Matlock Bath and the Heights of Abraham, 1890s |
Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century : Photographs,
Postcards, Engravings & Etchings |
This is the view from the Station Approach looking towards the opposite
hillside of Masson and the Heights of Abraham. The horse, cab
and its driver on the far side of the bridge were waiting for
passengers. The large sign board on the left hand side of the
bridge advertises the Pavilion Gardens. There seem to be small
posters stuck on the board so it probably acted as a notice board
for events at the Royal Pavilion (later the Palais Royal).
The stone built hotel facing the cameraman is The County and
Station, originally just the Station Hotel, and was built in the
1860s[1]. The first
licensee of the Station Hotel was Sidney Frederick Wheatcroft[2] who
first applied to the Wirksworth Brewster Sessions for a spirits
licence in 1870. This was turned down. The Bench said at the time
that, because of a recent Act of Parliament, the power had been
taken out of their hands for two years[3].
He successfully re-applied in 1874, when the Wirksworth Brewster
Sessions were informed that he had occupied his house for seven
years, and the hotel was exceedingly well conducted. It had plenty
of visitors, and there was not always sufficient accommodation
for them. The hotel itself was spacious, with stabling and carriage
William Edwards took over the tenancy in March 1890 and three
of the Edwards' children were born at the hotel[5]. In
the beginning there was some disagreement over goods that Mr.
Wheatcroft, who had transferred to Hodgkinsons, had left behind.
Mr. Edwards did not want the items and he was taken to court by
William Edwards had previously worked as a gardener (shown in
the 1881 census as such in Hoole, Chester) and seems to have little
or no experience as a publican. Things did not go smoothly for
him at the hotel, or at least not initially. In 1891 he was summoned
for an infringement to local byelaws for keeping pigs near to dwelling
houses. His pig house was within 70 feet of dwellings but the byelaw
stated they should be 100 feet away from dwellings. He was also
in trouble for depositing manure near a public highway and was
fined 10s and costs in each case[7].
Only a few days later he was prosecuted under the Army Act. He
was charged with neglecting to provide
proper accommodation for a billeting party of the 14th Hussars.
When the premises were inspected by the commanding officer the
stables were said to be filthy as pigs had been kept in them, though
other witnesses denied that. Nevertheless, the case was proved
and Edwards was fined yet again[8].
Arthur W. Upton applied for and was granted
the transfer of the licence in 1895[9].
He had moved from the George Vaults on North Parade where he
had been since 1891. There is a large sign over the portico
announcing that the hotel was
"UPTONS". The hotel's new name is on the large oval sign
on the corner of the building. Mr. Upton described the hotel as
being "in the centre of the well-known preserve of the Matlock & Cromford
Angling Association", for which he sold tickets. In June
the same year plans were approved by Matlock Bath's Local Board
for alterations to the hotel[10].
During his time at the County and Station he had married his
former neighbour's daughter; he and Amy Beatrice Cooper were
married at Holy Trinity in 1896. In April 1898 Joseph Hodgkinson,
the auctioneer, received instructions from Mr. Upton to sell
both his household furniture and "A High-class modern and full sized billiard
table, equal to new, by George Wright and Co., London, filled with
"Roberts" latest patent low cushions" as Mr.
Upton was leaving the hotel11].
His father, a hotel keeper in Melbourne, had died at the end of
1895 and Arthur Upton seems to have returned there to help his
mother out. In May 1898 The Station and County [sic] Hotel's
licence was transferred from Arthur William Upton to Francis Hoyland[12].
County and Station Hotel, Dale Road, 1900-1939. |
When he was in Matlock Bath Mr. Upton sold
"Old Tor" (Special Liqueur)
Highland Whisky.
This is a detail of one of the bottles.
See his advert in The Popular
Album of Matlock.

Enlargement of the hotel, with the former stables and the roof of my father's workshop behind
On the top image there is a red brick property next door to the
County and Station, although it doesn't look red
here. Behind the lettering on the same image, where it says "Heights
of Abraham, Matlock" is Midland Terrace, a block of three
dwellings. All these properties were built slightly after the hotel.
