Schools in Earlier Times |
How and why Matlock & District's
schools were established |
Despite a charitable donation in 1647 to found a free school
the education Matlock's children received in the past was extremely mixed.
Amongst the movers and shakers who improved the situation were George Spateman
in the seventeenth century and Ernest Bailey in the twentieth century.
English Education System, a few key milestones |
1870 : Elementary Education
"Better late than never".[1]
Universal elementary education was introduced, although
a voluntary system of schools, run by the established Church and
other religious voluntary bodies, was already in place. Where no
voluntary school existed, school boards were set up so that schools
could be established. Before this time, children of the poor had
generally been mistreated, including by their parents, and exploited
for child labour.
"Only two-fifths of the children between
the ages of six and ten were attending school in 1870".[2]
One must also remember that there was a huge increase in the
size of families and therefore in the population as a whole in
the nineteenth century. Nevertheless, children's educational
needs had been ill served for a couple of centuries prior to
this and the first aim was to get children into school.
There were 'dame' schools in both Matlock and Matlock Bath, as
shown in the on-site early trade directories. A 'dame' school was
just as it sounds - a school run by a female - and the teaching
was often done in a spare room in her house.
Three local dame schools were mentioned
in a book of 1840
Also see
early trade directories
in the 1871 Census. A large number of scholars were
listed in the 1871 census although not all of the children, including
those of school age, had an occupation written against their name.
1891: Elementary Education Act.
(Section V, Notice E.)
The School District of Matlock did not have a sufficient amount
of public school accommodation that was without payment of fees
for children from 3 years of age to under 15 years. The following
schools had to provide places for scholars without payment of fees:
Matlock Bank C of E (86), Matlock Bank British School (106),
Matlock Bath National (101), Matlock National (80), Starkholmes
(105, mixed ages).
In the area "near to Matlock Green" 103 places were required
for elder children[3].
In 1895 Matlock and Matlock Bath became separate districts
for education purposes as, because of all the development there had been in the town, only Matlock was under
pressure to provide additional school places. It was deemed unfair that Matlock Bath should have to pay for the
accommodation needed.
Although the School Board's members were supposed to be elected, on each of the three occasions where a vote should
have taken place there were never enough candidates to warrant a vote.
Matlock School Board,
(formed 17 Aug., 1895):[5]
Rev. J. W. Kewley (Rector);
Mr. Job Smith (Churchman);
Dr. Moxon (Churchman);
Mr. J. H. Challand (Nonconformist);
Mr Slack (Nonconformist);
Rev. A. L. Humphries, Primitive Methodist (Nonconformist);
Mr. T. Cooper Drabble (neutral). |
Matlock School Board,
(formed Aug., 1898)
Mr. T. Cooper Drabble, Chairman;
Mr. H. Challand, Vice-Chairman;
Rev. J. W. Kewley;
Mr. Job Smith;
Dr. Moxon;
Mr. E. Slack;
Rev. A. Bevan (replaced Humphries).
Matlock School Board,
(formed Aug., 1901);
Mr. H. Challand, Chairman;
Rev. J. W. Kewley;
Mr. Job Smith;
Dr. Wm. Dixon;
Mr. E. Slack;
Mr. W. Potter;
Mr. John William Wildgoose (replaced
Bevan). |
1899 : Board of Education Act
1902 : Education Act.
Local Education Authorities took over from the school boards (see above). This Act meant
Matlock's schools now came under the County Council's Education Committee so the Boards were disbanded. The town's
last Board Meeting took place at the end of September 1903.
1918 : Education made compulsory to age 14.
1944 : Education Act.
A secondary education system was inaugurated. Until then, the majority of children
had been educated only in primary or elementary schools.
About Matlock's
secondary schools (below)
Matlock, unfortunately, did not even have one of the long established grammar schools that were to be found elsewhere in Derbyshire. However,
A. F. Leach says that the Matlock School founded by George Spateman (see below) was founded as a grammar school but
became an elementary school[5]. The earliest person connected with education who has been
found in parish records is Henry Gardener/Gardenar, a schoolmaster who was buried at St. Giles' in 1655.
Matlock's free school, founded
by Spateman, is mentioned in documents in The Wolley Manuscripts, Matlock.
Before 1924, when Ernest Bailey established his co-educational grammar school in Matlock, those local school
children who were lucky enough to win a grammar school scholarship at the beginning of the twentieth century attended schools outside Matlock.
Pupils who won scholarships mostly attended either Herbert Strutt's
Grammar School at Belper or Lady Manners School, Bakewell; the often travelled
to school by train. Alison Uttley (nee Taylor), for example,
attended Lady Manners and she describes going to the school in
at least one of her books. Nevertheless, not all could afford to
go. It is sad to reflect that some of Matlock and Matlock Bath's
children, who perhaps had the ability to receive a grammar
school education before the 1944 Act was passed, were too poor
to afford either the fare or the uniform.
a short biography of Alison Uttley
Manners School, Bakewell - Rosemary Lockie's web page about
the school (this is an external link so opens in a new window).
Children whose parents could afford to pay fees were
educated at public or private schools. In earlier times
Richard Arkwright had sent two of his sons to Queen Elizabeth's
at Ashbourne for a while in 1797 before they went on to Eton[6].
Former Private schools
Matlock Town |
Former location: Tagg Hill / Starkholmes Road.
Education in Matlock first began as early as 1647 when Mr George Spateman of Tansley gave 80l. [£80] to found a free
school in Matlock[7] - "I give and bequeath foure score pounds to the use of the schoole in Matlock pish for
ye better education of the poore children there"[8]. Anthony Wolley left a further 5l.
[£5] per annum in 1668 (see Pre 1858 Wills, Surnames W).
In 1817 the Lysons recorded that the whole annual income for the school was 43l. 14s [£43 14shillings][7].
The bequest had originally been laid out in lands at Alfreton but had been exchanged "a few years ago" for other lands in Matlock. This land was let at
£24 a year of which four fifths was paid to the schoolmaster. On the inclosure of Matlock Common an allotment was made in right of the Wolley lands, as this had been
neglected. A commission for charitable uses was applied for and two pieces of charitable copyhold land were found and let for 19s 6d.
Lists Through the Centuries: The Nineteenth Century: Matlock School Charity, 1814 - a
list of pupils who applied to the Trustees.
Lists Through the Centuries: The Nineteenth Century: Petition of behalf of Thomas
Bunting. Applicant for the post of master, 1835.
In 1857 the annual income was £36 per annum - £30 to the school master; £2 for incidental expenses; £4 to the
poor[9]. At that time the school was open to the sons of all the inhabitants of Matlock, 40 of
whom were appointed by the trustees. They were taught free, "apart from a small charge for providing books and fire[9]".
Writing in 1862, Francis White said that "having become greatly dilapidated, a handsome new school was built of stone in 1829,
on Tagg Hill. Robert Bunting is the master. The Girls' School, Matlock Town, was built by subscription, in 1816. Ann Cumming,
New buildings were erected for Matlock Town Endowed School in 1860 and 1889 to educate some 250 children. In
1871 "The Derby Mercury" reported that "this school, which has recently been rebuilt, has been placed under
government inspection. A very handsome headmaster's desk has been presented by Captain Arkwright, M.P. The committee of management
have appointed Mr. B. Owen, late of Youlgreave school, as their master ..." The school was now being referred to as Matlock Church School[11].
By 1891 the average attendance was 100 boys and girls and 60 infants (these attendance figures from Kelly's Directory[1891]).
When Miss Sladen retired from her post as headmistress of the Town school, the "High Peak News" of 15 Nov 1919
reported that two days before she had been presented with a testimonial. Seventeen guineas had been collected from "a very large number
of people of all ages" and Canon Kewley, the rector, and the "Testimonial Committee" presented the gift together with a list of all
the subscribers to her in her Bank Road home.
Former pupil Tim Lomas writes that between 1966 and 1970
there were 3 members of staff: The infants teacher was Mrs
McDonald, the lower juniors were taught by Mrs Brough and
the upper juniors teacher and headmaster was Gordon Sidney Ecob.
Children who lived at Artists' Corner in Matlock Dale reached
the school by crossing the River Derwent by the footbridge
and then walked up the Pic Tor footpath.
In 1998 it was confirmed that plans were afoot to amalgamate
this school with Starkholmes School, with
accommodation provides in a new building on land between
Highfields Lower School (formerly Charles White's)
and Starkholmes Road on land then occupied by the Diocesan
Glebe Committee. The parents of both communities gave their
almost unanimous support at public meetings and the new
school building was opened by Her Majesty the Queen in 1991[12].
The former school building has now been converted into three dwellings and the adjacent
school house, built on a bend in the road, was demolished
some years ago. There is a new school, St. Giles' primary,
which is next to Highfields Lower School further up the hill.
The first head teacher was Miss Julie Stanton.
Masters/mistresses have included:
Robert Bunting[1851 census], [1862]
Joseph Naylor Kelly's, 1864
Benjamin Owen, master[see 1871 census]
Joseph Bamford, master, appointed 1874[1876]
Mrs. Angela Bamford, mistress, appointed 1874
Walter E. Linney[1881 census]
Mrs. Susanna M. Linney[1881 census]
Joseph Sladen, master, resigned 1894[1887, 1891]
Miss Sarah Jane Sladen, mistress[1887, 1891]
Thomas Henry Williams*, master[1895, 1908]
Miss Sarah Jane Sladen, mistress[1895, 1908]
Thomas Henry Williams* and Miss Sladen[1916]
George Smith[1925]
*T. H. Williams joined up in WW1; during his absence G. E. Kenworthy became acting headmaster but Kenworthy himself then joined up and
was subsequently Killed in Action (see Names of Matlock's Memorial). Charles Colledge was
then appointed (see Photographers). |
British School, Matlock Green |
British Schools were run on the monitorial system promoted by Joseph Lancaster
(the Lancasterian system), with older pupils passing the knowledge they had learned
down to the younger children. Whilst they taught the Bible, they were independent of
the established church. Lancaster was a Quaker. The National Schools followed Andrew Bell's very similar
primary school principles (his was the Madras System) though those schools were in line
with the Church of England teaching[2]. Dr. Bell was a Scottish Episcopalian priest.
A Congregational chapel and Sunday School had opened in 1949 at
the bottom of Lime Tree Road but the British School's new schoolroom,
for 350 pupils, opened in early 1863[13].
The first function held in it was a lecture on the American War given by
William Adam, author of "Gem of the Peak". Edwin Davis was
working at the school by 1881 and was its master
in 1887 when the average attendance was 190[1887].
By 1891 Miss Elizabeth Bridge had been appointed as the mistress
to work alongside Mr. Davis; the average attendance was then 150
boys and girls and 50 infants[1891].
Davis was still the master in here 1895 and Miss Elizabeth Beck
had become infants' mistress[1895].
However, in the 1890s the Education Department's demand for alterations
to be made at the British School were to cost over £500.
The building was still the property of the Congregationalists and
the premises had been used free of cost for the previous 20 years[14].
In March 1894 questions were raised in the House of Commons about
the state of the school[15].
A cold and draughty building, no playground and insanitary conditions
were amongst the complaints. Free places for pupils was
also an educational issue and In May the same year Rev. H Pares,
head inspector of schools, examined all of Matlock's schools. He
sent for Mr. Davis, head of the British "seminary",
who had to take his register and pence book to be examined. It
transpired that a number of those whose parents had previously
written to the Education Department about free places for their
children were already being educated without a charge[15].
The Matlock School Board took over the school in 1895 and the staff were to be transferred, with
Mr. Davis as headmaster. Satisfactory accommodation had still to
be provided, so the school continued to occupy the existing
building as a temporary arrangement[16].
A number of dates seem to have been set for the school to transfer
to new premises. Bryan states that this school was closed on 1st June 1896[5].
However, at a meeting in May 1897 it was said that although the
erection of the new premises was going well, the infant department
would take another month to complete. It was therefore decided
that, although notice had been given to quit the British School
on 24 June, the new premises were not ready so they were to remain
in the existing building for a further 3 months. The new "Board
School", as it was to be known, opened in the September of that year. The Matlock Green premises later became a carpenter's shop.
See Chesterfield Road, Matlock (below).
Matlock Bank - All Saints' School |
Original location: Dimple Road (now the infants' school).
In October 1873 the Education Department declared
that the "school accommodation for the elementary education
of the children of the parish was deficient"[5].
This disgraceful situation was mostly due to the massive development
of the Bank - i.e. building the various hydros, shops and houses
- which had led to an enormous increase in the child population
of the town. As I have already written, families in the nineteenth
century tended to be large so there was an urgent need for another
After considerable debate in early 1874, including the ratepayers
deciding by a large majority that a School Board was not necessary
for the parish of Matlock, the Churchmen of the parish finally
provided a voluntary school and a site was bought from the Rev.
John Woolley.

