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Matlock & Matlock Bath Wills Calendar
Lists of pre-1858 Wills and Wills proved within Derbyshire 1858 - 1928
  Wills & Administrations, 1858 - 1928* : Surnames D - G
*Not every Matlock will from this period was proved within Derbyshire
Wills Calendar Index
Pre 1858 Wills A- B
Pre-1858 Wills C - G
Pre 1858 Wills H - R
Pre1858 Wills S - V
Pre 1858 Wills W - Z
Wills 1858 - 1928
Surnames A - C
Surnames D - G
Surnames H - L
Surnames M - R
Surnames S
Surnames T - Z
Matlock People Named in Non Matlock Wills
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Part of a Copy of a Grant of Probate of a Matlock resident   Abbreviations used below:
Adm = Administration (of Will) / Letters of Administration where individual died Intestate
DDR = Information from Death Duty Registers
Exec = Executor / Executrix of Will

Information below is organised by:
SURNAME, Christian Name(s), Date of Probate, Abode
Wills & Administrations, Surnames D
DAKIN Samuel 1921 Matlock
DALE Charlotte 1864 Terrace Cottage Matlock Bath spinster
Mentions Miss Elizabeth Graham Chesterfield; Alice Saxton Matlock Bath spinster; George Henry Saxton Neph of Alice Saxton; Ann Elizabeth Saxton niece of Alice Saxton; Mary Saxton niece of Alice Saxton; Lucy Harriett Saxton niece of Alice Saxton; Mary Ann Saxton Matlock Bath spinster; Eliza Saxton Matlock Bath spinster; Harriet Saxton Matlock Bath spinster. Edward Greenhough witness; Lucy Greenhough witness. Made 1862.
DANIELS Sarah 1879 Stockport and Matlock
DAVENPORT John 1900 Matlock
DAVENPORT Rev Mark 1916 Matlock
DAVIES Horatio 1888 Matlock Bank, gentleman. d. 4 April 1888. Execs: Hannah Sheppard (wife of Thomas Sheppard), daur.
DAVIS Alice 1917 Matlock
DAVIS Charles of Lea Wood, Matlock, died 23 April 1904. Probate London 23 August to Charles Davis Chemist
DAVIS George Tor-house, Matlock, hydropathist.d.10 Jul 1901. Probate 1902. Execs: George Davis, hydropathist, and Mary Jane Davis, spinster.
DAVIS Ralph 1896 Matlock Bank, hydropathist. d. 10 Oct 1896. Execs. George Richards and John Anthony Wall, hydropathists.
DAVIS Ruth 1911 Matlock
DAVIS William 1862 Matlock Bank, framework knitter. d. 13 Nov 1860. Execs: John Davis, framework knitter; Horatio Davis, grocer
DEAN Joseph Leedham 1921 Matlock Insurance broker.
Mentions son Samuel Wm of Buxton, Wilfred Joseph Dean of Matlock, dau Laura Agnes Eliza Dean, son Charles Edward Dean
DENNIS Esther 1917 Matlock Bath
DERBYSHIRE George 1864 (Adm 001) Matlock Bank, slater
DERBYSHIRE Jonathan 1865 (Adm 166) Two Dales.
Mentions James Buckley
DICKENSON Frederick George 1923 Matlock Bath
DOAR Arthur Edward 1910 Matlock, bank manager
Exec Esther Louiza Doar, widow.
