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Matlock & Matlock Bath Wills Calendar
Lists of pre-1858 Wills and Wills proved within Derbyshire 1858 - 1928
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Part of a PCC Will of a Matlock resident

Information below is organised by:
SURNAME, Christian Name(s), Date of Probate, Abode
Surnames H
HASLAM Edward Harstone, p. Matlock husbandman 1599 28 Aug
Written 28 May 1599.
Mentions Ales my wellbeloved wife; my children - daughters Elizabeth and Grace, Marie, Margery now wife of Anthony Woode; brother Anthony Haslam; Agnes Wood, daughter of Anthony; Emott Carmell my god daughter; two sons Edmund and Anthony.
Wife sole executrix
Wits: Anthony Haslam, Edmund Haslam of Harstone, George Wagstaff, James Lame[?]
Probate granted by Johi Searston Clirc
Inv: praysed by Wm Walker Anthony Haslam Edmund Haslam and Willm Wright on -- June
HASLAM Edmund Yeoman of Harston p. Matlock 1648 Oct 26
Written 10 Jan 1642/3
Mentions sons Anthony, William and Edmund, daughter Grace, son George.
Wits William Turner, Geo Walker
Exec son George Haslam
Inv taken and praysed 20 Oct 1648 by Henry King, John Taylor, Anthony Wood and Franncis Allyn
1648 burial
HASLAM Katherine of Matlock (56) 1534 (Lich)
HAWLEY George Matlock 1734 23 oct (Lich)
Adm to Sarah Hawley of Matlock widow and relict, applied with John Oxpring Groom? and Timothy Spencer of Critch Baker.
Inv viewed and appraised 30 Oct 1732 by John Wolley, Stephen Wall, William Walker.
HAYNE Mary Matlock Adm 1827 15 Oct to George Hayne husband and relict (Lich)
HAYNES Thomas Riber p. Matlock Farmer 1817 17 May (Lich)
Mentions eldest daur Elizabeth Marsden; daur Sarah Haslam; son George; daurs Hannah and Ann (now living with me).
Wits Richard Clay, Jno. Nuttall.
Execs son George of Matlock and John Young of Tansley weaver.
HEATH William Miner of Matlock 1683 24 Apr (Lich)
Will written 9 Aug 1681
Mentions Mary my loving wife; son John Heath; eldest son Samuel Heath; daughters Elizabeth and Mary and youngest daughter Grace; Frances wife of Ma- Nawe; Anne wife of Emaniwall Johnson; sister Elizabeth Alyne; sister Frances Normande; kinsman Thomas Heath.
Execs: wife and son Samuel.
Wits: Elizabeth Barlow, Adam Wolley, William Bradwell, Edward Heath.
Codicil, mentioning will of 9 Aug 1681; son John Heath; daughters Elizabeth & Mary; two daughters Frances Nawe and Anne Johnson.
Wits to codicil: William Bradwell, Elizabeth Barlow, Fran Wolley.
Inv prysed and praised 24 Apr 1682 by Henery Bowne, George Wood, Adam Wolley.
1683 burial
HENSTOCK Agnes 1622 Matlock, wid (Lich)
HENSTOCK Richard of Matlock (Lea Mill) 1838 (Lich). DDR: Exec W Else of Lea
HENSTOCKE John 1608 Matlock, Husbandman (Lich - 43)
HIGGET Jane Riber p. Matlock widow Adm 1820 20 Apr to John Higget lawful son, farmer (Lich)
HIGGET John of Little-Moor Matlock Yeoman 1780 12 Apr (Lich).
Written 9 Dec 1779.
Mentions messuage at Tansley p Crich in possession of Benjamin Gregory the younger; two loving sons Morris Higget and Samuel Higget; wife Jane; freehold and copyhold estate and seats or pews or shares thereof in the parish church of Matlock; son John Higget to covert or cause to be converted the Receiving House? adjoining the dwelling house where Michael Carden lives in Starkholmes for the sole use of dear wife; daughter Ann Nuttall wife of Joseph Nuttall; daughter Mary Higget; grand son John Barton son of late daughter Sarah Barton.
Wits Joshua Johnson, John Johnson, Philip Shallcross.
Execs wife Jane Higget, son John Higget.
HIGGETT Joseph Matlock Bank Schoolmaster 1815 12 Oct (Lich)
Written 29 May 1815
Mentions: Beloved sister Mary Boden (copyhold house and garden in Matlock Bank im possession of Joseph Wharton; Framework knitter's shop adjoining in possession of Samuel Wragg); chamber over the weaving shop in Matlock Bank to Kinswoman Hannah Boden and her heirs; loving sister Alice Marshall (two copyhold houses in possession of Dorothy Carline and Samuel Dixson, plus weaving shop adjoining); Thomas Taylor of Matlock (weaving shop where he is tenant; pieces or parcels of land in possession of Thomas Wharton and Thomas Taylor and George Davies the elder and Andrew Shaw the younger; TT to pay out to Hannah Taylor - testator's sister - £30 within 12 months); loving brother William Higgott (2 pieces or parcels of land called Watts close in Matlock Bank in possession of Samuel Wragg and the allotment).
Execs: bother William Higgott, miner; Thomas Taylor, weaver.
Wits: Thos Buckley, John Roose, Thos Ballington
Testator died 3 June 1815.
HIGGOTT Mary Matlock widow Matlock 1801 15 Oct (Lich)
Written 9 Jan 1800
Mentions: son Joseph Higgot £54 and three small allotments at the top of Matlock Bank; son William £58; daughters Hannah Taylor (wife of John) and Alice Marshall (wife of Thomas) £28; son in law Samuel Boden two pieces of land on Matlock Bank (Upper dob and Nether dob); if the brothers die without issue their portion to be divided between the remaining brother and sisters or their issue.
Execs: Joseph Higgot, Samuel Boden.
Wits: William Mellor, Robert Bloxham, Daniel Parkes.
HIGGS Richard, butcher of Matlock, 1821, written 21 Jan (Lich). DDR: Exec Ann Higgs
HILL Daniel 1686 Matlock (Lich)
1685 burial
HINCH Philip, Yeoman of Matlock 1733 June 19, written 10 Jan 1732/3 (Lich)
- Winster-Ancestry abstract -
HODGKINSON Catherine Adm Matlock Bridge widow 1848 27 Apr (Lich)
Granted to Joseph Hodgkinson of Matlock Bath grocer, lawful son and one of the next of kin.
Bond signed by Joseph Hodgkinson, John Tomlinson of Wirksworth inspector of weights and measures and Sampson Row of Darley farmer.
HODGKINSON Edmund Matlock Mill, Matlock, gentleman 1787 17 Oct (Lich)
Mentions dear wife Elizabeth, messuage, Water corn mill and surrounding land; eldest son Wigley; Malthouse and land to son Joseph; Oxpring House; my newly erected seat or pen in the gallery of the parish church; son George; son Samuel; daur Elizabeth wife of George Smith; daurs Mary and Sarah; Samuel, Mary and Sarah were minors.
Wits Anthony Lax,Wm. Challinor, Jno. Hunt.
Execs Wigley Hodgkinson, Joseph Hodgkinson.
Mentioned on the Pedigree of Hayward of Senior Field
Eighteenth Century Lists: Land Tax, 1780
HODGKINSON Esther of Matlock Widow 1835 23 Apr (Lich)
Mentions several closes and parcels of land recently bought of George Hodgkinson; Grand-daughter Mary Hodgkinson, wife of Wigley Hayward Hodgkinson; children of grand-daughter.
Wits John Abbott; Adam W Broomhead, Jas C. Newbold.
DDR: Execs Geo Nuttall Gentleman of Matlock and George Hepworth of Chesterfield Gentleman.
Testatrix died 4 April 1835
HODGKINSON George of Matlock Gentleman 1835 22 Sept (Lich)
Will written 19 Dec 1812.
Mentions dear wife Catherine.
Wits Adam Wolley, Thomas Binns, Edwd. Collinson.
DDR: Exec Catherine Hodgkinson his widow residing at Matlock.
HODGKINSON Job of Matlock 1853 (Lich). DDR: Exec John Sandbach Junr of Manchester
HODGKINSON Joseph Matlock Miller 1751 17 Oct (Lich)
Written 7 Oct 1751.
Mentions loving wife Mary; son Edmund; his messuages, mills, lands, tenements, hereditaments and Real Estates whatsoever and wheresoever; the house in Matlock wherein I now dwell; daur Elizabeth Wolley £300 after wife's decease; John Wass £5.
Wits Elizabeth Wass, John Walklate, Tho: Gell
Execs wife Mary and son Edmund
Inv [torn] praised 15 Oct 1751
A true copy ... signed by appraisers Jno. Wolley, Mordecai Badsley
HODGKINSON Samuel of Matlock 1844 (Lich). DDR: Exec Joseph Hodgkinson of Matlock
HODGKINSON Wigley Haywood Gentleman of Matlock 1829 29 Apr (Lich).