All Saints' School, Dimple Road (now the Infants' School)
Mrs. James Arkwright of Oakhill laid the foundation stone on 6 November, 1874 and the Church National School (mixed) - All
Saints - was opened on 10th August 1875 for 200 pupils. It
had cost £1,000 to build. Architects had been invited to submit
drawings and "a design by Mr. Skedward, of Sheffield, was selected
... The new building having been completed, the opening ceremony
took place on Tuesday [10th August], under the presidency of Captain
Arkwright, M.P. ... The Rector moved a vote of thanks to the subscribers.
... Mr. and Mrs. Wright, of Bradford, had very kindly promised
to present the school desks for the use of the children, and to
give a reading desk and pulpit when the room was used as a Mission-room[18]".
Those present enjoyed a "sumptuous tea[18]".
The first entry in the school's admissions register (held by the Derbyshire Record Office) was on 20th September 1875 when
Mrs. Bamford, the mistress, wrote that the school had commenced. There were 68 pupils. On the 26th she noted that the numbers had
increased considerably. There were a number of occasions in the first months when attendance was poor because of severe weather.
On 2 May 1879 she noted that she "gave up attendance of this school".
At that time there was no church in Matlock Bank and Rev. Adam
Lowe held his services in the school until All Saints' Church
was built some years later. In 1891 the average attendance of
pupils was 163[1891].
An infant's school was built in 1899. By 1903 there was "accommodation
for upwards of 400 pupils"[5].
Peter Aspey was a pupil at All Saints in the 1950's and was shown around the building a few years
ago, and at the time wrote:
"The main thing I can remember are the old wooden desks with ink wells - and on my visit I saw they were still there,
only no ink pots in them now!"
A decade or more ago another former pupil commented that the "temporary" classrooms were there and looking
less than new when he was a pupil in the 1960's but today some pupils are educated at the Hurds Hollow site instead (see below).
Mark Whitehead recalls the teaching staff from his time as a pupil (1957-63). The teachers were Mrs Geeson (reception),
Mrs Hill, Miss Land (top infants' class and headmistress), Mrs Horner (only there for about a year as a stand-in; she was
the wife of the Headmaster at Ernest Bailey), Miss Muir (Mrs. Burkimsher), Mrs Bagshaw, Mr Stevens (churchwarden) and Mr
Charles Laughton ("who was probably the best teacher I ever had"). Mr Burkimsher was the Headmaster. Mrs Monica Davison taught
at All Saints' in the 1970s and early 1980s, having moved from the County School.
The photos here are of the original school. There are now separate infant and junior schools; the latter is in Hurds Hollow.