DOUGLAS Alfred 1908 Matlock
DOUGLAS Alfred Henry 1893 Matlock
DOUGLAS Rachel 1911 Matlock
DOXEY Eva Rebecca 1922 3 Feb Bank Road, Matlock, widow
Exec Annie Kenworthy widow
d. 3 January 1922
DOXEY Obediah 1910 Matlock Bath
DOXEY Thomas 1927 Hackney, Matlock
DOXEY William 1907 19 Feb Matlock Bank, Builder
Execs Eva Rebecca Doxey widow and Walter Howe Doxey electrician
died 3 December 1906
DRABBLE Frederick Henry 1918 Matlock
d 3 Aug 1817. Beneficiaries: Whitworth Hospital, Darley Dale; Congregational Chapel, Matlock; Methodist Free Church; Joseph Rhodes; Ernest Marriott, Samuel Lowe; daughter Annie Brown; his wife and children (unnamed)
DRABBLE George 1880, 11 Oct of Lime Tree Hill, Matlock, Timber Merchant
Execs George Stendall Drabble, Frederick Henry Drabble and Robert Wildgoose
Died 26 Jul 1880
DRABBLE Mary Ann 1926 Matlock
DUNK Henry Bishop 1919 Matlock
DUNLOP Isabella 1921 Matlock
Wills & Administrations, Surnames E
EATON Charles 1889 Matlock Bath. Prescilla Eaton, widow, Executrix. Died 5 Mar 1889
EATON Elizabeth 1927 Matlock
EDGE Mary Ann 1876 26 May, Willersley Cottage, Matlock
died 31 March 1876 at Willersley Cottage. Probate Derby to Joseph Stone gentleman and Thomas Newton Maltster, both of Wirksworth.
EDGE William 1915 Matlock
EDWARDS Harry 1926 Matlock
ELLIOT(T) Elizabeth 1886 Matlock Bath
ELLIS George 1867 Matlock Bath, Innkeeper. Died 20 Aug 1866 at Matlock Bath. Executors Ann Ellis, widow, James Smith of Darley Nurseryman and Stephen Smith of Tansley.
See The Devonshire Hotel & North Parade, 1870s.
ELSE Ann 1909 Matlock
ELSE Charles 1865 20 Oct Matlock Yeoman
Died 30 Dec 1864 at Matlock. Execs John Else of Matlock Gentleman and Charles Else of Matlock Assistant Overseer the sons and Job Spendlove of Tansley farmer.
ELSE Elizabeth 1923 Matlock
ELSE Fanny, 1900 28Feb, Wellfield-house Matlock-bank
Wife of George Nuttall Else, died 10 October 1899. Probate to John Gair nonconformist-minister and Edwin Wells Smith chemist
ELSE George 1923 Matlock
ELSE Hepzibah Selina of Eaton Villa Matlock Bath Derbyshire spinster
died 22 August 1917 Administration Derby to George Nuttall Else Assistant Overseer.
ELSE John 1895, 16 Sep, of Matlock Bridge, auctioneer and assitant overseer
Execs Alfred Charles Else auctioneer and estate agent, George Nuttall Else assistant overseer and Hephzibah Selina Else spinster.
Died 28 Apr 1895.
ELSE John 1917, 27 Feb, of The Post Office, Tansley, Matlock.
(War Will) Lance Corporal, Royal Engineers.
Mentions mother Mrs W. Else of New Street, Matlock and wife Alice Annie. He d. 9 June 1916.
ELSE William 1905, 30 June Lea Bridge, Matlock Bath, carter and shopkeeper
d. 11 Aug 1904. Probate Derby, to Mary Else widow.
EMERY Henry 1901 Matlock
EVANS John 1870 Sheffield and Matlock, Gent.
Mentions wife Mary; nephew John Rains Manchester M.D.; John Broxup Coates Bonsall, farmer executors and trustees.
Matlock Bridge property in occ. Mr Mattox; "my adopted child Margaret Clay Rains dau of John Rains the elder of Bonsall,Gent.; children of John Rains and late wife Elizabeth; Rector and Churchwardens of p. of Ashover, money for 20 poor widows or widowers; Treasurer or Trustees of Sheffield Infirmary; "family Tankard" to Mary Ibbotson wife of Thomas the younger of Sheffield; relatives Sarah and Fanny Bamford, daurs of my late cousin John Bamford late of Ashover; cousin Sarah Hole widow of Richard of Eddlestow Farm Ashover; cousin Samuel Evans (son of my late Uncle Stephen Evans "late of Moira Baths, Leics"); John Bruce Evans, son of Samuel Evans; relatives Thomas Buxton Hawksworth, Sarah Ann Hawksworth, Martha wife of Michael Hunter the younger, (children of John Wilson Hawksworth of Sheffield, merchant); cousin John Evans Rains (son of my said nephew John Rains); J W A Bromley Matlock witness; William Green Matlock Bath witness. Made 1865.
