Matlock Bath's glove factory opened for business in 1917, initially in the Grand Pavilion, and provided welcome employment for
some of the local girls. At the outset it employed a dozen young women[1].
It was set up because Matlock Bath UDC had wanted to let part of the Pavilion and George Henry Key, the Council Chairman at the time,
agreed to invest; Henry Hetherington, who like Mr. Key was employed at the Via Gellia Colour Company's works in Matlock Dale, was
also involved at the beginning[2]. The enterprise became the Spa Glove Company.
Whilst the date on the back of the top photograph seems to be slightly
inaccurate (1930) it shows some of the girls at work making gloves.
Amongst their number was Annie Ellen Holbrook who was born in 1905;
she was one of seven children and lived in Bonsall and /or Matlock
Bath. She worked at the glove factory as a teenager although by the
time she married in 1936 she was no longer employed in the industry.
Annie is pictured sitting behind her sewing machine on the left side
at the front, with piles of gloves in front of her[3].
Two Matlock Bath sisters, Florence and Nellie Boden, also worked
there for a time[4]; they
were the daughters of George Boden who was killed during the First
War[5]. Florence later
recalled hearing that the Armistice had been signed through the large
round first floor window of the glove factory building[4].
Another employee was Muriel Hatton, the great aunt of the web mistress[6].
The person standing behind the workers was the overlooker. Another great aunt of the webmistress, Isabella Downes (later Mrs.
Chamberlain), had been employed by the glove factory in that role in 1921.
From the writing on the back of the postcard,
and the image itself, the picture was taken
in the 1920's. Notice the old bicycles and
motor bikes - something still associated with
Matlock Bath. |
The glove factory was still in the Pavilion in early 1919, using
what had been a skating rink before the war. It was, according to
William Bryan of Matlock Bath, providing "healthy, clean and
profitable employment to a large number of girls and women of the
town and throughout the district at good wages". He added that
Matlock Bath received "a large and generous patronage from the
Matlock end of the district"[7].
The second image (left), of South Parade with the Heights of
Abraham and the Victoria Tower on the hillside above, was taken
from Temple Walk at a point roughly opposite the Pavilion. The
large building on the right hand side next to the fish pond has
the name "BODEN'S" still painted on the roof. The pond
itself is hidden behind the trees.
This became the glove factory building; the premises had become
available after WW1 as by then the building was no longer used
as a restaurant by the Bodens. Gloves were sold from a shop in
the front section of the building, next to the road, whilst the
gloves were made at the back[6]. |
For some years the factory advertised in Kelly's Trades Directories,
changing its name several times.
1922 |
Spa Glove Co. glove manufacturers. T A "Gloves,
Matlock;" T N 184 Matlock. |
1925 |
Perry & Rodwell glove manufacturers,
Corner house. T A "Perry, Matlock;" T N Matlock 116.
Lower down the list was Rodwell, Benjamin glove manufr. see
Perry & Rodwell.
Perry, Frank James, Springfield was listed amongst the Private
Residents |
1928 |
Perry (Matlock Bath) Ltd. glove mfrs. Corner
ho. T A "Perry, Matlock;" TN Matlock 116.
Frank James Perry was still living at Springfield in that year. |
It is not clear when the partnership of Perry and Rodwell, who
were both Glove Manufacturers and Fancy Goods Dealers, began
but it was dissolved on 31st December 1924[8].
After that the Matlock Bath business seems to have been run solely by Frank James Perry. Frank Perry (1874 - 1951)
and his wife Jeane Pullinger Perry had come from Yeovil[9] and
lived at Springfield on Clifton Road. Perry was the older partner in the firm. Benjamin Hunter Rodwell (1900 - 1967),
the other partner, had grown up in Matlock Bath, having moved to the village with his mother and stepfather James Fearn
about 1904[10].
On Wednesday 2 January 1929 fire ravaged the building, leaving a roofless
shell, although the engine house at the back was saved[11]. It had begun on the top floor about
two hours after the staff had left for the night and was not visible from the road for some time. Mr. Wright, who had heard a crack after
he emerged from a shop opposite, ran to the Pavilion for help as a Pleasure Grounds meeting was taking place there. One of those present
telephoned for the Matlock Fire Brigade who arrived within fifteen minutes but the roof fell in shortly after they arrived.
It was described as "the worst fire the Matlocks had experienced for the last fifteen years"[12].