All Saints' School, Dimple Road, another view
Vernon Lamb Archive, 1910-14
Masters/mistresses have included:
Mrs. Bamford, mistress[18]
Sarah Brailsford (mistress, from 5 May 1879-29 Sep 1882) Selina Paulson Shelton (assistant mistress 1879 - 31 Jul 1881)
Miss Ada Williams, 2 Oct 1882 - 10 July 1883
Henry Barnard, master (1885-1891)[1887, 1891]
Miss Clara Evans, mistress[1887, 1891]
Robert H Baker, master (1892-1922)[1895]
Miss Catherine Brown, mist.[1895]
Robert H Baker, master (1892-1922)[1908]
Miss Catherine Brown, mistress
of the infants[1908]
Robert H Baker, master (1892-1922)[1916]
Miss Gertrude Roberts,
mistress of the infants[1916]
Robert Charles Newman, master[1925]
Miss Ethel E. Smith, mistress of the infants[1925] |
Several old photographs of the teachers and pupils, dating from
around the year 1900, have been published in various books and
booklets about Matlock.
- Books and Other Publications
Many original photographs are held by the Derbyshire Record
the DRO (onsite link)
Also see
All Saints' Church
of Adam Lowe
Chesterfield Road, Matlock |

Matlock Council School, formerly the Board School, became
Matlock County School after the Second World War.
The Victorian building is on School Road (off Chesterfield Road)
and is now called Castle View Primary School.
A Council School, built of local gritstone,
was erected on the Bank at the eastern end of Smedley Street in
1897 as more school accommodation was needed in the town. The
school, opened on Thursday 23 September, was the first school
to be erected by the newly formed board and "the site covers
4,700 square yards. The contract for the erection of the buildings
was let to Mr. L. T. Wildgoose, Matlock, for 3,999l. In
addition to this a caretaker's house is erected, and the whole
will cost about 5,5000l.
The building is fitted with every modern improvement, and provides
for 420 children[19]".
According to Benjamin Bryan, the final sum was £5,401 9s
2½d[5]. The
plans had been drawn up by a local architect and surveyor, Mr.
James Turner of Crown Square. In
1901 there were places for 326 boys and girls and 220 infants.
There were separate entrances with cloakrooms and lavatories. The
playgrounds were also separate. A
large cookery room was said to be one of the features of the building
and in 1901 other local schools agreed to send pupils here for
cookery instruction.
Mrs. Thorpe (Evalena Deeble before she married) was the first to
teach the subject and when she left at the end of 1902 she was succeeded
by her sister, Alice.
At the bi-monthly meeting of the School's Board in April 1905
the Clerk reported that 2,015 free dinners had been distributed
to the poor children in Matlock during the severe winter weather.
Mr. Challand, the Chairman, stated that they had met the needs
of the children and congratulated the school's cookery
department on their catering.
Edwin Davis was the first headmaster, transferring here from the
British School on Matlock Green where he had also been the head.
He retired in 1907.
James Mills followed on from Edwin Davis; there were 200 applicants for the post, which the school's board managed to reduce
to a short list of four! When he retired at the end of August 1940
Mr. Mills had been a headmaster for 41 years, having moved from Heywood in Lancashire to run the Council School for 33½
of them. His total service in the teaching profession was 52 years.
More than 2,000 children had passed through his hands, with no fewer than 250 awarded scholarships. The County Council's
Education Committee considered him to be one of the best schoolmasters in Derbyshire!
A former pupil who attended the school during WW2, writes:
"The headmaster of the council school was for many years
a Mr Mills who lived on Smedley Street East. His successor was
Mr Varnum. He lived at the top of the Dimple near All Saints'
Church. Teachers I remember from the Council School were Miss
Gretton and Miss Reeve. On my first day at the school I thought
that one went home at the morning break and Miss Gretton came
to our house to find me and return me to the school which wasn't
far from where we lived in Lynholmes. At that time [1938], Lynholmes
was a small development of 50 between-the-wars council houses".
Some years ago he commented: "We recently visited Matlock
and I took the opportunity to look at the County Primary School
of early days. The buildings hadn't changed at all - still the
bricked-up bicycle sheds converted into air-raid shelters. How
well I remember it all - especially carrying gas masks to school.
We were lucky to live in Matlock during the War with little
risk of being involved in bombing raids and the like".
Masters/mistresses have included:
Edwin Davis
James A. Mills & Miss H. Edmeston[1908]
James A. Mills & Mrs. K. Parrish [1916,
Mr. Tom Varnum (appointed 1940) |
A young teacher, Isaac Knight, was severely
wounded in WW1. A short report is included in Matlock
and Matlock Bath Newspaper Cuttings, Jul 1914 - Nov 1918 - see 1916.
Boys from St. Andrew's Home attended the School. See:
Matlock Board School Pupils, ca, 1901
The Ist Class Boys photographed outside their recently
built school on Chesterfield Road with the headmaster,
Edwin Davis |
Matlock Council School about 1904 |
Council Junior School, about 1931 - the girl pupils of Standard VII |
Matlock County Infant School Band, about 1935/6/7 |
Matlock Council School, 1936 - Junior School (1), Group D |
Matlock Council School, 1936 - Junior School (2) |
Matlock Council School, 1938 - Group B |
Matlock Council School, 1938 (2), Juniors |
Council Junior School, about 1939
Many of the pupils here are the same children who were in the Infant School Band photograph |
Starkholmes |
Mrs. Frances Thornewill (17 Dec 1812-13 Apr 1898) conducted a
Church School here in 1872 and by 1875 some 50 children were attending.
By 1878 she had retired, partly because of ill-health and partly
because the building she had used was inadequate. Mr. Arkwright then
provided a site and donated £100 towards a new building. The
foundation stone bore the following inscription : "This stone
was laid by Mrs. Thornewill, August 9th, 1878". She was presented
with a silver trowel after the ceremony and her brother, Canon Girdlestone,
thanked everyone who had supported her[20].
The new school, the National School (mixed), was built of gritstone
and opened at Easter 1879 for 80 pupils. It had been designed by
the Matlock architect George Edward Statham and built by W. Knowles.
At a Concert held in the school a short while later, F. C. Arkwright
said that "during the six months the school had been opened,
a very marked improvement was noticeable in the appearance of the
children, and latterly the attendance had been greatly improved
In 1891 the average attendance was 40[1891].
The original school building closed and was demolished in about
1965; it was suffering badly from subsidence and gradually slipping
down the hillside.

The first school built at Starkholmes, no date |
Pupils were then educated in supposedly a "temporary"
building across the road, leased on land owned by the Lynch family that was
next to Chindras House.
It became much longer term accommodation than was originally intended, remaining
on the site until the summer of 1991, although the previous year the owners
applied for outline planning permission to erect four dwellings[21].
In 1968 Mrs. Blanche Holmes, who had been the school's head teacher
for twenty one years, retired from the two teacher school. Instead
of settling down to pursue other interests, she accepted a post
to join the staff of a school at Gift Lake in Alberta,
Canada. She intended to stay there for at least a year[22].