Written 7 Oct 1828
Mentions wife Esther; his messuages, lands, tenements, hereditaments and Real Estates whatsoever and wheresoever, and mines; granddaughter Mary Hodgkinson, wife of Wigley Hayward Hodgkinson.
Wits: James Milnes, John Adams, Jas. C. Newbold.
Exec Geo Hepworth, George Nuttall of Matlock
HOLMES William Matlock, Laborer 1818 14 Jul (Lich)
Adm granted to Ann Holmes widow the relict.
Testator died 10 Dec 1808.
HUNT Elizabeth Matlock widow 1736 22 Apr (Lich)
Mary wife of Joseph Hodgkinson (of Matlock Mill, Miller) swore under oath that Elizabeth was her mother and had died intestate
HURSTHOUSE Godfrey of Matlock, husbandman, administration 1649 23 April (Lich)
Grant to Frances Hursthouse of Matlock.
Inv 24 Jan 1648/9 by Anthony Woodward George Adam, Richard Burk---. Anthony Simpson.
1649 burial
HURSTHOUSE John of Matlock Bank 1819, Frame Work Knitter 14 Oct (Lich)
Mentions three brothers and sister Samuel Thomas Francis (youngest brother) and Ann Hursthouse.
Wits Edward Rowson, George Shooter, John Brodie.
Execs John Wildgoose of the Hurst Farmer, Francis Hursthouse of Masson Miner.
Testator died May 1819.
Surnames I
None at present
Surnames J
JACKSON Anne Solutam Matlock 1705 11 Apr (Lich)
Adm Maria Jaques widow
JANNEY Joseph 1843, Matlock, 27 Apr, Stone Mason.
Written 26 Jan 1839.
Mentions wife Betty Janney, son Joseph Janney.
Execs wife Betty Janney, son Joseph Janney, George Rowson of Matlock Tailor.
Wits: Francis Wildgoose, David Rawson, Mary Hatton.
Affidavit: Joseph Janney Grocer and George Rowson Tailor both of Matlock appeared personally. Joseph Jannney stone mason died on or about 21 Nov 1842.(Lich)
JACQUES Joseph Matlock farmer Adm 1812 15 Oct to Elizabeth Jaques widow relict. Died 8 Jan last (Lich)
JAQUES Mary Matlock 1710 17 Nov Adm to Francis Jaques of Riber Yeoman (Lich)
JAQUES Richard Riber p. Matlock yeoman (Lich)
Adm with Inv 1754 30 Oct [Bond to George Holes of Matlock Yeoman, George Annables of Cromford Baker, Mary Taylor of Matlock widow]. Widow Eliz Jaques otherwise Holes. Inv praised by John Wolley, Willi Briden, Joshua Johnson.
JAQUES William, of Riber 1840 15 Oct (Lich)
Exec. sister Ann Cotterill widow who lives with me. Wits: Richd. Richardson, Henry Wall
JOHNS Edmund of Matlock and London 1663
- Also see Wolley Manuscripts v.6672 ff.266-267
- 1663 burial
JOHNS Margery [Margaret in indexes] Matlock Widow Gentlewoman 1683 18 Sep (Lich)
Written 30 Oct 1682
Mentions Kinsmen Thomas Rawebond?, James Porter, Sarah Smith, John Porter, Richard Wooding and every one of his brothers and sisters; Kinswoman Elinr Asbury, John Walker Kinsman; John Clark ye yonger; William Bowne son of Anne Bowne; Anne Bowne kinswoman; forty shillings given over and above what is delt? At my funeral to the poor of this parish; Elizabeth Barlow my servant maid given one half of trade (goods in ye shop); Mary Wheatcroft.
Joint execs Kinsman Henry Bowne and neighbour Adam Wolley.
Kinsman Richard Wooding and friend Anthony Sowter to be supervisors.
Wits: Katherine Wolley, Mary Wolley, Ralph Wildgoose, Adam Wolley and others
Inv vowed prysed and prsed 16 May 1983 by Richd Wooding, Antho Sowter, Ralf Bowne, John Bowne
Long inventory. Includes haberdashery items and "in ye shop books" many names.
- 1683 burial
- Collection for poor relief, June 1665
JOHNS Thomas Matlock Yeoman 1668 May 6 (Lich)
Written 28 Feb 1667/8
Mentions copyhold land in the Manor of Matlock; loving now wife Grace; messuage ... in Matlock; four bibles and money for the poor of Matlock; his close called Janckin Flat, meadow called Causey lane meadow and a close called Ditchylands, all in Matlock. Plus forty bibles to named recipients. Also many names including Edward Marten; kinsman Thomas Marten of Matlock; John Marten; William Marten; William Jaques; Margery Jaques; kinsman Ralph Bowne the elder, Adam Bowne; Thomas Bowne; William Bowne; Bowne children; Thomas Walkelott; Elizabeth Cordingley; John Cordingley; John Walton?; Richard Woodward, his brothers John Woodward, Henry Woodward and Adam Woodward; brother? Robert Tipping; William Ball; William Jackson; John Silkstone; widow Derbyshire; Anthony Ludlam; Widow Willcockson; George Gregory; Thomas Bunting; Edward Bunting; Edmond Adam; Henry Watson; Samuel Kay; widow Yates; Frances Roason; Henry Aspinall; Henry Lacie; widow Gibson; Dennis Ragge; Rodger Else; Thomas Whittaker: William Wood: Elizabeth Tomlinson, Robert Tipping's daughter.
- See The Free and Voluntary Present, 1661
- See Charities to the Parish of Matlock
- 1668 burial
- Seventeenth Century Lists: Thomas Johns' Will - Bible Recipients, 1668.
- His widow can be found amongst the names in the Hearth Tax, 1670 and the Poll Tax, 1678.
JONES Henry, Miner of Matlock 1808 21 Apr (Lich/DDR) Under 200L
Execs: Jane Jones Widow, William Stone both otpo Matlock
Benef: residue to wife
Henry Jones Son
James Jones Son
Joseph Jones Son
Ann Wragg Daur
residue & remainder of personal estate & effects after wife's death equally amongst them share & share alike
JORDAN William Henry of Matlock Bath Hotel Keeper 1856 21 Oct (Lich).
Late of the Town of Kingston upon Hull.
Mentions dear wife Emma Jordan formerly Emma Leake; dear aunt Mary Brown Ivatts; estate of deceased father William Jordan formerly of the City of London Warehouseman but at the time of his death in 1824 of Newfoundland; deceased uncle Timothy Jordan of High Street Whitechapel Middlesex druggist; estate of late uncle Thomas Jordan of High Wycombe as next of kin; New Bath Hotel, Matlock Bath.
Dated 18 Mar 1856
DDR: Exec E Jordan of Matlock Bath
Wits: Solomon Cadman Saxton, Clerk, incumbent of Hill, George Withers Saxton Matlock Bath
Surnames K
KEAN Elizabeth, Widow of Matlock 1840 27 July (PCC - PROB 11/1931/89)
KILLER George Matlock Green Bachelor 1784 25 Apr
Written 16 Feb 1783
Mentions brother Nathaniel Killer; loving sister Sarah Cartledge wife to Luke Cartledge; nephew Thomas Killer.
Wits: William Mellor, John Walker, Job Walker.
Sole exec: Sarah Cartledge.
KILLER Joshua Matlock Labourer 1766 15 Oct (Lich)
Mentions brother Nathaniel Killer; Thomas Killer; Ann wife of Jospeh Sutton; Sarah wife of John Fearn; brother George Killer; one cottage house ... situate on the Cliff.
Wits Anthony Abell, Dorothy Brelsford?, Adam Walker
Exec George Killer
KING Mary Matlock, widow of William King Cordwainer 1784 28 Apr (Lich)
Written 26 Aug 1783
Mentions William Wyld of Matlock Cordwainer - to have personal estate and effects
Exe: William Wild
Wits. Adam Wolley junr., Thomas Hardy.
KING William Matlock 1775 18 Oct
Written 22 Apr 1774
Mentions nephews William Wild and Adam Woodward; loving wife Mary
Wits: Adam Wolley, John Barton, - Goodwin
Executrix wife Mary King
KNOLES George of Matlock adm (159) 1559 5 Apr (Lich)
KNOLLES William of Matlock farmer 1560 19 Sep (Lich) [KNOWLES in Calendars]
Dated 20 Apr 1560.
Mentions Elyon Flint of Matlock daur of Ellyn Flynte deceased.
Wits Willm Bolle of Matlock, Robert Purs---.
Inv 12 Sep 1560 praised by James Flynt of Matlock and Miychael Parrish? of ye same.
