Charles Colledge produced some really beautiful photographs for
postcards of Matlock and this is no exception. Here is Oldham
House in the inter war years, at the time run by Lubin George
Wildgoose. Lubin Wildgoose was a grandson of Thomas Davis, one
of the founders of the hydropathy industry in Matlock, and he
followed on from his parents at Oldham House. As a boy he had
attended the British School on Matlock Green[2].
He had married Jane Ellen Barnsley at the Primitive Methodist
Chapel on Matlock Bank in 1898 and the couple had one son, Harold
Davis Wildgoose. Lubin George was elected onto Matlock Urban
District Council and eventually became Chairman[3].
He was also very musical, singing in local choirs and playing
the double bass[4].
About 1900 his hydro became the first place in England from which
music was transmitted over the telephone. There had been a musical
competition practice at Oldham House one evening, after which
the four members of the Male Voice Quartet remained behind to enjoy
what was described as a quiet smoke. L. G. Wildgoose had arranged
to speak to his brother, who was living in Oldham, about 11p.m.
The group decided to give his brother a quick concert so crowded
into the hydro's telephone box, closing the door firmly to avoid
disturbing the visitors and servants. At the end of the impromptu
recital they received praise from an unexpected quarter as the
operator had been listening in.
"Well I'm d------. I never heard anything
like that over a telephone afore. Goodnight, lads, and good luck"[5].
The vehicle's registration was BU 2137 so we know it was registered
in Oldham
; although it could have belonged to a guest it would be nice to
think it just might have belonged to Edmund Wildgoose, Lubin's
brother. It is parked outside the gate of the part of the hydro
known as Prospect Place, which is called "Woodlands" today. A small
part of the main Oldham House hydro, the single storey conservatory
link, also remains along with the dining room block, but the three
storey building behind them was demolished some years ago.
Whilst this is a summer scene, the weathering of the stone
on the terrace extension
(just above the ball-head finials of the central entry posts)
on both images is about the same.
This suggests both pictures were taken at a similar time. Of
interest on this Dakin's photo is
the small crowd of people (bottom left) walking up the hill
from the tram depot. |
Over the years the hydro provided hospitality to individuals and
large groups, including hosting conferences. In the pre Christmas
period of 1928, for example, Derby County Football Club were amongst
the guests at Oldham House[6].
They seem to have trained there on numerous occasions over the
years. The Derbyshire Scouters held their annual weekend conference
there a couple of months before[7].
Over 100 Derbyshire Scout officers and lady cubbers attended.
George Davis, a cousin of Lubin Wildgoose, was head bathman at
Oldham House for 25 years and was said to be an expert in hydropathic
treatment, treating not only hydro residents but also visited private
houses. The son of Jesse Davis and grandson of Thomas Davis, he
had run Poplar Hydro for a time after his father's death and continued
working there under Mr. Jeffs until about 1907. He then moved to
Oldham House and was working until a few days before his death
in 1932[8].
Although the outbreak of the Second World War saw the end of hydropathy
at Oldham House, the Oldham House & Prospect Place Hydropathic
Company Limited was not voluntarily wound up until an Extraordinary
General Meeting on 21 April 1959. Harold Wildgoose was then Chairman
and Kenneth MacNeill Black of the firm Mills & Black was
appointed Liquidator[9].
The sender of the top card wrote:
"You would like it here there is always
some sort of entertainment during the evening after dinner."
See samples of their notepaper
on Matlock: Letterheads
of Local Businesses, 1900-1949 (4), N - R
Vernon Lamb Archive, Hydros and Convalescing, Index has 15 photos
of the hydro's staff and guests.