Holme Road climbs up the hill to the left of the hotel. Although it
is mostly hidden behind the trees, the shop at the bottom of Holme
Road, but on the opposite side, was William Bryan's drapery. Then
there is a small shop that was a butchers in the 1950s and a leather
shop in the 1960s. Above the left hand gable of The County
and Station is a two storey building with three windows on the
first floor; these were originally stables and carriages were stored
there. The square yard in the front was cobbled and gently sloping
with a drain in the middle - which, presumably, was where they
washed the carriages. In the 1950s the upper floor of this building
was a men's club where they played billiards. The entrance
was up a small track way beside a general store (Dolly's in the
1950s and 60s) that also led to the workshop my father rented for
his business use and where the set pieces for the Venetian Fêtes
of the 1950s were created. You can just see the workshop's roof.
This card dates from the end on the 19th century
as properties on Holme Road, which appear in the 1901 census, had
not been built. There is a good view of the Clarence, Matlock Bath's
Hydropathic Establishment, which was later obscured by Rockvale
Villas from this position. Rockvale Villas
were built on land where Mr. Leggoe's
skating rink was; the long roof of that building can be seen here
- it is just visible above the stable block in the top image. The
terrace of houses was not built until about 1895 and was first
mentioned in a directory in 1899.
Other pages that show the Dale Road buildings
"Heights of Abram, Matlock". The "National" Series
(Printed in Britain) Inland Postage ½d. Foreign Postage 1d.
The image was taken by W. W. Winter,
photo-artist of Derby. A black and white version attributed to Winters,
of slightly different proportions, was published in Ward Lock & Co's "Guide
to Matlock, Dovedale, Etc.", Illustrated Guide Books of
England and Wales (Guide Series 1903-4).
Postcard in the collection of, provided by and © Ann
Photo of bottle © D C.
Information written, researched by and © Ann Andrews.
Intended for personal use only.
[1] The group of buildings on Dale Road,
to the right of Holme Road, are not shown on the 1848 Tithe Map,
but can be seen on the 1880 OS map.
[2] Sidney Wheatcroft was there in the
1871 census | the 1881 census | Kelly's
Directory, 1876.
[3] "Derbyshire Advertiser and Journal",
1 Sep 1871. Wirksworth Brewster Sessions of 22 Aug 1871 when Mr.
Kingdom, of Wirksworth, applied for a licence on his behalf. Wheatcroft was
described as an eating house and refreshment room keeper. Two years earlier
he had applied for a licence for the Palatine Hotel and refreshment rooms
("Derbyshire Times", 4 Sept 1869) that was also refused.
[4] "Derbyshire Times",
29 Aug 1874. Wirksworth Brewster Sessions of 25 Aug 1874 when Mr.
Kingdom, of Wirksworth, once more applied for a licence on Wheatcroft's
behalf. Wheatcroft also submitted that his father, Edward, was the owner
or lessee and he had occupied the premises for that previous four years
as an Inn, under the sign of the Station Hotel.
[5] Mr Edwards was there at the time of the
1891 census and is listed in Kelly's
Directory, 1891. See his children's names in the list of Strays,
Surnames E.
[6] "Derbyshire Times" 19 July 1890.
[7] "Derby Daily Telegraph",
7 August 1891 and "Derby Mercury", 12 Aug 1891.
He had appeared in court on 5 Aug 1891.
[8] "Derby Daily Telegraph",
20 August 1891. Prosecution under the Army Act.
[9] "Derby Mercury", 29
May 1895. Mr. Upton's name appears in the
1891 census | Kelly's Directory
1891 | Kelly's 1895 Directory.
He advertised in The Popular Album
of Matlock. He was in Melbourne in 1901 and his wife and daughter
were living at Parade House in 1901.
[10] "Derbyshire Times", 15 June 1895
[11] "Derbyshire Advertiser and Journal", 23 April 1898.
[12] "Derbyshire Times", 21 May 1898. Transfer of Licenses.