
- In loving remembrance of LYDIA the beloved wife of JAMES KING
who died August 18th 1880 aged 72 years/Thy will be done.
also the above named JAMES KING died November 22 1882 aged 77
years/also of LEXCEY died January 10 1920 aged 86 years/and of
ELIZABETH LUSBY who died March 11 1930 aged 86 years/daughters
of the above.
- In loving memory of MARY beloved wife of JAMES STEEPLES of
Upper Wood who died Dec 2 1910 aged 67 years/Thy will be done/also
JAMES STEEPLES who died Feb 21 1933 aged 87 years.
(Headstone kerb & vase)
- In memory of ANN the beloved wife of WILLIAM FROGGATT of Scarthin
Lodge Matlock who died April 21st 1868 aged 75 years/We cannot
Lord thy purpose see/But all is well thats done by thee/Death
to me short warning gave/For no one knows his dying day.
also of WILLIAM FROGGATT who died February 12th 1875 aged 83 years.
(Ledger & footstone)
- In affectionate remembrance of EDWARD SMITHURST who died October
3rd 1869 aged 73 years/"We all do fade as a leaf" Isaiah LXIV
- In affectionate remembrance of MARY the beloved wife of JAMES
SHEPPARD who died March 13th 1871 in the fifty-first year of her
age/also of the above JAMES SHEPPARD who died May 30th 1898 in
the 78th year of his age. (Headstone and ledger)
- In affectionate remembrance of MARY ELIZABETH the beloved daughter
of WILLIAM and ELIZABETH KING who died September 16th 1873 aged
7 years/also EDITH CAMP KING beloved daughter of the above who
died Nov 8th 1905 aged 34 years.
(Headstone & ledger)
- Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord BENJAMIN BROOKS died
11th March 1873 aged 47 years.
(Small Celtic cross)
- Here lie the remains of LAVINIA PARMINTER CARDELL of Cornish
ancestry born April 14 1842 died Sep 1 1924.
(Slate headstone & kerb)
- In affectionate remembrance of ANN the beloved wife of RICHARD
FINNEY who died August 25th 1871 aged 70 years/So calm was her
brow in the hour of death/It seemed but a foretaste given/A beaming
of joy a glorious sight/Of her lasting peace in heaven.
also of JOHN son of the above who died at Lougboro' December 16th
1871 aged 32 years/His call was sudden/Oft as the bell with solemn
toll/Speeds the departure of a soul/Let everyone ask himself "Am
I/prepared should I be called to die".
- Sacred to the memory of SARAH ELLEN WOODIWISS died May 15 1891.
- In memory of DAVID WHITE who died February 27 1867 aged 49 years/Deeply
- In loving memory of/GEORGE BODEN of Riber who died February
20th 1909 aged 89 years/also BETSY BODEN his wife who died March
6th 1918 aged 79 years/Rest in peace.
(Headstone & kerb)
In loving memory of EMILY JANE WORGAN niece of GEORGE and BETSY
BODEN who died Sept 2nd 1932 aged 49 years/Thy will be done.
- Stone urn no inscription.
- Peace perfect peace/In loving memory of FREDERICK the beloved
husband of ADA LAND who died Jan 23 1922 aged 62 years.
GRACE LATHAN June 11th 1877/He shall gather the lambs with his
(Headstone (Misplaced))
- GEORGE W ABLOTT at rest May 23 1959 aged 59 years.
(Black vase)
(OLIVE ALEXANDRA ABLOTT died 18/11/1986/cremated 24/11/1986 interred
(BARBARA HELEN CLARE died 17/5/1986 cremated 20/5/1986/interred
The above two names were added to the original transcription and
may not be on a memorial.)
- FLORENCE ELEANOR ASTLE at rest 5th March 1941 aged 88 years.
(Small Scroll)
- RICHARD ASTLE at rest October 29th 1930 aged 71 years.
(Small Scroll)
- Headstone kerb & vase no inscription.
- In loving memory of my dear mother ELIZA COOKE who died March
4th 1959 aged 72 years/"For ever in our thoughts".
(Tablet kerb & vase)
- Treasured memories of a dear husband and father REUBEN GREGORY
at rest on Nov 24th 1958 aged 63 years.
(Headstone kerb & vase)
- In loving memory of my dear wife MARY ANN SMEDLEY who died Sept
13th 1956 aged 72 years/At rest.
(Headstone kerb & vase)
- In loving memory of THOMAS BESWICK died March 18 1930 aged 80/and
of KITTY his wife died Aug 9 1928 aged 72.
- In loving memory of MARY KATHLEEN MARIA wife of CLIFFORD SPARKS
born May 7th 1893 died Feb 2nd 1923/"They do not die nor change
to us".
(Cross & kerb)
- In affectionate remembrance of THOMAS HENRY LADD solicitor of
this town for many years born October 10th 1826 fell asleep Sep
23rd 1923/also of ANNIE MARIA his wife born Jan 13th 1851 at rest
July 10th 1939/Peace perfect peace with loved ones far away/In
Jesus' keeping we are safe and they.
(Celtic cross Marble kerb & vase)
- Sacred to the memory of MARGARET EVANS of Matlock Bath who died
October 9th 1878 aged 48 years/also of EMMA wife of HENRY WILDE
who died June 20th 1884 aged 55 years/also of HARRY EVANS WILDE
who died July 30th 1887 aged 29 years/ also of JOHN ALFRED WILDE
of Matlock Bath who died February 16th 1897 aged 44 years.
- In loving memory of MARIANNE HOWORTH "The Bartons" Clifton Road
Matlock Bath died February 17th 1922 aged 65 years/At rest.
(Headstone kerb & vase)
- In loving memory of JAMES FIELDEN UTTLEY who died 22nd October
1923 aged 65 years/and of CLARA LOUISA his wife who died 25th
July 1925 aged 71 years.
- In loving memory of HENRY CHARLES PRICE of Rockweir Matlock
Bath who died November 17th 1921 aged 73/also of MARGARET ALDERSON
widow of the above who died Feb 2nd 1928 aged 80.