The replacement classrooms in 1988.
Kirsten Burrell (nee Twiggs), a former pupil who was at the school in
the mid-1970s, writes:
"The school buildings at the time I attended were on the left
hand side of the road going up Starkholmes Road above the White
Lion pub. We used to play in the overgrown grounds of the original
school; I remember that the playground was badly cracked in places
and this can only have been a few years after the school was demolished.
In 1974 when the infant teacher, Mrs Carter retired, I was the
child who presented her with her bouquet and have a photo of us
standing outside the 'temporary' building [shown below, right].
Behind the purple doors on the photo was a lobby, at the back
of which were the cloakrooms. There were only 2 classrooms: the
infants on the left and the juniors on the right. There was also
the head's office beyond this and, at the far right hand of the
school, quite a palatial kitchen.
The roll of the school was falling - it was 56 children in 1980 - and the school closed in the late 80s/early 90s with the children transferring
to what was then 'the Town school' (St Giles' school was built later). The wooden 'temporary building was taken down in about 1991".
See: Matlock Town and Green (above) for info about the Town School.
There's even the milk crate on the picture - for those who can remember the days of (warm) free school milk.
Another teacher, and one who was at the school for 43 years until her retirement in December 1958, was Miss Madge Lees of Matlock
Bath ("Matlock Mercury", Dec 1959). She was one of the daughters of W. H. Lees, a former head teacher at Matlock Bath (see below). Her replacement was to be Mrs. E. Eardley who
taught at South Normanton. By 1964 Mrs. Carter had replaced her.
Masters/mistresses have included:
Miss Mary M. Webster[1887]
Miss Emily Lowen[1891, 1895]
Mrs. Elizabeth Harding[1908, 1916]
Mrs. L. Page[1925]
Mrs. Blanche Holmes
Mr. Brian Wilson
Mrs. Pearl Dunn. |
In July 1991 the parents and pupils painted the "temporary" building
to ensure the school went out with a blaze of glory before the
pupils transferred to the newly built St. Giles' School lower down
the road. A local artist drew the outlines of animals and hot air
balloons and the pupils filled them with colour[24].

The last days before the school closed.
Holy Trinity School, Matlock Bath |
Former location: Derby Road, Matlock Bath
The Church National School (mixed) - Holy Trinity - was built in 1853 for 300 pupils. It was erected on the tufa shelf,
not far from the New Bath Hotel and Masson Mill, between what is now the road to Cromford and the River Derwent. The stone building
cost £1,200. The money was raised from subscriptions, a parliamentary grant of £205, the National Society gave £50 and the
Lichfield Educational Board gave £10[10].
The school's entrances and classrooms were at road level, with
a lower ground floor below that was initially the headmaster's
residence. Later on the kitchen and dining room/hall was on this
floor, accessed by a narrow wooden staircase down from the infants'
classroom or from the external staircase to the right of the building.
The schoolroom was 55 feet in length and 33 feet wide; this was
later divided into four by folding wooden and glass partitions.
Underneath the building were the separate vaulted playgrounds
for boys and girls with a wooden connecting door which was usually
closed because the boys played football; they also had the sunnier
of the two playgrounds. Pupils were able to look through the railings
down on the River Derwent some distance below. There was a coal
house and boiler room behind the two playgrounds.
Outside toilets, also on the playground level, were still in use post war -
freezing in the winter - but in the early 1950s these were replaced, at
least for the girls, by indoor facilities next to the girls' cloakroom
on the lower ground floor. They were considerably warmer!

Matlock Bath Holy Trinity School - the old school building
In 1857 Mr John and Mrs. Cope were the master and mistress and
the average attendance was 130[9].
White's Directory of that year recorded that "there is a library
of about 230 volumes in connection with the school, which is free
to all children but other parties pay an annual subscription of
5s [shillings] and 2s and 6d [pence] or 1d [penny] per.
By 1876[1876] George
James Rowland was the master and his wife, Mrs. M. M. Rowland,
was the mistress; they had moved into their own home - Dovedale
House on Clifton Road - by 1881 (see
census entry) and from then on the school's head teacher no
longer lived on the premises. The school's average attendance in
1891 was 100[1891] and
in 1899 it was 115[1899].
George Rowland was headmaster of Holy Trinity for 37 years (see
his MI) and was an active member of Matlock Bath and Scarthin
Nick UDC.
The Church Sunday School was still held in the building in 1903.
William Henry Lees A.Mus. T.C.L. replaced Mr. Rowland; it was
Mr. Lees who taught this writer's father, giving him a life long
love of music and art.
He retired at the end of 1931, having been in the post for 25 years;
the scholars presented him with an inscribed walking stick[25].
He was succeeded by Mr. Percy Orrell, who transferred to Long
Eaton after his marriage in 1936[26].
He was followed in the post by John Joseph Sterland, who was the
third of the school's headmasters to live on Clifton Road[23] and
who departed
in 1941. Mr. Harry Saint, after being the school's headmaster for
eight years, moved to Bailey's to teach Physics in 1950[27];
the web mistress was chosen, as the school's youngest pupil, to
present a bouquet to his wife.
Mr. Kenneth Bannister (1950-57) followed on from Mr. Saint. In
his time he saw the departure of the over 11s who had not
gone to Ernest Bailey's; they transferred to the newly built Charles
White's, leaving behind the infant and junior children they had
previously shared the premises with. Mr. Bannister loved cricket
and had captained Matlock Cricket Club for seven years; in 1950
he became the first Matlock player to take 500 wickets in post
war cricket. The school field was in Upper Wood and male pupils
would walk up the Wappin[g] for their weekly football and cricket
that he supervised. Once it became an infant and junior school
classes would play rounders there and it was also the venue for
sports day. He moved away from Matlock and Mrs. Muriel Moore then
became headmistress. She was succeeded by Mr. Scott.
Amongst the staff, Miss Annie Walker was a well respected class
teacher at the beginning of the twentieth century. During the late
1940's the teachers included Miss Gregory of Common Wood, Miss
Lawton, Mr. Carter and Miss Peach who ran the cubs
and lived next door to the web mistress. Mrs. Agnes Ethel Clay
of Orchard Road, sister to Charles White, also taught at the school
and in the 1950's Mrs. Wright from Cromford Market Place, Mrs.
Cresswell from Wirksworth and Mr. Charles ("Billy") Bourchier
were members of staff. Both Mr. Carter and Mr. Bourchier, who went
on to be head at Stanton, had been in the air force during the
war. It was Mr. Bourchier who took the older boys gardening on
the school's allotments on Clifton Road. The boys also went to
the school at Lea for woodwork lessons. Another teacher there in
the 1960s was Miss Monger.
In Mr. Lees time the pupils were taught to write using Copperplate
'Roundhand' and used both pencils and pen and ink for their work.
Pupils in the 1950's used the 'Marion Richardson' style of writing.
They did not wear a school uniform.
The building is no longer a school and the school itself moved
some years ago closer to the church, to a site on Clifton Road.
There's a little more information about the pupils and school sports
elsewhere on the site.
Old Pavilion
and Royal Hotel
Secondary Education for all |
Until the twentieth century there was no provision for local children to receive more than a basic elementary education unless their
parents had enough money to pay for private education (see below). This has been discussed in The English
Education System (above). The move towards secondary education for all the local children took place in several stages in Matlock
and district.
First of all, Ernest Bailey set up his Grammar School, which is described below. However, it was not until after the
Second World War that the needs of all the children over 11 years of age were met in full. Those who did not pass the 11+ examination
and gain a scholarship place at Ernest Bailey's were still being educated with those of primary age until about September 1956.
A Secondary Modern school was finally built in Starkholmes and was named after Charles White, who had been a local M.P. From
then on, all pupils changed schools at 11, leaving only the under 11's in the primary schools (i.e. infants and juniors). When
Derbyshire later changed over to the comprehensive system of education, the two schools amalgamated and the name was changed
to Highfields School.
Ernest Bailey Grammar School |
Former location: New Street
In 1920 one of the local papers reported that Matlock had a "burning need" for a new secondary school. At a special meeting of the
Urban District Council a resolution was unanimously passed to urge the County Education Committee to act.
The co-educational school was named after Mr Ernest Henry Bailey
(1869-1938), a bachelor who lived at "The Butts". Bailey
owned Bailey's Flour Mills in Lumsdale. In 1923 he bought the former
hydro building on New Street formerly known as Bank House and Church
View Hydro, but which had briefly become Wyvern House Hydro in
1915. This was an amazing act of generosity on behalf of an individual
and a gift the local council wholeheartedly welcomed. The building
was offered to Derbyshire Education Committee as a new secondary
school for Matlock. Ernest Bailey not only paid for the building,
but he also covered the expense of all the alterations. Tenders
were invited to alter Wyvern House in May 1923
and the process of converting it began.
The new school, officially opened by the
Duke of Devonshire on 16th Sept 1924, was intended to serve
primarily the Urban Districts of Matlock, Matlock Bath, North
Darley, South Darley and Bonsall as well as the parishes
of Tansley, Cromford, Dethick, Lea and Holloway, Winster
and Birchover. Children under 10 could not be admitted and
those over 13 could only join in exceptional circumstances.
They also had to pass an entrance examination[28].
Over 90 applications were received and there were 60 or
70 scholars when it opened, with accommodation for 140. Of
those admitted five had been awarded minor scholarships,
ten had free places, four scholarships had been awarded by
the Trustees of Bonsall Endowed School and a further scholarship
was awarded in memory of Mr. Henry Marsden by his family.
This last followed an examination of pupils nominated by
the heads of the local elementary schools.
Sports Days were initially held at the Causeway Lane ground.
In 1933 plans submitted by Mr. G. H. Key were passed for
a pavilion and outbuildings at Cromford Meadows, which the
school was to use for their games fields as the New Street
site was limited for space.
Pupils were transported to Cromford Meadows for rugby, hockey
etc. The old boys rugby club was known as the Old Baileans
(now Matlock) and was very successful over the years. |

