of High Tor Tunnel, Matlock Bath |
Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century : Photographs,
Postcards, Engravings & Etchings |

Caroline Smedley |
There are several early engravings of the entrance to the six hundred
yard long High Tor Tunnel, a major piece of railway engineering.
The line to Matlock was opened in 1849 and the coming of the
railway was to have a major impact on both Matlock Bath and Matlock.
Matlock developed as a hydropathy centre whilst the type of visitor
to the village of Matlock Bath changed considerably. Day trippers
from larger towns and cities eventually replaced those who had
come for the water cure of Matlock Bath and stayed in the village's
Here we see a train approaching Matlock Bath station on the
down line. The railway station buildings are slightly different
from those shown in either the Rock & Co.
engraving of 1862 or the vignette
engraving of High Tor Tunnel from "Bemroses' Guide" of
1869 (scroll down to the bottom of the page). The structure in
this image, first published
in John Smedley's Practical Hydropathy of 1857, does not
have the distinctive overhanging eaves shown on later illustrations
or photographs.
This image shows us a very still River Derwent, with Dale Road
on the opposite riverbank from the station. The artist has placed
what was then the vicarage house on the same level as the road
whereas the building is actually slightly above the road.
View even more about the station by clicking
on the images below:
The above 19th century engraving has been taken from:
Smedley, Mrs. (1878/9) "Ladies' Manual of Practical Hydropathy
(Not the Cold Water System), 16th ed.", James Blackwood & Co.,
Lovell's Court, Paternoster Row, London, p.159
By the time this edition was published Mr. John Smedley, Mrs. Smedley's
husband, had been dead for some years and the business had been
taken over by Smedley's Hydropathic Company (Limited)
Caroline Anne Smedley wrote in her preface:
"After reading many works on hydropathy in conjunction with
my husband, I consider that they are written too scientifically for
Ladies who have not studied Medical and Anatomical Works, and who
are therefore ignorant of the many terms made use of only in such
works, and which are not at all necessary to be known by the generalities
of our sex in the ordinary duties of life. This little Manual will
therefore be entirely free from such terms ... "
This book is in the collection of, the information is provided by
and images scanned by and © Ann Andrews. Intended for personal
use only
The engraving was also published in Smedley's "Practical