(Headstone & kerb)
- In loving memory of ANNIE BRYAN wife of WILLIAM BRYAN died Nov
4 1905 aged 56 years/also of ALICE BRYAN aged 4 years/also in
fond memory of EDITH M RAMSDALE wife of TERENCE RAMSDALE died
Oct 27 1914 aged 42 years/also of ALBERT WILLIAM BRYAN died December
1st 1945 aged 73 years.
- In memory of MARY ANN the beloved wife of WILLIAM LENNOX who
died Oct 7 1927 aged 86 years/also of WILLIAM LENNOX who died
Feby 7 1930 in his 94th year.
(Scroll & kerb)
- In loving memory of JAMES FEARN the beloved husband of VINE
FEARN who departed this life November 8th 1929 aged 53 years/"In
the midst of life we are in death"/also of his wife VINE REBECCA
FEARN who died May 27th 1963 aged 96 years/"Re-united".
(Headstone urn & kerb)
In loving memory of DOROTHY VINE the beloved and only daughter
of JAMES & VINE FEARN who died February 22nd 1922 aged 14 years.
(Recumbent ledger)
- In ever loving memory of our dear mother PHYLLIS HANNAH HALL
who entered into rest the 27th day of January 1897 aged 61 years/Until
the day dawns.
(Headstone kerb & ledger)
- In affectionate remembrance of WILLIAM SMITH who departed this
life February 26 1877 aged 73 years.
also SARAH the beloved wife of the above departed this life February
10 1868 aged 60 years.
- Jesus called a little child unto him/In loving remembrance of
HAROLD JAMES son of WALTER JOHN and ELIZA NEWEY who died at Matlock
Bath September 20 1880 aged 3 years.
(Small Celtic cross)
- In loving memory of LOUIS PEARSON of Matlock Bath who died December
24th 1914 aged 69 years/also SARA wife of the above who died May
10th 1930 aged 79 years.
(Headstone & kerb)
- In memory of ARTHUR HARWARD died October 29th 1884 aged 54 years/Psalm
- In affectionate remembrance of EDWARD BODEN of Cromford who
died September 14 1875 aged 61 years/also of LYDIA relict of the
above named who died February 2nd 1888 aged 72 years.
- SIMPSON WRIGHT born May 5th 1840 died May 4th 1875/Blessed are
the pure in heart for they shall see God. Matthew Vc 8v.
- In affectionate remembrance of HARRIETT PEARSON of Matlock Bath
who died December 23rd 1869 aged 64 years.
(Headstone & ledger)
- Metal vase no inscription.
- In loving memory of/IVY KATHLEEN daughter of FREDERICK & ADA
FLETCHER who died Feb 3 1914 aged 9 years and 9 months/ also of
our dear mother ELIZABETH SIMONS who died Jan 14 1915 aged 72
years/At rest.
- In loving memory of/WILLIAM OATES of Manchester who died May
14 1907 aged 69 years/After the storm of life he rests in peace.
- In loving memory of HANNAH the wife of JAMES HENSTOCK of Matlock
Bath who died October 28th 1909 aged 69 years (formerly of Ashover)/also
of HAROLD HENSTOCK son of the above who died June 22nd 1913 aged
33 years/"Thou wilt keep them in perfect peace"/also of the above
named JAMES HENSTOCK who died July 8th 1923 aged 85 years/also
Oct 23 1944 aged 77 years/Rest in peace.
(Headstone & kerb)
- In loving memory of DOROTHY SMITH GREGORY who died Oct 4th 1925
in her 71st year/also of HENRY ELLIS MARTIN died Oct 30 1912 aged
35 years/also of MARY JANE his wife aged 36 years cremated at
Manchester July 24 1916 interred at Matlock Bath Aug 19 1916/also
of JOHN POSTLETHWAITE died March 2 1916 aged 34 years cremated
at Manchester March 4 1916/also of DORA his wife died July 21
1927 aged 45 years/also of WILLIAM HENRY GREGORY Nov 1st 1914
H.M.S. Monmouth aged 23 years.
(Headstone & kerb)
- We are always with you/In ever loving memory of our dear children
ARTHUR OLIVER GREATOREX who passed away April 25 1916 aged 7 years
and 9 months/ADA who passed away May 22 1924 aged 12 years/Resting.
In ever loving memory of my dear wife ANNE GREATOREX died March
3 1948 aged 67 years/also of FREDERICK A GREATOREX died Nov 5
1955 aged 74 years.
(Kerb & urn)
- In loving memory of my dear husband JOSEPH OLIVER of Matlock
Bath who died Jan 15th 1924 aged 64 years/"Watch the day break"/also
of ELIZABETH HANNAH his wife who died Feb 20th 1933 aged 71 years.
(Headstone kerb & vase)
- In loving memory of PETER REEDS of Matlock Bath born April 5th
1857 died April 22nd 1923/also of EMMA REEDS died March 17th 1941
aged 83 years.
- EDITH GREATOREX died June 17th 1914 aged 5 years/ALFRED SYDNEY
GREATOREX died June 28th 1920 aged 7 years/Until we meet again/Treasured
memories of a devoted husband and father SYDNEY THOMAS GREATOREX
died Oct 9th 1942 aged 71 years/also his wife HARRIETT died Dec
24th 1950 aged 73 years/Re-united.
(Headstone kerb & vase)
(also the ashes of RAYMOND JOHN GREATOREX 42 of 101 Hurst Rise
died 9/3/87
also the ashes of AMANDA JANE GREATOREX 9 died 8/2/83 interred
- In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother SARAH EAVES
[sic, should be DAVIS] who died June 16th 1915 aged 73 years/Peace
perfect peace/In loving memory of Pte ALEX A SIMS killed in action
Sep 29 1918 aged 33 years."At rest" interred SW YPRES.
(Cross & kerb)
- In loving memory of EDITH IVY HOLLELY died 23rd Dec 1909 aged
7 years/"Another lamb safely folded".
