Smedley's Hydro Drawing Room, 1906 |
Matlock : Twentieth Century Photographs, Postcards, Engravings & Etchings |
The photograph
of the drawing room at Smedley's, above, was taken for the hydro.
The room had been altered and refurbished since the earlier engraving
was published in "Practical Hydropathy"[1],
although the secluded curtained alcoves with upholstered settles
around the edges remained. They are a striking feature of the room
and must have been very cosy to sit in. Another photograph
of this room, but without the curtains in the alcoves, was published
in the hydro's booklet dating from around 1925, "Smedley's
Hydropathic Establishment Matlock. Established 1853"[2].
Two very large portraits of the hydro's founder, John Smedley,
and his wife Caroline were hung on the end wall and dominated the
room; these were later reduced in size and are now at Lea Mills.
Considering the hydro was usually very busy, it is a little surprising
to see an Edwardian drawing room with nobody in it!

Enlargement of the top image, showing the portraits.
Henry Steer
thought that "Mr. Smedley's full-length portrait shows
him to have been
a sharp,
commanding, strong-willed, and almost
austere master. He was straight
as a dart, quick in his move
ments, determined in expression, and extremely particular
the precise observance of his rules. He was a very early riser,
could do as much work as two ordinary men"[3]. |
Below is a second photograph, showing the other end of the drawing
room. It was probably taken slightly earlier, after the rebuilding
and refurbishment of 1894. We can see the stage at the far end of
the room.
After commenting on John Smedley's portrait Mr. Steer of Derby,
who was a watchmaker and later a writer on Christian subjects,
provided an excellent description of this room in his 1897 history
of the Smedleys:
"To give a description of the new
drawing-room is a task of no ordinary character. It is superb
and perfect The opinion obtains that the room is second to
none in any semi-private place in the country. At one end is
a permanent stage, 20 feet deep and 20 feet wide, with ante-rooms.
It is flanked by Corinthian columns and pilasters. The stage
is as large as those in most of the leading theatres. All the
architectural work is of free classic style, from the plans
of Mr. Statham. This magnificent room is elaborately decorated,
and furnished in artistic taste. There are six recesses on
one side. These are arranged to give a sight of the great hills
to the west and south. The seats are upholstered in steel-blue
frieze velvet, tastefully draped with velvet curtains. The woodwork
is richly carved, and the seats are fixed for a view of almost
the entire room. In one of these recesses is a beautifully-carved
mantelpiece of exquisite design. Opposite the recesses are six
spacious windows, with fanlights above. The windows are of costly
stained glass, the centre panels of which are figures representing
the Muses. One of the features of this elegant apartment is the
embroidered blinds, which give an artistic effect and a splendour
to the rest of the room. The window curtains are also of the
richest velvet. The woodwork is chastely decorated. The doors,
the recesses, and the windows are done in solid walnut, all
finely carved. The dado is of Japanese paper, whilst the middle
part is an ordinary rich blue paper, with a handsome fringe
running round the top. The floor is covered with a carpet which
has been specially manufactured for Messrs. Foster and Cooper
in Bohemia. It is about one ton in
weight, and is made entirely by hand by skilled people, and can
scarcely be said to wear out. The splendid thickness and softness
of the pile makes it like walking upon moss. It is luxurious
and costly, and fits exactly in every part, like one immense
piece, though, on account of the great weight, it was necessary
to have several sections. The settees, ottomans, and chairs
have been specially designed and constructed so as to take
apart and form in line for entertainments. The colours are
various, principally the electric blue and old gold. There
are centre tables and card tables, all made en suite. The roof
is most delicately and prettily decorated with cream and gold,
interspersed with terra-cotta and light blue. To say the room
is immensely rich does not convey an idea of the exceeding
beauty contained within the four walls. Messrs. Foster and
Cooper have more than pleased the directors and the architect
with their workmanship. Along with the furnishing of twenty bedrooms,
Mr. C. E. Hughes took the contract on their behalf for the whole
of this important work"[3].
View Smedley's Christmas and New Year Menus & Programmes:
1 and 2. "Matlock. Smedley's Hydro (Drawing Room)".
Published by Photochrom Co. Ltd., London. Posted 30 May 1906 at Matlock
The "auntie" who wrote the card's message to her
niece clearly enjoyed her stay at Smedley's: "I wish you could
have been with me as we had a very nice entertainment. A few good
songs well sung to begin with and some of the best tableaus I have
seen. The dresses and scenery were lovely". A satisfied
3. "Drawing Room, Smedley's Hydropathic Establishment,
Matlock Bridge", photographed by Frederick Barber and published
as a carte de visite about 1894-1900 (see
Both images in the collection of, provided by and © Ann Andrews.
Page researched, written by and © Ann Andrews.
Intended for personal use only.
References (coloured
hyperlinks are to information elsewhere on this web site):
[1] Mid 19th century images
from John Smedley's "Practical
Hydropathy" include:
Matlock: Smedley's Hydro, Public Drawing Room
Matlock: Smedley's Hydro,
Starting Out
[2] Images of the book are
on this web site. Go to Smedley's
Hydropathic Establishment Matlock, Brochure, about 1925 and
the 1939 version.
[3] Steer, Henry (1897) "The Smedleys
of Matlock Bank", Elliot Stock, 62, Paternoster Row,
London. The Mr. Statham he mentioned was Mr. G. E. Statham, architect,
of Nottingham and Matlock. See Biographies