Matlock Bank Congregational Chapel; Francis Clay Matlock shopkeeper and 5 children; Sarah Marshall sister of Francis Clay; John Samuel Broxup Coates (son of John Broxup Coates); Mrs Blythe daur of my dec Uncle Stephen Evans; Charles and Gertrude Lee (children of Sarah Lee dec. dau of John Clay of Shirland, farmer, dec.); Lucy Haslam witness; Wm. Green witness. Codicil 1867
[contains additional information provided by webmistress]
EVANS John 1890 Matlock Bath
EVANS Mark 1888 Matlock Bath
EVANS Sarah 1905 Matlock
EVANS Sarah 1915 Matlock
EVANS Thomas 1905 Matlock
EVANS William 1915 Matlock
Wills & Administrations, Surnames F
FARMER Alice Elizabeth 1926 Lea, Matlock
FARNSWORTH Fanny 1913 Matlock
FARNSWORTH Hannah 1872 Matlock
FARNSWORTH Henry 1917 Matlock
FARNSWORTH John 1864 Matlock Bleacher.
Mentions wife Hannah friend Joseph Wheatcroft Wirksworth son Thomas; Richard Walker witness; Wm Green witness
FARNSWORTH Kezia Mary Helen 1915 Matlock
FARNSWORTH Richard 1901 Matlock (Lumdsale)
Execs: Henry Farnsworth, Joseph Hodgkinson. Proved 1902
FARNSWORTH Thomas 1873 Matlock (Adm)
Mentions Hannah Farnsworth
FARNSWORTH William James 1917 Matlock Bath
FARNWORTH Ernest Richard 1909 Matlock Bank
FERN Annie 1922 Matlock
FERN Martha 1915 Matlock
FERN Sarah Ann 1922 Holloway, Matlock Bath
Husband Richard Wheeldon Fern; Alice Derwin is mentioned in the Will
FERRIMAN Elizabeth 1909 Matlock Bath
FISHER John 1904 Starkholmes Matlock
FLETCHER Mary 1871 Matlock Bath
FOSTER Mary Ann 1922 Chesterfield Hydro, Matlock
FOX Elizabeth 1908 Starkholmes and Wirksworth
FOX Elizabeth 1921 Matlock
FOX Esther 1863 (Adm 219) Matlock died 1856. DDR: Exec James Fox of Bollington, Cheshire
FOX George of Starkholmes, Matlock 1905
Died 18 Jan 1905
Probate Derby 31 Mr to Joseph Reeds Grocer
FOX John of Starkholmes, Matlock 1864 12 Aug. Yeoman.
Died 2 June 1864.
Execs Samuel Fox Hawker of Starkholmes and John Fox of Upper Hackney Farm Labourer.
FOX Joseph 1869 Matlock. DDR: Exec Anthony Scorer of Matlock and others
FOX Luke of Starkholmes, Matlock, 1860 16 June. Agricultural Labourer.
Died 19 May 1860.
Execs Luke Fox of Woodseats and John Fox of Starkholmes, nephews, both farmers.
FOX Luke of Starkholmes, Matlock 1885, 21 Sep. Stone Mason.
Died 31 Aug 1860
DDR: Execs (one of) Joshua Fox, Starkholmes, Farmer.
FOX Luke William of Starkholmes, Matlock 1905 13 Sept. Butcher.
Died 16 May 1905.
Execs Hannah Rebecca Fox widow, James Burton primitive methodist minister, and Davis Mark Wildgoose architect.