- In loving memory of HANNAH the beloved wife of THOMAS COOPER
who died October 13th 1913 aged 67 years/"Peace perfect peace"/also
of the above THOMAS COOPER who died June 5th 1926 aged 77 years/"One
who always gave of his best".
(Scroll & kerb)
- R.I.P./ In loving memory of MARY WALKER wife of WILLIAM WALKER
born March 9 1826 died Feb 6 1915/also of WILLIAM WALKER born
August 10th 1815 died December 21st 1864.
- Thy will be done/In loving memory of WILLIAM FROST BARKER dearly
loved son of JOHN & LUCY BARKER who was called away April 29 1917
aged 34 years/also of JOHN BARKER who died April 23 1922 aged
66 years.
(Cross & kerb)
- In loving memory of WALTER LESLIE MOSLEY died Feb 6 1971 aged
68/AGNES MOSLEY died May 16 1938/ ISAAC MOSLEY died March 30 1960.
(Marble vase)
- BERNARD STACKHOUSE H.A.C. entered this life 20th March 1883
departed this life 17th March 1919/ HENRY FOSTER STACKHOUSE entered
this life 12th March 1849 departed this life 7th May 1926.
- In affectionate remembrance of ANNE wife of ROBERT HARTLE who
died March 15th 1868 aged 66 years/"Not lost but gone before".
- In affectionate remembrance of ROBERT HARTLE of Matlock Bath
who died May 24th 1876 aged 77 years/"Thanks be to God which giveth
us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ" 1 Cor XV 57.
- In loving memory of HENRY WALKERDINE who died March 1st 1904
aged 55 years/ "At rest".
(Headstone & kerb)
- In loving memory of MICHAL BODEN who died March 29th 1906 aged
75 years/ also of JOHN EDWARD BODEN husband of the above died
Aug 16th 1924 aged 86 years/ also of their eldest daughter ANN
ELIZABETH BODEN at rest October 16th 1947 aged 82 years/Thy will
be done.
(Headstone & kerb)
- In loving memory of/JOSEPH HARDSTAFF died May 28th 1941 aged
95/also of ELIZABETH his wife died April 9th 1948 aged 82/also
Pte DICK HARDSTAFF son killed in action Battle of the Somme July
1 1916 age 21/also INA HARDSTAFF daughter died July 22 1908 aged
5 months.
(Kerb & urn)
- In loving memory of HAROLD GEORGE beloved som of GEORGE & ANNIE
BODEN of Matlock Bath who died June 22 1916 aged 9 years and 9
months/Safe in the arms of Jesus.
(Cross kerb & vase)
- In loving memory of/ MARY JANE beloved wife of SAMUEL FOWKES
of Matlock Bath who died July 4 1918 aged 61 years/"Not lost but
gone before".
(Kerb & vase)
- In loving memory of WILLIAM LEES born 23rd July 1839 died 24th
October 1920/ WILLIAM HENRY LEES born 27th April 1870 died 19th
January 1943/also of MARGARET wife of W H LEES born 25th Sept
1870 died 23rd Dec 1957/also of MARION GOWARD daughter of WILLIAM
& MARGARET LEES died 15th Aug 1952 aged 45.
- Sacred to the memory of our dearly loved mother HANNAH HARROLD
who passed away 24th January 1913 aged 90 years/"For me to live
is Christ and to die is gain" Phil 1 21v/also of RALPH DALTON
grandson of the above aged 5 months.
- In loving memory of a dear father and mother/THOMAS FROST who
died February 17th 1927 aged 76 years/also of ANNE FROST who died
April 25th 1935 aged 77 years/also HILDA MAY FROST died 17th Feb
(Marble scroll kerb & vase)
- In loving memory of MARY ELLEN HICKSON daughter of the late
STEPHEN HICKSON of Finchley Middlesex who died 13th April 1918
aged 65 years.
(Headstone & kerb)
- In loving memory of MARY the dearly loved wife of the late EDWARD
LENNON of Liverpool who died May 17 1919 aged 76 years/"Thy will
be done".
(Headstone kerb & footstone)
- In loving memory of AGNES J SELLORS widow of FREDERICK BLANCHARD
SELLORS born July 31st 1843 fell asleep July 22nd 1919/Yea though
I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no
evil for thou art with me.
(Cross and kerb)
- In everloving and affectionate remembrance of our dearly beloved
son DONALD STOTT OLIVER who was called to a higher life Sept 16th
1925 aged 10 years/"I am with you always"/also my dear husband
JOSEPH OLIVER who fell asleep March 23rd 1952 aged 67 years/also
his wife HILDA MARIAN who died May 15th 1964 aged 81 years.
(Plinth with angel & kerb)
- In loving memory of HARRY only son of W H & H E WALTHALL died
June 17 1921 aged 30 years/In the midst of life we are in death.
(Headstone & kerb)
In memory of BETTY GODDARD.
(Handwritten on transcript: see also 184 - possible interrment
of ADA WALTHALL register No 488)
- In loving memory of my beloved husband FRED MITCHELL who died
Dec 9th 1918 aged 37 years/Until the day break and the shadows
flee away.
(Headstone & kerb)
- In loving memory of ANNIE WALKER entered into rest April 1st
1920 aged 58 years/ for 40 years Infant School Mistress in this
parish/"Then were there brought unto him little children" 5 Matt
XIX 13/"Her own works praise her" Prov XXXI 31/Erected by relatives
pupils and friends.
(Headstone & kerb)
- In loving memory of CLEMENT beloved husband of SARAH ELLEN JACKSON
who died Novr 27th 1920 aged 62 years/also of SARAH ELLEN JACKSON
who died Novr 5th 1943 aged 84 years/also of GLADYS their daughter
and wife of PERCY WRIGHT died June 2nd 1949 aged 62 years.
(Kerb & vase)
- Vase with no inscription but handwritten note states "living
flowers placed here Nov '83".
- In loving memory of my dear husband WILLIAM H WALTHALL who passed
away Nov 12 1926 aged 70 years/At rest/also HANNAH ELIZABETH his
wife who died Dec 20 1946 aged 85 years/Re-united. (See entry
(Headstone kerb & urn)
- Vase no inscription.
