A photograph of part of the former Promenade Gardens in Matlock Bath, on the opposite side of the road from the old Fountain Baths (out of the shot). The image above probably dates from
the 1930s although it could have been taken after the Second
World War. Fountain Villas can be seen behind the large tufa
stone and the buildings stretch onwards to North Parade and
the former Derwent Terrace Wesleyan Methodist church.
The Promenade's original outer railings next to the road had been
replaced in the winter of 1905-06, following the decision to charge
admission to both the Promenade and the Lovers' Walks[1].
For many years, however, there were no railings installed on the
river's edge[2]. Eventually
the riverside, and more importantly the people walking along the
Prom, were also protected.
In 1901 a Derbyshire Times journalist commented on an important
feature in both these images, which is the piece of tufa in the
middle of the pool. "Many visitors will
have noticed what from outside appearances is huge bed of moss round
the fountain on the Promenade, Matlock Bath. Certainly this commenced
as moss, and has gradually grown to the huge proportions now on
view, but it an astonishing fact that as the moss grows and decays
if forms the tufa for which Matlock Bath is so noted and is really
brought about by the action of the lime in the water. It is a curiosity
worthy of examination"[1].
Before 1903 and possibly pre-1900. The gardens had been
laid out some years before.
The tufa at the base of the fountain was still small, but
was to grow very large in the intervening years.
Notice the original roadside railings and
the lamplighter climbing his ladder to light the lamppost.
A fountain was shown here on the 1899 1 : 2,500 Ordnance
Survey map of Matlock Bath. |
For many years there were three large pieces of tufa stone on display
in Matlock Bath, but today only two remain. One is in the middle
of the fish pond close to
the Grand Pavilion and the second is in the grounds of the
former Royal Hotel, below the Temple Road car park; both of these
are linked to the same water source whereas the water for this
fountain came from the Fountain Baths supply. There are smaller
tufa features in the Derwent Gardens.
The water feature shown here disappeared in 1967 when the A6 road,
shown behind the railings in the left, was widened and the riverbank
was strengthened.
See FAQ:
Tufa for a description of how tufa is formed.