Read more about: Bank House & Church
View Hydro |
In 1941 the first issue of The Bailean for
that year recorded that "since the last issue of this
Magazine we have suffered the impact of War. So far, indeed,
we have not been seriously affected by evacuation, although
we have been pleased to give temporary assistance to several
boys and girls from more crowded parts". It then listed
the names of an additional 14 girls and 8 boys who had arrived
in Matlock and were being educated at Baileys.
The out-of-school activities were reduced to a
minimum and their series of dramatic concerts were "interrupted" although
they hoped to revive them as soon as the could. The only
activity to survive in the black-out was the Technical Society.
(The Bailean, 1941, Series II, No. 1, March 1941)
Until 1944 the pupils continued to be a mixture of those
whose parents paid fees and those who had won a scholarship.
Very few scholarship places were awarded at first but by 1941
the numbers of fee payers and scholarship children were about
At this time the pupils sat for their School Certificate
at the age of 16, when they either "Passed", gained
a "Credit" or were awarded a "Distinction".
Those who stayed on into the Sixth Form "Matriculated" at
the end of their course of study. A former pupil from those
times recalls how strict they were with the children during
the war years, and everyone had to be properly dressed in
the school's uniform. Those who hoped to continue their education
past the age of 18 had to wait until after the war to take
up a university place. A former pupil, who went to Bailey's
in 1944, recollects that "from that year entry to grammar
schools was by exam only (presumably the start of the 11 plus
system)". |
Grammar School pupils in the 1950's were expected to stay at
school until they were at least 16, though Matriculation had
been replaced by "O" (Ordinary) level examinations - pupils sat for a
variety of subjects. Those staying on until 18 specialized with their
chosen "A" (Advanced) levels and usually studied only
three subjects. These days all pupils take GCSE (General Certificate
of Secondary Education) examinations, usually in the academic
year they attain 16. There are, of course, exceptions to this.
Bailey's first headmaster was Dr. E. H.
Chapman, who returned to his native town from the Royal Liberty
School in Romford. Dr. Chapman was well known as a writer
on wireless and other scientific subjects.
Amongst the first
appointments to the school's staff were Miss A. L. Eastwood
as senior mistress (from Burnley High School for Girls),
Mr. E. L. Wilks, Miss D. Roscoe and Mrs. Marchant, who was
to teach cookery.
Dr. Chapman was the headmaster for eight years, but at the
end of 1932 it was announced that he had been appointed headmaster
of Newton Abbot Secondary School, South Devon.
Mr. B. C. Orme ("Kong") took over as head.
One former pupil comments that "he
also played the viola and, together with my mother's influence,
engendered a love and interest in music which I have retained
(only as a keen listener, I would add). He was always keen
that EBGS should compete in Music Festivals. I still remember
singing with the school choir at the Pavilion in the Matlock
Bath Music Festival". Keith Beardow was a pupil at Baileys
from 1942 to 1948 and said that in his time at the school
the teachers were:
Head : Mr B C Orme
Headmistress : Miss Eastwood
Senior Masters : Mr E Wagstaffe, Mr Ridge, Mr Ewart W Dredge,
Mr van Raalte
Senior Mistresses : Miss Brennan, Miss Bailey, Miss (Ann[e]) Crossley

Grenville Smith's blazer badge for
Celts House (harp and book) |
At least four pupils from the 1930s joined the RAF in WW2. Geoffrey
Wragg of Darley attended Bailey's between 1931 and 1933, Cyril
Rowland Edmunds was there between 1933 and 1937 and Edward John
Loverock was there at the same time as Cyril. Roy Wherrett of Matlock
Town was also a pupil. Roy, Cyril (Rowland) and Eddie were all
commemorated locally but Geoffrey had moved to Yardley in 1933.
See Matlock's
WW2 memorial for Eddie and Roy.
Bath's Memorial for Cyril.
Please Contact
Ann, the web mistress, if you have more information
about Geoffrey Wragg.
Bailey's was to eventually merge with Charles
White's (see below) in 1982 to cater for all pupils over 11
years of age and the older pupils moved to new premises on Chesterfield
Road. Ernest Bailey's name is no longer linked to Matlock's
present secondary school as it is now called Highfields School,
but his name is still associated with the building the school was
originally in. Derbyshire's County Record Office is now located
in the Ernest Bailey building - which is the old school building.
On a relatively recent visit to the County Record Office one correspondent
learned that the old gymnasium had been converted for storage and
that they can accommodate several miles of shelved records.
Ernest Bailey, the school's founder, had always demonstrated
a keen interest in the welfare and education of children.
His family home was Cliffe House on Matlock Green. It became
St. Andrew's Home, run by the Church of England Waifs' & Strays'
Society. There are various directory entries for this.
Directory, 1908 is one example.
The following quotation gives an insight into the kind of
man he was.
"Ernest Bailey, benefactor, had many mills. One
day he moved out of his home and 34 boys moved in. Over almost
40 years, 450 of 'Bailey's Boys', waifs and strays, were fed,
clothed and educated, many eventually finding work in his mills.
The house carried on as a children's home; nursery nurses came
to train there and were a familiar sight with their huge prams
and tiny charges[29]."
There are more images. See Schools,
including sports teams
There are some photographs of the children from the home, dated
1914, in the Vernon Lamb Archive.
At present it is not known if any were educated at Baileys.
Charles White's Secondary Modern |

Although Charles White's was not opened as long ago as all the
other schools mentioned on this page (see above),
a large number of local children were educated there from the
middle of the 1950s onwards until the school's amalgamation
with Bailey's - when the name changed to Highfields School and
the older pupils moved to a different part of the town. Tim Lomas,
formerly a Matlock resident, estimates that the total of the children
attending Charles White's in any one year outnumbered those who
went to Bailey's by around 3 : 1.
To fulfil the educational needs for the children over 11 who were
not catered for by Bailey's Grammar, Charles White's school was
purpose built and erected by Derbyshire County Council on Starkholmes
Road. The building sits on the hillside below Riber and can be
seen quite clearly from almost anywhere on Matlock Bank. The architecture
is typical of the 1950's. Several other schools were built in the
county around the same time and in early 1955 the floors of Charles
White's were being laid, the roof steel work was ready to receive
the joists and both decking and steelwork for the gymnasium had
been finished[30].
The photograph above shows what was the Secondary Modern, but
is now Highfields Lower School. The new St. Giles' Primary is next
door but is out of shot.
Pupils were able to leave school at the Easter in the year they
were 15 until the school leaving age was raised (1971/2?). Those
who stayed on until they were 16 were able to sit for both
CSE examinations (Certificate of Secondary Education) and GCE exams
(General Certificate of Education). These examinations no longer
exist - they have been replaced by GCSEs.
The school's headmaster for many years was Mr. Charles Watcham.
Charles Frederick White Junior (1891-1956), after whom
the school was named, was the only son and namesake of a former
Liberal Member of Parliament for West Derbyshire (now Derbyshire
Dales). He became M.P. himself for the constituency in 1944, first
as an Independent Labour and then as Labour, and served until 1950.
He had been a member of Derbyshire County Council for many years
and was its Chairman in 1946. His sisters were also involved in
education, but in the private sector.
See Private schools