- In loving memory of a dear wife and mother.
- In loving memory of the Rev ENOCH DOUGHTY SOLOMON pastor of
the Lady Glenorchy Church 1907-1913 who entered into the fuller
life October 5th 1921 aged 76 years/"In the cross of Christ I
glory"/also of his wife REBECCA SOLOMON died April 21st 1939 aged
82 years/"Paradise".
(Cross & kerb)
- In loving memory of JOHN HOLDEN of Matlock Bath who fell asleep
Dec 5th 1921 aged 62 years/Until the day break and the shadows
flee away/also of AMELIA his wife who fell asleep Aug 30th 1936
aged 75 years.
(Scroll kerb & vase)
- In loving memory of REUBEN THOMAS GREGORY who passed away May
14th 1927 aged 70 years/also of ALICE his beloved wife who passed
away October 17th 1926 aged 70 years/"Until the day break".
(Headstone kerb & vase)
- In loving memory of ARTHUR EDWARD WRIGLEY (of Manchester) who
died 1st February 1922 aged 68 years.
(Kerb & vase)
- In loving memory of WILLIAM FINNEY died April 1922 in his 80th
year/also LYDIA FINNEY beloved wife of the above died December
26th 1926 in her 78th year/"At rest"/---------- in Flanders June
15 1915 aged 41 years/Interred at Kemmel.
(Headstone & (broken)kerb)
- In affectionate remembrance of ELIZABETH ANN HAWKEN widow of
R GILL HAWKEN of St. Columb Cornwall born November 1st 1859 died
March 18th 1933.
(note on transcript, could be part of No 187)
- In ever loving memory of my dear husband JOHN ALLEN born April
13th 1874 passed away May 25th 1923/"Lo I am with you always"
Matt 28 verse 20/ also of his wife SUSAN FLORENCE ALLEN who died
Feb 26th 1956 aged 84 years/also of SERENA AMY GEE born December
24th 1868 passed away June 29th 1946/At rest.
(Cross & kerb)
- MARY HOFTON died July 21st 1923 aged 14 years/Nearer to thee/and
of LEWIS WILLIAM HOFTON at rest Sept 17th 1950 aged 71 years/AMELIA
HOFTON September 13th 1882 - August 26th 1969.
(Headstone & kerb)
- Ledger (broken) no inscription.
- In loving remembrance of my dear husband and our dear father
RICHARD MOSLEY died April 3 1926 aged 72 years/also of our dear
mother SARAH ANN MOSELY died May 29 1938 aged 77 years.
(Celtic cross & kerb)
- In loving memory of ELIZA NASH who died July 31 1926 aged 66
years/also EDWIN CHARLES NASH who died Feb 6 1940 aged 80 years/At
- In loving memory of WILLIAM JAFFREY who passed away January
28th 1928 aged 57 years/also od AGNES CROOKSTONE JAFFREY at rest
July 30th 1956 aged 86 years.
(Headstone kerb & vase)
- In loving remembrance of JOHN HENRY LUSBY born Jan 19th 1874
died June 10th 1928/also EDNA CONSTANCE dearly loved and only
daughter of J H & N LUSBY called home July 15th 1940/also of NELLIE
LUSBY who passed on July 8th 1946 aged 76 years/At rest.
(Headstone & kerb)
BODEN at rest October 22nd 1954.
(Kerb & vase)
- In loving memory of GLADYS MARY youngest daughter of WILLIAM
J & SARAH J KNIGHT who fell asleep 3rd August 1928 aged 18 years/also
of WILLIAM ERNEST KNIGHT Corpl 2nd Yorks Regt killed in action
near Arras 25th April 1917 aged 23 years/Interred at Bucquoy/"Until
the day breaks and the shadows flee away"/ also of WILLIAM J KNIGHT
who died June 1st 1954 aged 81 years/also of his beloved wife
SARAH JANE who died April 2nd 1956 aged 83 years/Re-united.
(also 2/12/82 ashes of FREDERICK Wm KIRKLAND see entry 494 in
(Headstone kerb & vase)
- In sacred and loving memory of HAROLD CECIL PARKER who fell
asleep May 2 1929 aged 38 years/At rest.
(Kerb & vase)
- In loving memory of JOHN SMITH beloved husband of MARY ANN SMITH
"At rest" Feb 10 1930 aged 64 years/also MARY ANN his
beloved wife at rest Nov 25 1936 aged 70 years/"Ever in our
- In memory of GEORGE PORTER from friends at Lea Mills.
(small Plinth)
- In everloving memory of MARY SLAWSON died Nov 1952/As in Adam
all die so in Christ shall all be made alive/also of her sister
ANN BAGSHAWE died Sept 1969 also of FRANK SLAWSON died May 1971.
- In loving memory of HERBERT EDWIN HOCKIN who died Jan 17th 1943
aged 68 years/ also of his beloved wife LUCY KATE who died Dec
10th 1957 aged 80 years/Re-united.
(Kerb & vase)
In loving memory of ARTHUR LESLIE SMITH at rest Feb 15th 1972
aged 68.
(Open book)
- In loving memory of a dear wife and mother MAUD ELLEN MARY BODEN
died March 14th 1973 aged 76 years/"Into thy hands O Lord".
- In loving memory of DAVID PARKER born February 12 1875 entered
the fuller life Dec 1 1934/"I know that my redeemer liveth"/also
his wife HANNAH PARKER born Feb 26th 1865 entered the fuller life
Nov 26th 1944.
(Cross & kerb)
- In loving memory of CHARLES SAMUEL SMITH who died October 20th
1927 aged 29 years/"Thy will be done"/and of WINIFRED MARY SMITH
at rest March 21st 1936 aged 29 years son and daughter of W &
(Headstone and kerb)
- In loving memory of WILLIAM the beloved husband of MARY ANNIE
HARDY at rest April 16th 1912 aged 34 years/Until the day break
and the shadows flee away/also of the above MARY ANNIE HARDY at
rest June 25th 1957 aged 84 years/Re-united.
