This panorama shows the houses of Masson Road, Brunswood Road
and Holme Road, which are the properties on the hillside
above North Parade. The very top road is Masson Road.
The houses with the large X's pencilled on the roof tops
are part of Rockvale Terrace. In 1922 and 1925 Mrs Annie
Bond was listed as having an apartment house at No. 5 and
in 1925 Mrs. Mary Anne Smedley was at No.3[1].
Neither advertised in later years. Several Rockvale Terrace
houses have been the homes of various members of the Smith
family over the years, too. These properties were built
the site nineteenth century Skating Rink and it is believed
that evidence of the rink can be found in their cellars,
beneath the concrete[2].
Behind Rockvale Terrace, and partly obscured by it,
is another terrace of eight houses - Rockvale Villas - with
fronts that face onto Holme Road. The Barnes family owned
both rows at one stage. As their backs face each other Rockvale
Terrace partly screens the backs of Rockvale Villas from
view. Next to them, and ascending the hill, is Clarence Terrace,
a row of five taller Victorian Gothic houses
on the left of the photograph that were built in 1879. The
backs of these houses face the camera. All three terraces
have stone frontages and brick sides and rears, a ploy used
by the various builders to cut down on their costs.
Although the card was not posted, "Mrs J. H. Richards,
3 Rockvale Terrace" was written on the back[3].

Enlargement of another version of the card.
The enlargement above concentrates on the Brunswood Road
area; you can just see the fork in the road above and to
the right of the word "collection" on the image.
On the far left, in the middle of the picture, is a side
view of The Laurels. On the opposite side of Holme Road,
with the side wall facing the camera, are two semi-detached
Victorian villas at the bottom of Brunswood Road that were
called Holme Villas. The closest of the pair had a small
shop facing onto Holme Road; the window is still there
today but the shop is not used as such any more. The Edmonds
family lived here from the end of the 1920s until the mid-1930s
before moving to Portland
House and Mrs. Edmonds sold walking sticks and other
items from the shop under the house.
There are two more pairs of semi detached houses next to the
first pair. Minnie Henstock, a spinster with private means,
lived at the detached property known as Lyndhurst in 1939
but post-war it became the vicarage for a time. Richmond Terrace,
a row of three three-storey houses is next and then another
pair of semis, inhabited in the late 1930s by the Olivers and
Allens, completes the row.
Behind the Brunswood Road houses is another row of properties,
Clarence Villas; numbers 4 and 5 were semi-detached and numbers1-3
formed a small terrace. The web mistress was born at no.4.
The final house in that row is the large detached house (with
15 rooms in 1911). It is covered in stucco, which is a dense
and solid render. In 1911 it was the home of Miss Pearson but
became the home of Richard ("Dick") King.
The Clarence Villas houses
can also be seen in the "Just" images
section: 5. Matlock Bath - High Tor (No.2). |