Bath: Multiviews from the late Nineteenth Century to 1914 |
Matlock Bath : Twentieth Century Photographs,
Postcards, Engravings & Etchings |
Multiview cards ranged from a montage with as few as two images
on them to sometimes as many as nine or ten pictures, all attractively
arranged by the publisher. They were a cheaper alternative
to letter cards or small booklets (view books) so the recipient
would see a selection of views showing where the sender was
visiting on just one card.
The top image shows, clockwise from the top from left, Smedley's
Hydro in Matlock, the recently extended Royal
Hotel in Matlock Bath (image 2 on page), Black
Rocks in Cromford, Ryder Point
in the Via Gellia and Woodbank and Glenorchy in Matlock
Bath. However, the Woodbank and Glenorchy image does not show
Woodbank! |
Although labelled as "Matlock" the
two postcards, below, were actually views of Matlock Bath. |
The top of the three images, from the Heights
of Jacob, was
probably taken in the early 1890s
as it shows a building that was to be demolished.
There is more about the Masson
Mill Weir. |
The bottom image of "Matlock Bath" was
taken between
1895 and 1910.
This card was used and its sender wrote
"have had 3 hours at Matlock Bath today". |
A decorative Art Nouveau court card, with three Matlock Bath and
Matlock images at the top.
Court cards were slightly smaller and squarer than postcards.

Although the words Post Card are printed
on the address side of this pretty card, which is
undivided, it is more of a Note card. It was posted in 1907.
The three images are (from left-right) Matlock Dale,
Parade Matlock (i.e. North Parade, Matlock Bath) and Matlock
Bank. |
Other cards, such as the Jay Em Jay Series image linked below,
included Chatsworth, Arkwright's church at Cromford and Haddon
Hall; such cards showed the places in the locality that people
could visit as well as the hotels where they could stay.
The image below is supposed to be "Matlock", but shows
South Parade, High Tor, Chatsworth House,
Cromford Church and
Haddon Hall.

Click on image to see a bigger version.
1. Matlock Bath [multiview]. Published by Valentine & Sons
Ltd., Dundee & London. Posted in 1910.
2. Small image. Jay Em Jay Series. © Phil Williamson collection.
3. "Matlock [Bath]". Jay Em Jay Series. Printed at our
Works in Germany. Unused, although another one was posted in 1909. © Ann
Andrews collection.
4. Matlock [multiview]. Published by Valentine & Sons Ltd.,
Dundee & London. Used but postal date and place unclear as
it could have been posted in either Matlock or Matlock Bath.
5. [multiview Court card] Published by Valentine & Sons Ltd.,
Dundee & London. Posted in 1907.
Images 1, 4 and 5 © Susan Tomlinson collection.
Information researched, written by and © Ann Andrews.
Intended for personal use only.