The Operatic Society performed The Gondoliers, a comic opera in two acts written by W. S. Gilbert and composed by Arthur Sullivan,
at the Ritz Cinema on Causeway Lane. There were five shows in total, including a Saturday afternoon matinee performance. It was a return to a G&S
opera after a break of six years. The Derbyshire Times believed that "By the time the show closes ... Matlock may well be acclaiming
"The Gondoliers" as the best presented by the society in the post-war decade"[1].
The Mercury excelled itself: "The Gondoliers has been well cast, the cream of the district's vocal talent
being employed to excellent effect in the many "star" roles"[2].
Whilst there was a near capacity audience of over 800 people at the final performance and almost 3,000 saw the show over the entire
week, there was a loss on the production. Harry Askew of Chesterfield, the show's producer, appealed to the public for their help as
the Society could not go on losing money indefinitely[1].
The main photo and the enlargements below show many of the Operatic
society's team in 1956, from the musical accompanist at all the
rehearsals to the producer and those singing the leading roles.
It is difficult to know how many of them learned to sing in church
choirs but Bernice Stoddart, Ted Allsop and Frank Clay had all
been members of Holy Trinity choir in Matlock Bath at one time
or another, for example, and Phyllis Wright was the church organist
there. Harry Askew had performed in the Society's productions. Clarice Lill, the Chairwoman, had
also been a leading light in many pre-war productions.
1. Enlargement of the left hand side
From left to right
Back Row: Gerald West[3],
Harry Briddon[3], Bert
Littlewood, Frank Clay[3].
Third Row: Doreen Moreton[3], Olive Beauchamp,
Joan Millward.
Second Row: Cora Oliver[3], Bernice Stoddart[3], Evie Gentle, Delys Allen,
Marion Bird.
Front Row: Harry Brown (Stage Manager), Margaret Fay[3] (committee),
Joyce Loverock[3] (committee), Alistair Storey (Treasurer), Marie
Wright (secretary), Henry Askew, L.R.A.M. (Producer and Musical Director).
2. Enlargement of the right hand side
From left to right
Back Row: Jack Hammond[3], Cedric Smalley, Ted Allsop.
Third Row: Margaret Kent[3], Jean
Wall, Eric Smith, Sadie Toplis, Michael Maltby[3],
Deborah Eldridge (dancing mistress).
Second Row: Peggy Baldwin, Jacqueline Baker, Jean Keighley, Adrian
Beauchamp (played the drummer boy), Jessie Agutter (one of the two wardrobe mistresses).
Front Row: Clarice LilI (Chairman),
Claude Rice[3] (committee),
Daphne Rice[3] (committee),
Raymond Greatorex[3] (committee),
Phyllis Wright (accompanist).
Not shown in the photograph:
1. Performers:
Mary Jones[3],
Fred Shaw[3],
Ron Smith[3]
Pages: Joan Hammond, Elizabeth Kent
Guards: Martin Bibby, Keith Beardow, Ronald Freeberne, Michael Wildgoose
Trumpeters: Nigel Bryant, Roger Chamberlain
2. Behind the scenes:
Wardrobe mistresses: Pat Storey (Jessie Agutter, the other wardrobe mistress, is on the photo)
Prompter: Jess Bradshaw

One of a pair of circle tickets, numbered F5 and F6, for the final performance on Saturday evening.
Afternoon Tea at Lilybank Hydro, 14 Apr 1956
Pictured, from the left:
Unknown | Unknown | Bernice Stoddart | Unknown | Gina Stoddart |
Evie Gentle | Jessie Agutter | Pat Storey | Jess Bradshaw?.
Cedric Smalley can be seen on the next table. |
It was a tradition for the cast and helpers to have tea together
between the matinee and evening performances on the show's last day.
The photographer took pictures of each table. Although this
group's photo was not included in the local press report the
ladies were clearly enjoying themselves after all their hard work.
A group at the Opera Ball, 1956
Keith Beardow (standing) with Cora Oliver (2nd from right), Ron Smith (far right) and others |