This large stone building on Chesterfield Road was first known as Poplar
Cottage, then as the Poplar Cottage Hydropathic Establishment,
trading as Thomas Davis and Sons[1].
We learn more of the early history of Poplar Cottage because of
a dispute in the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice
in 1892. The case had begun some time before, when Thomas Davis
brought an action in the County Court against the local Water Company.
Thomas had died in the interim, on 26 July 1891 aged 79, so the
revived action was brought by his sons and executors who were the
Ralph Davis, a brother of Thomas, had opened Poplar Cottage as
an hydropathic establishment in 1857. It was said that there were "three
classes of patients. First, those who resided in Poplar Cottage;
second, out-patients, residing Matlock; and thirdly, strangers
who visited Matlock to be treated, but did not lodge at Poplar
Cottage". He also treated patients at Southview
(later the Memorial Hospital). Ralph's success at Poplar Cottage
was attributed to the fact that there was a particularly abundant
supply of water, flowing from an old spring (the Wold Spring).
This stream divided into two, one arm of which supplied troughs
at Poplar Cottage. Two pipes supplied the kitchen (for domestic
purposes) and the bathroom (for business purposes) and Poplar Cottage
enjoyed a free water supply. Indeed, the domestic supply had existed
since 1790 but when the Matlock Waterworks Company was formed in
1860 the water was diverted into a reservoir[2].
Derby Mercury, 24 April 1867
HEAD INN, Matlock Bridge, in the County of Derby, on MONDAY,
20th May, 1867, at Six o'clock in the evening. ...
ALL that stone-built DWELLING HOUSE, with the outbuildings,
Gardens, and croft thereto adjoining, containing 6,278 square
yards or thereabouts, having a frontage of 174 feet to the
Turnpike-road from Matlock to Chesterfield, and in the occupation
of Mr. Ralph Davis, hydropathist, or his under-tenants. There
is an abundant spring of excellent water on the premises
available for hydropathic purposes. The premises are well
adapted for building and command extensive views of Matlock
Bath and the vicinity.
A small part of the property is copyhold, fine certain (sixpence)
; the remainder is freehold. |
Ralph Davis sold Poplar Cottage to Mr. Knowles in 1867 and the
latter took up residence in January 1868. The water company finished
their work, with a main along Chesterfield Road, and they laid
a three-quarter inch pipe into Poplar Cottage, supplying the water
free of charge until November 1889[2].
The house returned to Davis family ownership when Thomas Davis
bought Poplar Cottage for £900 from Knowles in 1874, paying £400
more than Knowles had paid for it because the water was free. Unfortunately,
there were complaints in both 1876 and 1877 about an insufficient
supply, so the ¾" pipe was
replaced by one with a diameter of an inch. Then
in 1882 it was found that the force of the water in the Chesterfield
Road main was so great that the water rushed past the Poplar Cottage
pipes; this fault was remedied by putting a stop cock in the main.
In 1879 Thomas Davis was invited to a meeting with the Water Company's
secretary to agree a charge; he took no notice of the invitation[2].
Poplar Cottage was enlarged because the business increased, and
more sleeping accommodation was needed. Thomas continued to run
the hydro until his death. His son Jesse (Aaron Josiah)
succeeded him and the business continued in the three ways begun
by his uncle Ralph. The ongoing dispute about how the house was
supplied with water eventually reached the County Court and progressed
to the High Court. One issue was that some people were staying
at Prospect Place, Thomas Davis's other establishment, but they
had bathed at Poplar Cottage since 1879. There were also customers
from within the parish and excursionists who visited Matlock for
the day. So non-residents were using the water without paying for
it. A compromise was reached and judgment was given to the plaintiff[2].
A new wing has been added - thirty bedrooms,
a large drawing room and a billiard room - so a rearing [sic]
dinner to celebrate was held at the Queen's Head in July 1892[3].
Burnley Gazette, 7 November 1896
Seventy Rooms including Billiard, Drawing and
Recreation Rooms. Thorough treatment given to
Gout and Rheumatism. Experienced Bath Attendants.
Terms 31s. 6d. per week. No Extras.
THOMAS DAVIS & SONS, Proprietors.
Telephone No. 9. Established 1857. |
Jesse Davis passed away on 8 February 1896,
aged 54; as he had been a member of the Derbyshire Yeomanry
for 25 years he received a full military funeral and a volley
was fired over his grave after the committal[4].