KNOWLES Adam Matlock miner 1843 14 Oct
Mentions son Peter, sons Adam and Joshua, daughters Susanna and Sarah, live and dead stock, mines and shares in mines in Matlock liberty or elsewhere, dwelling house called Mullett Hill in parish of Matlock together with garden, pig stye and pig yard, daughter Elizabeth, freehold cow house at Mullett hill now in my occupation and garden adjoining, freehold Croft - Broomy Croft - near Riber.
Execs sons Adam and Joshua Knowles
Written 11 Apr 1842
Wits George Statham, Joshua Statham, Thomas Jones.
Probate to Adam and Joshua Knowles, both miners of Matlock.
Testator died "about" 2nd May 1843.
KNOWLES Anthony, Toll Contractor of Matlock 1850 01 Oct. Exec James Row of 6 Moss Court, Bayswater (PCC - PROB 11/2120/393)
KNOWLES Catherine Matlock widow 1753 May 17 (Lich)
Mentions son John; three sons James, Joseph, George; servant maid Elizabeth Lowe.
Wits Edward Kirke, William Wolley, John Wolley.
Exec sons John and George Knowles.
Inv appraised by John Wolly, Edwd Kirke, James Woodward.
KNOWLES George of Matlock Bank 1832 Miner 6 May Adm (Lich)
Grant to Roger Knowles of Wirksworth Miner eldest son of George Knowles deceased.
Oath George Knowles late of Matlock Bath [sic] a widower.
KNOWLES George of Matlock 1850 (Lich). DDR: Exec Luke Knowles of Brampton DBY
KNOWLES Henry of Matlock Sherman 1661 28 Nov (Lich)
Written 28 Nov 1660
Mentions: loveing wife Frances Knowles all such household stuff as shee brought to mee and a cow and eight pounds of wool one yard long; Francis Walker; daughter Marie Knowles; youngest son Emmanuell; sons John and George Knowles; two sons in law John Walker and Richard Hodgkinson
Execs: sons John and George Knowles
Wits: Richard Hodgkinson, Henry Ludlam
Inv: 26 Nov 1661 taken by Henry Dakeyne, Adam Knolles [mark], Willm Sheapheard [mark], Henry Knolles
[this Will is damaged, possibly by water or damp]
1660 burial
KNOWLES Henry of Matlock Yeoman 1802 14 Oct (Lich).
Written 3 Mar 1802.
Mentions loving wife Ann; eldest son George - close called the Cliff Close and close called the Allotments; second son Henry dwelling house I now inhabit together with a right of Ladder gate for repairs; two meadows called Causeway Lane Meadows and two fields called Middle Fields with barn; daughter Susan Parkes; son Richard; youngest son Roger close called Dakin Leeys; daur Sarah Hazlewood - house I have lately purchased of Thomas Hardy; daurs Mary, Nancy and Elizabeth; pews in Matlock church to son Henry subject to the others using them; mines and groves within the Wapentake of Wirksworth to sons George and Henry.
Wits Joseph Fletcher, Joseph King, William King.
Execs wife Ann and George Nuttall of Matlock land surveyor.
KNOWLES Henry of Common Wood, Matlock Miner 1823 17 Apr (Lich)
Written 9 Nov 1822.
Mentions dear and loving wife Lydia Knowles; daughter Hannah Knowles to inherit dwelling house after wife's decease; brother Adam Knowles; Anthony Walton; daur Lydia wife of Joseph Holmes; one eighth of a mine known as Noon Nick to Hannah; one eighth of a mine known as Noon Nick to son George; grandson John son of son John one twelfth of the same; four sons John, George Henry and Anthony and three daughters Elizabeth the wife of Tomas Redferne, Sarah the wife of Stephen White and Sarah the wife of Joseph Holmes parcels of land known as the Leye Croft and Bowler Little Croft.
Wits Michael Cardin sen., Francis Hursthouse Jun., Wm. Wildgoose
Execs son Henry and daur Hannah
Died 18 March.
KNOWLES Henry of Matlock yeoman 1831 21 Apr (Lich)
Written 16 Feb 1830
Mentions wife Alice; son Thane who occupies the butchers shop adjoining dwelling house; son William his heirs executors administrators and assigns; land upon Masson called the Middle Field (in 2 parts) subject to payment to son James and to six daughters Mary, Anne, Jane, Julia, Eliza and Maria; my Causeway Lane meadow subject and liable to a debt of £29 which I owe to Mr. Nuttall of Matlock to be shared by sons Stephen and Thane; mines and shares of mines to son William.
Wits Joseph King, John Knowles, George Nuttall.
Execs wife Alice and son William Knowles of Darley Miner.
Testator died 20 Dec 1830.
KNOWLES John of Matlock Miner 1776 17 Oct (Lich).
Written 24 Dec 1775.
Mentions loving wife Ann; freehold house wherein I now dwell, with garden and Bakehouse; sittings in Matlock Church; copyhold parcel of land Robin's Close near Hall Dale; share of mines in Liberty of Matlock or elsewhere; son George; son John part of Robin's Close; son Thomas the Nether part of Robin's Close; freehold house to son William; John, Thomas and William to pay unto Mary Bunting wife of Adam Bunting, Ann Knowles, Margery Knowles and Sarah Knowles and grandson John son of George £2 2s each.
Trustees James Yates and Benjamin Yates of Birchover with wife Ann.
Wits John Lowe, James Shaw, William Mellor.
Exec loving wife Ann.
KNOWLES Mary of Matlock singlewoman 1825 13 Oct (Lich).
Written 6 Feb 1818.
Mentions my one third share of the property left me by my cousin Samuel Bland in Matlock to sister Ann; afterwards to son John Knowles; daughter Jame Knowles.
Wits: Jno Nuttall, Geo Nuttall Junr, John Brinsley.
DDR: Exec Ann Knowles of Matlock.
Testatrix died in July 1825.
KNOWLES William of Matlock (9) 1560 (Lich)
Surnames L
LACEY Samuel Matlock 1725 5 May (Lich)
Adm to Mary Wragg wife of Adam Wragg Husbandman.
Signed Adam X Wragg, John Wolley, Francis Wild.
Inv viewed, prized and praised 1 Feb 1724/5 by John Wolley, Geo. X Wood, Joseph Bowne.
a true copy ... examined by us Adam Wragge, John Wolley.
LAMPSON Stephen Matlock Dyer 1694 11 Sep (Lich)
Written 12 May 1694.
Mentions Elizabeth my now loving wife; daughter Elizabeth
Wits Robert Simpson, Edward Hanstocks, Henry Cowlishaw Edward Hanstocks.
Execs loving father in law Henry Cowlishaw and loving brother in law Edward Hanstarks.
Inv prized and praised 2 Jul 1794 by Anthony Bowne, Richard Hoale, Adam Wolley.
1694 burial
LARARD Thomas, Petrifaction Turner of Matlock 1827 29 Mar (PCC - PROB 11/1723/384)
LEACROFT Jane, Widow of Matlock 1832 29 Nov (PCC - PROB 11/1808/104) }
LEACROFT Jane of Matlock Widow 1832 29 Nov (Lich) }
Written 3 April 1815
Mentions two dear daurs Catherine Sophia Leacroft and Louisa Jane Leacroft.
Wits Bridget Becher Leacroft, Julia Henrietta Leacroft, W. S Leacroft Sol.
Execs Catherine Sophia Leacroft and Louisa Jane Leacroft, spinsters.
LEACROFT Thomas Esquire of Matlock 1815 2 June (PCC)
PROB 11/1569/183
Written 11 Oct 1805.
Mentions dear wife Jane.
Wits Caroline Mary Parkyns, Mary Anne Gresley, Adam Wolley.
Execs wife Jane, brother in law George Holcombe.
LEEYS Anthony 1843 Matlock Bank (Lich). DDR: Exec Samuel Slack of Chesterfield
LOWE John, Innkeeper of Matlock 1806 15 October (Lich/DDR)
Exec John Ward [residence not given]
Benef: George Lowe Son All real & personal estate & effects subject to the payment of:
Jane Lowe Daur £50 & a Bed
Mary Lowe Daur £50 & a Bed
LOWE Joseph Matlock Husbandman 1667/8 17 Mar (Lich)
Written 2 December 1667
Mentions; sister Elizabeth Lowe £12; 2 messuages, cottage or tenement houses with houses edifices, buildings, gardens, with lands meadows, feeding pastures in Overton, p.Ashover [also mentions mines] in the tenure of in Ashover in tenure occupation of Godfrey Canterell to loving sister Sarah Lowe of South Wingfield; good friends George Hodgkinson of Overton Hall in Ashover and George Calton of the same parish to be supervisors;
Wits John Bullas, Mathew Prime, Anthony Rowson, John Wolley
Executrix: Sarah Lowe
Inv: praised at Overton, parish of Ashover 7 Dec 19 Charles II
Praised by Joseph Hodgkinson of Overton p Ashover yeoman, George Calton of Overton yeoman, Anthony Alin of Ashover miner and William Lowe of Ashover miner.
