Matlock & Matlock Bath Photographers |
People who lived in the Matlocks : Photographs, Postcards, Engravings & Etchings |
An illustrated account of the photographers who lived in or
had studios in Matlock and Matlock Bath from the earliest times
until just
after the Second World War.
Only those who either lived and worked in the Matlocks or had a studio presence have additional notes. Their names are highlighted
in bold text.
The number against each name, e.g.[1], is the number of the individual in the chronological list.
Please note that the thumbnail images, apart from the cameras, lead to other pages within the site.
The early years
Manchester born John Latham[1],
who lived on Tagg Hill in Matlock Town in the 1860s, was the first commercial
photographer to reside in Matlock. Others had already come to visit,
perhaps renting a studio for a short time. In 1857, for example, Benjamin
William Botham (1824-77) was staying in Derby for a year and "had "fitted
up Portrait Rooms at the Museum Parade ... Tues 8th, 15th and 22nd Sept.
Specimens of his work could be seen at Messrs. Bemrose & Sons, Booksellers"
(Derby Mercury, 2 September 1857). He seems to have travelled
round the country, then returned briefly to his Suffolk birthplace before settling in Brighton.
The 1861 census shows an Italian, P. Paul Letti,[2] was
lodging on Matlock Bank but it is not known how long he stayed.
As for Matlock Bath, John Clark of seems to have been the first
photographic artist to advertise in a local trades directory in 1864[3],
with Charles Davis of Matlock Bank[4] and George
Washington Unwin of Matlock Bath[5] also
operating in the district by the time of the 1871 census. Suddenly,
everyone who could afford it wanted their photograph taken and by 1881
these three had been joined by David Sherwood Jones[6] and William
Potter of Matlock Dale[7].
William Potter was the first "local" to take up the profession. John
William Hilder arrived in Matlock Bath in 1887[8],
taking over John Clark's studio on South Parade and William Godber was
also working at Matlock Bath for a very short time in the late 1880s[9].
Probably the best known of all as far as Matlock is concerned, however,
was William Nathan Statham who was the second of the photographers
to be born in the Matlocks[10].
He opened his studio on Dale Road (Matlock) shortly before 1891. He
worked as a photographer for many years, and his studio did not close
until well after the Second World War. Slightly later on the scene
were Frederick Barber[11] and
his son William Harvey Barber[12],
whose premises on Bank Road were called "The Matlock Studio of
Art Photography". They had a second studio within the hydro's grounds for some years.
Derbyshire Courier, 24 June 1890.
"... there are now resident photographers at Matlock whose
work is quite equal any from Oxford Street or Edinborough [sic]
Town. At Matlock Mr. F. Barber and Mr. G. Statham each produce
high class work, and at Matlock Bath Mr. Hilder is no less
successful in positivising negatives of personal photographs.
... Notwithstanding these resident artists the principal views
of local scenery still sold are those of G. W. Wilson and Son
of Aberdeen, and in regard to their photographs I notice that
a local visiting list gives blocks from them, but wrongly ascribes
them to Mr. Statham".
(from Gossip from the Peak. Notes by "Quiz") |
The scenery in and around the Matlocks proved to be as popular with photographers as it had been earlier
with artists. In August 1886 the first annual convention of professional and amateur photographers was held at the Art
School in Derby, although no Matlock photographers were named as being directly involved. Amongst
the places the attendees visited with their cameras were Matlock and Haddon. Richard Keene of Derby (1825-1894), who took many
wonderful photographs of Derbyshire, was the Convention's first president and remained in the post until he died. Alfred
Seaman was a founder member[13]. Seaman took many fine pictures of Matlock and
Matlock Bath but he didn't live in the Matlocks although he had a studio on Matlock Bank (it was his son Frederick who opened a studio
in Matlock Bath[14]).
There is, incidentally, one example of Keene's work in All About Derbyshire
by Edward Bradbury, (1884) as well as others in the Derbyshire Images section of this site.
This page concentrates on those photographers who lived in the Matlocks or had studios in the district. There were many
others who either visited for the day, as Richard Keene did, or stayed at one of the hydros or the lodging houses whilst
on a short visit. For example, Reuben Wright, who was born at Heanor, was staying at Chesterfield
House in 1891 and Julia Tomkinson, aged 18, was a photographer's assistant staying at Lime Tree Lane Convalascence [sic]
House the same year (see the census entry).
One of the most prolific of the visiting photographers was, of course, Francis Frith (1822-98). Frith was born in Chesterfield,
but his family moved away from Derbyshire. They went first to Nether Hallam and then to Poulton Cum
Seacombe on the Wirral where the younger Frith worked as a wholesale grocer. He sold his business for
a very large sum and set off for the Middle East armed with a camera. On
his return he moved to Reigate, but then travelled the country taking pictures. His aim was to
photograph the entire country and he certainly took pictures of most of it. There are quite a few photographs of both Matlock
and Matlock Bath dating from the 1870s, 1880s and 1890s in Frith's published collections. He also employed photographers,
but it is not known if any of the photographers residing in Matlock or Matlock Bath worked for him.
The scenic views Frith and the others took proved to be extremely popular with both the day trippers and the visitors who stayed
longer; they wanted a pictorial memento of where they'd been. There were some wonderful early photographs, examples of which
may be seen in the 18th and 19th century section of Images.
Some of the earliest images taken of Matlock and Matlock Bath were stereo views.
See Just Images, Matlock Bath, Nos. 21, 22, 23 | Just images, Matlock
Dale, Nos. 16, 17 | Stereoview of Lovers' Walk, 1859-62 | Stereographic
Photo of Matlock Bath Station, 1860 | Stereoview of Matlock Bath Station,
19thC | Stereoview, Matlock Bath, 1870s |

Carte de Visite of High Tor by William Potter (see
1890s or earlier. The CDV is an albumen print mounted on
a small card measuring 6.3 cm x 10.4 cm.
Cartes de visite were small and relatively inexpensive,
so were very popular. |
Photographer's studios were plentiful in the Matlocks and the
photographer often ensured his name was somewhere on the mounts
of his photographic prints. The photographer's details can usually
be found on either the front or the back of mid to late nineteenth
century or early twentieth century family photos, either pre printed
on the mount or on a printed label (see below).
Some images were printed by publishers, including the stereo views
mentioned above, which increased their circulation. Publishers
included the booksellers and stationers Bemrose & Son of Matlock
Bath and Derby, Thomas Housley Holmes of Matlock Bath and William
Elliott Howe, also of Matlock Bath (see, for example, Kelly's
1855 | Kelly's 1864 | Kelly's
1876 Directories). There were others who printed and distributed
the pictures but were based much further afield, including publishers
in Manchester and London.
Cameras were expensive, as was the equipment, and the photographic
profession wasn't always profitable. Like many involved in what
was probably a very seasonal trade, the photographers sometimes
had money difficulties. For some there was no long term damage
but others were financially ruined.
After the turn of the century
Thomas Meredith Henshall arrived in
Matlock Bath about 1903[15] and Percy
Rowbottom[16] was
already living in the village. Both worked as professional
photographers for a time. Charles Williams (1842-1916), having
earned his living as a commercial traveller, arrived from Portobello
in Midlothian in the early 1900s; he had a shop
on North Parade in 1908 and he and his wife lived on Orchard
Road. He subsequently had premises on South Parade but sold
up in 1911.
High quality pictures were also being taken by non professionals.
For example, Museum
Parade & The Pitchings, Matlock Bath, 1910 was taken
by a young Australian studying at Royal College of Music.
Joseph Drake[17] and Fred
Housley[18] were
working in Matlock both before and after 1900. In September
and October 1900 the Derby Art Photographer W. W. Winter
announced that his Branch Studio at Matlock, adjoining Smedley's Hydro, was open;
the studio had opened in April 1900 but closed the following January.
Robert Astbury[19] had worked for the firm, but remained on Matlock Bank
after their departure. J. Mills[20] was also taking pictures, though his
or her identity of is not yet known. There were other unknowns: Wigley of Crown Studio Matlock Bridge and Barrett & Hill
also of Matlock Bridge (see the cabinet card, right).
Charles Colledge[21] moved to Matlock in the early years of the twentieth
century. Vernon Lamb[22] was living on Bank Road in 1911, combining work as
an insurance agent with photography. He had been a photographer for at least twenty years and had moved to Matlock from Derby.
Another photographer from this era was John Alfred Goodwin, of Hurst Farm. Victor Bancroft, who was originally a watchmaker,
was taking pictures between 1920 and at least 1930. He supplied his pictures to both local and national newspapers.
See: Miscellaneous Images - Bancroft's Philatelic Casket.
Between 1922 and 1930 Edgar Wright[23] could be found in the Grand
Pavilion's car park photographing groups of people who had arrived by charabanc.
Harry Gill[24], who began taking photographs around 1927, had a studio at Bradley
House on Dale Road. He later moved to 1 South Parade, Matlock Bath. He was a press photographer, but also took pictures of
weddings, engagements and other family occasions. Cyril Edmonds[25] took
photographs that he turned into postcards to sell at his cavern (the Cumberland).
Stanley Clough[26], of Dyson and
Clough's Filling Station in Matlock Bath, took some photographs during the war, including one of the church and several of the
pupils at Matlock Bath school when an American sent over sweets for the children. In the 1950s Minerva Studios was in Matlock Dale,
the proprietor of which was S. Martin.