At the marriage of his son George Davis and Lydia
Frances Frost in late 1896 it was said that three generations
of Davis had been hydropathists in Matlock, confirming the
details given in the High Court case. The bridegroom was
the only son the late Mr Jesse Davis, the proprietor the
Poplar Cottage and the Prospect Place Hydropathic Establishments
and the grandson of the founder[4] and
this was his second marriage. |
In 1900 Jeffs' Poplar Hydro Co. Ltd.
was registered by Charles Jeffs of Grimsby, with £7,000 capital
in £1 shares to acquire Poplar Cottage Hydro[6].
George Davis was still linked to the hydro for a while afterwards
and Jesse's widow, Ruth, was employed as a bathwoman there in 1901[7].
At the beginning of the twentieth century there were numerous
advertisements for Jeffs' Poplar Hydro published in Yorkshire newspapers.
In 1902 it was said that the hydro "Stands in its own ground,
with Gardens, Bowling Green, etc. and commands excellent views.
Hot Water Services throughout, making it a splendid winter resort.
No better place for persons suffering from Gout, Sciatica, Rheumatism,
Bronchitis, and Diseases of the Liver, Kidneys or Respiratory Organs
(over 80 per cent of cases cured)".
The terms were then 5s. per day[8].
Poplar Hydro, before the 1906 extension. It may have been
taken before 1900.
Note the hydro's two storey side extension. The roof was raised and
there was what appears to be
a roof top look out added (see top image).
The identity of the gentleman with the horse, who was standing
in a field just below Abor/Ebor Mount,
is currently unknown. |
Mr. Jeffs presided at the second AGM of the Hydro's
shareholders in 1903; he claimed that in the short space of two
years the directors had brought Poplar Hydro into line as
a good, payable concern. According to Jeffs, it had been in a
chaotic condition! One of the directors who was thanked was F.
W. Hides of Sheffield[9].
Did he later manage the hydro (see below)?
Later the same year Jeffs, clearly an opportunist, was to write
a letter to J. D. Rockefeller of New York as the American businessman
and philanthropist had offered $1.5million
for someone to cure his dyspepsia. Jeffs suggested that Rockefeller
should visit as his hydro had already cured thousands suffering
with the same problem. No rejection letter was published in the
British press but, equally, no acceptance was published either[10].
1903 Advertisement for Jeffs' Poplar Hydro Co.
The text at the bottom reads:
The Hydro stands in its own grounds with gardens and promenade,
Bowling Green, Tennis Courts, etc. The position is unique being
800 feet above sea level and commands excellent views.
Hot water service throughout, this making a splendid winter
residence. Experienced attendance for Ladies and Gentlemen.
No better place for Patients Suffering from Gout, Sciatica,
Rheumatism, Bronchitis and other disease of the respiratory
organs. Liver and Kidney complaints. Nervous Debility.
Those suffering from overtaxation and worry of Business will
obtain much relief by a short stay. Over 90 percent of patients
Terms from 5/- per day inclusive. |
Poplar Hydro was extended again in 1906 as a 1907 advertisement tells
us that it was "enlarged 1886, 1906. LATEST Sanitary Improvements.
Electric Light, Lift, splendid Grounds; Tennis, Croquet, Bowls,
Finest position in Matlock; 756 feet above sea-level. South aspect.
Separate Tables"[12].
From the outset the company employed managers
to run the hydro, including Mary Williams, Miss Trolley, Charles
and Alice Woods and Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hides[13].
Miss Trolley was presented with a purse of gold when she left
in 1909[14]. They
and other members of staff were not averse to letting down
their hair. In 1912, for example, the 200 plus visitors at
Jeffs took up the challenge where guests and staff swapped
roles during the New Year celebrations. The manager and manageress,
Mr and Mrs Hides of Sheffield, left their office in the hands
of Mr and Mrs Matthews of Leicester. The head waitress for
the evening was Mrs. Dixon, also of Leicester, and a Mr. Bolter
of Nottingham became the chef[15]. |
from Ward Lock's 1911-12 Guide[16]. |
Jeffs' Poplar Hydro was not as successful as its owner had hoped,
got into difficulties and was sold in 1912"[17].
