Matlock & Matlock Bath's Memorial Inscriptions |
Surnames Index for all Matlock and
Matlock Bath's memorials, and many MI transcripts |
Finding the Churchyard Inscriptions, Matlock |

About St. Giles' Church
A Printable Map for Visitors to the Churchyard
of St. Giles', Matlock
plan of St. Giles' churchyard, Matlock.
Reproduced here with the very kind permission of the Derbyshire Ancestral
Research Group.
(If the file size is a problem the web mistress can send you a lower
resolution version.)
To view the PDF file, you may need to download the free Adobe
Acrobat Reader.

- Area letters shown on the map cannot be found within the churchyard,
nor do they indicate the number of a burial plot in church records.
They are merely a finding aid to help locate the MIs.
- Some of the inscriptions are no longer readable.
- If you are seeking an MI published by the Derbyshire Ancestral
Research Group (i.e. an MI in St. Giles' Churchyard) please contact
the web mistress before you write to them as I should be
able to provide the reference if it is not already on the web