Cabinet Card,
Barratt & Hill of Matlock Bridge.
Children unknown.
Cabinet cards were larger than carte de visites,
measuring approximately 10.3 cm. x 15.3 c.m. |
The photographers' pictures were increasingly turned into postcards, with some publishing their own cards. Although they
are not part of this particular study, the locals who either took photos or published them include _ Cardin, Edward Lionel
Edwards, S. Dakin, Arthur William Gessey, Hawley of Matlock, Harold P. Keetley, Arthur J. Roberts (a master tailor who lived
on Bank Road), Frank R. Rhodes (who took over Gessey's, so the pictures were the same) and Caletta Tinti (nee Whittaker).
Lucy Brown sold postcards with her name on them through her Bon Marché stationers
on Dale Road.
Photographers who didn't live in the district still continued to visit and pedal their pictures. During the Second World War, for
example, one man (name unknown) visited Matlock Bath occasionally over a period of about two years. He used to walk up and down with
his tripod and camera, a black box that was approximately 6" x 12" x 18" in size. There was a lever on the side which
the photographer pressed and out came a photo. The image was instantly put into a bath of chemicals, which the man had with him, it was
dried and then stuck onto a card that was approximately the same size as a carte de visite. His brown stained fingers from contact
with the chemicals were a hazard of the job.
More about Matlock & Matlock Bath's photographers
In this section information about the photographers is in chronological order, in other words the order they were found working
in the Matlocks.
This is a list of surnames in alphabetical order to help you navigate:
ASTBURY (for W. W. Winter) | BARBER, F | BARBER, WH | CLARK |
1. John Latham (1831-1918)
John Latham was born in Manchester. In 1851 he was living in Longton (Stoke on Trent) with his parents Robert and Elizabeth, and was
described as an Artist.
He had first surfaced as a photographer in Derbyshire in 1858 when he advertised in the local press and then was based in Ashbourne.
Derbyshire Advertiser and Journal, 12 November 1858.
"Artistic Photography
JOHN LATHAM, Artist (from London), begs to announce to the Clergy, Gentry, and Inhabitants of Ashbourn and Neighbourhood,
that he is prepared to take PORTRAITS by both the POSITIVE and NEGATIVE processes. Life-like portraits combining artistic
or pictorial effects, with Photographic accuracy and truth, 6½ by 5¾ on glass, 10s. 6d.; on paper, one Guinea.
Views taken of Churches and Residences, and Works of Art Copied.
Parties attended at their own Residences.
Church-street, Ashbourn." |
The following year he attended the Wirksworth Well, or Tap, dressings. "Photographs were taken of all the taps by Mr. Latham,
photographic artist". By 1861 the Lathams were at Tagg Hill, Matlock Town, though
John was described as Robert and Elizabeth's nephew rather than their son.
In the late 1860s the Duke of Devonshire gave him permission to take a series of photographs of Chatsworth including views of
the State rooms, Drawing rooms, Library, Chapel, and the principal pieces of statuary in the Sculpture Gallery. These were then published
and were widely available until at least 1886.
Unfortunately he had some financial problems in 1869, when "John Latham, photographic artist, late of Longton" was declared
bankrupt, and he did not remain in the district although his parents continued
to live in Matlock Town.
He travelled widely and CDVs and stereoviews of his work show, for example, scenes from Cambridge, Chatsworth, Ely,
Haddon Hall, Lichfield and Scarborough.
John married Elizabeth Bott in 1870 and was living in Longton again in 1871, residing at his brother in law's home.
John and Elizabeth moved to Stone with their daughter
but returned to Longton and Constance became John's assistant. In 1896 their studio (Latham and Bott) was at 3 High Street in
By 1911 he was in Whitchurch, aged 80, with his second wife, Edith Morris (m. 1903), and two nieces; his occupation was described as "Artist
Pictures". Edith passed away in 1935.
- Census references:
the 1861 census |
- Directory references:
Whites Directory 1862 |
- Other references:
Names in the London Gazette, 1869

The back of a Latham stereo view
Enlargement of another John Latham logo, from a carte de visite.
-Further examples of his work:

- Bemrose and Co. of Matlock Bath published some of his stereoviews
The ones the web mistress has seen show they were pasted onto a yellow
card, with the Bemrose name on the back and Latham's name on a sidebar
on the front. See
the Bemrose advertisement |
2. P. Paul Letti
No further information has been found. It is assumed Letti's stay in Matlock did not last long.
- Census references:
the 1861 census | |
3. John Clark (1824-)
In 1851 John Clark and his wife Ann were living on Commercial Road, Spittlegate in Grantham and John was a Wheelwright.
He had been born in South Witham in 1824. Whilst it is difficult to be sure when they moved to Derbyshire or when John changed
his profession, the couple were living in Duffield in 1861 and John was already working as a photographer.
The Clarks moved to Matlock Bath not long afterwards. Ann Clark ran a lodging house at Swiss Cottage but by 1871 they
were living at Museum Parade, Matlock Bath where John's studio also was. An advertisement in 1874 stated that he had a large
and varied assortment of photographs available, both mounted and unmounted, and was able to take outdoor views and groups
at short notice. He made picture frames to order and also dealt in fishing tackle.
The "Special Appointment to the Emperor and Empress of Brazil" and the claim to be "under the Patronage
of the Prince and Princess of Wales", shown on the back of a carte de visite (right), were not empty boasts. When the
Emperor and Empress visited Matlock Bath in August 1871 (see Matlock Bath, Royal visitors)
he presented them with a volume of his celebrated Derbyshire Views. The royal couple stayed at Ivatt and Jordan's New Bath Hotel
and commanded Mr. Clark to take "sketches" of the hotel and forward these to them when they were finished.
He took the photographs of the local gentry as well; he was the photographer at wedding, for example, of Julia Helen Arkwright
to James Digby Legard on 30 August 1877 at Wirksworth. Later the same year John Clark also produced a life size image of Matlock Bath's
Mr. Robert Chadwick, then owner of the Heights of Abraham, to mark the latter's birthday. It had been enlarged by the autotype
carbon process and was greatly admired by those who saw it. It was presented to Mr. Chadwick in the National Schoolroom by Major
Wieland in front of 100 or more people.
Mr Clark was to complain to the Local Board about cab drivers blocking the road in front of his studio in 1882 as it interfered
with his business and the complaint was taken seriously. The cab inspector was asked to attend to the matter.
The last time we find John Clark in Matlock Bath was in an advertisement in the Warrington Advertiser in December 1887. By 1891 he was back in his
native Lincolnshire and residing at Cleethorpes, working as an Artist Painter.
John William Hilder took over the studio in Matlock Bath (see[8] below).
- Census references:
the 1871 census | the 1881 census |
- Directory references:
Kelly's 1864 Directory (also Ann) | Kelly's PO Directory
1876 | Kelly's 1881 Directory | Kelly's 1887 Directory |
- Other references:
Bemrose's 1869 Guide, advertisement |
Matlock Bath & Scarthin Newspaper Cuttings, 1979 - both a reading-room and a smoking
room were opened in his house.
- Examples of his work:


Katherine Else, who married Charles Newbold on 27 Jun 1867, was photographed in Clark's studio.