FOX Mary 1893 Matlock
FOX Samuel 1860 Matlock. DDR: Exec Elizabeth Fox of Matlock and others
FOX Samuel 1885 Matlock. DDR: Exec Sarah E Taylor
FOX Samuel 1918 Matlock
FOX William 1863 22 Sep Yeoman of Starkholmes, Matlock
d. 16 Dec 1861. Execs Joseph Fox, farmer and Samuel Fox, Victualler, both of Starkholmes
FRECKINGHAM Henry 1880 Matlock
FRECKINGHAM Richard 1891 Matlock Bank
FRITH William 1893 Matlock
FROGGATT Benjamin 1865 Matlock Bath
FROGGATT John 1873 Horse Shoe Inn, Matlock
FROGGATT William 1875 Scarthin Lodge, Matlock
FROST Maria 1916 Matlock Bath
FROST Mary Jane 1892 Nottingham and Matlock
Wills & Administrations, Surnames G
GARNETT William Henry 1924 Starkholmes
GARTON Anna Maria 1905 Lumsdale, Matlock, spinster. Died 3 May 1904. Exec: Edward Hall Garton bleacher
GARTON Edward Hall 1906 Lumsdale, Matlock, Gentleman. Died 8 May 1906. Execs: Lucy Anne Garton spinster, Edward Hall senior, Edward Hall junior (both bleachers).
GARTON Emma 1901 Lumsdale, Matlock. DDR: died 1 Nov 1900. Exec: L. A. Garton
GARTON John 1862 Lumsdale, Matlock. Execs Edward Hall and others
GARTON Mary 1873 Lumsdale, Matlock. Exec: Henry Edwin Bailey
GAUNT William 1899 Matlock. DDR: died 16 May 1899. Exec. M. A. Gaunt
GESSEY Josiah 1925 Matlock
GIBSON Charles 1893 Oaker, Darley. DDR: died 30 Apr 1893. Exec: J. Magerison
GITTINS Hannah 1875 Woodland Terrace, Matlock Bath. DDR: Exec. Geo. Ashley
GLOVER Harriett Elizabeth 1924 Matlock
GLOVER William Henry 1923 Matlock
GOODLAD Emmanuel 1906 Matlock Bank
GOODLAD Frederick 1891 Matlock Bank
GOODLAD Frederick 1920 Matlock
GOODWIN Eliza 1918 Matlock
GOODWIN Elizabeth 1866 of Rowsley, now residing Matlock.
Mentions brother James Goodwin of Rowsley; property near Bakewell in occupation of Francis Roe; John Holmes witness blacksmith; Ellen Holmes witness; H.K. Cornish Surrogate. Made 1860
GOODWIN George William 1916 Matlock
GOODWIN John 1887 Matlock (Wolds Farm) died 20 Jun 1887. Execs: Eliza Goodwin widow, Thomas Goodwin accountant and John Godfrey Goodwin Commercial Traveller
GOODWIN Thomas 1904 Matlock (Hurst Farm) died 5 Apr 1904. Execs: George William Goodwin farmer and Edward Hall Garton Gentleman
GOULD Margaret 1927 Matlock Bath
GREATOREX Job 1905 Matlock, Limestone Merchant. Died 20 May 1905. Exec: Alfred Job Greatorex Limestone Merchant
GREAVES James 1866 Matlock Bath and later Wessington yeoman.
Mentions wife Eunis; William Smedley witness; Samuel Hardy
GREAVES John, Esquire The Rocks, Matlock 1859 12 Aug
d. 1 May 1859
Exec: Louisa Jane Greaves
GREAVES Louisa Jane The Rocks, Matlock 1880 18 Jun
d. 3 Mar 1880
Exec: John Harris of Cromford Bridge House
GREAVES William 1919 Bow Wood, Matlock
GREENHOUGH Edward 1899 Matlock (Parkfield, Matlock Bath)
Mentions Execs son Rev Edward John Greenhough and daughters Lucy Ann, Emma Sarah and Ada Louise Greenhough. Bequests of £25 to SPCA, Religious Tract Society, Holy Trinity Church Repair Fund
died 9 Jul 1998
GREENHOUGH Lucy Ann 1917 Matlock
GREGORY Arthur 1899 Matlock
GREGORY Edward 1886 Matlock Bath
GREGORY Henry 1902 Darley Hillside,Matlock
GREGORY Jacob 1882 Matlock Bank
GREGORY Joseph 1887 Starkholmes,Matlock
GREGORY Margaretta 1911 Matlock
GREGORY Sarah 1886 Starkholmes Matlock
GREY Hannah Elizbth 1924 Matlock
GREY William Rutter 1875 Matlock and Australia
GROCOTT James 1925 Starkholmes, Matlock
GWYNNE Amelia Caroline 1926 Matlock and Ripley