Charles White, junior, with his parents and sisters
Presentation Convent, Matlock |
In 1926 or so Mother Xavier Murphy visited Matlock. By then the once busy hydropathic establishment
founded by Ralph Davis in 1861 and with extensive grounds on Chesterfield Road was closed and the building was unoccupied.
The Presentation Sisters, who were based in India, decided to buy Chesterfield House, opening their Convent in 1927 and
the school was opened shortly afterwards.
By 1932 Kelly's Directory was advertising the school as
the Presentation Convent & Boarding School
for Girls[1932].
The pupils were taught "foreign languages, painting, shorthand,
typing, dressmaking, all games & riding & dancing
taught; pupils prepared for University examinations". In
1941 there was a separate listing for Matlock Convent High
School, but both establishments were located at Chesterfield
House, Chesterfield Road. However, it was not until after
the Second World war that new buildings were able to be
added to accommodate the growing demand for pupil places.
The school expanded still further in 1962 when Lilybank
Hydro, further down the hill, finally closed its doors. As
well as giving some additional boarding facilities for the
first year Convent pupils, Lilybank became the Nagle Preparatory
School with both boarding and day pupils. The Convent girls
sometimes found the walk up the hill every morning from Lilybank
to their classes hard going, especially when wet!
Caroline Cantor was a pupil at the Convent on Chesterfield Road from 1974 to
1981, and has organised a few reunions for former pupils and staff over the
past few years. If you are either a past pupil or member of staff of the Presentation
Convent or Nagle Preparatory School, Matlock and are interested in news of
other past pupils, staff and reunions, please email
Caroline, including your name whilst at school and the dates you were there.
She would welcome hearing from you. I am very grateful to Caroline for providing
photographs and some additional information from articles published in Derbyshire
Life & Countryside (Jan and Feb 1976) by Derek Crust in a series
on Derbyshire Schools.
The Presentation Sisters have set up an Archive and Heritage Centre.
details are available elsewhere on our website.
Also see their school
reunion in 2015, by Victoria Cambridge. |

A larger version of this photograph of Chesterfield House
is elsewhere on this website. Click the coloured link and go
to section "What happened to the Hydros" (the photo
is at the bottom of the "Water Cures" page)
Back In Time - Lilybank" by Sally Mosley is
an article about her schooldays as a pupil in the 1960s

Private Schools in Matlock and Matlock Bath (i.e. fee paying) |
Riversdale House, Matlock Bridge
Former location: Bottom of Snitterton Road
The Misses Saxton, Alice and Mary Ann, ran a ladies school here from the 1820s or possibly earlier; their first advertisements
were found in Glover's Directory 1827-8-9 | Pigot's
1828-9 Directory | Pigot's 1831 Directory | Pigot's 1835 Directory. They were sisters
of George Withers Saxton of the New Bath Hotel. The Misses Scudamore took over in 1842 and were followed by the Reddish family.

See Bank House, formerly Riversdale House for more information.
Alice and Mary Ann Saxton were buried at Matlock Bath.
Hunt Bridge House School, Matlock
Also known as Matlock Green Academy and Matlock Collegiate School.
Location: Huntbridge House, Matlock Green (Tansley Road). This had been the home of Lady Paxton's parents, Thomas and Sarah Bown.
In 1873 the following advertisement was placed in "The Derby Mercury":
"THE DUTIES of this ESTABLISHMENT, which has been improved and enlarged by the addition of an adjoining house, will be resumed,
July 30th
W. C. CLARKE, Principal[31].
It was kept by William Corden Clarke (d. 1890) and his brother Edward. In 1882 an advertisement stated it was in a "healthy situation, with
extensive and well-adapted premises, 12 acres of ground, cricket, lawn tennis, gymnasium, etc.". It provided the "best diet without
limit; pure milk and vegetables from school farm. Thorough mercantile education. Modern languages. ... Inclusive Fees 30 to 36
guineas"[32]. Many of Rev. Clarke's pupils obtained University Honours[33].
The same year some of those in the local community, as well as a few men from London, set up a limited liability company, The Matlock Colleges Association. This was
formed to supply a better understanding of education, with shareholders having a direct interest in the colleges their sons or daughters attended[34].
The establishment was known as Matlock Collegiate School from this time.
In 1895 the curriculum of Robert Clough's
school was said to be wide and comprehensive[35].
One of the school's pupils was Benjamin Bryan, the historian[5]. James Potter, the Steward of the Manor
of Matlock, was also educated at Huntbridge. Other ex-pupils were the auctioneer Alfred C Else, David Palmer Pearson and Thomas Cooper Drabble.
Hunt Bridge House School (Green Academy) appears in the onsite census transcripts:
See the 1851 | 1861 |
1871 | onsite census transcripts.
Mr. Clark(e)'s name also appears in many 19th century directories.
Samuel Brenchley was listed as the schoolmaster in Kelly's Directory 1880 | the 1881 census.
Edward Richard Leaf, M.A., was at the school in 1884 and advertised in Kelly's 1887 Directory.
His successor, Robert Clough, was listed in the 1891
census, when he and his wife were taking some girl boarders.
He advertised in Kelly's 1891 Directory | Bulmer's
1895 Directory | Kelly's 1895 Directory | Kelly's 1899 Directory.
Cavendish School, Matlock
Previously known as Matlock Bank College.
Locations: Lime Tree Road (as Matlock Bank College) and Smedley Street.
In 1881[1881] Joshua Allen from Chudleigh in Devon was in partnership with his brother,
Caleb, and they advertised as running a "young gentlemen's day & boarding school". The census of that year describes
their school as Lime Tree Lane "College". The brothers had previously run Myrtle Spring College in Sheffield but opened
Matlock Bank College in the former Lime Tree View in 1877 where they remained until the 25th March 1889[36].
They subsequently moved to newly built premises on Smedley Street and later census returns show the establishment as the Cavendish School. In 1895 the curriculum
was said to be wide and comprehensive. There was also a commercial course for pupils intent on a business career[35].
Maurice Sidney Nesbitt B.A. had taken over by 1908[1908], Archibald Forrest was there in 1911 and by 1915 the school was
run by Edward V W Bynnes-Kingsley[1916], who was born in Bradford. He had changed his surname from Koster
by deed pole in 1915 and had previously been Assistant Science and Modern Language Master at King
Edward VI. School at Retford though in 1911 had been a secondary school headmaster in Bradford.
A 1914 advertisement claimed it was one of the oldest schools in Derbyshire. It had been reorganised three years earlier and there
were then two separate departments: a boarding and day school for boys and a day school for girls, plus a preparatory form for children
aged 5 to 8. The school was then in the large building on Smedley Street East, opposite where the
old Paton & Baldwin's factory used to be.
Some Matlock boys received some less than favourable press just five weeks after it had closed in the summer of 1918. A committee of trustees were
administering the estate when the press reported a "Disgraceful Escapade of Gang of Matlock High School Boys". A group
of them had apparently broken into the school overnight and has taken everything from cricket bats to scientific instruments[37].
Shortly afterwards, in early October 1918, sales of all the furniture and equipment were held.
The building was eventually bought by Victoria Mills, later known as Derwent Mills, and in late 1925 plans were submitted to extend both properties.
The former school building has now been converted into flats.
The grandfather of the web mistress had been a pupil at the Cavendish School and would have been taught by Mr. Allen.
See the site of their first school: Matlock: Derby & Derbyshire
Convalescent Home (NALGO House).
The Cavendish School in the onsite census transcripts: see the 1881 | 1891 |
1901 census returns when Joshua Allen was the Schoolmaster.
The school also advertised in trade directories:
Kelly's 1891 |
Kelly's 1895 |
Kelly's 1899 |
Kelly's 1908 |
Kelly's 1912 |
Kelly's 1916 |
See an advertisement in Newspaper Cuttings, WW1, 1916.
Matlock Garden School
Later known as Matlock Modern School.
Locations: Tor Cottage, Matlock Dale and Rutland Street.
The progressive school, a boarding school for girls and junior boys, was opened by Mr. and Mrs. Albert Law at Tor Cottage
in Matlock Dale in the early 1920s[38].
Mrs. Albert Law (Bertha Alice Law) was the principal[1925].
The school moved to Rutland Street in 1926, to the building known as originally Matlock House Hydro (later Tilley's
Hydro), and was renamed Matlock Modern School[1932].
It was run as a private company by Mr. and Mrs. Law[38].
Initially the pupils continued to use Tor Cottage for some
In November 1936 it was announced that the Matlock Modern
School Limited was to be wound up, seemingly at short notice,
under a Members' voluntary winding-up, by the company's
Chairman (Mr. Law)[39]. |