From a the back of a carte de visite,
John Clark of Matlock Bath, mid 1860s.
The photo of Katherine Else had the same design on the back.

Back of a carte de visite, John Clark of Matlock Bath.
This design used after 1871. |
4. Charles Davis (1822-23 Apr 1904)
Charles, the son of John and Sylvia Davis, was born in Stonehouse, Gloucestershire and baptised there on 2 June 1822. He was
living at Little Fife House in Middle Scotland Yard, St Martin in the Fields in 1851, with his wife Jane and five young
children, one of whom was Charles born in 1849. Charles senior was a house servant at that time.
It is unclear when he took up photography as a profession and also when he first arrived in Matlock. This was a family
business; Charles, his wife Mary and his son Charles were all working together in 1871 and living on the Bank. A sale of land
for building show that his home was near "Smedley's Institution, abbutting two main roads".
His son, Charles, who was then living at East Ham, married Agnes Wheeldon at Dethick in 1899; the couple were to live in London.
"Years ago an old inhabitant used to say that if there was one funeral there were three. This has been the case last week.
Mr Davis ... who lived on Lea Wood Tunnel. In the early days of photography he kept a studio in Smedley Street, Matlock Bank".
("Belper News", 6 May 1904).
- Census references:
the 1871 census | the 1881 census |
In 1901 he was living at The Tunnel, Holloway, Dethick and Holloway. His surname transcribed as DAWES and his occupation given as Retired chemical laboratory assistant.
- Directory references:
Kelly's PO Directory 1876 | Kelly's 1881 Directory (both Matlock Bank and Matlock Bath |
- Probate: See Wills, D - G |

Reverse of a carte de visite by
Charles Davis of Matlock Bank |
5. George Washington Unwin (16 Dec 1839-1918)
In 1861 George Washington Unwin was living with his widowed mother in Sheffield and employed as a furniture broker.
His father, Charles, had been dead for some years. He married Caroline Strelley Marriott (b. 1 Oct 1850) at Darley on 9 Mar 1870 and was living
in Matlock Dale by 1871, having changed occupation to photographer. Elizabeth Swallow Unwin (nee Stead), GWU's mother, died at Matlock
Bath in 1878 and was buried at Darley on 22 November. Although GWU advertised in Kelly's 1881 Directory, he and his family had left the
district and were living in Chorlton On Medlock, LAN. He was still working as a photographer. The family emigrated to Canada and George
died in Victoria, British Columbia on 7 Mar 1918.
- Census references:
the 1871 census |
- Directory references:
Kelly's 1881 Directory |
- Other references:
His children are listed under Strays (U) |
6. David Sherwood Jones (1847-)
Amazingly, D. S. Jones did not age between the 1871 census, when
he was living in Leamington and working as a painter, and the census of 1881 when was in Matlock Bath with his wife
and family! David, one of the sons of Henry and Louisa Jones, had married Marian[ne] Clark at St. Andrew's, Rugby on 25
Dec 1871. His residence at the time was given as Litchurch, near Derby. David and Marianne went on to have seven children.
Although he had a studio (the "Gem" Studio, see below), he was a photographer who would stop people in the
street and take their pictures. Sadly for the family, the lure of bright prospects in the United
States was too great to resist and he emigrated, leaving his family behind in Starkholmes.
- Census references:
the 1881 census | the 1891 census (his family) |
the 1901 census (his family) |
- Directory references:
Kelly's 1881 Directory | Kelly's 1887 Directory (Matlock Bridge) |
- Other references:
It is know he visited the UK after the death of his wife. The only leads to date are that in January 1920 a David Jones,
a US citizen aged 77 and retired, boarded the "Carmania" at Liverpool and sailed for Halifax in Canada. Later that year,
in August, another David Jones is also on a passenger list, but his name was crossed through so it can be assumed he
did not actually travel at that time.
- Example of his work:
Slightly different designs on the reverse of his pictures ...

1. and 2. are the backs of cartes de visite taken by David S. Jones.
The one on the left (1.) shows the whole design whereas the one above (2.),
an example of his "Instantaneous" street pictures, is just a detail of the back. |

3. This is a stamp from the back of a David Sherwood Jones photograph.
It reads: "Carbon Enlargements upon Oval Canvas &c." |
7. William Potter (1843-1909)
The first "home grown" photographer in the Matlocks. William Potter, the son of William and Ann, was born in Matlock
Bath in 1843 and baptised at Holy Trinity Church on 5th March. He began his working life apprenticed to a Marble Worker, though
he changed careers around the time of his marriage. He later combined work as a draper's traveller with photography, possibly
as a way of supplementing his income. He married Louisa Malvern at St. Giles in 1868. He and his family moved to Trentham about
1870 as his mother in law was a Photographic Printer there and he worked alongside her. It is unclear when he returned to Matlock
Dale but he was there in 1881 and his wife, Louisa, was working with him as a photographer's printer. She later ran a fancy
goods shop on Derwent Parade. Their son Cecil, who worked for them in 1891, died in 1892. The Potters moved to Rockvale Terrace
and William seems to have continued with his photographic work whilst employed as a collector to the Urban District Council
and assistant overseer. William was buried at Matlock Bath Holy Trinity on 14 Aug 1909.
- Census references:
1851 census (he and his family were lodgers at Woodbine Cottage) | the
1861 census |
the 1881 census | the 1891 census | 1901 census |
-Directory references:
Kelly's 1876 Directory (this entry may not be William) |
Kelly's 1881 Directory (lists J. Potter, Matlock Dale) | Kelly's 1887 Directory |
Kelly's 1891 Directory | Bulmer's, 1895 - Matlock Bath, Scarthin &
Starkholmes | Kelly's 1895 Directory | Kelly's 1899
Directory | Kelly's 1908 Directory
- Other references:
Strays (P) William wasn't in Matlock Bath in 1871. His daughter is also listed as a "Stray". |

On the back of a Carte de Visite

Printed on the back of his other Cartes de Visites |
- Examples of his work relating to the Matlocks:

- And in a 1892 booklet about The Matlocks:
- In the Derbyshire Photo Gallery elsewhere in this web site:
8. John William Hilder (1857-14 June 1927)
J W and Annie Hilder arrived in Matlock Bath about 1889, when J. W. H. took over John Clark's studio on South Parade. His first
advertisement appears to have been placed in the Warrington Advertiser in August 1889 and was very similar to those of his predecessor,
including him being by appointment to the Emperor and Empress of Brazil and being under the patronage of the Prince and Princess of Wales..
Born in Lewisham, he lived in Eltham as a boy and a young man with his parents John and Charlotte, and then later with his wife
before they moved to Derbyshire. He married Annie Guy in 1880 and was already a Photographic Artist. Hilder's studio was
opposite his shop, which was next to Smith's Royal Museum - the premises with the large first floor bay window.
In August 1890 John wanted to put a "road" across to enable him to go back and forth "without getting in
the dirt" and was taken to court by Mr. Hardstaff for non-payment as the stone delivered for the job was not of good
enough quality so John did not want to pay.
Whilst he was living in Matlock Bath he played an active part in village life. He founded Matlock Bath's Military Band
and worked hard to get the Bandstand, or Band Kiosk, built on the Lovers' Walks.
In December 1889 a local paper reported that "Mr. Hilder, photographer, of Matlock Bath, has just issued an extensive
and artistic selection of Derbyshire views, which will prove welcome a addition to the already comprehensive list of articles
suitable as souvenirs of the beauty spots of delightful Derbyshire. The pictures do the district credit, and are, in presentible
[sic] form, permanent advertisements of the well-known and not very well known, views which abound hereabouts."
It is possible that he could not survive solely on his income as a photographer, or maybe his interests began to change,
as in 1896 he announced that he was to "be Sole District Agent for the celebrated Rudge-Whitworth Cycles" and
could provide cycle accessories and carry out repairs.
Two of Annie Hilder's sisters are shown on the Matlock Bath census whilst the couple lived in the village. However, it
is not clear who F C Graffton, the photo artist who was living with them in 1891, was although he was probably an assistant.
John William Hilder and his wife left Matlock Bath not long after the 1901 census as that is the last time they appear in local
records. Later that year he was living in Croydon at 82 George Street.
He had bought the business of a Fred T. Palmer and claimed that every negative since 1885 was preserved. In 1911 the Hilders
were living in East Croydon and John was by then working as a commercial traveller for a photographer. He died in 1927 and
Annie passed away on 28 January 1931.
- Census references:
the 1891 census | the 1901 census
- Directory references:
Kelly's 1891 Directory | Bulmer's, 1895 - Matlock Bath,
Scarthin & Starkholmes | Kelly's 1895 Directory | Kelly's
1899 Directory |
- Other references:
His musical interests
- Examples of his work:

- And in a 1892 booklet about The Matlocks:

Carte de visite,
J. W. Hilder of Museum Parade, Matlock Bath

Above is a printed label advertising J. W. Hilder's studio.
Such labels were stuck onto the back of a photograph's mounting
board. Hilder's predecessor, John Clark, had some influential
patrons, a tradition Hilder carried on. |
9. William Godber (1854-1918)
He seems to have worked only very briefly in Matlock Bath, using premises at the Albert Hall Skating Rink as his studio.
The rink was where Rockvale Terrace is today. William was born in Eastwood, Nottinghamshire in 1854 and was the son
of Robert Godber and his wife Elizabeth (nee Barnes). By 1861 the family had moved to Litchurch. In 1871 William was
working as a grocer and living with his grandfather Thomas Barnes in Liversage Street, Derby. When he became a photographer
is uncertain but in the census of 1881 he was married, with an unnamed son, and working as a photographer in Chelsea.
The Godbers moved to Salford where their son James was born but by 1891 were back in Litchurch. They moved to Carlton
and James Godber, their surviving son, was working alongside his father. The family's final home was in Burton Joyce.
In July 1918 William has some chest pain but went out on his bicycle, taking his camera with him. He was found by the
roadside, apparently having lain down on the verge to sleep. An inquest recorded a verdict of "death by syncope brought
on over-exertion in cycling".

Portrait of Ann Brunt (nee Slater), about 1888.
It was taken by William Godber of the Rink Studio, Matlock Bath.
There are more photographs of Ann.

The back of Ann's photograph.
The skating rink can be seen on:
Matlock Bath in the 1890s |
10. William Nathan Statham (1863-13 Jan 1940)
W. N. Statham was the youngest child of Nathan Abanathan and Sarah Statham (nee Robinson) of Matlock Green. His father died
in 1874, when he was a young boy, and Sarah and two younger sons moved to Church Street. William began working as the Crown Derby
China Works as a landscape and flower painter before turning to photography. He exhibited his work from time to time; a fine art
exhibition held in the Assembly Rooms in Matlock Bath in 1886 included some of his painted views on china and a painting of
Matlock Dale amongst the exhibits. He set up in business as a photographer in 1888.
Interestingly, the photographer Frederick Barber was the Stathams' next door neighbour in 1891. William married Alice Sophia Wigg later that year
and the couple had three children. Whilst his mother, Sarah, remained at their home in Church Street, William and Alice moved to Dale
Road and lived above the photographic studio that was between Evans' jewellers and the railway bridge. In 1901 Minnie Farmer was
assisting in the studio. Ten years later the two elder Statham children were working for their father. Of all the photographs he took,
those of small children were particularly fine as he managed to portray the innocence and charm of his young sitters as well as capture
their attention which can't have been an easy task.
The following advertisement shows Mr. Statham's fees in 1891.
Derbyshire Times, 3 January 1891
CARTES-DE-VISITES from 7/6 per doz., 4/- per ½ doz
CABINETS from 12/- per doz; 6/6 per ½ doz
Proportional Terms for Groups, Landscapes,
Animals and Architectural Subjects.
Amongst the numerous wedding photos he took were those for the marriage of Constance Jane Leacroft and Sir John Staples when the path between
the church door and the gate was carpeted. Mr. Statham took his pictures at the New Bath, where the reception was held.
He went from photographing people at happy times to photographing many soldiers during the first world war. He took pictures of Matlock
men and boys and those who were billeted locally before being sent to the Front.
He described himself as a certificated Art Master and Photographic Artist and taught others in Matlock to paint and draw. He had been
an art master at several local schools, including the Cavendish and Riber schools in Matlock, Stancliffe Hall at Darley and Lady
Manners and Miss Knight's in Bakewell. He also taught at night school.
His association with the parish church was a long one, beginning as a choirboy, becoming a bell ringer, then a sidesman and eventually
serving as church warden for many years. When he was re-elected as parish warden in 1925, having already served for 26 years, he
mentioned that his father, his uncle and he had been wardens of the Church for 67 consecutive years; his father served for 17-18
years and his uncle for 24 years - quite a record.
He designed carved oak work at both All Saints' and St. Giles' - see St. Giles' Church Interior,
1898-1969. He was a mason (Arkwright Lodge) and a member of the Matlock Rifle Club.
After the First World War he designed Matlock's War Memorial and in 1925 wrote the "History of Matlock Parish Church".
By 1932 his business had become W. N. Statham & Sons and his family carried on the business after his death. His funeral took place
at St. Giles' on 17 Jan 1940 and an obituary notice stated that had been in business as a photographer in Matlock for the greater part
of his life; he had also recorded most of the important events of the town with his camera.
- Census references:
the 1871 census | the 1881 census | the
1891 census | the 1901 census |
- Directory references:
Kelly's 1891 Directory | Kelly's 1895 Directory (Matlock Bridge) |
Bulmer's 1895 Directory | Kelly's 1899 Directory (Matlock Bridge) |
Kelly's 1908 Directory | Kelly's 1912 Directory |
Kelly's 1916 Directory | Kelly's 1925 Directory
- Other references:
Parent's baptisms (both 1823) |
Wills Indexes (father, 1874 | brother Luke Robinson S 1900) |
Newspaper article about his son being wounded in WW1 - 1918 |
Statham's Dale Road shop and studio
Dale Road 1949, partly shows the studio. His sons were carrying on the business.
1908 programme of the Operatic Society
- Examples of his work:

- Later photos, taken at the studio:
- One of his photo albums, dating from around 1895:
- Other images:
Slightly different designs on the reverse of Statham's photographs ...
... and a side strip from a photo, with his logo of his intertwined initials

There is more about
the lych gate elsewhere on this site. |
On the left is of one of Mr. and Mrs. Statham's annual Christmas cards; they sent out postcards with their seasonal
message printed on the reverse. The card features the lych gate at Matlock Church and it is almost certainly a photograph
taken by Statham in 1908. The identical image was also used by the Loca-Vu Photo Co., of Sheffield, so Statham would have
allowed or licensed the company to reproduce his images.

