Seven of the hydro's young female medical staff
The hydro can be seen in the background and this photo was probably
taken in the garden
of one the houses on Bank Road. The identity of only one of the
young women is known:
Dorothy Wood is in the tree, top right.

Smedley's Terrace, looking towards the Winter Gardens and Smedley's
The Church was demolished over sixty years ago.
The "patient" was Dorothy Wood whilst her friend (name
unknown) was the nurse.

Glowing testimonial for Nurse Wood, written on Smedley's headed notepaper,
from a very grateful patient, 1930.
Dorothy had been privately educated,
with her schooling paid for
by the family of Sheffield Cutler whom her mother had worked for.
She later became Mrs. Reynard and was on the fringes of the Bloomsbury
Group for a time.
Please Contact
the web mistress if you can identify anyone else in the photos