Blazer badge, provided by Colin Goodwyn (there is bigger version with the newsletter).
Riber School
Location: Riber Castle.
Rev John William Chippett, formerly a master at Giggleswick School in North Yorkshire, bought Riber Castle from the Smedley
family in 1892 as he wanted to open a boarding preparatory school. In 1922 Captain Lionel Gathorne Wilson, M.A., took
over the "preparatory school for boys for public schools, Riber Castle"[1925] although
Rev Chippett continued as a teacher. The school closed in 1930.
Also see:
About Riber
Castle School "A Lesson in Matlock's History"
Riber School in the 1901 census |
Woodlands Preparatory School, or "Miss White's".
Locations: Bakewell Road and Rutland Street.
Miss White's school began as a very small venture in the family home on Bakewell Road, which was called "The
Woodlands", and the school remained there for slightly over 20 years. Kelly's Directory (1941) records Miss
Winifred Alice White, principal on Bakewell Road, although she was by then Mrs. Dimmock. At the end of the Second World
War two of the White sisters, Mrs. Dimmock and Mrs. Hyde, bought the former Oldham House and Prospect Place Hydro on
Wellington Street. Oldham House and Prospect Place had been run for many years as a hydro by the Davis family, until
the outbreak of the War when the building was requisitioned one weekend.
The school, which provided boarding facilities for girls and was also a boy's preparatory school, was often called simply "Miss
White's". It eventually closed in 1965. |