The greeting on the back.
11. Frederick Barber (March 1838-1926)
When Frederick Barber first began working as a photographer his customers had to sit for five and sometimes for ten minutes
to have their likeness taken.
Frederick's age seems to vary with every census but he was born in Sheffield, one of the six children of John and Ann Barber. Whilst
his parents and some of his siblings were still living on Infirmary Road, Sheffield in 1861, Frederick was not at home. I have not
found a census reference for him, undoubtedly because some of that census is now missing. Frederick married Emma Harvey at St.
Peter's, Derby in 1864 and the couple had three children. Their elder son, William John, died as a baby and their daughter Sabina
Anne seems to have lived with her grandparents and aunt. In 1871 the Barbers - Frederick, Emma and their younger son William Harvey
- were living at 2 Townend Street, Nether Hallam, Sheffield and Frederick was working as an Artist and Photographer. Barber's photographic
studio was then at 1 East Parade, Sheffield (White's Directory of Sheffield, Rotherham, 1879) and he was still using the same business
address in 1881 (Kelly's Directory of West Riding of Yorkshire, 1881). He was the photographer for Messrs. John Brown
and Company, as well as for Messrs. Cammell and the studio was near the gates of the parish church, now Sheffield Cathedral.
However, the census for 1881 shows Frederick, Emma and William Harvey had moved to Upper End, Baslow.
It is unclear when they first moved to Matlock but Frederick Barber was not listed amongst the Derbyshire photographers in Kelly's
Directory of 1887 and newspapers for that year show him still at Baslow, but with studios at both East Street and Mount Pleasant
Road in Sheffield. He submitted [retrospective] plans for a photographic studio to Matlock Bridge Local Board on 8 November 1888 and these were approved;
the studio was already underway. This first studio, The Matlock Studio on Bank Road,
was said to be adjoining the grounds of Smedley's Hydro. Other advertisements record a second
studio within the Hydro's grounds (adverts in May and June 1891).
Matlock Visiting List, 3 June 1891
Central and convenient for all Hydros.
This studio is mentioned on Smedley's Hydro, early 1900s when it had been replaced by a
dark room for the hydro's visitors.
In 1891 Frederick and his son William Harvey Barber exhibited some portraits in their Bank Road studio, one of which was an oil painting of Mr. Morrall,
done for him by his brother. Mr. Morrall had taken the painting to the studio during the morning preceding his wife's murder. He returned home with
an engraving, but went back with his niece a few days later to show her the picture.
By 1893 the Matlock Studio of Art Photography, built and run by Frederick Barber, was in the grounds of Smedley's institution. An advertisement
claimed it was central and convenient for all hydros". In 1894 his son joined him
and they worked for a time as Frederick Barber & Son, though in the following years
William Harvey Barber seems to have branched out on his own.
Their photographs ranged from rural scenes to coverage of local events. For example, a visitor to the studio of Messrs. Barber in 1895 commented
on the splendid collections in their showrooms. You could see "reproductions of the tableaux at Smedley's
and Matlock House, and almost all other hydropathics in the vicinity, for they all appear to require permanent souvenirs of the parts they play
while enjoying the invigorating air of Derbyshire". In 1896 an Arcadian bazaar was held in the New Concert Hall on Matlock Bank; it was
in aid of the Congregational Church and its schoolroom. Prior to the bazaar opening all the workers, stall holders, and officials had their photograph
taken by Mr. Barber, "the Matlock Bank artist".
The Barbers' daughter Sabina, had married Richard James Lowe Kinchant at St Giles' in 1890 [she was incorrectly recorded at Sabrina in the 1891 census].
In 1901 she was living in Westminster with her husband and baby daughter, whilst their son was in Matlock with his Grandparents. Emma Barber's sister,
also Sabina, had married the auctioneer Alfred Charles Else in 1894 and the Barber's granddaughter Marjorie Kinchant was staying at The Firs
(now the library) with the Else's - see them in the 1901 census. Marjorie wasn't the only grandchild the
Else family were to look after at times (see William Harvey Barber below).

Family photograph of Frederick Barber

CDV of an unknown male in a white coat, photographed at Barber's studio on Matlock Bank. He was possibly a butcher or grocer by trade. |
After Frederick retired he turned his attention to manufacturing fishing rods and billiard cues. He was a keen fisherman and played
billiards at Matlock Conservative Club, where he seems to have become the librarian and read every book in the place. In Nov 1912
the members presented him with a pair of gold rimmed eye-glasses for his services. For twenty years he was on the staff of the 1st
West Yorkshire Engineers (Volunteers) from its formation by the students of the Sheffield Government School of Art ("Belper News",
27 June 1913).
The last records of Emma and Frederick Barber in Matlock were in 1921 when Emma died at their home at 4, New Street on 7 March. By mid March Frederick
was selling "superior household furnishings" and in April his furniture was being sold. At the time of the 1921 census later that year (19 June 1921) he was living at the Clapham Common home of his
daughter Sabina and son in law Richard Kinchant. He passed away in Horton, Bradford in June 1926 at St. Luke's Hospital, aged 88. He had moved to
15 Clarendon Terrace in the city with his daughter and son in law.
Glossop Times, 8 August 1891
Adjoining the Grounds Of the Smedley Hydro'. It is convenient for all Hydros'.
This advertisement was for the Barber's first studio, built in 1888.
- Census references:
the 1891 census (living at The Beeches, Church Street, next door to William N. Statham and his family) | the 1901 census
- Directory references:
Kelly's 1891 Directory (studio) | Kelly's 1891 Directory (home) |
Kelly's 1895 Directory: lived at Albion House, Chesterfield Rd | Bulmer's
1895 Directory | Kelly's 1899 Directory: lived New Street.
- Other references:
See a reference to the studio in Smedley's Hydro, early 1900s
- Example of his work:

- And in a 1892 booklet about The Matlocks:
See both:
Part 1 and Part 2
(only the surname Barber is provided, so it is difficult to know whether the photos were taken by Frederick or by William Harvey
Barber) |
The backs of three cartes de visite from the Bank Road studio of Frederick Barber, the first of which advertises
that ivory miniatures were a speciality of his studio. The back below is the reverse of the portrait of the unknown male in the white coat.

12. William Harvey Barber (1870-1928)

William Harvey Barber's photograph of Matlock Bridge, published in Heywood's 1903 Guide
William was born in Sheffield in August 1870 and baptised at St. Philip's, Sheffield on 16 Apr 1873. He was the youngest of Frederick and
Emma Barber's three children (see above). William worked with his father at the beginning of his career
but then rapidly became independent. An advertisement from 1896 shows him at the Matlock Art Studio "in the grounds of Smedley's
Hydro"; the business was then described as "late F. Barber & Son". In
1900, when he had financial problems, he said that he had started his Matlock business in 1895, borrowing £90 against his
grandfather's Will; his mother was the beneficiary of the Will and was still alive. For a time he was in partnership with Alister
Smith, but that had fallen through. The younger Barber was described as "formerly photographer" at a hearing for bankruptcy
in 1900 and of Matlock Cliffe, late of Bank Road. "The causes of failure as alleged by the bankrupt are bad trade, heavy expenses,
and pressure from creditors".
The sums were not large and many others in the town had gone down a similar path, often not of their own making. He was, however,
still trading in 1901 so his debts must have cleared quickly, possibly with the sale of the Bank Road studio to W. Winter of Derby.
- See ASTBURY (for W. W. Winter).
He married Adeline Maud Newbold, granddaughter of John Else of the Firs and niece of Alfred Charles Else, at All Saints', Matlock
in 1895 and they lived on Matlock Bank/Bank Road, Matlock Cliffe and Wolley Road. Two of their daughters and a son were born in Matlock and another
daughter, Daisy, was born in Southampton. The family seems to have moved away, at least for a time, and William's wife Adeline died in 1908
in Hackney. Unfortunately, their son, John Frederick, died in Hackney in 1909, aged 7.
William re-married in 1909. His daughters were back in Matlock in 1911, two being brought up by their great aunt and uncle, Sabina
and Alfred Charles Else and the third next door with another great aunt along with their cousin Marjory Kinchant. Matlock was undoubtedly
a better place for them to be.
Their father, still working as a photographer, and his second wife were then in Dublin. The couple's young daughter, Gladys Rose Welch Barber, was with her
Welch grandparents in Hackney. It is unclear when the couple returned to England although another daughter, Elsie Olive Harvey Barber, was born in
Bedminster in 1914.
By 1921 William was living at Ford Street, Coventry and employed as a photographer by Jackson & Sons. Daisy Vera was visiting Matlock, staying with
the people who had bought her grandfather's home in New Street, Dorothy Katie was in Lambeth and Effie was in Birmingham.
William was interred at Coventry Cemetery on 28 Mar 1928, aged 57. His address was then 15a White Street.