1667 burial
LOWE Marey Matlock widow 1728 11 Apr (Lich)
Written 18 Dec 1727
Mentions: living son Henry Lowe two ewe sheep and five shillings; rest and residue to two yonger [sic] chidren Tomas Low and Anne Low.
Execs Tomas Low, Ann Low.
Wits Marey Tomkinson, Johan Tomkinson, John Wolley.
Inv praised 28 Dec 1727 by Geo. Sowter, John Wolley.
LUDLAM Henry Matlock 1807 15 Apr (Lich)
Mentions freehold and copyhold messuages, lands, tenements and hereditaments; wife Ann; friend John Wilson of Hulland Ward yeoman, son John.
Wits Adam Wolley, Chas Wild, Gervase Eaton.
Execs wife Ann, John Wilson. Died 1806.
LUDLAM Peter Matlock Stockinger 1845 16 Oct (Lich)
Written 16 Jan 1845
Mentions son Thomas Ludlam of Matlock
Exec: Thomas Ludlam Farmer
Wits: James Toplis, Richard Rosewarne.
Testator died 10 May 1845.
LUDLAM Thomas Matlock miner 1677 16 May
Written 29 Jan 1676/7
Mentions: half my house a garden a yard and a croft to wife Anne Ludlam for natural life; the other half to son Edmund Ludlam and wife's portion after her decease; goods within the house for use of wife; brother George Ludlam to have Ceofar which had been his grandmothers if he comes home and if not to Edmund
Execs wife Anne and son Edmund
Wits Edmund Walker, Elizabeth Walker, Will Adams.
Inv 17 Feb 1676/7
Praised by Thos ----, Edmund Walker, Henry Ludlam, Willm. Adams
1677 burial
LUDLAM Susanna / Susan of Matlock 1825 13 October (Lich), died 1824 as Susan
LUDLAM William of Matlock 1832 (Lich). DDR: Exec Hannah Clayton of Brampton
Surnames M
MACHON Christiana widow Matlock 1621 2 Aug
Written 7 June 1621
Bequeaths goods and chattels to be equally divided between kinsmen Anthonie Haslam and Edward Haslam
Wits: Tho. Mylner Clarke, John Fanton?, Elizabeth Abell, James Wilson
Execs: Anthonie Haslam and Edward Haslam
Inv praised 17 Jul 1622 by Thomas Mylner Clarke, Henrie Statham agra, William Rens--- yeoman
MADDER Thomas yeoman of Hasker, parish of Matlock 1585 May 27
Written 1584/5 11 March
Mentions: to be buried in the parish church; to wellbeloved wife Catherine Madder half of all goods movable and immovable; to John Madder alias Buntinge my base son the other halfe; devise and appoint my well beloved brother in law Roland Eyton to take son John and keep him until he be of reasonable age and put him to some forme of occupation ... apprenticeship - if he died Roland Eyton to inherit his half; Thomas Madder son of Edmunde Madder one piece of ground called the unsshie?; well beloved brother Emunde Madder, Ales Eyton, Catherine Gonmes?, Agnes Heathecote my sister; my mansion house at Hasker with all lands, tenements after death of mother Elizabeth.
Execs Roland Eyton, George Heathcote.
Wits Thomas Madder de Hurst, John Needham, John Astle, George Knolles.
[note there are several additions that are interlined, making reading it rather difficult, so for the present this is all I will provide].
Inv taken 29 March 1585 by these three honest men: Henry Bowne, Thomas Madder de Hurst, Robert Boote, & Anthony Wynfelde.
MADDER William Matlock 1563 10 Sep
Written 24 May 1652
Mentions: to be buried in the parish church yard; son Thomas; son in law Rauf Watson, his wife Ales; to Agnes Flynt my daughter and her children; son in law Thomas Lowe & Elizabeth his wife and their children; to Ales Henstocke daughter of Henry Henstock; to brother ---; to James Godber a cloth cote; Ruaf Aspinall; Grace Pydcock my servant; Isabell my daughter
Execs: William Madder Henry Henstock of Tansley and Robert Noles of Matlock.
Inv 22 June 1563 Praised by Rauf Watson of Calow, Thomas Low.
MADDER William, Lead Burner of Hasker, Matlock 1576 16 Nov (PCC - PROB 11/58/450)
Written 10 Sep 1573.
To be buried at Matlock parish church (6 shillings and eight pence).
Mentions gift of thirtie shillings for the apparrelling of 14 of the poorest people in the parish; wife Elizabeth, bequeathed mansion house where I now live and lands meadows pasture cloases for her life; to Thomas my eldest son and his heirs; the mansion house after the dath of Elizabeth and all the lands, maedows pasture and cloases within Matlock; sons Dionize, and Edmonde my Boole and Boolfeeds with closings on the brown edge for 21 years, also woods and underwoods in Wessington Haye; Dionize and heirs moytie of Rowsing at Anneshall, par Calton NTT; son Henrye Madder and his heirs houses lands etc in Ible, par Wyrkesworth; Edmund and heirs lands ay Wirksworth and Bonsall; to three sons Dionize Henrie and Edmonde share of tithe of corn and haye at Middleton, par Youlgreve; Mr. Anthony Gell 20 shillings to see will performed and fulfilled; godchildren 7 pence; residue to wife.
Executors Dionize and Edmunde.
Witnesses Anthony Gell, John Nedham clerk, Henrie Woodwarde, Anthonye Wolleye, Adam Wolleye, Henrie Browne, Anthony fflynte, with others.
MARCHANT Solomon Matlock Bath, p. Matlock 1797 27 Jul (Lich)
Written 20 Dec 1795.
Mentions well beloved wife Hannah Marchant - two closes or parcels of Copyhold land in Bonsal, known as Milners Close and Wall Rideling with barns and buildings, plus rest and residue of estate.
Execs: Hannah Marchant; friend Robert Mason.
Wits: Geo. Evans, Thos Froggatt, Richd Walker.
MARSDEN Samuel of Matlock 1837 (Lich). DDR: Exec George Nuttall of same place
MARTIN John the Elder of Matlock Free Mason 1723 22 Oct (Lich)
Written 1 May 1672
Mentions wife Elizabeth; the Key Closes, being three, in Matlock Bank; every grandchild 1s; son John Martin and his heirs lawfully begotten;
Wits: John Beardsley, Trauth Ragg, William Martin
Exec: son John Martin.
Adm to John Pidcock of Pentridge Yeoman.
See Lists Through the Centuries - The Free and Voluntary Present, 1661 | Lists Through the Centuries- Hearth Tax, 1670
Also see his burial in 1672 and Elizabeth's in 1687.
MARTIN Joshua of Matlock Yeoman 1841 22 Apr (Lich).
Written 13 Jan 1839
Mentions wife Tacey
Wits: George Nuttall, Job Gregory, Thomas Buxton
Sole Exec: Tacey Martin of Matlock [of Matlock Green on Affidavit]
See his burial
MARTIN Tacey of Matlock Widow 1847 22 Apr (Lich).
Written 9 June 1846
Mentions Little Maiden Croft and Little Field south of Matlock Church and formerly the property of late father Peter Walker; nephew James Gregory Hatter (son of George and Viana); closes to be chargeable for twenty pounds; land in the Flattes; friend Stephen Smith of Matlock Hat Manufacturer; niece Tacey Hamilton of Manchester, late Tacey Crich spinster; George Martin of Manchester son of late husband's brother George; residue between Hannah wife of William Eyre of Matlock Hatter, niece Rebecca Levemore of Eastwood NTT (her d of Bartholemew and Mary Flint deceased), nephew Gervase Lilley (s of late sister Mary by second husband William Lilley), niece Mabel Statham (d of George and Viana Gregory), nephews Adam and Joseph Crich brother of Tacey Hamilton, Mary Knowles wife of Adam Knowles Miner of Mullet Hill.
She signed as Tace.
Wits: Thomas Clay of Matlock, Gentleman, James Colledge Clerk to Messrs Milnes and Newbold solrs
Execs James Gregory and Stephen Smith, both hatters of Matlock
See her in the 1841 census
MARTIN Thomas the elder Matlock miner 1702 30 Sep (Lich)
Mentions now loving wife Clement Martin; daur Elizabeth; her brother George; daur Amy; daur Clemens.
Wits Stephen Wall, John Bown, Stephen Badgley
Exec wife Clemens, with George assistant to his mother.
Inv appraised by John Walker, Thomas Walker, Stephen Baddelly.