Blazer badge, provided by former pupil Rosemary Lockie |
The Misses Peall ran a "Ladies' School" in Matlock Bath
Locations: four locations in Matlock Bath.
Their first advertisement, saying they had recently removed to Matlock Bath, appeared in April 1867[40].
The sisters offered a thorough grounding English, French and German,
with the usual accomplishments. The address they provided was Armitage
House and shortly afterwards they were at Temple Terrace. For several
years their school was at Brunswood
House and they then moved to one of the houses in Fountain
Villas. At first they advertised for parents
seeking a Preparatory School for their sons, where healthy discipline
and home comforts were combined; in 1873 Miss Helen Peall was also
educating gentleman's sons at Violet Cottage, Matlock. The sisters
were in Matlock Bath for a little over 20 years before moving to
St. Leonards-on-Sea shortly before the Spring Term of 1889.
See the 1871 census | 1881 census
North Parade, late 1870s (2)
North Parade, Matlock Bath, 1908
Clifton College, Matlock Bath
The Misses Picken, of Brunswood Terrace, also educated girls.
See the 1881
census | 1891 census | 1901
Also see trade directories - Kelly's
1895 | Kelly's 1899 | Kelly's 1908
Small schools in the Matlocks in the nineteenth century:
John Allen, Matlock Bath. Moved from Bonsall to North Parade: The Study, Bonsall (Allen's School) | Matlock Bath: North Parade & Waterloo Road |
Mrs Harriet Mary Bromley, Cliff House, Matlock Green: White's, 1857 | 1861 census | White's, 1862 |
Ebenezer J. Carline, Starkholmes: 1861 census | White's, 1862 | 1871 census |
Misses Cox, The Villa, Matlock Bath: Pigot's Directory, 1831 | Pigot's Directory, 1842 | Matlock Bath: Ashfield, previously The Villa |
Mary F. Goddard, Montpelier House, Matlock Bath. Moved to Wood End at the end of 1864: 1861 census | White's, 1862 | Harrod's 1870 (Cromford Bridge). She was in Suffolk in 1871.
Misses Hall, Lower Tower: Gem of the Peak, 1840 | 1841 census | Heights of Abraham, Wooded Slopes |
Miss Hawkridge, Masson Cottage: Gem of the Peak, 1840 | 1841 census | She married Henry Potter of the Dimple at Matlock on 17 Jul 1841.
George C Hezier, Matlock Dale: White's, 1862 | 1871 census |
Henry Marsden, Matlock Dale then Bridge: 1861 census | White's, 1862 |
Misses Otter, Matlock Bath: 1841 census | Kelly, 1848 | 1851 census, on South Parade | Freebody's 1852 (Museum Parade) | White's, 1852 | Kelly's, 1855 | White's, 1857 |
Mrs. Potter, The Dimple, Matlock (formerly Hawkridge): 1851 census | Kelly's, 1855 | 1861 census | She died in 1866.
Mrs. Potter and Miss Jodd: Glover's Directory, 1827-8-9 | Pigot's 1828-9 Directory |
Lucy Smith Rotherham, Matlock Bath: 1861 census (probably at the beginning of North Parade) | White's, 1862 | She died at Buxton in 1919.
Surviving School Records |
Census returns
onsite census returns list staff and pupils at some of the private
boarding schools in Matlock and Matlock Bath
of census returns may be viewed in the Historical Records
Admission Books and Log Books
Many are held by the Derbyshire Record Office, although more recent
records are usually closed. There is no set time period for closure;
it is often for at least thirty years and may be for considerably
longer. If you are interested in finding out more about someone
who went to one of the local schools you will need to contact
the DRO.
to Contacting the Derbyshire Record Office (onsite link)
Since the above was written, some records for All Saints' and
the Council School are now available on Find My Past (see"Links")
Known Records:
- Matlock Junior - Log Book 1875-1916;
Admission Book 1895-1993
- Matlock All Saints - Log Book 1899-1901
- Matlock Bank - Log Book 1896-1956; Admission Book 1911-1956
- Matlock Town - 1870-1991 either Log or Admission Book
(Please contact the web mistress if you have more information)
- Matlock Chesterfield Road - Log Book 1896-1913; Admission Book 1914-1951
- Matlock Bath - Log Book 1863-1985; Admission Book 1923-1970
Teacher Training in Matlock |
One correspondent, whose wife trained there, writes that "Matlock Teacher Training College had quite
a long history and many teachers emerged from the portals of the old Rockside and Chatsworth House Hydros. Firstly it
was for ladies only but later became a mixed college" (September 1958 onwards). Many locals took advantage of the
opportunity to train as teachers and it had a very good reputation. The college has not been based in Matlock for some
considerable time and is now part of the University of Derby. It left behind a large gap in the town and, for a while,
many very substantial buildings that had formerly been hydropathic establishments were empty.
What happened to the Hydros |
Photographs kindly provided by and © Kirsten Burrell,
Caroline Cantor, Paul Kettle, Bernard Gale, Maureen Smith and
the web mistress.
Woodlands School Blazer badge Rosemary Lockie. EBGS badge Grenville Smith.
Information researched over a number of years by and © Ann Andrews.
Intended for personal use only.
References (coloured links are to transcripts or more information
elsewhere on this web site):
[1] Trevelyan, G. M. (1944), "English Social History", Longmans.
[2] Lester Smith , W. O. (1957) "Education" ,
Penguin Books Ltd.
[3] The list of schools with insufficient free places was published in the "Derbyshire Courier",
2 June 1894.
[5] Bryan, Benjamin (1903) "History
of Matlock - Matlock, Manor and Parish" London by Bemrose
& Sons, Limited. Also see Biographies.
[5] "Victorian County History, Vol.2"
and "Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological and Natural
History Society", Vol. 41.
[6] Fitton, R. S. (1989) "The
Arkwrights, Spinners of Fortune" Manchester University
Press ISBN 0/7190/2646/6.
[7] Lysons, Rev Daniel and Samuel Lysons
Esq. (1817) "Topographical and Historical Account of Derbyshire"
London: Printed for T. Cadell, Strand; and G. and A. Greenland, Poultry.
[8] PCC Will of George Spateman, yeoman
of Tansley, written 27 Mar 1947 and proved 16 Oct 1847. Held at
the National Archives (PROB 11/202/73). George Spateman was buried
in the chancel at Matlock Church - see 1647
burial. For other charitable donations in his will see the
transcript of the charity board in St. Giles' church.
[9] White, Francis (1857) "History,
Gazetteer and Directory of the County of Derby", Francis
White & Co.
[10] "General Commercial Directory
and Topography of the Borough of Sheffield with all the Towns, Parishes,
Villages and Hamlets Within a Circuit of Twenty Miles",
pub. Francis White & Co. Sheffield, 1862. Ann Cumming advertised
in 1860. See Matlock & Matlock Bath Public Notices & Announcements.
[11] "The Derby Mercury",
Wednesday, January 25, 1871 - Matlock Church School.
[12] "Matlock
Mercury", 8 Jul 1988. With thanks to Grenville Smith.
[13] "The Derby Mercury", Wednesday, 11 February, 1863.
[14] "Derby Daily Telegraph",
27 January 1893. Matlock. Educational Crisis. Mr. Picton (M.P.
for S. Leicester) raised the issue of the structural condition
of the school. It had no playground and the sanitary arrangements
were said to be defective. It was claimed that it was insufficiently
lit and ventilated, whilst parents complained that it was cold
and draughty. Plans for alterations had been submitted in May 1892
but during the summer the managers were negotiating for an additional
[15] "Derbyshire Times", 17 March 1894.
The British School, Matlock. Also "Derbyshire Times", 5 May 1894, when the head inspector was in Matlock.
[16] "Derbyshire Advertiser and Journal", 19 October 1895.
[17] "Derby Daily Telegraph", 28 May 1897. Matlock. School Board meeting at the Town Hall.
[18] "The Derby Mercury", Wednesday, August 18, 1875. Matlock Bank. New School and Mission
[19] "The Derby Mercury", Wednesday, September 29, 1897.
[20] "Derbyshire Times", 17 August 1878 and 12 April 1879. "The Derby Mercury",
Wednesday, December 24, 1879. Mrs. Thornewill can be found living in Starkholmes in the 1871 census | Kelly's
1876 Directory | the 1881 census | Kelly's 1881 Directory. She died at Caistor, LIN in 1898 and was
buried there. Her nephew, F. K. W. Girdlestone, was an assistant master and later a housemaster at Charterhouse
School, Godalming.
[21] "Derby Daily Telegraph", 7 June 1990. Derbyshire Dales District Council.
Application for four dwellings (outline) at Starkholmes Road (former school site). At this point the pre-fab on the site was still being
used as a school.
[22] "Matlock Mercury", 20 Jul 1968. Off to the "Land of the Moose".
[23] George James Rowland had lived at Dovedale House ("Kelly's Directory",
1899 and Kelly's 1901 Directory), William Henry Lees later lived at Rose Bank
and John Joseph Sterland lived at Springfield ("Kelly's Directory, 1941"), all on Clifton Road.
[24] "Derbyshire Times", 19 Jul 1991. With thanks to Grenville Smith.
[25] "Derby Daily Telegraph", 5 January 1932. Matlock Headmaster. Mr. Orrell, from Langley Mill,
had previously been at an Ilkeston boys' school.
[26] "Nottingham Journal", 30 March 1936. Heanor Wedding.
[27] "Derby Daily Telegraph", 6 June 1950. Mr. H. Saint's new post. He had been appointed headmaster
of Holy Trinity at the end of 1941 ("Ripley and Heanor News and Ilkeston Division Free Press", 26 December 1941).
[28] "Derbyshire Times", 26 July 1924. Derbyshire Education Committee advertisement. The
announcement that the Duke of Devonshire would open the school was published in the same paper. Information about the opening
was extracted from "Derbyshire Times", 20 September 1924.
[29] "The Derbyshire Village Book" published by the Derbyshire Federation of
Women's Institutes & Countryside Books, 1991. ISBN 1 85306 133 6. The book itself is now out of print, but the quotation is
published here with the kind permission of the Derbyshire Federation of Women's Institutes.
[30] "Belper News",
14 January 1955.
[31] "The Derby Mercury", Wednesday, July 16, 1873; Hunt Bridge House School, Matlock.
[32] "Liverpool Mercury", 11 January 1882.
[33] "Derbyshire Times", 7 June 1890. Death of the Rev. W. C. Clarke. He was interred
at Winster, aged 67.
[34] "Manchester Courier", 15 April 1882 | "Bradford Observer",
22 April 1882 and several other newspapers. The Matlock Colleges Association Limited.
[35] "History, Topography and Directory of Derbyshire" (1895) by T. Bulmer and Co.
[36] "Derbyshire Times", 25 August 1877. The school had "so long been successfully
conducted at Myrtle Spring near Sheffield. "The Derby Mercury" of Wednesday, February 20, 1889. reported that when
Lime Tree View was purchased to become the Derby and Derbyshire Convalescent Home there was still a sitting tenant, i.e. the school.
[37] The "Disgraceful Escapade" story was extracted from The British National Library on Line Catalogue,
"The Daily News", 10 Nov 1918. The incident was also reported in "Derbyshire Times", 14 September 1918.
[38] Goodwyn, Colin (1998) "The History of Tor Cottage Matlock Dale", a privately published
limited edition.
[39] "The London Gazette", 20 November 1936.
[40] "The Derby Mercury", various editions, but they first advertised on Wednesday, April 24,
1867 and lastly on January 2, 1889.
[1862] "White's Directory, 1862", (see Academies) } There are online
transcripts: 19th century directories
[1876] "Kelly's Directory of Derbyshire", 1876 } -
[1881] "Kelly's Directory of Derbyshire", 1887 } -
[1887] "Kelly's Directory of Derbyshire", 1887 } -
[1891] "Kelly's Directory of Derbyshire", 1891 } "
[1895] "Kelly's Directory of Derbyshire", 1895 } "
[1895] "Kelly's Directory of Derbyshire", 1899 }"
[1908] "Kelly's Directory of Derbyshire",
1908 } There are online transcripts: 20th century directories
[1916] "Kelly's Directory of Derbyshire", 1916 } "
[1925] "Kelly's Directory of Derbyshire", 1925 } -
[1932] "Kelly's Directory of Derbyshire", 1932 } -