(Headstone kerb & vase)
- MARY ANN BOSWORTH at rest 4th February 1937 aged 76.
- In loving memory of JOHN SMEDLEY at rest June 28 1900 aged 63
years/"Father in thy gracious keeping/Leave me now our loved one
sleeping"/ also of ELIZABETH beloved wife of the above whom God
called to rest March 26 1923 aged 74 years/"So he giveth his beloved
sleep"/Erected by his widow.
(Headstone & kerb)
- In loving memory of MARY BROCKLEHURST who passed away January
19th 1922 aged 75/"Resting".
(Recumbent cross)
also of ELLEN FLUDE sister who passed away Aug 19th 1904 aged
63 years/also of EDITH NASH daughter died Sept 14th 1944.
- In affectionate remembrance of ELIZABETH the beloved wife of
JOHN HALLOWS who died September 23 1908 aged 85 years/also in
loving memory of JOHN HALLOWS who died Nov 20th 1925 aged 92 years/Trust
in the Lord with all thy heart and lean not unto thine own understanding.
(Headstone & double kerb see 215)
- In loving memory of EMILY the truly beloved wife of ARTHUR TWIGG
who died 4th Nov 1908 aged 59 years/Soul of my soul we shall meet
again and with God be the rest/also of the above named ARTHUR
TWIGG who died August 22nd 1913 aged 64 years.
(Headstone & double kerb see 214)
- In loving memory of DORA HELENE DONEGANI died June 15th 1953
aged 69/and her sister JOSEPHINE FRANCES DONEGANI died Jan 29th
1963 aged 73.
(Headstone kerb & vase)
- In loving memory of ADA MARIA RAVENHALL died December 4th 1953
aged 89/ also of her nephew SAM SMITH RAVENHALL died Sept 26th
1957 aged 71.
(Headstone kerb & vase)
- In loving memory of THOMAS HODGKINSON of Matlock Bath who departed
this life November 27th 1909 aged 38 years/"Peace perfect peace".
(Headstone & kerb)
- In loving memory of FRANK HARPER BENNETT born July 2nd 1847
died Dec 17th 1909/AMY HANNAH BENNETT born Oct 15th 1856 died
April 10th 1938.
(Granite kerb)
- In loving memory of EMILY JANE SPRINTHALL born Dec 10th 1862
died May 10th 1940/and of ANNIE LOUISA SPRINTHALL at rest Sept
5th 1944 aged 77 years.
- In loving memory of HENRY COOPER who died December 17 1923 aged
76 years/ AGNES COOPER died October 27 1915 aged 71 years/ALFRED
HARRY only son of HENRY and AGNES COOPER born Dec 24 1870 died
May 1 1897.
(Recumbent cross kerb & vase)
- In ever loving and affectionate remembrance of JAMES ISON RAGG
who entered into rest May 8 1896 aged 76 years/"I know that my
redeemer liveth"/"Lord all pitying Jesu blest/Grant him thine
eternal rest"/R.I.P.
- In loving memory of WILLIAM son of SAMUEL and ANNE ROBINSON
born August 18th 1874 died September 11th 1894/"He is not dead
the child of our affection/But gone unto that school/Where he
no longer needs our poor protection/And Christ himself doth rule".
(Granite celtic cross)
In loving memory of SAMUEL ROBINSON died January 5th 1918 aged
80 years/"His end was peace"/In loving memory of ANNE ROBINSON
widow of SAMUEL ROBINSON died October 5th 1920 aged 88 years/"He
giveth his beloved sleep".
(Chest tomb)
- JOSEPH ADAM M.D./ obit April 12th 1894/aetat 64 years.
(Chest tomb)
- "Safe in the arms of Jesus"/VERA EDITH the dearly beloved child
of WILLIAM and EDITH ROSS HEATHCOTE of Bankwood Duffield who died
February 24 1892 aged 7 months.
(Open book on plinth & kerb)
- In memory of EMMA wife of ARTHUR WILLIAM ARKWRIGHT and daughter
of the Revd JOHN WOLLEY born 21st July 1833 died 20th June 1866/Blessed
are those servants whom the Lord when he cometh shall find watching.
St Luke 12,37/ Beneath this stone lies buried the body of ARTHUR
WILLIAM ARKWRIGHT youngest son of the late JOSEPH ARKWRIGHT of
Mark Hall Essex born Feby 20th 1821 died June 28th 1903/ Tarry
thou the Lord of leisure be strong and he shall comfort thine
Psalm IXXVII 16.
(Cross (broken) & ledger)
- In memory of CHARLES CLARK born August 30 1788 died April 13
1863/also of ANNE his wife born 31 January 1803 died 17 October
(Chest tomb)
- In memory of ROBERT STRANGE M.D. who died 4th June 1872 aged
75/"Just as I am without one plea/But that thy blood was
shed for me/And that thou bid'st me come to thee/O lamb of God
I come"/"Christ is able to save them to the uttermost
that come unto God by him seeing that he ever liveth to make intercession
for them". Hebrews VIIc 25v/also of MARY ANN his wife daughter
of PETER ARKWRIGHT Esquire of Willersley born Sepr 26th 1807 died
March 10th 1891.
(Granite celtic cross & chest tomb)
- In affectionate remembrance of "ELIZABETH MARSDEN of Guilderoy
Matlock Bath who fell asleep in Jesus September 6th 1879 aged
36 years/"In thy presence is fulness of joy:at thy right
hand there are pleasures for evermore" Psalm XVI 11/To the
memory of HANNAH MARIA PIPE died Octr 22 1903 aged 75 years/"God
is love".
(Cross & kerb)
- In loving memory of the Rev EDWARD LATHAM vicar of this parish
who entered into rest March 9th 1883 aged 49 years/"His servants
shall serve him and they shall see his face". Rev XXII 3,4,/ also
of JANE LATHAM wife of the above who entered into rest March 8th
1920 aged 84 years/Her children shall rise up and call her blessed.