The bottom strip of one of his photographs
- Census references:
the 1891 census | the
1901 census |
- Directory references:
Kelly 1895 Directory: the Studio, Bank Rd | Kelly's 1899
Directory: the Matlock Studio, Bank Rd
- Other references:
Matlock & Matlock Bath Names in the London Gazette (scroll down to 1900)
- Example of his work:

Studio portrait of William Harvey Barber,
possibly on his wedding day.

"Rough Photo of Self W. H. Barber" is written on the back.
Undated, but WHB looks somewhat older. |
13. Alfred Seaman (1844-1910)
He was born in East Lexham Norfolk, one of the children of George and Maria Seaman. His father was a brick maker
and Alfred and his brother Edward followed their father into the trade. Alfred was still employed as a bricklayer as late
as 1871, by which time he had moved to Bradfield in Yorkshire. He had married Elizabeth Dennis in 1863 and the couple had
four sons. Elizabeth died in Sheffield in 1874 and for some years Alfred brought up his sons alone. By 1881 Alfred and
his second son Albert were working as photographers; the family were living at Corporation Road, Whittington although
their business was based at 1 Brewery Street, Chesterfield. According to an obituary he had
taken an interest in photography, and seeing a good opening in Chesterfield he started a business at a small studio in Tapton
Lane. In 1882 he married Martha Ann Else, his third wife, at Saltergate Wesleyan Chapel, Chesterfield.
Alfred's business began to expand and by 1887 he had another studio in Ilkeston (Seaman & Sons). In
1890 the Seamans claimed that "Stereoscopic Photographs are the most fascinating of any Branch of Photography".
They sold both Stereoscopes, with "prices ranging from 2/6 to 30/- each" and a "large variety of Stereoscopic
Slides, from 2/6 to 9/- per dozen" at their Chesterfield and Ilkeston premises. They would also hire out a "splendid
revolving stereoscope".
A third studio was open in Derbyshire by 1895, this time in Alfreton, although it was only open for a few years. Eventually
all eight sons were involved with the business and the Seamans opened studios in several other towns in the Midlands and the
North especially in the years between 1901 and 1911, which coincides with the younger sons becoming adults. They also
owned a shop in Brighton. The family did not retain all the shops they opened and had sold several by the time of Alfred
Seaman's death.
"Matlock Visiting List", 7 August 1901.
[Advertisement for]
A. Seaman and Sons respectfully inform the inhabitants and visitors in the Matlocks, they have purchased the business
carried on by Mr. W. Winter (of Derby) at Bank Road, Matlock Bank .... |
Other advertisements for his Matlock studio were published in the "Matlock Visiting List"
on 21 Aug 1901, 16 Oct 1901, 23 Oct 1901, 1 Jan 1902 and in June & July 1902. The family last advertised on 30 July 1902.
In 1901 Seaman was staying at Smedley's Hydro, presumably when he was working on his commission to photograph the establishment
and where he took his iconic self portrait reflection in one of the hydro's mirrors (undated and not included here). Shortly
afterwards Alfred, Martha Ann and some of their children moved to Sheffield. Martha Ann died in 1903. In 1905 Alfred's home
was at 24 Moncreiffe Road, Sheffield and the family later moved to 14, Carter Knowle Road in the city. Alfred died on 6 July,
1910. Some of his children were still living in Carter Knowle Road a year later and other sons and their families were as
far afield as Whitby, Liscard (Birkenhead), Leeds, Chesterfield and Ilkeston.
On the right is a photograph of Thomas Gordon (1824-1908), a gentleman who lived in Sheffield
and whose brother ran the Prince of Wales for some years. The portrait was originally thought to be of Henry Gordon
himself, but Seaman almost certainly did not have a studio in Matlock whilst Henry was alive so this must be a photograph
of his younger brother. A family member had written both names on the back of the picture, which explains the original
uncertainty. It is not know why Mr. Gordon chose to have his picture taken in Matlock but many excursionists from
Sheffield were visiting the Matlocks from the middle of the nineteenth century onwards.
Alfred Seaman took photographs of Matlock and District from quite early in his career and would have been one of the photographers
who visited Matlock in 1886 when he was attending the first convention of professional and amateur photographers at Derby.
- Census references: the 1901 census. |
Alfred was "boarding" at Smedley's Hydro, although he could have been negotiating the purchase of Winter's studio.
- Directory references: None in Matlock and District
- Examples of his work:
14. Frederick Joseph Seaman (12 Mar 1874 - 2 April 1953)
F. J. Seaman was one of Alfred Seaman's sons by his first wife. He was a photographer and picture framer, with studios at Hucknall
Torkard, Heanor and Matlock Bath. He began his business at Hucknall in 1897, opened at Heanor in 1899, and at Matlock Bath on Good
Friday, 1901. Unfortunately for him, both the later speculations were failures and he faced bankruptcy proceedings at Nottingham Bankruptcy
Court in January 1902. The address of his short lived business in Matlock Bath was given as 2 South Parade. We know from both oral and written evidence that Seaman & Sons were
the first tenants of the Matlock Bath studio on Temple Walk, opposite the entrance to the Royal Hotel. It is shown on O. S. maps of 1899,
the same year that "Mr. Seaman" - which one was unspecified - had applied to Matlock Bath's Local Board for a shop on Temple
Walk. Percy Rowbottom took over this studio a few years later.
There are images of the shop on both 2 South Parade and
Matlock Bath's South Parade, 1909, & Boden's Baker & Confectioner.
There is an enlargement of the studio building on Fish Pond Hotel,
about 1910.
By 1911 Frederick Joseph Seaman had moved to Hull and was still employed as a photographer. At the outbreak of the Second World War
he was based in Ilkeston and still working as a photographer; his daughter Evie was his assistant. He died at Torquay.
- Directory references: None in Matlock and District |
15. Thomas Meredith Henshall (8 Dec 1864-1948)

Henshall's photograph of Jubilee Bridge, published in the 1926-7 Ward Lock Guide.
He contributed a number of images to this series of guide books over the years and the bridge photo was also included in the 1922-23 version,
albeit that the photographer was then shown as E. T. Henshall.
Thomas Meredith Henshall was, according to the 1901 census, born in Bulkeley, Cheshire although he was probably born in the small
village of Bickerton which was nearby. His parents were Edward, the village blacksmith, and Ann (nee Meredith). Thomas trained
as a carpenter, serving an apprenticeship in Chester, but later worked as a Rope & Twiner Dealer's Assistant. In 1901
he was living at 27, Howard Street, Salford and had begun working as a photographer. Around this time he was in partnership with
Edward Burton Bradbury (Henshall & Bradbury, Photographers) at 28 Windsor Road, Manchester 8 (Slater's Manchester, Salford &
Suburban Directory, 1903). He unfortunately contracted some kind of chest complaint whilst in Salford and was advised to go elsewhere
for some cleaner air, so he chose to move to the Matlocks. He had married Bertha Shore about 1902/3 and the couple moved to Starkholmes
where four of their children were born. They had a large family. They later moved to Thornleigh on Upperwood Road, Matlock Bath and Thomas's
studio was in the Derwent Gardens; Thomas took the pictures and Bertha developed them. Many of his pictures from this period bear the distinctive
initials TMH. After the First World War Thomas became the proprietor of the Heights of
He was always interested in gardening and when he moved house in 1918 he didn't want to leave behind what he had grown. He applied
to the magistrates under the Cottage Garden Crops Compensation Act for an authority to enable him to remove the crops from a garden
he had recently vacated. The new tenant had not paid him for the crops, had barricaded the garden and fastened the gate. Henshall's
son was ordered off the premises when he went to dig up some potatoes. Mr. William Barker was appointed as an arbitrator in the case.
He went into the landscape gardening business with two of his sons (Henshall and Sons) and in 1937 he took a rock garden to Chelsea
Flower show. A bonsai tree he exhibited at Chelsea is still in the family. In
1949, for the third year in succession, Messrs. Henshall and Son of Matlock Bath won the trophy for the best rock and water garden
at Southport annual flower show. Thomas wouldn't have helped with any of the post war shows, as
he was by then an old man, but he would have been aware of his sons' success in at least one of the shows.
- Census references:
1871, 1881, 1891, 1901, 1911 census (see FindMyPast)
- Directory references:
Kelly's 1912 Directory | Kelly's 1916 Directory |
- Examples of his work:

- In the Derbyshire Photo Gallery:

[Some additional information added January 2014, with thanks to David Cochrane, his grandson] |
16. Percy Rowbottom (18 Jun 1865-1943)
There is a web page about Percy and his work. See: Percy Rowbottom, artist and photographer

There is an enlargement of the studio he used on Fish Pond Hotel,
about 1910. |
17. Joseph Vickerman Drake (12 Aug 1865-27 Oct 1957)
Born in Huddersfield (Almondbury) and the son of William V and Jane Drake. His father was Salesman and Manager in a Woollen Warehouse.
In 1881 the family were living in Lockwood, Huddersfield and Joseph was working as an Artist Photographer.
He moved to Matlock in 1889 to work for W. N. Statham and in 1892 attended Mr. Statham's Art and Science classes along with Fred Houseley
(below). By 1911, when he gave his employment as Artist And Photographer's Operator, the Drake family were living on the Dimple;
he was not self-employed at this stage. He eventually set up his own studio on Bakewell Road in about 1919. Joseph had married Emma Esther Tomlinson, with whom
he had lodged, at St. Giles in 1896 but she died in August 1897. His second wife was Elizabeth Ann Wood whom he married in 1899.
In 1939 they were living at Ashleigh House, next to Dimple Farm, and he was still working as a photographer. Their daughter Grace had
married A W Gessey in 1932 whilst their son became manager of Holmwood Picture Palace.
Joseph Drake passed away at his son's house, aged 92; Elizabeth Drake also died in 1957.
- Census references:
living in Matlock Town in the 1891 census | Matlock Bank in the
1901 census |
- Directory references:
Kelly's 1925 Directory (Bakewell Road) | Kelly's 1928 Directory
(Bakewell Road) | Kelly's 1932 Directory (Bakewell Road) | Kelly's 1941 Directory (Hurds Hollow) |
- Other references:
MIs - St. Giles.
Joseph and both his wives are commemorated on the same headstone
- Examples of his work:

Photograph of Ethel May Smith, 1925.
Mr. Drake's signature can be seen on the sitter's fur wrap. |
18. Fred Rosindale Housley (1874-May 1901)
He was born in Chesterfield, the eldest son of John Henry Housley and his wife Rose (nee Rosindale). The family moved to Matlock
about 1880. By 1891, aged 16, he was apprenticed to a photographer (unnamed). Between 1892 and 1895 Fred had attended the Matlock
Science and Art classes that were held at the technical classrooms on Dale Road where W. N. Statham was the Art Master. In their 1895
examinations, held under the Science and Art Department in South Kensington, Fred achieved a First class advanced for perspective.
He submitted drawings for the art class teachers' certificate and for the art master's certificate for perspective. He also passed
in geology, which was taught by Wm. H Holmes. Six years later Fred was employed as a photographer's assistant, but it is not known
if he still worked for Mr. Statham. He died of consumption just a short while after the 1901 census was taken. He was buried at St. Giles' on 29 May,
aged 26.
- Census references:
the 1881 census | the 1891 census | the 1901 census | |
19. Robert Wilson Astbury (1878-10 Nov 1940), for W. W. Winter
Robert was born in Warrington. His father, George, died whilst he was very young and he and his sister were brought up by their mother Elizabeth
(nee Wilson), a milk seller. He had moved to Derby to work for the photographic company owned by Walter W. Winter; it is known that he worked for
them between 21 Apr 1900 and 8 Feb 1901, seemingly living on Regent Street. He then transferred to Matlock, to what had become Winter's studio on
Bank Road "adjoining Smedley's Hydro". It had previously been the studio owned and built by Frederick Barber (see above).
"Derby Mercury", 16 May 1900
[Advertisement for]
W. W. WINTER, Art Photographer, Midland Road, Derby. ...
Branch Studio, Adjoining Smedley's Hydro, Now Open. |
Winters employed four other people in their Matlock studio in addition to Robert:
a charwoman;
an errand boy;
a Miss Humphries/Humphrys, from 12 May 1900 - 14 Feb 1901 who lodged with Mrs. Geldart;
a Mr. A. W. Harris, who was there 18 Aug-13 Nov 1900.
This information was provided by Winter's of Derby.
Although the firm of Winter's did not remain long in Matlock, after they closed Robert remained on Bank Road for a while. He was still resident
in Matlock the 1901 census. His sister Edith, by 1901 Mrs. Browning [Bowering in the census], visited him at the studio. Robert had become self-employed.
William Doxey, Smedley's Clerk of Works, was his neighbour; their respective homes were on either side of what was then a narrow entrance into the grounds
of Smedley's Hydro and close to the boiler house and its chimney (see Smedley's Hydro, 1906-7). Mr. Doxey's house is
still standing (see Google
Street View) but Robert's former home and studio was demolished and is now under the tarmac of the entrance to the County Hall car park.
When Robert moved away is unclear but by August 1901 Alfred Seaman was advertising that he had bought the studio.
He moved back to Lancashire and was living in Bolton in 1911, working as a Photography Operator. He had married Annie Arnold in 1904. The
Astburys moved to Dundee in Scotland, where he took over the art department of Valentine's. In 1919 he set up his own business in Carnoustie but
in 1926 the interior of his photographer's shop, part of the roof and the majority of his stock (valued at £2000) was destroyed.
They were still at Carnoustie when Robert passed away; his wife Annie survived him by a further ten years.
- Census references:
the 1901 census | |
20. J. Mills
Although there were several Mills families living in Matlock, no further information has been found.
- Examples of his work:
21. Charles Colledge (25 Dec 1869-23 March 1959)

The back of a book of postcards, published by Charles Colledge.
The cards had small perforations along one edge, so could be torn out of the booklet and used.
Charles was born at Beetwell Street in Chesterfield, where his father had a pork butchery business. He was the third son of the
William Colledge and his wife Mary (nee Neale). In 1891 Charles was a student, training to become a teacher at the Normal College,
Penrallt Road, Bangor. In April that year the college's annual report shows him to have been one of 26 students
who gained a First Class. He taught for some years and in 1901 was an assistant schoolmaster, working
at Aston Manor in Warwickshire.
He had married Annie Fieldsend in 1898. The Fieldsends lived in Lincoln and Annie's brother Alfred (1863-1927) was a working as
a photographer by 1897, initially combining photography with work as a taxidermist (also described as a naturalist or a bird and
animal preserver). Annie's parents, and eventually just her sister, ran a knitting wool business and it is probable that the occupations
of Annie's family influenced Charles Colledge in his decision to change careers as he stopped teaching a few years after he married.
By 1903 Annie and Charles were living and working in Matlock, with a shop in Central Buildings on Smedley Street, and Charles
was producing postcards from his photographs. The shop was on the opposite corner to the Gate Inn and next door to Henry Bailey's
Chemists shop and had been vacated by Mr. Warner, a music dealer, at the end of the previous year. Although the Trade Directories
only describe Charles Colledge as a stationer, he sold a wide range of goods in his Smedley Street shop, as shown on the book of
cards above. Interestingly, he doesn't mention his postcards, although he sold photographs on the premises. Charles Colledge photographed
local scenes, rather than people, and several of his postcards feature scenes that were immediately outside his door or that he
could see from the upper floors of his home. He seems to have photographed every road that led off Smedley Street and it is striking that
he pointed his camera down the hill whilst taking many of his pictures. He published at least 100 cards of Matlock and District and they
help us to see what Matlock was like in the early decades of the twentieth century. The last card he printed was published about 1940.
In 1916 Charles became headmaster of Matlock Town School, following Mr. Kenworthy's enlistment. He was already the County Council's
appointed Manager, a post he had to relinquish whilst he was the head (see Schools in Earlier Times).
The couple were associated with the Trinity Methodist Church on Bank Road for many years. As their
church does not have a graveyard, Annie was buried at the Darley Dale Wesleyan Cemetery after she passed away in March 1939.
Later that year Charles was living in Chesterfield (Barlow) and described himself as a Retired Schoolmaster as opposed to a photographer. The shop's fixtures and fittings were auctioned in 1944 as he was giving up business.
Charles passed away in Chesterfield in 1959.
- Directory references:
Kelly 1908 Directory | Kelly 1912 Directory |
Kelly 1916 Directory | Kelly's 1928 Directory (shown as a stationer)
Also see: Letterheads
of Local Businesses, 1900-1949 (1)
- Examples of his work:

