1. Group of seven students, 1948.
They were all part of the 1946 intake, the first year students were
admitted to Matlock's new teacher training college.
Card cover was signed by all in this photo:
Back row - Nancy Nevard, Brenda Collishaw, Pat Smith, Margaret Wheeler,
Sheila Hammond.
Front row - Dorothy Thomas, Angela (Maureen) Hursthouse, Cherry White.
It was almost certainly taken at the Dale Road studio of W. N. Statham
and could have been at an awards ceremony after these young women had
passed the final exams for their teaching certificates, making it 1948.
2. Nativity Play, Christmas 1946

Those in the picture were:
On the left - Peggy Shaul, Margaret Prosser, Phyllis Chappell, Betty
Beside the crib - Marion Wood, Trina Ashmole.
On the right - Marie Jones Davies, Megan Jones, Betty Black, Sheila
Manning (kneeling), Betty Williams.
It was staged in the Ballroom/Dining Room of Chatsworth Hall (see Matlock
Training College Brochure 1946-47, p.8).
It is probable that the students wrote their own script.
3. Mummers Play, Christmas 1946

In the photo are:
Val Thompson, Eileen Brown, Betty Black, Peggy Shaul.
Traditionally the actors did not speak and sometimes wore masks whilst
performing mummery.
Here, two characters were involved in a sword fight; one looks like a
mediaeval "baddie" whilst the other was possibly a Crusader
king (Richard the Lionheart?). The doctor, who was present
to "revive" the loser, was wearing a wizard's hat and had a
large box of "pills" to restore the combatant who lost.
Quite what the fourth character was doing is unclear.
4. Matlock Training College Going Down Ball Chatsworth Hall Dining
Room, June 1948

Miss Allen, the college Principal, is seated in the front row, slightly
to the right of centre.
It is not known who the members of staff on either side of her were.
Dances and balls, both at Christmas and the Going Down Ball, were a regular
fixture of college life. Angela Maureen Hursthouse recorded attending
similar events in Nottingham and Derby, just as the
Rockside students did a few years later in 1954-6. Events held at
the college were a reciprocal arrangement; mostly the young men were
'bussed in' for the evening, although some arrived by car from as far
afield as Loughborough and Sheffield. They weren't necessarily trainee
5. Matlock Training College Going Down Ball, Chatsworth Hall Dining
Room, June 1948

The group photographed from a slightly different angle.
At the end of their course 27 of the first intake and 3 members of
the college staff (Misses Campbell, Chelton and Williamson) embarked
on a tour of Denmark; it was organised by the National Union of Students
Travel Department and took place between 15 July and 1 Aug 1948. One
of the recommended items to take with them was a sheet sleeping bag for
the days they would spend in Jutland and Copenhagen. As they had to leave
Liverpool Street Station for Harwich at 9.20 a.m. most of the group opted
to stay at an hotel in London the night before, although at least one
member of the party stayed elsewhere. Angela Hursthouse visited her college
friend in Godalming.
Travelling through Europe by train was not a common occurrence so soon
after the war; Angela noted the poverty and destruction
the group saw as they progressed through Germany. The Matlock college
students partook in one of the standard vacation courses offered by the
International People's College; their itinerary included visits to Elsinore,
Frederiksborg, Kronborg, Lyngby and Lund. Other attendees were from India,
Sweden and the USA. As far as the British contingent were concerned it
meant they would embark on their teaching career with a knowledge of
Europe at the time that they could not have learned from books. The experience
must have stood them in good stead for success in their chosen profession.