MARTING Ann Matlock Bank Spinster 1814 28 Apr
Written 25 Apr 1812
Gives copyhold land in Matlock Bank in the possession of Hannah Bradley and John Roose unto Edward Boden of Cromford Higler; also two copyhold dwelling houses in Matlock Bank to Edward Boden; niece Susannah Bunting wife of Joseph Bunting cotton spinner of Hawfield Gate near Higham; if she does not survive then in trust to her three children Ruth Banjamin and Amy Bunting
Wits: Chas Wild, William Debanke, Anty Boden
Exec: Edward Boden
Testatrix died 24 Feb 1813
MARTING Ann Matlock Widow 1816 Oct 17
Written 17 June 1815
Mentions eldest son Joshua Marting bequeathed all that my new copyhold dwelling house which charge with funeral expenses and legacies to: son George Marting; daughter Elizabeth Boden; daughter Phoebe Knowles; daughter Susannah Buxton and her family freehold house and appurtenances and shall enjoy new dwelling house a year after her decease
Wits: John Knowles, James Walker, Thomas Walker
Execs: son Joshua Marting [him Iron Turner] and John Nuttall
Testatrix died 25 June last
MARTING Joshua Starkholmes p. Matlock 1798 25 Apr [calendars show Josh which has been interpreted as Joseph]
Written 7 Oct 1796
Mentions beloved wife Ann Marting
Exec: Ann Marting
Wits: Geo. Nuttall, James Walker, Anthony Knowles
MASON Robert of Matlock Gentleman 1811 8 Feb [of Cromford Bridgend, p. Matlock when Will written] (Lich)
Written 13 Jan 1809
Oath, etc.: Robert Mason, late of Cromford, Gentleman named John and George Nuttall executors. John Nuttall swore, with power reserved for George.
Mentions: son Horatio Mason, giving him parcel of land called High Tor Allotment in Matlock with appurtenances, share of Royalty of the Manor of Matlock and pew in the South Gallery of Matlock Parish Church; son in law John Thornewill close called Cliff Allotment with appurtenances in Matlock in possession of Job Spencer; beloved wife Sarah the use of household goods and furniture, with interest from monies and securities; daughter Mary Thornewill to share rest and residue of estate with brother Horatio.
Wits: Thos Webster, Nathl. Wheatcroft, Robt. Hobson.
Execs: two friends John Nuttall and his son George Nuttall, both of Matlock, Land Surveyors.
Died 19 Aug 1810
MASON William of Matlock Bath co. Derby.1839 Adm
- Gukutils transcript -
MATHER James Matlock Grocer 1797 26 Apr (Lich)
Written 24 Dec 1796.
Mentions living wife Grace; son James; daughter Grace Mather - copyhold house and copyhold close called the long close also freehold close called Alcock [Adcock], Matlock Bank in possession of tenants David King, Margaret Smith and Edward Woodhouse; granddaughter Ales Bamford; grandson Marcellus Bamford.
Wits James Bown, Edward Rowson, John Bown.
Execs: wife Grace, son James, son in law Marcellus Bamford.
Probate granted to Grace Mather widow and James Mather.
MATHER James Of Matlock Grocer 1801 28 Sep (Lich/DDR) Under 250L
Adm to Ann Mather widow and relict, administratrix.
Inv included, in the shop: Counter and Drawers; two other counters; glass case; sundry odd ribbands; potts; 6 pairs of stockings; lengths of fabric.
There was a long list of debtors [individuals who owed the deceased money], both book debts and small debts in the day book.
MATHER Thomas Of Matlock 1615 20 Jun (Lich)
Inv by Edward Walker, William Ludlam, Edmund Flint.
MATHER Thomas Of Matlock farmer 1797 16 Sep (Lich)
Mentions loving wife Elizabeth; son Thomas; brothers to Thomas; my small children.
Wits James Rowson, George Tomison, Mary Rowson.
Execs son Thomas and John Beestall Junor [sic]. Probate was to Be[e]stall as the surviving executor
MILLINGTON William of Ryber, parish of Matlock Husbandman 17 Oct 1699 (Lich)
Inv Appraisers Geo Taylor, Joseph Sowter, Adam Wooley.
Probate to Maria Thorp als Millington vx. Johannis Thorp.
MOULD James Matlock Labourer Adm 1847 14 Oct (Lich)
Affidavit: Catherine Mould of Wirksworth, widow
Bond: Catherine Mould of Wirksworth widow, Edward Wheatcroft of Matlock Bath, John Marsden of Wirksworth auctioneer
Intestate died 2 Sep 1847.
Surnames N
NEWTON John of Matlock Adm 1684-5 [1685] Mar 24 (Lich)
- Gukutils transcript -x
1685 burial
NEWTON Troth of Matlock 1724 (Lich)
- Gukutils transcript -
NEWTON Thomas Matlock Butcher 5 Oct 1721 (Lich).
Mentions Truth Newton loving mother.
Wits Fra Walker, Willm Walker, Adam Rowson.
Sole executrix Truth Newton.
Inv viewed prized and praised 16 Sep 1721 by Joshua Bradley, James Wright, Jno Wolley, and signed as a true copy by John Wolley, George Sowter.
NIGHTINGALE Henry Matlock Wolds, p. Matlock Gentleman 18 Oct 1780 (Lich)
To be buried at Ashover in wife's grave.
Mentions son Job; three daughters - Mary Blackwell wife of John of Matlock Bank miner, Elizabeth Cook wife of William Cook of Tansley schoolmaster; Catherine Riggott wife of James of Southhill, p. Northwingfield woodman.
Wits John Wolley, Samuel Renshaw, Ed Burton.
NIGHTINGALE Job Matlock Wolds, p. Matlock Yeoman 17 Oct 1787 (Lich)
Mentions loving wife Mary; dwelling house at Lea inhabited by Samuel Simes and several closes at Lea; eldest son Job; son Thomas son Peter; daughter Eleanor
Wits Joseph Higgett, John Slater, Wiliam Glover.
Execs Samuel Flint jun Hatter and Samuel Boden Junr Joiner and Carpenter.
NIGHTINGALE Job Matlock Wolds, p. Matlock Yeoman 1 Feb 1797 (Lich)
Mary Nightingale died before completing administration. Children minors. Peter Guardianship to uncle by marriage James Riggott of Ford. Administered by James Riggott.
NIGHTINGALE Peter of Matlock (Wood End) 1803 01 Sept (PCC - PROB 11/1399/3).
Execs: John Toplis of Wirksworth, Thomas Saxton of Lea Wood, Ashover, hat manufacturer and John Alsop of Lea Bridge, Matlock, gent.
NORTON Henry Matlock Gentleman 1829 16 May (Lich)
Written 18 May 1826
Mentions giving the following three men all real and personal estate to hold the same upon trust and collect debts etc - John Robinson brother in law of Bakewell and Liverpool Gentleman, Richard Sutcliffe of Manchester Flour Dealer who married my niece Jane Allen, John Owen of Spring : Field Salford Manchester. To pay beloved wife Juliana Norton rents, profits, interests of Money etc for her sole use as well as use of furniture plate, etc.; at her decease trustees to sell plate, linen etc.; to pay out Rent from estate in Salford to Charles Barron Norton his son a yearly sum of fifty pounds in two half yearly payments; if his son dies then equally between his lawful children; trustees may retain fifty pounds each for their trouble; remaining income divided between son's [unnamed] children; repeats that all income arising from property to dear Wife; fifty pounds per annum to son and at his decease fifty pounds divided between son's children; niece Elizabeth Hopkins £20; niece Jane Sutcliffe £20; nephew James Bottomley £20; any surplus to go to pay for the education and maintenance of grandchildren under supervision of their parents.
Wits: Samuel Flint, Lydia Flint, William Warbrick.
Execs: John Robinson, Richard Sutcliffe, John Owen with Executrix wife Julia.
Additional note with signature that Will was in his own hand and witnessed were Samuel Flint of Matlock yeoman, Flint's wife Lydia and William Warbrick of Matlock Gentleman
This last Witnessed May 18 1826 by Bertha Stevenson Servant of Matlock.
Affidavit: John Robinson of Bakewell appeared personally on 24 Apr 1829.
NORTON Juliana, Widow of Matlock 1845 7 May (PCC - PROB 11/2018/132)
DDR: Exec John Robinson of Bakewell.
NUTT William Jerom [otherwise Jerram], Gentleman of Matlock 1854 19 Jan (PCC - PROB 11/2184/254)
NUTTALL George, Land Surveyor of Matlock 1856 04 June (PCC - PROB 11/2234/46)
The Great Matlock Will Case - Court Report
The Great Matlock Will Case - 100th anniversary article
NUTTALL George, Land Surveyor of Matlock 1857 05 Feb (PCC - PROB 11/2246/82 PROB 11/2246/82) [includes a second codicil]
NUTTALL George, Land Surveyor of Matlock 1857 27 Nov (PCC - PROB 11/2260/435) [includes a third codicil]
NUTTALL John, Mason of Matlock 1856 08 Dec (PCC - PROB 11/2243/111 )
NUTTALL Joseph, Yeoman of Matlock 1828 (Lich)
NUTTALL Mary of Matlock Adm 1854 (PCC)
Surnames O
OATES John of Matlock husbandman 1731 21 Apr (Lich)
Written 25 Sep 1727
Mentions son John; son Henry; son Job; son Joshuah; Truth daur of son William; wife Truth; she was to dwell with son Peter.
