"Tufa Cottage" is in Derbyshire's Viâ Gellia, between
The Pig of Lead and Grange Mill on the turnpike road connecting
Newhaven and Cromford. The road was built in the early early
nineteenth century and is now the A5012[1].
In 1912 Viâ Gellia was described in a trade directory: "The
Viâ Gellia, partly in this parish [Bonsall], is a beautiful
wooded valley nearly four miles in length from Cromford to Grange
Mill; the road winding along the bottom of the valley forms a level
and charming promenade and drive"[2].
A trip in a horse drawn cab through Viâ Gellia, often for
visitors en route to Dovedale, was available from Matlock Bath
and they would have undoubtedly stopped to look at this building.
The house has long been a magnet for tourists.
The area around the cottage is known as Bonsall Wood and on
the top of the hillside above the house are Dunsley (Petrifying)
Springs. Although
the sign on the gate is impossible to read properly, it could be
a plea for the Edwardian trippers (the card was posted in 1905)
not to enter the garden as it begins with "Please" and
seems to end with "Rock". Equally, and probably more
likely, the residents might have sold rock samples as a way to
boost their income.
The cottage is built of tufa, which is a porous stone. According
to the Oxford dictionary it is "formed of pulverised matter
consolidated and often stratified ... a porous or vesicular carbonate
of lime, generally deposited near the sources and along the courses
of calcareous springs"[3].
An 1880 Map names the hillside behind the property as Viâ Gellia Quarry and the surrounding landscape suggests the house was built
in the quarry[4].
"Tufa Cottage" was not the name of the house. Throughout
the nineteenth century and well into the twentieth it was Marl
House, or Marl Cottage[4].
We can see from various census returns that it was often the home
of gamekeepers. For example, in 1911 a gamekeeper called Herbert
Hinkesman, a 34 year old born in Stoke, Herefordshire, was living
at Marl House with his wife and daughter[5].
It was then shown as having four rooms. In 1891 and 1901 the resident
game keeper was Edward Brooks[6].
However, before 1891 it is difficult to establish who lived there
with any certainty and the house was empty in 1861[7].
Even the two gateposts seem to be tufa stone.
There is a gun propped against the left hand side of the
doorway, so perhaps the gamekeeper who lived here
had come out of the gate to talk to the photographer. |
Over the years journalists have often written about the Viâ Gellia and
in 1923 one of them observed that "the
Viâ Gellia is a veritable gulf of scenery. A streamlet by
the roadside ... the music of the Dunsley waterfall tumbling over
the hill-crest past the Tufa Cottage. This secluded valley is
a paradise of wildflowers and rare ferns ... if visitors would
only leave them alone the beauty of the place would be materially
enhanced". Instead "they are ruthlessly torn up by the
Let us hope some of the culprits heeded the warning.
Unfortunately, in 1939 a "considerable stir was caused in
the Matlock district at the week-end by a daring robbery at Tufa
Cottage, The Viâ Gellia,
near Cromford, the home of Mr. Edward I. Sharpe, head gamekeeper
to Col. A. K. Wilson, of Sheffield, who owns extensive shooting
rights in the Viâ Gellia. The robbery occurred between 2.45
when he left to go to Chatsworth and when he returned about 11.30
the place had been ransacked. The intruders stole £35 in
bank notes, £1 of silver coins", as well as guns and
ammunition. ... "As the area is well known a stationary car
probably would not cause suspicion. The cottage is in one of the
prettiest parts of the Viâ Gellia which is visited by hundreds
of tourists on fine weekends". A couple of days later, in
what was probably a related crime, gelignite and detonators were
stolen from Wirksworth quarries Ltd.[9].
Twelve weeks afterwards, two men were charged at Matlock.
Whilst two guns were still missing the remaining four had been
When the case came before the courts Edward Sharpe said one of
the guns stolen was worth £80. He identified a number his
guns that were produced in court. One of the arrested men was
to be charged with burglary and the others with receiving[11].
The date the house was built is not known, but some have suggested
that it was probably around 1830. However, William Adam, who describes
the Viâ Gellia and the "lovely rill" (the Dunsley
waterfall) being a "truly beautiful object" in his earlier
guide books, does not mention the house until 1845[12] - "Close
by this [i.e. the rill] there is a Swiss Cottage, entirely built
of the Tufa found here". James Croston, writing in 1868, also
mentions the building but managed to get the stone it was built
from wrong. "Near the foot of this cataract a Gothic cottage has
been erected, a little rustic looking structure built of curiously
channeled and weather-beaten fragments of limestone [sic],
so arranged as to give it a studiously romantic and fanciful appearance
that hardly accords with the natural beauty of the surrounding
A number of buildings constructed from tufa are known to have been
built in Matlock Bath over the years. One example of a tufa
construction is on the Lovers' Walks, where there
is a tufa arched shelter near the children's play area.
More buildings are mentioned in:
Henry Moore (1818) "Picturesque
Excursions From Derby to Matlock Bath", pp.27 - 32
Matlock Bath: New Bath Hotel (6)
Bath: Children's Corner, Grand Pavilion, 1923 mentions the
tufa from the Ferry House being reclaimed.
Read a poem about
the Via Gellia
There is more on site information about Bonsall on this website:
Andrews Pages : Picture Gallery, Derbyshire has several
photographs and old cards.
Kelly's Directory, 1891 - transcript of Bonsall entry. |