(Headstone & kerb)
- In loving and grateful memory of LUCY for 52 years wife of E
GREENHOUGH and daughter of the late JOHN FOZARD of Howley Mills
Yorks. who died Novr 11 1895 aged 82 years/Blessed are the pure
in heart/also of the above named EDWARD GREENHOUGH of Parkfield
Matlock for 42 years warden of this church who died July 9 1899
aged 78 years/Whatsoever my hand findeth to do do it with thy
might/ also of LUCY ANN their daughter who died May 8 1917 aged
71 years/ also of ADA WALKER youngest daughter of EDWARD GREENHOUGH
of Parkfield who died Feb 23 1923 aged 70 years/also of EMMA SARAH
their daughter who died 29th Sept 1935 aged 88 years.
(Granite plinth & kerb)
- In loving memory of GERTRUDE CRABTREE born 13.2.1900 died 29.1.1950/In
heavenly love abiding.
- In loving memory of JOSEPH FRANCIS DONEGANI died April 22nd
1933 aged 83 years/ also PAMELA wife of the above died Feb 24th
1939 aged 85 years.
(Granite scroll & kerb)
- In loving memory of JOHN HERBERT BARNES who died August 12th
1932 aged 71 years/At rest.
(Marble kerb & vase)
- In loving memory of ELIZABETH ANN WHITTAKER daughter the late
ROBERT WHITTAKER of Belper who passed away July 29th 1932 aged
83 years.
(Chest tomb)
- Stone urn no inscription.
- Sacred to the memory of my dear husband WILFRED WRIGHT born
Jan 22 1877 died Feb 12 1935/"Until the day breaks and the shadows
flee away"/also of GERTRUDE his wife who died April 12th 1946
aged 65 years.
(Headstone kerb & vase)
- LOUISA KATHLEEN PELLY died January 26th 1871 aged 3 years and
6 months/Jesus called a little child unto him.
- (239a) In loving memory of GEORGE WHITE Station Master Matlock
Bath 1931-1946 died 6.9.1946 aged 61 years/also of a dear mother
ELIZABETH WHITE died 6.2.1974 aged 91 years.
(239) In loving memory of HAROLD DYSON a dear husband and father
at rest Sept 9th 1953 aged 56 years.
- In loving memory of HARRY SWANN and his wife AUDREY and their
(Granite headstone)
- Metal vase no inscription.
(Handwritten on transcription GEORGE CHARLES WILDGOOSE died 23.3.1984
aged 86 years father of ETHEL KNOWLES Croft Cottage Upperwood)
- Large metal vase no inscription.
- In loving memory of MABEL ALICE ADAMS died 4th March 1966 aged
78 years/ and of her daughter MURIEL ALICE DWYER died 16th Dec
1979 aged 70 years.
- In loving memory of WALTER WILLIAM MOUNTAIN died Oct 24th 1945
aged 69 years/LILY MOUNTAIN died Jan 23rd 1962 aged 78 years.
(kerb & vase)
(also ashes of STANLEY MOUNTAIN 30.6.1982 entry 495 in register)
- Stone vase no inscription.
- In remembrance of dear and devoted parents SAMUEL OWEN LEDBETTER
at rest 31st December 1935/ANN LEDBETTER at rest 4th January 1936/also
of their son DONALD died March 9th 1960 aged 52 years.
(Granite headstone & vase)
- T/10/10661846 Driver J ANDERSON Royal Army Service Corps 8th
March 1942 aged 20/In perfect peace he awaits us all.
(Military headstone)
- In loving memory of JOE HORACE the beloved husband of S ELLEN
MOORE at rest Aug 24 1935 aged 56 years/also SARAH ELLEN MOORE
died Oct 27th 1949 aged 69 years.
(Marble kerb)
In loving memory of MARGARET IRENE MOORE died 18th Dec 1973 aged
60 years/ Rest in peace/ also of her husband ARTHUR HORACE MOORE
died 5th Nov 1978 aged 71 years/Re-united.
(Open book)
- In loving memory of WILFRED the beloved husband of ANNIE SHAW
who died July 14 1935 aged 24 years/At rest.
(Kerb & vase)
- In loving memory of GEORGE MANBY who died August 14th 1934 aged
69 years/ also of his wife ANNIE GLOSSOP who died May 6th 1959
aged 91 years.
(Kerb & vase)
- In loving memory of my dear husband died 27th Dec 1933.
- SAMUEL GREGORY 9th Dec 1933 age 60/ELLEN his wife 11th Oct 1966
age 94.
(also ashes of GEORGE ARTHUR GREGORY 79 cremated 1/4/87 interred
(Marble vase)
- Stone vase and 2 metal vases no inscriptions.
- To the memory of ELIZA BLISS WILKINSON who died suddenly in
this place October 18 1884 aged 54/This cross is erected by her
brothers and sisters in simple trust of God's mercy and tenderness
through Jesus Christ/Peace perfect peace death shadowing us and
ours Jesus has vanquished death and all its powers.
- Kerb buried beneath roof slates.
- Small celtic cross no inscription.
- In loving memory of ------- son of MARIAN and MICHAEL HAMES
died Feb 1st 1950 "Jesus called a little child unto him".
(Wooden cross)
- In loving memory of DOUGLAS GREGORY son of THOMAS and GLADYS
TWYFORD who fell asleep Feb 25th 1923 aged 16 days/ Safe in the
arms of Jesus.
(Scroll & kerb)
- in loving memory of JEMIMA beloved wife of THOMAS CHAPLAIN born
Feby 7 1817 died at Matlock Bath Novr 16 1884/"Be ye also ready
for in such an hour as ye think not the son of man cometh"/ also
of THOMAS CHAPLAIN born March 8th 1842 died April 6th 1930/"At
rest"/ also of DOROTHY CHAPLAIN niece of the above who fell asleep
23rd May 1935.
(Large plinth with urn & kerb)
- In loving memory of HARRY GILL a dear husband and father who
died Nov 9th 1970 aged 69 years/ also of CLARA GILL a beloved
wife and mother who died March 24th 1974 aged 71 years.