- In the Derbyshire Photo Gallery:

22. Vernon Lamb (15 Mar 1870 - 1943)
The Vernon Lamb Archive, A Unique Photographic Record of Matlock and District, 1910-1915, and World
War One Soldiers was added to this site in May 2014. There are currently 555 images in the Archive.
Also see:
About the Archive
Vernon Lamb, photographer, and his family |
23. Edgar Howard Wright (3 Jan 1900 -19 Aug 1963)
Until relatively recently little was known about Edgar, apart from the fact that he first lived at Speedwell Cottage in Upperwood in the 1920s
and later moved to Starkholmes. Unfortunately, he was not mentioned in any of the local Trade Directories. However, research has now
shown that he was the son of David and Ann Maria Wright and was born in Brownhills, STS; he was christened at St James, Ogley
Hay with Brownhills on 18 Mar 1900.
Edgar operated from the Grand Pavilion car park in Matlock Bath, specialising in photographing the visitors who arrived by charabanc.
It was seasonal work, with the majority of his pictures being taken at weekends, and he would have had other employment.
His charabanc photographs have now become sort after collectors' items.
He married Constance Marie Knight (1906-1994) of Matlock Bath; she was known as Connie and was the daughter of the Matlock Bath
postman William James Knight who served in WW1 and initially lived on Temple Walk with his wife and large family. Edgar and Connie
were married at Holy Trinity in 1927. By 1930 they were back living in Lichfield, where their elder child was born. In 1939 Edgar's
occupation was "Electrician - Electric Supply Cable Pinter & Switch Gear Erector". He passed away at Stockport's Stepping Hill
Hospital in 1963 and had been living at Chapel en le Frith.
- Examples of his work:
There are currently 21
photographs by Edgar Wright on this site

- Matlock Bath War Memorial. See entry for William Ernest Knight, Edgar's brother-in-law.
Edgar Wright's mother-in-law and other family members. Did Edgar take this picture? |
24. Harry (George Harry Prime) Gill (16 March 1901-9 Nov 1970)
In the 1920s Harry Gill had a studio in Peel Street, Farnworth (Bolton) for a time before returning to live in Matlock.
This stamp is on the back of one of his early Matlock photos. |
Harry Gill was born in Bonsall and adopted by Frederick Gill, who worked for the Midland Railway, and his wife Martha Hannah.
He was brought up in the village. He married Clara Alice Sheenan (1903-74) in 1927 and the couple had four daughters.
Mr. Gill lived at several addresses in the Matlocks. From around 1921 onwards he was at 3, Kings Terrace on Smedley
street west where he lived with his growing family after his marriage. He was allowed the photographic rights in the Pavilion Grounds,
Matlock Bath for the summer of 1931, although had to make a payment of the sum of £25 to the Council. Later the same year he took pictures
of the Scouts' Matlock Conference held at Oldham House, turning them into postcards which were advertised for 4d each. He was then 'of Temple
Walk' although that may have been his studio rather than his family home. In 1934 he was on Dale Road in Matlock Bath and by 1939 the family had
moved to No 3 Kingsbridge Terrace with Harry described as 'a press and commercial photographer'.
Harry Salt recalls that in the early 1940s Mr. Gill lived at Bradley House on Dale Road and postcards and photos from this
era carry the Bradley House stamp on the back. Whilst the Gills lived at there the young Harry S. would take a spool and backing
paper to him and, for a small charge, he would attach a length of photographic film - about 8 exposures in all. Film was fairly
costly at the time and not always available until later years. Harry's final home was on South Parade where the family sold gifts
and ice creams. He also had a darkroom on the premises.
- There is a page elsewhere on this web site about Harry and his work:
See: "One
Man's Photographic Memory".

- Examples of his work:

- School Groups:

- Matlock Bath:

- Starkholmes:

- Operatic Society:
- Four group photos of Cromford Court guests:

- Also see:
Gill took over 1 South Parade, Matlock Bath, in 1946.
Football Club Committee
- More Harry Gill pictures are included on: "The
End of a Long and Winding Road" elsewhere on this site. |
25. Cyril Edmonds (29 Sep 1883-1954)
He was born in Stokeham, Devon and died at South Street, Ashbourne. He first joined the Post Office as a teenager and was sent
to Matlock Bath, remaining in the district for most of the rest of his life apart from his time spent in the Army during the First
World War. He became a Sapper in the Royal Engineers, Derby Yeomanry, as did other local postal workers, and saw action at Gallipoli
before being evacuated to Egypt; his regiment then went to Palestine. He was gassed at some stage of his Army service. He had married
in 1914 but his two sons were not born until after the war had ended. Cyril retired from the Post Office in 1928, an event marked
by a Smoking Concert at the Gate Hotel on 18 May 1929 when he was presented with the Imperial Service Medal for 28 years service
with the Post Office. He also received a silver tea tray. After that he and his wife bought Portland
House on Clifton Road and the Cumberland Cavern. Mrs. Edmonds initially
ran a gift shop under their home when they lived on Brunswood Road, but opened another shop in the Clifton cabin when they moved to Clifton Road.
Census references:
the 1901 census |
- Examples of his work:

Almost certainly set up by and then taken with his camera:

And on the same page, taken by Cyril Edmonds:
26. Stanley Beecroft Clough (30 March 1898-1965)
Stanley Clough ran the Filling Station on Derby Road, Matlock Bath together with Harold Dyson and photography was a side
line. His portfolio of photographs wasn't large, but two of his pictures, Holy Trinity Church and the Grand Pavilion,
were included in the Matlock Guides of the early 1950s.
- Other references:
Dyson and Clough's (some biographical information) | Mr.
Clough's MI is on this web site
- Examples of his work:

Clough's stamp.
The utilitarian ink stamp had become the norm. How things had changed from the early days.
- Clip Art of camera from Microsoft Office. The image is not meant to be an early camera, but just to represent an old camera.
- Images of Clark, Barber (1), Barratt & Hill, Colledge, Davis, Hilder (1), Jones, Statham, Clough (1) © Ken Smith.
- Photographs that are © Effie Barber collection are courtesy of Nikki Hunt. With thanks for additional information.
- Image relating Potter family (2) kindly donated by Denis Potter of Canada © 2004 (Hilder, Potter, Statham).
- Images of Thomas Gordon by Seaman © Rosemary Lockie.
- CDV images of Frederick Barber's unknown man in a white coat supplied by and copyright © the Bridge family collection.
- Barber (2), Clark (1), Clough (1), Henshall (1) and Potter (1 and 3) images © Ann Andrews.
- Images of Matlock Church by W. N. Statham (Christmas card) © Susan Tomlinson collection.
Information written and researched by and © Ann Andrews.
Intended for personal use only.
External Links (pages will open in a new tab or window):
Payne's website of Photographers & Photographic Studios of Derbyshire explores
this subject in more detail
the Snapshot and the Postcard : Victorian Photography & Photographers
in Matlock & Matlock Bath by John Bradley of Ashover, Derbyshire
Alfred Seaman Photographic Archive (currently unavailable)