The new owners changed the name to Chatsworth Hydro[18].
If you were hoping to see the picture of Chatsworth
Hydro published in the C&A book, please go to Matlock:
Chatsworth Hydro, 1912-46 as it has been re-located.
Photos of the Hydro Staff in the Hydros and Convalescing section
of the Vernon Lamb Archive:
There is additional information available on-site:
Bank Primitive Methodist Church, 'Young Mens' Class has pictures
of some members of the Wildgoose family, who were related to the
Davis family.
Primitive Methodist Prize Choir also shows some of the Wildgoose
Records Names in Census returns and Trades Directories.
1901 Grimsby Town football team were staying at Poplar Hydro on
census night.
Letterheads of Local Businesses, 1900-1949 (3) - Jeffs Poplar
Hydro letterheads in 1903.
See: Report of fine in 1918
References (coloured
links to onsite information):
[1] Information from Ray Ash. Also see the
1891 census when Josiah Davis was at Poplar Cottage and "Kelly's
1891 Directory" listing Davis Thomas & Sons,
hydropathic establishment, Prospect House & Poplar Cottage.
The same entry was in "Kelly's
Directory 1895 "; the entry in "Kelly's
1899 Directory" was for Thos Davies & Sons
and was just Poplar Cottage. Thomas Davis advertised
in "Days
in Derbyshire" (1863) by Spencer Timothy
Hall. Hall also mentions the Davis brothers in Chapter
[2] "Derbyshire Times",12
November 1892. A Matlock Hydro and its Water Rights. Davis v. Matlock
Water Works Company Limited. Judgment for the Plaintiff. The case
began on 8th November 1892.
[3] "Derbyshire Times",
9 July 1892.
Matlock Bridge. The Cottage Hydro.
[4] "Derbyshire Times",15
February 1896. Death of Mr. A. J. Davis, of Matlock.Also "Derbyshire
[4] "Derbyshire Times and Chesterfield
Herald", 5 December 1896. The couple were married at All Saints' and the reception
was held at Poplar Cottage.
[6] "Sheffield Independent",
Thursday 15 November 1900. The notice of distribution to the creditors
of Thomas Davis and Sons and George Davis was published in "The
London Gazette" on 28 February 1902.
[7] Ruth was living at the Poplar Hydro
at the time of the
1901 census. She was living on Cavendish Road, with
her son, when she passed away on 16 November 1910.
[8] "Hull Daily Mail", Thursday
3 April 1902. Jeffs Poplar Hydro, Matlock Bank.
[9] "Sheffield Daily Telegraph",
9 February 1903. Jeffs' Poplar Hydro Company, Matlock.
[10] "Derbyshire Times", 18 July 1903.
[11] "Abel Heywood's Guide Books,
With Cycling, Walking and Driving Routes. Matlock Illustrated." (1903)
Abel Heywood & Son, Manchester & London.
[12] "Derbyshire Advertiser and
Journal", 26 July 1907.
[13] On
census night in 1901 Grimsby Town football team were staying at Poplar
Hydro; Mary Williams was the manageress. She afterwards went
to Sycamore House on Smedley Street but the partnership was dissolved
("Sheffield Daily Telegraph" 11 July 1906).
Directory, 1908" advertised Jeffs' Poplar Hydro Co.
Limited (Miss E. Trolley, manageress), Chesterfield road.
The 1911 census showed Mr. and Mrs Woods, from Islington, were living
at the hydro with their three young children.
In the
1912 "Kelly's Directory" William
F. and Mrs. R. Hides were shown as the managers.
[14] "Sheffield Daily Telegraph",
16 August 1909. She had been there for a number of years when she
departed in 1909; she was also given an illuminated address.
[15] "Derbyshire Advertiser and
Journal", 6 January 1912. Matlock Hydro
Revels. The role reversal had become a tradition at Matlocks hydros.
[16] Advertisement from Ward Lock & Co's "Matlock,
Dovedale, Bakewell and South Derbyshire", Illustrated
Guide Books of England and Wales (1911-12).
[17] "The London Gazette",
17 September 1912 (notice of sale of this property). The company
had failed in 1911.
[18] "Kelly's Directory, 1925" gives
the name as Chatsworth
Hydro but newspaper reports show the property
had been Chatsworth Hydro from 1913 onwards.