(Granite vase & vase)
- In memory of EUNICE MURIEL WILDGOOSE a dear wife and mother
17th July 1921 - 3rd August 1973/Into thine hands O Lord.
(Granite headstone)
(also ashes interred of ELLEN MAY EDWARDS register No. 481)
- In loving memory of FREDERIC GREATOREX a dear husband and father
who died Dec 24th 1971 aged 68 years/also DOROTHY MAY GREATOREX
died Dec 16 1986 aged 83 years.
(Granite headstone)
- In loving memory of PETER SUMMERFIELD 1913-1967/Take to your
hearts the eternal life Christ giveth peace power and pardon purchased
with his blood.
(Granite headstone)
- In loving memory of our dear daughter PHYLLIS MAY WRIGHT died
August 6th 1966 aged 56 years/also of her father JOHN WILLIAM
WRIGHT died December 21st 1967 aged 85 years/ also of her mother
MARY WRIGHT at rest August 23rd 1970 aged 87 years/Re-united.
(Granite headstone)
- In loving memory of OSWALD REMO TINTI born May 15th 1904 died
Feb 15th 1972/MARIA EDITH born Aug 2 1908 died March 3 1986/Rest
in peace.
(Marble open book)
- In loving memory of my dear husband WILLIAM SMITH who passed
away Jan 4th 1938 aged 77 years/At rest/also of his wife EMILY
JANE SMITH who passed away Sept 4th 1962 aged 84 years/Rest in
(Headstone kerb & vase)
- In loving memory of VICTOR WILLIAM WRIGHT at rest 17th Sept
1938/also his beloved wife ALICE SELINA WRIGHT at rest 11th May
(Marble open book)
- In loving memory of HANNAH GREGORY died 19 Oct 1970 aged 61.
(Marble vase)
- Sub-Lieutenant(A) C R EDMONDS Royal Naval Vol Reserve 29th June
1944 aged 22/Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace,
(Military headstone)
- In loving memory of my dear wife VELZIE MARIAN SPENCER who died
Sept 24th 1944 aged 24 years/"I give unto them eternal life" St
John 10,28/also of ELIZABETH BODEN mother of the above died April
22nd 1960 aged 88 years/and of her father EDWIN BODEN who died
in Canada Jan 27th 1922 aged 52 years/At rest.
(Granite headstone kerb & vase)
- In loving memory of WILLIAM ERNEST SMITH who died July 8th 1946
aged 50 years/At rest/also of GRACE LILIAN SMITH sister of the
above who died Sept 10th 1958 aged 56 years/ Perfect peace.
(Headstone kerb & vase)
- In loving memory of BENJAMIN TAYLOR WYVILL died July 29th 1920
aged 50 years.
(Recumbent cross double kerb with 273)
- CHARLES ARTHUR BARNES died July 16 1927 aged 59 years/ also
ADA his wife died Sept 2 1946 aged 78 years,
(Recumbent cross double kerb with 272)
- In affectionate remembrance of JOHN EVANS Matlock Bath who died
June 5th 1921/also of his wife HARRIETT ALMA EVANS died Feb 2
1937 aged 70 years/ also of BELLE their daughter and wife of HAROLD
C CROWDER died Dec 15 1947 aged 56 years.
(Granite celtic cross kerb & vase)
- In loving memory of RICHARD MOSLEY who died Dec 4th 1886 aged
75 years/ also MARY his wife who died July 28th 1897 aged 72 years/
also HARRY the dearly beloved son of ISAAC and AGNES MOSLEY who
fell asleep Aug 12th 1905 aged 9 years/"Thy will be done".
(Tablet kerb & ledger)
- In loving memory of ISABEL GRAVES at rest Nov 1 1928/ ALBERT
EDWARD GRAVES at rest Dec 31st 1931 aged 64 years. "Re-united"/Peace
perfect peace.
(Marble kerb & urn)
- Marble kerb no inscription (small grave could be childs)
- Metal vase no inscription.
- ELIZABETH ELLEN WYVILL died Octr 15th 1890 aged 31 years/ERNEST
WYVILL died May 8th 1892 aged 13 years/WILLIAM WYVILL born July
22 1857 died Oct 7th 1918/In memory of.
(Recumbent cross & kerb)
- In loving memory of my dear husband WILLIAM BURTON born February
19th 1856 died January 29th 1932/ also of his beloved wife MARY
ELIZABETH born February 24th 1855 died June 18th 1934.
(Headstone kerb & urn)
- DORA WYVILL died Jan 11th 1898 aged 21 years/ WILLIAM WYVILL
died November 26th 1915 aged 84 years/ELLEN WYVILL died November
12th 1916 aged 82 years.
(Recumbent cross & kerb)
- In loving memory of GEORGE R DUDLEY the beloved child of ALEX
& FLORENCE REID who fell asleep Feby 8 1898 in his 5th year/In
loving memory of ALEXANDER REID born 1862 died 1929/"Until the
day break"/ also of ANN FROST WEBSTER who died June 21 1903 in
her 86th year/also of FLORENCE JEMIMA wife of ALEX REID at rest
July 26th 1939 aged 69 years.
(Cross & kerb)
- In ever loving memory of WALTER EVANS who entered into his rest
June 3rd 1923 aged 55 years/ also of his wife SARAH ANN EVANS
at rest Dec 21st 1959 aged 91 years/ "Peace perfect peace". (Marble
kerb & vase)
(also interred ashes of FRANCIS EVANS register 492)
- In affectionate remembrance of CHARLES CATON who died March
5th 1899 aged 58 years/ Resting in Jesus/ PRISCILLA widow of the
above who died March 18th 1922 aged 81 years.
(Scroll & kerb)
- In loving memory of WILLIAM JORDAN who died February 11th 1893
aged 53 years/ also EMMA his beloved wife died January 4th 1908
aged 66 years/ also THOMAS ROBERT their beloved son died June
8th 1903 aged 28 years/ Our loved ones gone to rest.