There was some controversy both during and after the fire. The
fire brigade was heckled by the onlookers but the crowd was criticised
in return. Both Supt. Aves of the local constabulary and Capt.
Platts of the fire brigade reported back to Matlock Council. Capt.
Platts told them that a crowd of 100 had been around the engine
before the police arrived, which was when interference occurred
that prevented them from extinguishing the glove factory fire.
The Council were told that unions for hydrants at Matlock Bath
pavilion were missing; the fire appliances locker at the back of
the factory was without a key; it had proved impossible to pump
water from the river so the suction pipe was put into the fish
pond had been used without a filter and the pipe became blocked
with fish. Supt. Aves stated that fish had to be taken out of the
suction pipe and dead fish could be seen in the pond several days
later. The Fire Brigade had to take shelter in the Fishpond
Hotel afterwards, fortunately before closing time[13].
With all of that going on, it is unsurprising the building was
It was not to be rebuilt and was the first of two major calamities
to affect Matlock Bath's trade in 1929. In April, the Royal Hotel
was also destroyed[14].
The glove factory returned briefly to the Pavilion, but Mr. Perry
later moved it to Chelmsford[6].
It was also a bad year for fires in the district as part of Hollins
in the Via Gellia, the makers of Viyella, was badly damaged in
March[15] and
Arkwright's Cromford Mill was to suffer £10,000 worth of damage
in a fire in June[16].
This 1920s image by Photochrom provides a rare view of
the engine house at the rear of the former restaurant
building. There are a number of cars on South Parade. |
You may also like to view
Bath: Men's Cricket Team. Ben Rodwell was one of the players.
Matlock Bath, a coloured postcard
If one of your relatives worked at
the Glove Factory please get in touch (contact link in the page footer)
References (coloured links lead to more on site information):
[1] See High Peak News : Saturday, September 22, 1917, (scroll down).
[2] Mr. Key is listed in Kelly's
1916: Official Establishments, Local Institutions etc and both
he and Mr. Hetherington appear in Kelly's,
1916, Matlock Bath. In 1918 Key was still involved with the glove
factory; it was included amongst his commercial interests when he
bought "an extensive tract of the Hopton estate" (Derby
Daily Telegraph, Aug 1918).
[3] Information from her daughter, Bette
Atkinson, who owns the photograph.
[4] Beresford, Charles (2007) "The
Bath at War, A Derbyshire Community and the Great War". Country Books/Ashridge
Press. ISBN 978 1 901214 91 8
[5] George William Boden's name appears on both
Matlock's War Memorial at
Pic Tor and Matlock Bath War
[6] Recollections of the late Frank Clay.
Muriel was a seamstress and lived for some years at Belle Vue Cottage
with her parents.
[7] "Derbyshire Courier",
5 Apr 1919. A defence of Matlock Bath. William Bryan was robustly
responding to press criticism of Matlock Bath from a visitor.
[8] "The London Gazette",
3 Apr 1925.
[9] Frank James Perry was born in West Camel,
Somerset, in 1874 and died in the Yeovil District in 1951. He had
formerly worked as an Insurance Agent.
[10] Benjamin Hunter Rodwell was born in Chesterton,
Cambridge in 1900, the son of James Hunter Rodwell and his wife Vine.
He married Paulina Stringfellow at St. Giles in 1923 and died in
the Ilkeston in 1967. BHR's stepfather, mother and sister
were all buried at Holy Trinity.
[11] Perry lost about £5,000 of goods
and stock, including the machines, a large stock of skins and goods
awaiting despatch. Perry's cat, reputed to be the best rat catcher
in the district, was the only loss of life! The fire also destroyed
the fancy goods business of Mr. Worth. Worth lost about £1,000
of stock. (Derby Daily Telegraph, 3 Jan 1929). Also see The
Matlocks UDC Fire Brigade, about 1930..
[12] "Derbyshire Times," 5 January, 1929. Matlock's worst fire. Factory and shop
gutted. Damage estimated at £5,000.
[13] There were numerous press reports of the fire and its aftermath. The "Derby Daily
Telegraph", 15 Jan 1929 itemised some of the problems encountered and both the DDT and the "Sheffield
Independent" of 19 Feb 1929 contained information about the reports to the Council.
[14] See The Royal Hotel.
[15] "Sheffield Independent", 20 March 1929.
[16] "Derbyshire Advertiser and Journal," 21 June 1929.