Wits Honory Oates, Henry Flint, Henry Flint sen.
Inv 1st Apr 1731 praised by William Bown, John Wolley. Examined by Peter Oates, John Wolley.
Sole Exec son Peter Oates.
OATES John of Matlock Laborer 1744 15 Feb Adm (Lich)
Grant to Samuel Carding Overseer of the Poor of the Parish of Matlock, Hannah Oates his widow and relict being a Lunatical and three children of deceased being paupers now maintained in the Work House at the expense of the parish.
OGDEN Ann of Matlock widow 1744 18 Oct Adm (Lich)
Bond. George Ogden of Matock Yeoman, Ellen Ogden of Matlock Spinster, Charles Ogden of Matlock Labourer. Signed, with marks, Francis Ogden, Ellen Ogden, Charles Ogden. George and Ellen the natural children.
Inv prized and praised 1 June 1744 by John Wolley, Mordecai Badsley, Francis Ogden.
OGDEN Anthony of Matlock 1701 12 Nov Adm (Lich)
Grant to Ellen Ogden of Matlock widow.
Bond Ellen Ogden of Matlock widow, George Ogden, Adam Johnson.
Inv 3 Nov 1701 valued and praysed by Stephen Badsley, Anth. Sowter, Josiah Allsop.
OGDEN Ellen of Matlock Widow 1706 10 Apr (Lich)
Inv 27 Dec 1705. Praised by Stephen Badsley, Anth Sowter, George Bland.
Bond: George Ogden of Matlock Carpenter, Henry Pidcock of Darley joiner and Josiam Adams of Chesterfield Glover.
Administration granted to George Ogden.
OGDEN Francis Matlock Bath Yeoman 1835 1 Jul (Lich).
Written 13 Jan 1835.
Mentions Ann, daughter of late son William; my three sons John, George and James; four daughters Sarah Potter, Mary Watson, Lydia Colley and Ann Hartle; for it not to be lawful for anyone to sell or dispose of any part of his estate to Joseph Pearson Petrifactioner.
Wits Joshua Jepson, Abel Boden, Rich Richardson - all of Matlock Bath.
Exec and trustee friend William Mason Ostler.
OGDEN George of Matlock Carpenter 1686 22 Sep
Written 2 Apr 1686
Mentions son William; son Anthony; loving friend and neighbour Stephen Badsley; son Adam; every of of grandchildren 12 pence apiece; servant maid Agnes Cowlishaw the Box wherein her close used to ly; son Samuel the possession of my living; if Adam dy before hee have married all the money equally divided between his brethren.
Written along the side: if sone Samuel dy a Bachelore son Anthony shall have possession of my living.
Wits: Richard Marshall, Jonathan Taylor, Stephen Badsley
Exec son Samuel fule and sole executor.
Inv 4 Sep 1686 praised by Jonathan Taylor, James Wright, Stephen Badsley
OGDEN George Matlock 1743 6 Oct
Bond - Ann Ogden of Matlock widow, John Wolley of Matlock yeoman and Thomas Hill of Matlock Baker
OGDEN George smelter and refiner of lead ore Matlock 1794 15 Oct
Writtten 10 June 1792
Mentions messuage or dwelling house situate at the Cliffe wherein I now inhabit and dwell together with several outbuildings gardens crofts pieces or parcels of land; daughter Mary wife of Daniel Marshall of p. of Matlock Labourer; daughter Hannah wife of Samuel Barker of Matlock Miner; friend Mr. John Wolley and Mr. Joseph Sowter both of parish of Matlock £50 on trust to pay and apply £20 for the sole benefit of daughter Ann wife of Samuel Carding of Matlock Miner or her chidren; £20 for daughter Rachel wife of Edward Slater of Knutsford Labourer or her children; £10 for Vynah Ogden of Matlock spinster (daughter of Hannah Barker).
Wits Wigley Hodgkinson, William Bown, Adam Wolley, Jun.
Joseph Sowter was the surviving executor.
ORME John of Matlock Miner Widower 1766 22 Oct (Lich)
From Richard Smallbrook Bishop of Lichfield to John Wood, Joseph Shipston and John Steeple, clerks: John Orme Batchelor of Matlock died intestate; Hannah wife of John Lowe is the eldest sister and one of the next of kin; clerks required to swear ... and to see the Bond executed by John Lowe ... 21 Oct 1776; Oath sworn by Hannah Lowe before Joseph Shipston. She was required to make inventory.
OLEY William of Riber 1507
- Also see Wolley Manuscripts v.6667 f.169 -
OXLEY Joan Matlock widdow 1695 2 Oct (Lich)
Written 10 Feb 1692.
Mentions son John Oxley, son Henry Oxley, daughter Frances Wright, daughter Troth Ragg - dwelling house, houses and housing, cattle etc.
Sole executrix daughter Troth Ragg.
Wits: Ralph Bowne, John Haslam, Stephen Badsley.
Inv: praised 7 Sep 1695 by Ralph Bowne, John Haslam, Stephen Badsley.
1695 burial
Surnames P
PARKER Thomas Matlock Miner 1753 17 Oct (Lich)
Written 12 June 1753.
Mentions daughter Sarah wife of John Bowene; daugher Marey wife of Richard Buxstone; granson William Godward; son Samuel Parker - my dwelling house, all my right and title to a morgage from William Morhing alias Fantum.
Wits Ralph Blackwell, John Bunting, John Wolley.
Exec son Samuel.
Inv vewed prised and praised 23 June 1753 by John Wolley, Samuel Flint. Examined as a true copy by John Wolley, John Wolley jun.
1753 burial.
PARKER William Matlock Miner 1712 1 Apr (Lich).
Inv taken vewed and praysed 26 Jan 1711/12 by John Ludlam, John Bunting, William Adams.
Written 18 Jan 1711/12.
Mentions loving wife Margaret; two houses; son Thomas - house where he doth now dwell, with stable and cow house; son William - house where I now dwell with barne tole house and two gardens.
Exec loving wife Margaret.
Probate to Margaret Parker widow.
1712 burial (Willmus).
PEARSON Henry Matlock Miner 1732 16 Nov (Lich)
Written 1 May 1732
Mentions: loving wife Clemons Pearson - dwelling house where I now live and the house now in possession of Mark Carline with garden and appurtenances belonging for life; brother John Pearson; kinsman Cornesty? Pearson.
Wits Sarah Mellor, Samuel Wragg, John Wolley
Executrix loving wife
Inv: taken 13 May 1732
Wits: Benj. Hurd, Samuel Watts, John Wolley
This is a true copy of ye laste originall inventory
Examined by John Wolley Senr
John Wolley Juner.
1732 burial.
PEARSON James [Jacobi on Will] Matlock 1709 16 Apr (Lich).
Adm of intestate granted to Dorothea Pearson Widow relict and administrator.
1706 burial (Pierson)
PEARSON James of Matlock Miner 1814 24 Feb (Lich).
Written 2 Nov 1813.
Nephew James Pearson of Matlock Bath miner - piece of land at the top of the hill called the Croft; nephew Peper Pearson of Derby Plasterer - his house etc (except for parlour and part of the garden held by Sarah Andrew); niece Martha Wild; niece Dorothy wife of Andrew Britland; niece Sarah Andrew widow.
Wits Francis Staley, George Wragg.
Exec Martha wife of Wild of Matlock Bath.
Testator died 24 Jan 1814.
1814 burial.
PEARSON James of Matlock Bath Gentleman 1839 19 Jan (Lich).
Mentions son William - house shop and premises in his possession and houses and gardens in Scarthin; son James - farmhouse at Biggin lately purchased from Mr. Holbrook and house with brewhouse where I now reside, land called the Grand Plot; house and land in Matlock Bath in possession of Mr. Blake; cottage and garden in Upper Wood in possession of William Smedley ; Patch Croft and Barn; dear wife Ann; daughter Jemima wife of Edward Wheatcroft.
This is a long will and includes various provisions should Edward Wheatcroft become bankrupt.
Wits P. Hubbersty, James Colledge.
Oath and Affidavit: Execs named as Philip Hubbersty of Wirksworth Gentleman, James Pearson of Matlock Bath Gentleman, William Pearson of Matlock Bath Gentleman.
Testator died 26 Jun 1838.
1838 burial.
