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Matlock & Matlock Bath Strays
People who were born in Matlock, Matlock Bath, Riber or Starkholmes but found in non-Matlock records
Strays, Abbreviations
  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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Please note that not all census abbreviations have been copied across from the census listing.
You may also need to check the Census Abbreviations page elsewhere on the site
Ashover PRT Ashover Marriages (1642 - 1780), The Parish Registers of Ashover. Transcribed by C. E. Lugard. Vols. 2 & 3 pub 1928
b. born
bl brother in law
br brother
bur burial (parish register)
B. burial (parish register)
C. christening (parish register)
[c1851] 1851 Census : all refs for this census start with HO107/
[c1861] 1861 Census : all refs for this census start with RG 9/
[c1871] 1871 Census : all refs for this census start with RG10/
[c1881] 1881 Census : all refs for this census start with RG11/
[c1891] 1891 Census : all refs for this census start with RG 12/
[c1901] 1901 Census : all refs for this census start with RG 13/ © Crown copyright 2001
CWGC see Commonwealth War Graves Commission website
dau daughter
daur daughter
dl daughter in law
Ed Employed
Er Employer
F Female (Census)
f or f folio (in census returns: with page ref., the number helps to search quickly)
gent gentleman
gson grandson
H Head of household (Census)
Head Head of household (Census)
husb husband
Jun if contained within a date is June, otherwise Junior
lic licence
M male (Census)
M married (Census or Parish Register)
Mar if contained within a date is March, otherwise Married
mar lic Marriage licence
N Neither Empoyed nor Employer
ni niece
Notts Mar
Lic Vol I
Abstracts of Nottinghamshire Marriage Licences, Vol. I, Ed. Blagg and Wadsworth (1935), British Record Society, ISBN 0-8115-1503-6
Notts Mar
Lic Vol II
Abstracts of Nottinghamshire Marriage Licences, Vol. II, Ed. Blagg and Wadsworth (1935), British Record Society, ISBN 0-8115-1505-2
otp of this parish
p. page (in census returns: with folio ref., the number helps to search quickly)
p. parish
p consent consent of parents [either bride or groom a minor]
Phillimore "Phillimore's Parish Register Series. Derbyshire Parish Registers Marriages," 15 vols., edited successively by W. P. W. Phillimore, Thomas M. Blagg and C. Harold Ridge, Phillimore, 1906-1922. Also some Phillimore entries from Nottinghamshire Parish Registers.
Some extracts are reproduced by permission of Rod Neep, formerly of Archive CD Books
PR Parish Register
(PRO) Public Record Offfice © Crown copyright 2001
PRT Parish Register Transcript
s schedule number, if followed by a number (census)
s single (census)
s son (census)
s spinster
Sch. schedule number (in census returns: with folio and page ref., the number helps to search quickly)
Serv servant
sp spinster
st sister
stl sister in law
(TNA) The National Archive © Crown copyright 2005
tp this parish
U/un/unm unmarried (Census)
W wife (Census)
W Worker (Census)
wid widow or widower
widr widower (census)
Wirksworth Wirksworth Parish Register (1608 - 1841) See Contributors for further details of full computer search available