(Marble scroll & kerb)
who died at Riber January 2nd 1893 aged 19 years/ "In paradise".
- In loving memory of EDWARD the beloved husband of ELIZABETH
SPEED who died May 8 1892 aged 58 years/ also of FRANK PARISH
SPEED their fourth son who died on the S.S. "SOBO" and was buried
at sea January 19 1900 aged 23 years/Peace perfect peace with
loved ones far away/In Jesu's keeping we are safe and they/also
of THOMAS GEORGE the dearly beloved husband of ANNIE FRANCES SPEED
who was called home June 16 1905 aged 33 years/Lord all pitying
Jesu blest/Grant him thine eternal rest/also of ELIZABETH the
beloved wife of EDWARD SPEED who died Feb 13th 1922 aged 77 years.
(Scroll & kerb)
- In loving memory of GEORGE JAMES ROWLAND for 37 years Headmaster
of the National Schools Matlock Bath born May 20 1839 died Oct
10 1909/also of MARTHA MARY his loving and devoted helpmeet born
April 4 1842 died March 28 1913/ They rest from their labours
and their works do follow them". Rev XIV 13/ also of GEORGINA
LUCY their third daughter born Dec 13th 1876 died Feb 11th 1879/
also of JAMES EUSTACE their fifth son born May 19th 1878 died
March 4th 1879/also of PERCY their fourth son born August 15th
1875 died April 2nd 1892.
(Open book & kerb)
- In loving memory of SAMUEL HARDY of Matlock Bath who died July
16th 1893 aged 69 years/At rest/also MARTHA his beloved wife died
March 26th 1895 aged 79 years/ also ANNIE their daughter died
July 16th 1946 aged 93 years/R.I.P.
- In loving memory of SAMUEL BARNES died April 19 1893 aged 67/also
of EMMA BARNES died Feb 15 1910 age 74.
- In loving memory of EDMUND HUTCHINS of Matlock Bath late Inspector
of Police who died June 3rd 1892 in his 48th year/Hold thou thy
cross before my closing eyes/ Shine through the gloom and point
me to the sky.
- HERBERT BRIDDON born Jan 30th 1845 died April 2nd 1921/ ELIZABETH
BRIDDON born Jan 6th 1846 died Oct 19th 1913.
(Granite kerb recumbent cross & vase)
- In loving memory of FREDERICK HERBERT the dearly beloved husband
of ELIZABETH MARTIN BRIDDON born May 29 1876 died May 4 1903/
O lamb of God I come/ also of CECIL BRIDDON born July 21st 1880
died May 30th 1936.
(Recumbent cross & kerb)
- In loving memory of MARY ELIZABETH youngest daughter of JOHN
and ALICE HAYWARD died January 1st 1895 aged 8 years.
(Scroll kerb & vase)
- In loving memory of ROBERT GREGORY died Sept 28th 1924 aged
69 years/also MARIA his wife died June 26th 1914 aged 56 years/also
ROBERT their son died Dec 11th 1898 aged 13 years.
(Headstone & kerb)
- In loving memory of MARY ANN beloved wife of WILLIAM EYRE of
Matlock Bath who died October 1st 1898 aged 79 years/also of the
above WILLIAM EYRE who died April 2nd 1902 aged 86 years/At rest.
- In loving memory of HENRY WILDE of Matlock Bath who departed
this life April 28th 1898 aged 72 years/Gone but not forgotten.
(Scroll & kerb)
- }
- }
- } Mounds only.
- }
- }
- In loving memory of FREDERICK SIMMS a dear husband and father
who died October 13th 1977 aged 63 years/Resting in God's garden/also
VERA BETTY SIMS his wife died June 9th 1985 aged 70 years.
(Granite headstone)
- Hier ruht in frieden unsere liebe mutter AGNES BREMER geb Ahlburg
15-8-1901 19-1-1977.
(Granite headstone)
- In loving memory of a dear wife and mother of STELLA, LILIAN
HODGKINSON passed away 2nd March 1980 aged 75 years/At the gate
of the year/"Peace perfect peace".
(Marble headstone)
- In devoted memory of WILLIAM ARTHUR PRICE died 12th March 1980
aged 67 years/ A dear husband and loving father of PARAN, MIRIAM
and DAVID/Great is thy faithfulness.
(Marble headstone)
of Ashes not mentioned in Transcript.
Not all will have memorials.
Please note : a very few ashes interments have
been allowed since the churchyard closed in 1976 and some are
included above. The names below may by now have something to mark
their graves but this is not known at the present time.
- PETERSON south of 243
- ALLEN south of 243
- OTHEN (2) south of 243
- EVERETT south of 243
- REASON (2) south of 243
- BRYAN south of 243
- BOTHAM south of 243
- LATIMER north of 253
- CYRIL & MURIEL LAND north of 253
[Headstone erected whilst these MIs were originally being transcribed
at the church]
In loving memory of CYRIL LAND died 6.11.1971 aged 67/and his
beloved wife MURIEL/died 8.9.1985 aged 80/also FANNY GREGORY/sister
of MURIEL/died 10.11.1915 aged 19.
(Marble headstone)
- KEN & RON HILL north of 272
- HAZEL BOULE north of 280
- RUSHTEN west of 293
- ROBB north of 307
- PRICE west of 307
- HODGKINSON west of 306
- PASHLEY south of 306
- ACKROYD south of 306
- HOBSON north of 243
*The Matlock Bath MIs on these two pages would not have been possible
without the hard work of Dr. John Davies who spent many hours taking
down everything on these memorials for the church and, in some cases,
comparing it with the registers. Thank you also for the help given
by and co-operation of the DARG, the Derbyshire FHS for use of their
published material, the Vicar of Holy Trinity, Matlock Bath and his
team, to Rita Effnert in Germany for typing the MIs from the DFHS
fiche and to John Palmer for his invaluable help as always - all of
whom have given written permission to reproduce their copyright material.
I am extremely grateful to them all. What is published on these pages
has been as carefully checked as possible by the webmistress, comparing
typewritten material with the fiche and information provided by the