PEARSON Joseph Matlock Bath Petrifactioner 1849 20 Apr (Lich)
Written 21 Oct 1848
Mentions real estate at Upper Wood Matlock Bath and household effects to wife Ellen; son Thomas Pearson; John Abell of Bonsall Innkeeper and son James £26 annuity for son Joseph who is to have a homestead for his natural life; daughters to have a homestead until their respective marriages.
Wits Wm Green, James Gell, clerks to Messrs Milnes and Newbold
Execs John Abell Innkeeper of Bonsall and James Pearson Petrifactioner of Matlock
Testator died 25 Nov 1848
1848 burial.
PEARSON Mary widow Matlock, Scarthin Nick 1813 15 Jan (Lich)
Oath sworn by Anthony Boden the elder, Matlock, baker and Joshua Weston, Matlock, carrier, executors - both of Scarthin Nick.
Written 16 March 1812.
She died 27 Jul 1812.
Mentions dwelling house and one moiety of two other houses in Scarthin Nick to son on law Joseph Back and her daughter Mary Beck his wife; the other moiety or half part to Mary Pearson widow of her son Benjamin Pearson deceased, and then to their children; Mary Pearson widow daughter in law given gold ring and seven yards of Print for her own use and legacy of £6 at the end of 12 months after her decease. Household goods not disposed of to daur Mary Beck and legacy of £6; personal estate of late brother William who died intestate to daughter Mary Beck and her husband.
Wits Chas Wild, Thomas Weston, George Higton.
1812 burial.
PEARSON Mary of Scarthing Nick, Matlock widow 1853 30 Sep (Lich)
Written 10 May 1831.
Mentions daughter Hannah wife of William Grant, dwelling house, cottage etc at Scarthin Nick; five sons Joseph Benjamin Jole James and Anthony; daur Ann wife of George Marriott; William, Ann and John - three children of late son John deceased.
Wits Jane Cotterill, Thomas Weston, Wm Wildgoose.
Exec John Taylor of Hill Top, p. Matlock.
Affidavit and Oath John Taylor sole executor since dead without having proved the Will.
Administration. Died about July 1831. Appeared personally Hannah wife of William Grant of Tunstall STS.
1831 burial.
PEARSON Thomas of the Netherwood p. Matlock 1820 20 Apr (Lich).
Written 23 March 1820
Mentions messuages, shops, buildings, lands, tenements at or near Netherwood and near Upper Wood ... in the possession or occupation of myself, Miss Susannah Milnes and Miss Charlotte Hackney, Joseph Hodgkinson, Mary Pearson, Joseph Martin, William Young, Francis Stone, Sarah Wild, John Harrison, Thomas Young and James Chadwick to son Joseph, paying seven shillings weekly to daughter Alice Smedley for life;
Messuages, lands etc at Matlock Bank to son Joseph, paying out £10 to Samuel Slater at 21 who is living with me;
Messuages etc near Mr Wilson's Chapel [Glenorchy] in possession of James Green, Thomas Poundall, Joseph Bunting, Samuel Young and Mr Adam Wolley (the same being partly freehold and partly copyhold) to daughter Lydia Poundall for life. After her death the copyhold part to grandson Joseph Martin and the freehold part, after the decease of daughter Lydia Poundall to grandson George Martin; farms etc to son Joseph.
Wits Sam Simpson, James Milnes, Anthony Bown
Execs Francis Staley of Cromford shopkeeper, son in law Peter Smedley and son Joseph Pearson Petrifactioner of Matlock (Lich)
[Testator] died March last.
1820 burial.
PEARSON William 1833 (Lich).
DDR: Exec James Rolley of Matlock Bath (Lich)
PERKIN (als PEARSON) Peter 17 Oct 1759 (Lich)
Adm for Peter formerly of the parish of Matlock but late a Mariner on Board his Magesties Ship --- the lawful captain Holham deceased. To James Pearson natural and lawful brother.
PIDCOCK Bridget Matlock widow 1718 18 Sep (Lich)
Written 14 Jul 1710
Mentions William Pidcock late husband - she was his sole executrix; goods to sons Joseph and Henry Pidcock paying their brother John Pidcock and his daughter 1 shilling each; also all their sisters to receive 1 shilling and all her clothers to be divided between them
Execs Willliam and Henry Pidcock
Wits: Katherine Ward, Anthay Wood, Adam Wolley
Inv prized and praised 22 May 1718
Wits George Sowter, George Wood, John Wolley
Examined by John Sowter, John Wolley
PIDCOCK Joseph Matlock 1721 5 Oct (Lich)
Written 8 Dec 1709
Mentions: had formerly surrendered all copyhold land and houses into ye hands of ye Lords of the Manor of Matlock; brother John Pidcock and his heirs close called Middlefield and one barne with appurtenances paying unto sister Dorothy wife of Thomas Towndrow £2 and to Susannah now wife of Samuel Moody like sum; Henry Pidcock youngest brother my dwelling house and all other buildings belonging with closes belonging, Wakebridge Pingle and right and tythe for Ludlam pingle, him paying £2 to sister Sarah wife of William Woodward
Wits: Adam Wolley, John Ludlam, Dorothy Beeley
Exec: Henry Pidcock
Inv prized and praised 17 Jul 1721 by Jn Wolley, Geo. Sowter.
PIDCOCKE Anthony of Matlock Husbandman 1641 11 May (Lich)
Mentions: daughter Elizabeth Skott?; daughter Katherin Cowper, wife Sylia, son John Pidcock, son George Pidcock.
Execs: wife and son John.
Wits: William Bowne, George Pidcock, Henry Adam.
Inv: taken and praised 26 Apr 1641 by George Pidcock, Henricus Knowles and William Bonser?
1641 burial
PIDCOCKE George Yeoman Matlock 1661 2 Oct (Lich)
Written 26 April 1655
Mentions nephew George Pidcocke; cozen James son of Anthony Pidcocke late of Wirksworth; Katherine wife of Anthony Gitten of Hopton daughter of brother Anthony Pidocke late of Matlock deceased; cozen son George Pidcocke sonne of James Pidcocke late of Wirksworth; cozen John Spencer son of James Spencer of Midleton; all my godchildren [unnamed]; the most needdful of the poore of Matlocke; the Ringers; having surrendered at a Court Baron on 6 June 1653 close or parcel of land called Robert Ragge's Close containing about 2 acres on Masson side within Mannor of Matlock gave one moiety to William Bunting Yeoman of Matlock give to Alice my now wife [later loveing wife] for term of her natural life; William Bunting and his heirs.
Wits: Will Wolley, Antho? Wolley; Wlliam Stevenson; John Wolley
Sole executrix Alice Pidcocke.
Inv: praisd by Raph Bowne, John Badsley, William Bunting on 2 Mar 1659/60
Probate granted to wife Alice.
1660 burial
PIDCOCKE John Matlock Husbandman 1665 Apr 26
Written 7 Feb 1664/5
Mentions Margaret my now loveing wife - his house and other property (except one) for her natural life; one house called a brue house where son George is now dwelling and a piece of land on the backside - bruehouse - to George and his assigns; after wife's death George to move to house where I now live; unto son Jonathan bruehouse after wife's decease; George and Jonathan receive the old cow house; brother Henry Pidcock's adjoining barn; two daughter Margaret and Rachell and their thirds for dower after wife's decease; son William;
True and lawfull executrix wife Margaret
Wits: John Ward, William Richards, John Wolley.
Inv appraised 11 Feb 1664/5 by William Pidcocke, Thomas Wood, John Wolley
Probate sworne before Johan: Chappell Rector of Matlock.
1665 burial
PLATTS William Riber p. Matlock 1849 12 Oct (Lich)
Mentions wife; sons John, William, Matthew, George; daurs Hannah wife of George Shaw, Ann wife of Thomas Knowles, Mary wife of Benjamin Gregory.
Wits William Carline, Abanathan Daffin Carline.
Execs wife and George Staley of Cromford.
Probate to George Staley, surviving exec.
POTTER Samuel, Yeoman of Holt Lane Matlock 1810 09 Apr (Lich/DDR) Under 100L
Mentions Maria Marsden (settlement), daur of James and Martha Marsden; George Nuttall of Matlock gentleman.
All household furniture of what nature or kindsoever and £40 to Executor upon trust to pay unto Maria Marsden when she attains 10 years and in case of her death then the same to Martha Marsden.
Exec George Nuttall of Matlock
Wits Chas Wilde, Willm King
Died 14 Oct 1809.
Surnames Q
None at present
Surnames R
RADFORD Hannah of Matlock 1831 21 Apr Widow (Lich).
Mentions daughter Tacey Radford; close known as Wind Mill Close; grand daughter Ann Maria Else of Lea; grand daughter Marina Else of Lea; grand son George Else of Lea; grand daughter Elizabeth Else of Lea; grand daughter Alice Else of Lea; grand daughter Elizabeth Radford Sterland of Cromford; grand son William Sterland of Cromford; sister Maria Beastall now under confinement at Ashover in a deranged state of mind; if sister dies at Ashover her body should be interred at Matlock.
