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Matlock & Matlock Bath's Memorial Inscriptions
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A selection of memorials and inscriptions that are or have been in Matlock and Matlock Bath. This is not a complete list; it mostly consists of extracts from Benjamin Bryan's: "Matlock Manor and Parish[1]", with additional inscriptions from Glenorchy and the Hall Leys.

Matlock, Congregational Church

In July 1920 Matlock Congregationalists unveiled a war memorial at their chapel. The money for a rose window had been raised by returning soldiers. A tablet underneath was of carved oak, sunk into the dado of the chancel and surmounted by a cross. The inscription read:

"This rose window was given by their returned comrades-in-arms as a tribute to the memory of E. Andrews, S. H. Andrews, O. Flint, G. Hall, J. Margerrison, A. Toplis, A. Whittaker, and T. Wilson, who laid down their lives in the Great War, 1914-1919. They followed in His train."
("Derbyshire Courier", 31 July 1920)

Matlock, Conservative Club

In June 1920 Lord Hartington unveiled a bronze memorial plaque in Matlock Conservative Club as they had suffered heavy losses in the war. The inscription read:
"Matlock Conservative Club. In memory of the members and stewards of this club who fell in the Great War, 1914-18".
The names recorded were C. Barnes, W. Bosley, A. B. Campbell, L. G. Dickinson, G. Else, G. S. Hall, E. Henstock, W. B. Jackson, J. Margerrison, W. H. Rowlands, G. Stacey, T. Swann, R. Wheatcroft, F. Wheatcroft and F. White.
("Derbyshire Courier", 5 June 1920).

Matlock Green, Six Almshouses

Over the central doorway of the almshouses are carved the words:

Below this is a plaque and the text is in capital letters:

"These almshouses are built, and as a memorial of her beloved brother Wm. HARRISON M.D., of Dean Hill House, Matlock, by his sister Margaret HARRISON, to provide rest for the aged poor".

Harrison's Almshouses
The almshouses were endowed in 1898[1]

The almshouses were designed in the Arts and Crafts style by local architect Mr. W. Doxey[2]. Tenders were placed for the work In April 1897, and the contract was awarded to Groom [or Groves?] & Co.[3]. They were to house three couples and three single people (or widows/widowers)[4].

The foundation stone was laid on on Tuesday 22 June 1897, the day of Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee. A procession was formed at the church, amongst whom was Miss Harrison, some of her friends, the Rector, churchwardens, some councillors, the architect and Mr. England, the builder's representative. There was also a surpliced choir. Miss Harrison laid the stone with an ebony mallet, which had a silver inscription plate, and she gave some of the attendees a Jubilee Bible which she had signed. She then spoke of her brother and dedicated the almshouses for the benefit of the honest poor of Matlock. Job Smith, a friend of her late brother, was to oversee the project[2]. By August 1898 the almshouses were almost complete and awaiting residents. Trustees had been appointed and £5000 was provided for the perpetual endowment. It was estimated that the entire cost was over £8000[5]. In October 1898, when the almshouses were finished, the Bishop of Derby performed the opening ceremony[6].

Matlock, Hall Leys

Erected by Voluntary Subscription
To the Memory of


March 27th 1911
Repositioned and Rededicated on 23rd March 1987 to commemorate the centenary
of the Derbyshire Mutual Welfare Fund

There is Another Photograph of this memorial

Cromford Bridge

"The leap of Mr. B. H. MARE, June, 1697."

[Benjamin Bryan (1903) commented that ' a spirited horse, instead of taking the sharp turn to the left to cross the bridge, leaped the parapet, carrying its rider with it to the ground on the other side, a depth of 20 to 30 feet, and both escaped unhurt.[1]
There is more about this in the Derbyshire Photos on: Cromford: Bridge over the Derwent and Entrance to Willersley Castle.]

Victoria Tower, Masson


J.P." [1]

[The Tower was erected by John Pechell.
There are four postcards of The Tower.
See: The Victoria Prospect Tower (1) - you can click on the image - or Victoria Tower, Heights of Abraham, 1907 -25 (2)

Glenorchy (Congregational) Independent Chapel
November 1909:
A handsome black marble tablet, on Belgian marble background, in memory of the late Rev. F. R. Bellamy, has been erected in the Lady Glenorchy Church, Matlock Bath. The tablet, which fine piece of workmanship executed Messrs. Harrison Bros., of Wirksworth, bears the following inscription:
"In memory of the Rev. Frank R. Bellamy, who faithfully served this church for 42 years. A loving, faithful and zealous pastor. Died Nov. 8th, 1906.
'Tis not a charge of small import,
The pastor's care demands,
But what might fill an angel's heart,
And filled a Saviour's hands."[7]
The whereabouts of this memorial is not known as Glenorchy Independent Chapel was demolished for road widening.
*Also commemorated Matlock Bath - see MI in the churchyard.

"Erected by members of this church in loving memory of Frank Wigley Boden, William John Finney*, Angus Walker Hall and Ernest Henry Wildgoose who gave their lives for God and country in the war 1914-18. Greater love hath no man than this."[8]
[Brass plaque]

[This was unveiled on Sunday 10 August 1919 by Mr. S. Sprinthall and Mr. R. Webster, Senior Deacons.
The whereabouts of this memorial is not known as Glenorchy Independent Chapel was demolished for road widening.
*Also commemorated Matlock Bath - see MI.

Scarthin Mission Church

"This tablet was erected by loving friends to the memory of the Rev. Edward LATHAM, M.A. (late vicar of this parish), who died March 9th, 1883, aged 49. 'The memory is just blessed.'"[1]

Photographs kindly provided by and © Paul Kettle, an undisclosed contributor and the web mistress.
Information researched by and © Ann Andrews and Charles Beresford.
Intended for personal use only.


[1] Bryan, Benjamin (1903) "History of Matlock - Matlock, Manor and Parish" London by Bemrose & Sons, Limited.

[2] "Derbyshire Times", 26 June 1897 New Almshouses For Matlock. Laying The Foundation Stone. William Doxey was the gentleman who oversaw building work at Smedley's. See 1901 census entry.

[3] "Sheffield Independent", 26 April 1897. Different names for the builder are given in various reports.

[4] "Kelly's Directory of Derbyshire", 1928.

[5] "Derbyshire Times", 27 August 1898 Gift of Almshouses to Matlock. A Benevolent Lady.

[6] "Derby Mercury", 26 October 1898.

[7] "Belper News", 12 November 1909.

[8] Beresford, Charles "The Bath at War, A Derbyshire Community and the Great War" (2007). Country Books/Ashridge Press. ISBN 978 1 901214 91 8. p.447. Published here with kind permission.