Matlock: Bridge & Bank, early 1890s |
Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century : Photographs, Postcards, Engravings & Etchings |
Matlock Bank and Matlock Bridge were two separate entities in the 1890s, divided by fields. Whilst the river is hidden
from view, the original and fairly basic football stand can be seen on the Hall Leys; this was the site where the
local team played for a long time before transferring to their present grounds. It is quite possible that the floods
at the end of 1901, when the water depth on the pitch was 10 feet, either damaged or even washed away the
stand[1]. Postcards from 1903 do not show a football stand but two
others, dated between 1904 and 1906 show a slightly smaller shelter in place.
The bridge over the river, originally connecting the Old English Hotel with the Hall Leys, can be seen near the right
hand end of the pitch. A line of small trees trees or bushes divides the two Hall Leys fields. This bridge was eventually
demolished and rebuilt in a slightly different place[2].
Some of Dale Road, or Dale Crescent as it was sometimes called, was relatively newly built in this picture. In 1887
what were described as "valuable building lots, situate between the Old English Hotel and Brown's Temperance Hotel,
Matlock Bridge", were offered for sale at the Old English Hotel by the auctioneers Messrs. Else and Son. The plots
were bought by Mr. S. Brown, Mr. W. Moore, two members of the Kirkland family, a Mr J. Taylor and John Taylor (possibly
same man), A. Bridge and G. Bunting[3]. Shops were then build from the corner
of Old Englishe Road to almost Brown's Hotel - so a large portion of the parade of shops between what became Hunter's to
relatively close to the railway bridge.
The houses on the left hand side of Dale Road that back on to Holt Lane were built in the early 1880s.
The Old English Hotel is of particular interest in this picture. The hotel had been built in 1880; its plans were
drawn up by local architect G. E. Statham; It was four storeys high and had many
decorative external features including towers and turrets, supposedly in the Elizabethan style. In 1883 Mrs. Catherine
Mattocks applied to transfer the licence for the Old English from Joshua Wortley to herself and a temporary grant was
made[4]. Unfortunately, on 7 November 1884 disaster struck when fire broke
out on the third floor of the hotel in the early hours of the morning. Mrs. White of Holt Lane and a Mr. Elliott were
the first on the scene and managed to rouse all the Mattocks family. The staff then evacuated the guests and many items
of furniture, including two pianos, were saved. The nearest fire engine was at Masson Mill, some two miles away!
Unfortunately, despite valiant efforts of the fire fighters, the local police and neighbours, the roof caught fire.
The Derby fire brigade was also sent for and they arrived at 8a.m. The interior of the building was burnt out apart
from the vaults on the northern side[5]. The Derbyshire Courier reported
that the tower was destroyed, slates gave way, the roof fell in and the framework of one of the windows crashed into the street;
bare walls only remained[6]. Almost nobody was injured although the confectioner Mr.
W. H. Moore burnt his hands quite badly; he had noticed showers of sparks falling upon part of his premises where he had hay
stored and seems to have put out the flames there single handedly[5]. Whilst the
fire was raging three local men attempted to make off with one of the barrels so they could consume the contents, and were
hauled before the magistrates. |
CAPITAL £25,0000, IN 2,600 SHARES OF £10 EACH
GEORGE W. FURNISS, Esq., Dell View, Eyam (Chairman).
HENRY BURROWS, Esq., Sheffield.
THOMAS FAVELL, Esq., Sheffield.
Lieut.-Colonel RAWLINS, Matlock Bridge.
MATTHEW WOOD, Esq., Taddington Hall, Manchester
Mr. M. W. MATTOCKS, Matlock Bridge (Vendor).
BENSON, 41, Norfolk
street, Sheffield.
Mr GEORGE LEMAN (late Manager of Morrison's Hotel,
It is intended to chose the first list of Shareholders in August
and preferences will be given to early applicants.
Prospectuses may be obtained from the Secretary.
The above splendidly-situated and magnificently-furnished
HOTEL is now Open for Visitors, and will be found replete with
ever comfort at a very moderate tariff.
Boating, Fishing, Lawn Tennis &c., to the MANAGER will receive
prompt attendance.
Sheffield Daily Telegraph, 1 August 1881.
Raising capital for the Hotel through a Share Issue. |
Whilst the enlarged section of the picture isn't 100% clear, the ruins of the burnt out section of the Old
English can be seen behind the restored and rebuilt hotel. |
In January the following year (1887) a number of men were removing the debris and found molten gold and silver, including
a gold watch. It was said at the time that arrangements had been made for rebuilding, and a similar structure to the
one erected in 1880 was to be built[7].
Mrs. Mattocks needed to apply to renew the hotel's licence in September. The property
had still not been rebuilt or restored and it was said that the premises were totally unfit for the class
of business for which the licence was originally granted. Mrs. Mattocks told the court that it was intended to
spend about £3,000 on the erection of the new building, which would contain seventeen bedrooms, and all
other requirements for a first class commercial and family hotel. The Council agreed to renew the licence on
the distinct understanding that the new portions of the building were proceeded with as quickly as possible[8].
The work on the hotel was carried our between the licence being granted and the land on Dale Road being
sold; there is a picture of the restored Old English but with the land on the opposite corner undeveloped,
dating from about 1887, in David Barton's book about Matlock[9].
All the images of the hotel after the fire show the Old English was reconstructed with only three floors instead
of four and with alterations to the dormers and other features on the Old Englishe Road side of the building.
At the rear of the hotel is a large bay window, also part of the original structure. |
1 and 2. "Matlock Bridge & Matlock Bank". No
publisher (Post Card - Great Britain & Ireland on the back). Not posted.
In the collection of and provided by and © Ann Andrews.
3. Photograph of the rear bay window © Susan Tomlinson.
Written, researched by and © Ann Andrews.
Intended for personal use only
References (coloured links are to transcripts and information elsewhere on this
web site):
[1] Tomlinson, Susan (2017) "The Early Years of Matlock Town Football Club, Including Results,
Match Reports and Social History". Also see Flooding in the Matlocks
[2] "Derbyshire Times", 3 April 1920. An article tells us that the bridge had been
moved two of three years before, so approximately in 1917.
[3] "ibid.", 20 August 1887.
[4] "Derby Mercury", 18 Jul 1883. This was before Mr. J. W. Skidmore, solicitor.
The Mattocks family were already living in Matlock Bridge when the 1881 census was taken.
They had been in Matlock Bridge since at least 1864 at Mr. Mattocks advertised in Kelly's
1864 Directory. The family were also shown in the 1871 census and Mr. Mattocks was also
included in Kelly's 1876 Directory.
[5] "ibid", Wednesday, 12 November, 1884 (Great Fire at Matlock Bridge). This was
just one of many newspaper reports.
[6] "Derbyshire Courier, 15 November 1884 (Destruction of the Old English Hotel. Damage
£12,000). The paper described it as "one of the most serious fires that has ever occurred in North Derbyshire".
[7] "Derby Daily Telegraph", 16 January 1885. Matlock Police Court, before Mr. Sleigh,
Mr. Arkwright and Mr. Sorby.
[8] "Derbyshire Courier", 19 September 1885.
[9] Barton, David A. : Collected by (1993) "Around Matlock in Old Photographs",
Alan Sutton Publishing, Stroud. ISBN 0-7509-0502-6.