Wits: Joseph Wilson, Ann Wildgoose, Wm. Wildgoose
Codicil: At the time of my quitting the residence of my late husband William Radford of Lea there were personal property and effects. These were to be divided into three between son-in-law Charles Else of Lea Thomas Sterland and daughter Tacey Radford but daughter to pay both men £26 apiece and Tacey to have various household items
Wits to Codicil: Ann Wildgoose, Wm. Wildgoose
DDR: Exec Tacey Potter formerly Potter wife of Henry Potter of Matlock Lace manufacturer. Testatrix died 23d Jan 1831.
RAGG Henry Matlock 1690 1 Oct Adm (Lich)
Inv Sep 22 1690 by Will Martin, Robert Stoar, Will Ragg.
Probate to Elinor Ragg of Matlock widow.
1690 burial (as Wragg)
RAGGE John Matlock 1597 2 Jun (Lich)
Inv 9 May 1597 taken by Willm Wood, Henry Flynt, Willm Wynfilde & James Lowe
RAGGE William Matlock Husbandman 1633 June 3 (Lich)
Written 2 May 1633
Body to be buried in Matlocke churchyarde
Mentions Henry Ragge son £10 [a minor]; Joane now my loveing wife executrix
Wits Edward Banckes, John Hogson, Anthony Simpson
Inv taken and praysed 16 May 1633 by Anthony Simpson, Edward Banckes, Gilbert Walker and John Hogson

Probate to Joanna Ragge relict and executrix
Comissio mgre Henrico Smith Rector of Matlock
A further note states: Joanna Ragge de Matlocke ... wid et Roger Addamm de Matlocke husbandman
RAWLINSON James of Matlock Bath Esquire 1849 16 Aug (Lich).
Mentions Joseph Wass of Lea Lead Merchant and Philip Hubbersty of Wirksworth Gentleman as trustees; daughter Elizabeth.
Dated 24 Feb 1841.
Wits: P. Hubbersty, Solr, Wirksworth, William Marsh
Codicil: Any annuity paid to Elizabeth exclusive of any husband dated 24 Feb 1841.
Wits: P. Hubbersty, William Marsh
Testator died 25 Jul 1848
Probate to execs Jospeh Wass and Philip Hubbersty.
READE Gawyn, Yeoman of Matlock 1618 02 June (PCC)
REDFEARNE Richard of Willersley p. Matlock, Yeoman [also gentleman] 1824 29 Oct (Lich)
Mentions Mary, William, Sarah, Ann, Francis and Elizabeth, children of sister Ann Cooper; sister Sarah Hadfield; brother Francis; brother William; sister Mary Brealey; Benjamin, Dorothy and Ann, three children of deceased brother Benjamin; Frances Brount of Willersley; dwelling house etc at Eyam, occupied by Elizabeth Brushfield and George Pauphreyman; nephew Francis son of deceased brother Joseph.
Wits Thos Barton, William Gilbert, John Brount.
Execs two friends Joseph Hunt and Geoge Stafford of Willersley.
ROBINSON Thomas of Matlock, Yeoman 1857 17 Apr (Lich).
Mentions messuage, lands etc in Tansley; grandson Robert Aiken ("now in Australia"); two children of grandson Robert Aiken; dwelling in Matlock, with household goods, plate pictures etc., in own occupation (including the coach house or stable underneath) unto grand-daughter Mary Ann Elliott; garden, land and appurtenances as well as chattels and effects in or about messuage or dwelling house, coachhouse, stables, garden and premises in the occupation of Colonel Leacroft to daur Ann Smedley ; messuage or dwelling house occupied by Thomas Cave; messuage and farm lands and hereditaments now in the occupation of Henry Sakeld James Collingwood Esquire or his undertenant; a small parcel of copyhold land [22 perches] in the said farm called the croft; daughter Ann wife of Thomas Smedley to receive rents and profits; daur Ellen wife of George Martin and after her decease her children; shares in Matlock Gas Light and Coke Company, dividends to John George Elliott illegitimate son of daur Mary Ann; to Mary Potter, widow, daughter of late wife; grandchildren Thomas, John, William and Elizabeth Elliott; grandson Francis Martin ("now in Australia") and his children.
Wits Thms Green, James Gell, clerks to Messrs Holmes and Newbold.
Execs friend John Else of Matlock Gentleman and Richard Richardson of Wirksworth Bankers Clerk.
See Thomas Robinson in the 1851 census and Mr. Cave and Col. Leacroft in the 1861 census
ROOSE, William Matlock Bank 1809 12 Oct (Lich)
Written 29 Mar 1802.
Mentions son Thomas who is given dwelling house wherein I now dwell, barn, cowhouse, workshop, garden, and my two closes (Marsden's Allotment and Barker's allotment); daughter Sarah Roose.
Wits: John Gregory, Thomas Gregory Junior, Thomas Gregory Senior.
Sole exec: Son Thomas Roose.
Testator died 5th June 1809.
1809 Burial
ROPER Francis Victualler of Matlock Bridge 1848 12 Oct (Lich)
Written 10 Jul 1848.
mentions wife Elizabeth - sole executrix
Wits: Wm Ellis, victualler, James Colledge Clerk to Mines & Newbold Solicitors.
Testator died 13 Jul 1848.
ROSEN Jonathan Matlock 1777 Apr 16 (Lich)
Written 25 March 1776.
Mentions Cosuen Elizabeth Knowls, Ann Knowls, Mary Knowls, Sarah Knowls one pound and ten shillings each; Hannah Knowls widow of Joseph Knowls too pounds; Daraty wife of Thomas Boam five pounds; Ann Boam daughter of Thomas five pounds.
Wits John Boden, Joseph Hurd, Richard Jacous.
Exec James Boam.
ROSON OR ROSONNE Edmond, Yeoman of Matlock 1659 25 Jan (PCC - PROB 11/286/349)
1658 burial
ROWSON Anthony Matlock Miner 1783 15 Oct (Lich)
Mentions daur Mary, wife of William Buckley; son Anthony; son Benjamin; daur Ann wife of Daniel Wilson; daur Hannah wife of William Wilmot; son Edmund - house and garden where he now dwells; son James house where I now dwell, likewise share of all mines in the Liberty of Matlock or elsewhere.
Wits Samuel Carding, Thomas Mather, William Mellor
Exec son James Rowson.
ROWSON German Matlock Bank Miner 27 Apr 1791 (Lich)
Mentions two dwelling houses on Matlock Bank;; my wife Sarah; two sons Adam and Edward; mortgage to Mr. John Wolley of Matlock for £18 on dwelling where he lives
Wits Adam Wolley Jun, Robert Bloxham, Robert Ward
Exec Sarah Rowson.
ROWSON James of Common Wood Matlock Miner 1832 3 May (Lich)
Mentions daur Ann Rowson, son George; daur Esther, daur Hannah wife of John Tisdale; daur Lydia wife of Rueben [sic] Naylor; daur Mary wife of George Fletcher
Wits Michael Carding, William Wildgoose, W. Wildgoose
Execs Ann Rowson spinster, George Rowson Miner.


  Adm - Grant of Letters of Administration for those dying intestate - with no will.
There's more about this under Places to find and obtain wills of Matlock people.
Benef - Beneficiaries/ Legatees - those who inherit
(DDR) - Death Duty Registers (of Lichfield Wills) held at TNA Death. See Places to find and obtain wills of Matlock people (look under P.C.C. for DDR's).
(DRO) - Copies at Derbyshire Record Office, from information researched by Michael Spencer of Matlock
Exec(s) - Executor(s) / Executrix - people who administer the estate
f. or ff. - folio or folios
"Gukutils info
or transcript
- Link straight to transcript on external website - Rosemary Lockie's GUKUTILS site, Abstracts of Derbyshire Probate Records. It is easily searchable by surname
(PCC) - Prerogative Court of Canterbury
L - e.g. 100L - 100 GBP or £
(Lich) - Wills proved in the Lichfield Consistory Court that used to be held at Lichfield Joint Record Office, but are now at the Staffordshire Record Office (from 1 Jan 2018).
Includes extracts from "Calendars of Lichfield Wills and Administrations, 1516-1652", (1892) ed. W.P.W. Phillimore, Index Library, British Record Society, London from the book at the FRC (now closed).
Few entries give abode, so there will be other Matlock names that haven't been identified. Confusingly, there are some wills for Maxtock, WAR listed in the book of early Wills & Administrations, but these are not included.
of Matlock - of the parish of Matlock in the County of Derby
otpo - of the parish of
p. - parish [of]
v. - Volume
Wits - Witnesses